Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-3dee037
; ; Festival Configuration ; [general] ; ; Host which runs the festival server (default : localhost); ; ;host=localhost ; ; Port on host where the festival server runs (default : 1314) ; ;port=1314 ; ; Use cache (yes, no - defaults to no) ; ;usecache=yes ; ; If usecache=yes, a directory to store waveform cache files. ; The cache is never cleared (yet), so you must take care of cleaning it ; yourself (just delete any or all files from the cache). ; THIS DIRECTORY *MUST* EXIST and must be writable from the asterisk process. ; Defaults to /tmp/ ; ;cachedir=/var/lib/asterisk/festivalcache/ ; ; Festival command to send to the server. ; Defaults to: (tts_textasterisk "%s" 'file)(quit)\n ; %s is replaced by the desired text to say. The command MUST end with a ; (quit) directive, or the cache handling mechanism will hang. Do not ; forget the \n at the end. ; ;festivalcommand=(tts_textasterisk "%s" 'file)(quit)\n ; ;