Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-3dee037
; ; Configuration file for res_config_ldap ; ; Realtime configuration ; ---------------------- ; In order to use this module, you start ; in extconfig.conf with a configuration like this: ; ; extensions = ldap,"dc=myDomain,dc=myDomainExt",extensions ; ; In the case of LDAP the last keyword in each line above specifies ; a section in this file. ; ; LDAP schema and ldif files can be located in contrib/scripts. ; TLS support ; ----------- ; Note that you can configure an ldaps: url here to get TLS support. ; Detailed configuration of certificates and supported CAs is done in your ; ldap.conf file for OpenLDAP clients on your system. ; This requires that you have OpenLDAP libraries compiled with TLS support ; ********************************************************************************* ; NOTE: res_ldap.conf should be chmod 600 because it contains the plain-text LDAP ; password to an account with WRITE access to the asterisk configuration. ; ********************************************************************************* [_general] ; ; Specify one of either host and port OR url. URL is preferred, as you can ; use more options. ;host= ; LDAP host ;port=389 ;url=ldap:// ;protocol=3 ; Version of the LDAP protocol to use; default is 3. ;basedn=dc=example,dc=tld ; Base DN ;user=cn=asterisk,dc=example,dc=tld ; Bind DN ;pass=MyPassword ; Bind password ; Configuration Table [config] ; ; additionalFilter - This specifies an additional set of criteria to be used ; when querying the LDAP server. ; additionalFilter=(objectClass=AstConfig) ; ; Attributes mapping (asterisk variable name = ldap attribute name) ; When Asterisk requests the variable by the name of the value on the left, ; this module will look up the attribute listed on the right. ; filename = AstConfigFilename category = AstConfigCategory variable_name = AstConfigVariableName variable_value = AstConfigVariableValue cat_metric = AstConfigCategoryMetric commented = AstConfigCommented ; ; Extensions Table ; [extensions] context = AstExtensionContext exten = AstExtensionExten priority = AstExtensionPriority app = AstExtensionApplication appdata = AstExtensionApplicationData additionalFilter=(objectClass=AstExtension) ; ; IAX Users Table ; [iax] amaflags = AstAccountAMAFlags callerid = AstAccountCallerID context = AstAccountContext fullcontact = AstAccountFullContact fullcontact = gecos host = AstAccountHost mailbox = AstAccountMailbox md5secret = AstAccountRealmedPassword ; Must be an MD5 hash. Field value can start with ; {md5} but it is not required. ; Generate the password via the md5sum command, e.g. ; echo "my_password" | md5sum deny = AstAccountDeny permit = AstAccountPermit port = AstAccountPort qualify = AstAccountQualify type = AstAccountType disallow = AstAccountDisallowedCodec allow = AstAccountAllowedCodec regseconds = AstAccountExpirationTimestamp regcontext = AstAccountRegistrationContext regexten = AstAccountRegistrationExten notransfer = AstAccountNoTransfer lastms = AstAccountLastQualifyMilliseconds additionalFilter=(objectClass=AstAccountIAX) ; ; A Test Family ; [testfamily] MyUSERID = uid additionalFilter=(objectClass=*) [accounts] amaflags = AstAccountAMAFlags callgroup = AstAccountCallGroup callerid = AstAccountCallerID directmedia = AstAccountDirectMedia context = AstAccountContext dtmfmode = AstAccountDTMFMode fromuser = AstAccountFromUser fromdomain = AstAccountFromDomain fullcontact = AstAccountFullContact fullcontact = gecos host = AstAccountHost insecure = AstAccountInsecure mailbox = AstAccountMailbox md5secret = AstAccountRealmedPassword ; Must be an MD5 hash. Field value can start with ; {md5} but it is not required. ; Generate the password via the md5sum command, e.g. ; echo "my_password" | md5sum nat = AstAccountNAT deny = AstAccountDeny permit = AstAccountPermit pickupgroup = AstAccountPickupGroup port = AstAccountPort qualify = AstAccountQualify restrictcid = AstAccountRestrictCID rtptimeout = AstAccountRTPTimeout rtpholdtimeout = AstAccountRTPHoldTimeout type = AstAccountType disallow = AstAccountDisallowedCodec allow = AstAccountAllowedCodec MusicOnHold = AstAccountMusicOnHold regseconds = AstAccountExpirationTimestamp regcontext = AstAccountRegistrationContext regexten = AstAccountRegistrationExten CanCallForward = AstAccountCanCallForward additionalFilter=(objectClass=AstAccount)