106#define ast_odbc_request_obj2(name, check) _ast_odbc_request_obj2(name, check, __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
120#define ast_odbc_request_obj(name, check) _ast_odbc_request_obj(name, check, __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
219#define ast_odbc_release_table(ptr) if (ptr) { AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&(ptr)->columns); }
A set of macros to manage forward-linked lists.
#define AST_LIST_ENTRY(type)
Declare a forward link structure inside a list entry.
#define AST_RWLIST_HEAD(name, type)
Defines a structure to be used to hold a read/write list of specified type.
int ast_odbc_prepare(struct odbc_obj *obj, SQLHSTMT *stmt, const char *sql)
Prepares a SQL query on a statement.
unsigned int ast_odbc_class_get_isolation(struct odbc_class *class)
Get the transaction isolation setting for an ODBC class.
void ast_odbc_release_obj(struct odbc_obj *obj)
Releases an ODBC object previously allocated by ast_odbc_request_obj()
struct odbc_cache_tables * ast_odbc_find_table(const char *database, const char *tablename)
Find or create an entry describing the table specified.
unsigned int ast_odbc_get_max_connections(const char *name)
Return the current configured maximum number of connections for a class.
int ast_odbc_clear_cache(const char *database, const char *tablename)
Remove a cache entry from memory This function may be called to clear entries created and cached by t...
struct odbc_cache_columns * ast_odbc_find_column(struct odbc_cache_tables *table, const char *colname)
Find a column entry within a cached table structure.
int ast_odbc_sanity_check(struct odbc_obj *obj)
Checks an ODBC object to ensure it is still connected.
struct odbc_obj * _ast_odbc_request_obj(const char *name, int check, const char *file, const char *function, int lineno)
struct ast_str * ast_odbc_print_errors(SQLSMALLINT handle_type, SQLHANDLE handle, const char *operation)
Shortcut for printing errors to logs after a failed SQL operation.
int ast_odbc_backslash_is_escape(struct odbc_obj *obj)
Checks if the database natively supports backslash as an escape character.
const char * ast_odbc_isolation2text(int iso)
Convert from numeric transaction isolation values to their textual counterparts.
const char * ast_odbc_class_get_name(struct odbc_class *class)
Get the name of an ODBC class.
SQLRETURN ast_odbc_ast_str_SQLGetData(struct ast_str **buf, int pmaxlen, SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLUSMALLINT ColumnNumber, SQLSMALLINT TargetType, SQLLEN *StrLen_or_Ind)
Wrapper for SQLGetData to use with dynamic strings.
SQLHSTMT ast_odbc_direct_execute(struct odbc_obj *obj, SQLHSTMT(*exec_cb)(struct odbc_obj *obj, void *data), void *data)
Executes an non prepared statement and returns the resulting statement handle.
unsigned int ast_odbc_class_get_forcecommit(struct odbc_class *class)
Get the transaction forcecommit setting for an ODBC class.
SQLRETURN ast_odbc_execute_sql(struct odbc_obj *obj, SQLHSTMT *stmt, const char *sql)
Execute a unprepared SQL query.
SQLHSTMT ast_odbc_prepare_and_execute(struct odbc_obj *obj, SQLHSTMT(*prepare_cb)(struct odbc_obj *obj, void *data), void *data)
Prepares, executes, and returns the resulting statement handle.
int ast_odbc_text2isolation(const char *txt)
Convert from textual transaction isolation values to their numeric constants.
struct odbc_obj * _ast_odbc_request_obj2(const char *name, struct ast_flags flags, const char *file, const char *function, int lineno)
int ast_odbc_smart_execute(struct odbc_obj *obj, SQLHSTMT stmt)
Executes a prepared statement handle.
String manipulation functions.
Structure used to handle boolean flags.
Support for dynamic strings.
These structures are used for adaptive capabilities.
struct odbc_cache_tables::_columns columns
struct odbc_class * parent
struct odbc_obj::@255 list