Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-3dee037
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; Answering Machine Detection Configuration

total_analysis_time = 5000	; Maximum time allowed for the algorithm to decide
				; on whether the audio represents a HUMAN, or a MACHINE
silence_threshold = 256		; If the average level of noise in a sample does not reach
				; this value, from a scale of 0 to 32767, then we will consider
				; it to be silence.
;playback_file = 		; Audio file to play while AMD is running, so the caller
				; does not just hear silence. Note that specifying this here
				; will apply to ALL AMD runs, so you may wish to set it
				; in the dialplan as an argument to AMD() instead.
				; Default is no audio file (not to play anything).

; Greeting ;
initial_silence = 2500		; Maximum silence duration before the greeting.
				; If exceeded, then the result is detection as a MACHINE.
after_greeting_silence = 800	; Silence after detecting a greeting.
				; If exceeded, then the result is detection as a HUMAN
greeting = 1500			; Maximum length of a greeting. If exceeded, then the
				; result is detection as a MACHINE.

; Word detection ;
min_word_length = 100		; Minimum duration of Voice to considered as a word
maximum_word_length = 5000	; Maximum duration of a single Voice utterance allowed.
between_words_silence = 50	; Minimum duration of silence after a word to consider
				; the audio what follows as a new word

maximum_number_of_words = 2	; Maximum number of words in the greeting
				; If exceeded, then the result is detection as a MACHINE