Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-3dee037
Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
 Dial Privacy scripts
 Asterisk Mini-voicemail - A minimal voicemail system
 Asterisk Mini-Voicemail Directory structure
 Example dialplan for Mini-Voicemail
 Asterisk Mini-Voicemail - todo
 Voicemail Language Syntaxes Supported
 datagram formats
 G.722 encoding and decoding
 Object Model implementing objects and containers.
 AstObj2 Containers
 Bridging API
 Bridging Channel API
 Bucket File API
 Caller ID names and numbers
 Caller ID Presentation
 Hangup Causes for Asterisk
 Call Detail Record Engine
 Asterisk Channels
 Asterisk Channel Bridges
 File descriptors
 ast_channel locking and reference tracking
 CLI command API
 Asterisk Architecture Overview
 Asterisk Licensing Information
 Asterisk Developer's Documentation - Appendices
 Coding Guidelines
 Asterisk API
 Asterisk API Changes
 AMI - The Manager Interface
 ARA - The Asterisk Realtime Interface
 CDR - Call Data Records and billing
 Video support in Asterisk
 Globally predefined channel variables
 Asterisk Dialplan Variables
 Modules configuration
 Extensions.conf - the Dial Plan
 RTP configuration
 CODEC Configuration
 REALTIME Configuration
 AMI configuration
 Sound files
 AMI over HTTP support
 Generic event system
 AST Multimedia and signalling frames
 Asterisk FrameHook API
 Hash Table support in Asterisk
 Asterisk thread locking models
 The Asterisk Module management interface
 Packet loss concealment
 Asterisk RTP Engine API
 The AST Frame Smoother
 Data Access Layer API
 Stasis Message Bus API
 Stasis Application API
 String FieldsString fields in structures
 TLS Implementation Overview
 Asterisk Unit Test API
 The Asterisk Thread Storage API
 Asterisk Community Resources
 Extension and device states in Asterisk
 Asterisk Language Syntaxes supported
 Stasis Implementation Notes
 T.38 support :: UDPTL
 Todo List
 External references
 Bug List
 Deprecated List