Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-3dee037
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; Sample Call Features (transfer, mixmonitor, etc) configuration

; Note: From Asterisk 12 - All parking lot configuration is now done in res_parking.conf

;transferdigittimeout => 3      ; Number of seconds to wait between digits when transferring a call
                                ; (default is 3 seconds). If the TRANSFER_EXTEN dialplan variable has been set
                                ; on the channel of the user that is invoking the transfer feature, then
                                ; this option is not used as the user is transferred directly to the extension
                                ; specified by TRANSFER_EXTEN (the transfer context remains the context specified
                                ; by TRANSFER_CONTEXT, if set, and otherwise the default context).
;xfersound = beep               ; to indicate an attended transfer is complete
;xferfailsound = beeperr        ; to indicate a failed transfer
;pickupexten = *8               ; Configure the pickup extension. (default is *8)
;pickupsound = beep             ; to indicate a successful pickup (default: no sound)
;pickupfailsound = beeperr      ; to indicate that the pickup failed (default: no sound)
;featuredigittimeout = 1000     ; Max time (ms) between digits for
                                ; feature activation  (default is 1000 ms)
;recordingfailsound = beeperr   ; indicates that a one-touch mixmonitor feature failed
                                ; to be applied to the call. (default: no sound)
;atxfernoanswertimeout = 15     ; Timeout for answer on attended transfer default is 15 seconds.
;atxferdropcall = no            ; If someone does an attended transfer, then hangs up before the transfer
                                ; target answers, then by default, the system will try to call back the
                                ; person that did the transfer.  If this is set to "yes", the ringing
                                ; transfer target is immediately transferred to the transferee.
;atxferloopdelay = 10           ; Number of seconds to sleep between retries (if atxferdropcall = no)
;atxfercallbackretries = 2      ; Number of times to attempt to send the call back to the transferer.
                                ; By default, this is 2.
;transferdialattempts = 3       ; Number of times that a transferer may attempt to dial an extension before
                                ; being kicked back to the original call.
;transferannouncesound = beep   ; Sound to play to a transferer to indicate transfer process has begun. If empty, no sound will be played.
;transferretrysound = beep      ; Sound to play when a transferer fails to dial a valid extension.
;transferinvalidsound = beeperr ; Sound to play when a transferer fails to dial a valid extension and is out of retries.
;atxferabort = *1               ; cancel the attended transfer
;atxfercomplete = *2            ; complete the attended transfer, dropping out of the call
;atxferthreeway = *3            ; complete the attended transfer, but stay in the call. This will turn the call into a multi-party bridge
;atxferswap = *4                ; swap to the other party. Once an attended transfer has begun, this option may be used multiple times

; Note that the DTMF features listed below only work when two channels have answered and are bridged together.
; They can not be used while the remote party is ringing or in progress. If you require this feature you can use
; chan_local in combination with Answer to accomplish it.

;blindxfer => #1                ; Blind transfer  (default is #) -- Make sure to set the T and/or t option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
;disconnect => *0               ; Disconnect  (default is *) -- Make sure to set the H and/or h option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
;atxfer => *2                   ; Attended transfer  -- Make sure to set the T and/or t option in the Dial() or Queue()  app call!
;parkcall => #72                ; Park call (one step parking)  -- Make sure to set the K and/or k option in the Dial() app call!
;automixmon => *3               ; One Touch Record a.k.a. Touch MixMonitor -- Make sure to set the X and/or x option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!

; Note that the DYNAMIC_FEATURES channel variable must be set to use the features
; defined here.  The value of DYNAMIC_FEATURES should be the names of the features
; to allow the channel to use separated by '#'.  For example:
;    Set(__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=myfeature1#myfeature2#myfeature3)
; (Note: The two leading underscores allow these feature settings to be set
;  on the outbound channels, as well.  Otherwise, only the original channel
;  will have access to these features.)
; The syntax for declaring a dynamic feature is any of the following:
;<FeatureName> => <DTMF_sequence>,<ActivateOn>[/<ActivatedBy>],<Application>[,<AppArguments>[,MOH_Class]]
;<FeatureName> => <DTMF_sequence>,<ActivateOn>[/<ActivatedBy>],<Application>[,"<AppArguments>"[,MOH_Class]]
;<FeatureName> => <DTMF_sequence>,<ActivateOn>[/<ActivatedBy>],<Application>([<AppArguments>])[,MOH_Class]

;  FeatureName   -> This is the name of the feature used when setting the
;                   DYNAMIC_FEATURES variable to enable usage of this feature.
;  DTMF_sequence -> This is the key sequence used to activate this feature.
;  ActivateOn    -> This is the channel of the call that the application will be executed
;                   on. Valid values are "self" and "peer". "self" means run the
;                   application on the same channel that activated the feature. "peer"
;                   means run the application on the opposite channel from the one that
;                   has activated the feature.
;  ActivatedBy   -> ActivatedBy is no longer honored.  The feature is activated by which
;                   channel DYNAMIC_FEATURES includes the feature is on.  Use a pre-dial
;                   handler to set different values for DYNAMIC_FEATURES on the channels.
;                   Historic values are: "caller", "callee", and "both".
;  Application   -> This is the application to execute.
;  AppArguments  -> These are the arguments to be passed into the application.  If you need
;                   commas in your arguments, you should use either the second or third
;                   syntax, above.
;  MOH_Class     -> This is the music on hold class to play while the idle
;                   channel waits for the feature to complete. If left blank,
;                   no music will be played.

; IMPORTANT NOTE: The applicationmap is not intended to be used for all Asterisk
;   applications. When applications are used in extensions.conf, they are executed
;   by the PBX core. In this case, these applications are executed outside of the
;   PBX core, so it does *not* make sense to use any application which has any
;   concept of dialplan flow. Examples of this would be things like Goto,
;   Background, WaitExten, and many more.  The exceptions to this are Gosub
;   routines which must complete for the call to continue.
; Enabling these features means that the PBX needs to stay in the media flow and
; media will not be re-directed if DTMF is sent in the media stream.
; Example Usage:
;testfeature => #9,peer,Playback,tt-monkeys  ;Allow both the caller and callee to play
;                                            ;tt-monkeys to the opposite channel
; Set arbitrary channel variables, based upon CALLERID number (Note that the application
; argument contains commas)
;retrieveinfo => #8,peer,Set(ARRAY(CDR(mark),CDR(name))=${ODBC_FOO(${CALLERID(num)})})

; Dynamic Feature Groups:
;   Dynamic feature groups are groupings of features defined in [applicationmap]
;   that can have their own custom key mappings.  To give a channel access to a dynamic
;   feature group, add the group name to the value of the DYNAMIC_FEATURES variable.
; example:
; [myGroupName]         ; defines the group named myGroupName
; testfeature => #9     ; associates testfeature with the group and the keycode '#9'.
; retrieveinfo =>       ; associates retrieveinfo with the group and uses the keycode specified
;                       ; in the [applicationmap].