Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-3dee037
; ; chan_mobile.conf ; configuration file for chan_mobile ; [general] interval=30 ; Number of seconds between trying to connect to devices. ; The following is a list of adapters we use. ; id must be unique and address is the bdaddr of the adapter from hciconfig. ; Each adapter may only have one device (headset or phone) connected at a time. ; Add an [adapter] entry for each adapter you have. [adapter] id=blue address=00:09:DD:60:01:A3 ;forcemaster=yes ; attempt to force adapter into master mode. default is no. ;alignmentdetection=yes ; enable this if you sometimes get 'white noise' on asterisk side of the call ; its a bug in the bluetooth adapter firmware, enabling this will compensate for it. ; default is no. [adapter] id=dlink address=00:80:C8:35:52:78 ; The following is a list of the devices we deal with. ; Every device listed below will be available for calls in and out of Asterisk. ; Each device needs an adapter=xxxx entry which determines which bluetooth adapter is used. ; Use the CLI command 'mobile search' to discover devices. ; Use the CLI command 'mobile show devices' to see device status. ; ; To place a call out through a mobile phone use Dial(Mobile/[device]/NNN.....) or Dial(Mobile/gn/NNN......) in your dialplan. ; To call a headset use Dial(Mobile/[device]). [LGTU550] address=00:E0:91:7F:46:44 ; the address of the phone port=4 ; the rfcomm port number (from mobile search) context=incoming-mobile ; dialplan context for incoming calls adapter=dlink ; adapter to use group=1 ; this phone is in channel group 1 ;sms=no ; support SMS, defaults to yes ;nocallsetup=yes ; set this only if your phone reports that it supports call progress notification, but does not do it. Motorola L6 for example. [blackberry] address=00:60:57:32:7E:B2 port=2 context=incoming-mobile adapter=dlink group=1 ;blackberry=yes ; set this if you are using a blackberry device [6310i] address=00:60:57:32:7E:B1 port=13 context=incoming-mobile adapter=dlink group=1 ; this phone is in channel group 1 also. [headset] address=00:0B:9E:11:AE:C6 port=1 type=headset ; This is a headset, not a Phone ! adapter=blue [headset1] address=00:0B:9E:11:74:A5 port=1 type=headset adapter=dlink