27#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
120#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
int ast_db_put(const char *family, const char *key, const char *value)
Store value addressed by family/key.
struct ast_db_entry * ast_db_gettree_by_prefix(const char *family, const char *key_prefix)
Get a list of values with the given key prefix.
int ast_db_del2(const char *family, const char *key)
Same as ast_db_del, but with more stringent error checking.
int ast_db_get_allocated(const char *family, const char *key, char **out)
Get key value specified by family/key as a heap allocated string.
int ast_db_get(const char *family, const char *key, char *value, int valuelen)
Get key value specified by family/key.
int ast_db_del(const char *family, const char *key)
Delete entry in astdb.
struct ast_db_entry * ast_db_gettree(const char *family, const char *keytree)
Get a list of values within the astdb tree.
int ast_db_deltree(const char *family, const char *keytree)
Delete one or more entries in astdb.
int ast_db_exists(const char *family, const char *key)
Check if family/key exitsts.
void ast_db_freetree(struct ast_db_entry *entry)
Free structure created by ast_db_gettree()
struct ast_db_entry * next