Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-3dee037
; ; User configuration ; ; WARNING: This configuration file is deprecated and will be removed in ; a future version of Asterisk. It is recommended that you make configurations ; in the appropriate module-specific configuration file for more flexibility. ; Many Asterisk modules already no longer support users.conf. ; ; Creating entries in users.conf is a "shorthand" for creating individual ; entries in each configuration file. Using users.conf is not intended to ; provide you with as much flexibility as using the separate configuration ; files (e.g. iax.conf, etc) but is intended to accelerate the ; simple task of adding users. Note that creating individual items (e.g. ; IAX friends, etc.) will allow you to override specific parameters within ; this file. Parameter names here are the same as they appear in the ; other configuration files. There is no way to change the value of a ; parameter here for just one subsystem. ; [general] ; ; Full name of a user ; fullname = New User ; ; Starting point of allocation of extensions ; userbase = 6000 ; ; Create voicemail mailbox ; hasvoicemail = yes ; ; Set voicemail mailbox 6000 password to 1234 ; vmsecret = 1234 ; ; Create IAX friend ; hasiax = yes ; ; Create H.323 friend ; ;hash323 = yes ; ; Create manager entry ; hasmanager = no ; ; Set permissions for manager entry (see manager.conf.sample for documentation) ; (defaults to *all* permissions) ;managerread = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config ;managerwrite = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config ; ; ; MAC Address for res_phoneprov ; ;macaddress = 112233445566 ; ; Auto provision the phone with res_phoneprov ; ;autoprov = yes ; ; Line Keys for hardphone ; ;LINEKEYS = 1 ; ; Line number for hardphone ; ;linenumber = 1 ; ; Local Caller ID number used with res_phoneprov and Asterisk GUI ; ;cid_number = 6000 ; ; Remaining options are not specific to users.conf entries but are general. ; callwaiting = yes threewaycalling = yes callwaitingcallerid = yes transfer = yes canpark = yes cancallforward = yes callreturn = yes callgroup = 1 pickupgroup = 1 ;nat = no ;[6000] ;fullname = Joe User ;description = Courtesy Phone In Lobby ; Used to provide a description of the ; peer in console output ;email = ;secret = 1234 ;dahdichan = 1 ;hasvoicemail = yes ;vmsecret = 1234 ;hasiax = no ;hash323 = no ;hasmanager = no ;callwaiting = no ;context = international ; ; Some administrators choose alphanumeric extensions, but still want their ; users to be reachable by traditional numeric extensions, specified by the ; alternateexts entry. ; ;alternateexts = 7057,3249 ;macaddress = 112233445566 ;autoprov = yes ;LINEKEYS = 1 ;linenumber = 1 ;cid_number = 6000