Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-3dee037
Definition at line 1820 of file app_queue.c.
struct ast_string_field_mgr __field_mgr |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
struct ast_string_field_pool* __field_mgr_pool |
Queue name
Music on Hold class
Announcement to play when call is answered
Exit context
Gosub to run upon member connection
Default rule to use if none specified in call to Queue()
Sound file: "Your call is now first in line" (def. queue-youarenext)
Sound file: "There are currently" (def. queue-thereare)
Sound file: "calls waiting to speak to a representative." (def. queue-callswaiting)
Sound file: "Currently there are more than" (def. queue-quantity1)
Sound file: "callers waiting to speak with a representative" (def. queue-quantity2)
Sound file: "The current estimated total holdtime is" (def. queue-holdtime)
Sound file: "minutes." (def. queue-minutes)
Sound file: "minute." (def. queue-minute)
Sound file: "seconds." (def. queue-seconds)
Sound file: "Thank you for your patience." (def. queue-thankyou)
Sound file: Custom announce for caller, no default
Sound file: "Hold time" (def. queue-reporthold)
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
const ast_string_field announce |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by join_queue().
unsigned int announce_to_first_user |
Whether or not we announce to the first user in a queue
Definition at line 1863 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_exec(), and queue_set_param().
int announcefrequency |
How often to announce their position
Definition at line 1882 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_exec(), queue_set_param(), say_position(), and wait_our_turn().
unsigned int announceholdtime |
Definition at line 1870 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and say_position().
unsigned int announceposition |
Definition at line 1871 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and say_position().
unsigned int announceposition_only_up |
Only announce position if it has improved
Definition at line 1872 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and say_position().
int announcepositionlimit |
How many positions we announce?
Definition at line 1881 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and say_position().
int autofill |
Ignore the head call status and ring an available agent
Definition at line 1912 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), is_our_turn(), num_available_members(), and queue_set_param().
int autopause |
Auto pause queue members if they fail to answer
Definition at line 1905 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and rna().
unsigned int autopausebusy |
Definition at line 1877 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and wait_for_answer().
int autopausedelay |
Delay auto pause for autopausedelay seconds since last call
Definition at line 1906 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and rna().
unsigned int autopauseunavail |
Definition at line 1878 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and wait_for_answer().
int callsabandoned |
Number of queue calls abandoned
Definition at line 1892 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by clear_queue(), manager_queues_status(), print_queue(), queue_function_var(), qupd_exec(), recalc_holdtime(), record_abandoned(), and set_queue_variables().
int callsabandonedinsl |
Number of queue calls abandoned in servicelevel
Definition at line 1893 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by clear_queue(), manager_queues_status(), print_queue(), and record_abandoned().
int callscompleted |
Number of queue calls completed
Definition at line 1891 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by clear_queue(), manager_queues_status(), print_queue(), queue_function_var(), qupd_exec(), recalc_holdtime(), set_queue_variables(), and update_queue().
int callscompletedinsl |
Number of calls answered with servicelevel
Definition at line 1895 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by clear_queue(), manager_queues_status(), print_queue(), queue_function_var(), qupd_exec(), set_queue_variables(), and update_queue().
const ast_string_field context |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by join_queue().
int count |
How many entries
Definition at line 1897 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by compare_weight(), is_longest_waiting_caller(), join_queue(), leave_queue(), manager_queues_status(), print_queue(), queue_function_mem_read(), queue_function_qac_dep(), queue_function_queuegetchannel(), queue_function_queuewaitingcount(), queue_function_var(), and set_queue_variables().
unsigned int dead |
Definition at line 1861 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by find_queue_by_name_rt(), init_queue(), kill_if_unfound(), and leave_queue().
const ast_string_field defaultrule |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by copy_rules().
struct penalty_rule* first |
Definition at line 1919 of file app_queue.c.
unsigned int found |
Definition at line 1875 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by __queues_show(), device_state_cb(), extension_state_cb(), init_queue(), kill_if_unfound(), mark_unfound(), and reload_single_queue().
struct queue_ent* head |
Head of the list of callers
Definition at line 1917 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by change_priority_caller_on_queue(), insert_entry(), is_longest_waiting_caller(), is_our_turn(), join_queue(), leave_queue(), manager_queues_status(), manager_queues_summary(), print_queue(), queue_function_queuegetchannel(), and request_withdraw_caller_from_queue().
int holdtime |
Current avg holdtime, based on an exponential average
Definition at line 1889 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by clear_queue(), manager_queues_status(), manager_queues_summary(), print_queue(), queue_function_var(), recalc_holdtime(), say_position(), and set_queue_variables().
enum empty_conditions joinempty |
Definition at line 1879 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), join_queue(), and queue_set_param().
struct penalty_rule* last |
Definition at line 1919 of file app_queue.c.
enum empty_conditions leavewhenempty |
Definition at line 1880 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_exec(), queue_set_param(), and wait_our_turn().
struct { ... } list |
Next call queue
Referenced by word_in_list().
int log_restricted_caller_id |
Whether log Restricted Caller ID
Definition at line 1914 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_exec(), and queue_set_param().
int maxlen |
Max number of entries
Definition at line 1898 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), join_queue(), manager_queues_status(), print_queue(), queue_function_var(), queue_set_param(), and set_queue_variables().
int memberdelay |
Seconds to delay connecting member to caller
Definition at line 1911 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and try_calling().
const ast_string_field membergosub |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by try_calling().
struct ao2_container* members |
Head of the list of members
Definition at line 1916 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by calc_metric(), clear_queue(), compare_weight(), complete_queue_remove_member(), destroy_queue(), device_state_cb(), dump_queue_members(), extension_state_cb(), find_member_by_queuename_and_interface(), find_queue_by_name_rt(), free_members(), get_member_status(), init_queue(), interface_exists(), is_longest_waiting_caller(), manager_queues_status(), manager_queues_summary(), member_add_to_queue(), member_remove_from_queue(), num_available_members(), print_queue(), queue_delme_members_decrement_followers(), queue_exec(), queue_function_mem_read(), queue_function_qac_dep(), queue_function_queuememberlist(), queue_member_follower_removal(), qupd_exec(), reload_single_member(), reload_single_queue(), remove_from_queue(), rt_handle_member_record(), try_calling(), update_queue(), and update_realtime_members().
int minannouncefrequency |
The minimum number of seconds between position announcements (def. 15)
Definition at line 1883 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and say_position().
const ast_string_field moh |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by join_queue().
char monfmt[8] |
Format to use when recording calls
Definition at line 1896 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), setup_mixmonitor(), and try_calling().
const ast_string_field name |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by __queues_show(), add_to_queue(), can_ring_entry(), clear_stats(), compare_weight(), complete_queue(), device_state_cb(), dump_queue_members(), find_queue_by_name_rt(), PathSegment::get_child(), get_interface_helper(), handle_attended_transfer(), handle_blind_transfer(), handle_hangup(), init_queue(), is_longest_waiting_caller(), join_queue(), kill_if_unfound(), leave_queue(), Parameter::load(), Property::load(), SwaggerType::load(), log_attended_transfer(), manager_queues_status(), manager_queues_summary(), mark_unfound(), member_add_to_queue(), member_remove_from_queue(), print_queue(), queue_cmp_cb(), queue_exec(), queue_function_queuegetchannel(), queue_function_queuewaitingcount(), queue_hash_cb(), queue_member_blob_create(), queue_set_param(), record_abandoned(), reload_queue_members(), reload_single_member(), reload_single_queue(), remove_from_queue(), ring_entry(), rna(), rt_handle_member_record(), say_position(), set_member_paused(), set_member_penalty_help_members(), set_queue_member_pause(), set_queue_member_ringinuse(), set_queue_variables(), try_calling(), update_realtime_members(), wait_for_answer(), and wait_our_turn().
struct call_queue* next |
Definition at line 1918 of file app_queue.c.
int numperiodicannounce |
The number of periodic announcements configured
Definition at line 1886 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and say_periodic_announcement().
int penaltymemberslimit |
Disregard penalty when queue has fewer than this many members
Definition at line 1900 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by calc_metric(), init_queue(), and queue_set_param().
int periodicannouncefrequency |
How often to play periodic announcement
Definition at line 1885 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_exec(), queue_set_param(), say_periodic_announcement(), and wait_our_turn().
int periodicannouncestartdelay |
How long into the queue should the periodic accouncement start
Definition at line 1884 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_exec(), and queue_set_param().
const ast_string_field queue_quantity1 |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by say_position().
const ast_string_field queue_quantity2 |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by say_position().
int randomperiodicannounce |
Are periodic announcments randomly chosen
Definition at line 1887 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and say_periodic_announcement().
unsigned int realtime |
Definition at line 1874 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by __queues_show(), find_load_queue_rt_friendly(), find_queue_by_name_rt(), kill_if_unfound(), leave_queue(), and mark_unfound().
unsigned int relativeperiodicannounce |
Definition at line 1876 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and say_periodic_announcement().
unsigned int reportholdtime |
Definition at line 1867 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and try_calling().
int retry |
Retry calling everyone after this amount of time
Definition at line 1902 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and wait_a_bit().
unsigned int ringinuse |
Definition at line 1862 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by add_to_queue(), init_queue(), queue_set_param(), reload_single_member(), reload_single_queue(), and rt_handle_member_record().
int roundingseconds |
How many seconds do we round to?
Definition at line 1888 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and say_position().
int rrpos |
Round Robin - position
Definition at line 1910 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by calc_metric(), queue_delme_members_decrement_followers(), queue_member_follower_removal(), ring_entry(), and store_next_rr().
struct { ... } rules |
The list of penalty rules to invoke
Referenced by init_queue().
int servicelevel |
seconds setting for servicelevel
Definition at line 1894 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), manager_queues_status(), print_queue(), queue_function_var(), queue_set_param(), record_abandoned(), set_queue_variables(), and try_calling().
unsigned int setinterfacevar |
Definition at line 1864 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and try_calling().
unsigned int setqueueentryvar |
Definition at line 1866 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and try_calling().
unsigned int setqueuevar |
Definition at line 1865 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_function_var(), queue_set_param(), and set_queue_variables().
const ast_string_field sound_callerannounce |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by try_calling().
const ast_string_field sound_calls |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by say_position().
const ast_string_field sound_holdtime |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by say_position().
const ast_string_field sound_minute |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by say_position().
const ast_string_field sound_minutes |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by say_position(), and try_calling().
const ast_string_field sound_next |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by say_position().
struct ast_str* sound_periodicannounce[MAX_PERIODIC_ANNOUNCEMENTS] |
Sound files: Custom announce, no default
Definition at line 1860 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by destroy_queue(), init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and say_periodic_announcement().
const ast_string_field sound_reporthold |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by try_calling().
const ast_string_field sound_seconds |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by say_position(), and try_calling().
const ast_string_field sound_thanks |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by say_position().
const ast_string_field sound_thereare |
Definition at line 1858 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by say_position().
int strategy |
Definition at line 1873 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by calc_metric(), find_queue_by_name_rt(), init_queue(), manager_queues_status(), num_available_members(), print_queue(), queue_function_var(), queue_set_param(), reload_single_queue(), ring_one(), set_queue_variables(), try_calling(), and wait_for_answer().
int talktime |
Current avg talktime, based on the same exponential average
Definition at line 1890 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by clear_queue(), manager_queues_status(), manager_queues_summary(), print_queue(), queue_function_var(), qupd_exec(), set_queue_variables(), and update_queue().
int timeout |
How long to wait for an answer
Definition at line 1903 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and try_calling().
int timeoutpriority |
Do we allow a fraction of the timeout to occur for a ring?
Definition at line 1907 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and try_calling().
unsigned int timeoutrestart |
Definition at line 1869 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by init_queue(), queue_set_param(), and wait_for_answer().
int weight |
Respective weight
Definition at line 1904 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by compare_weight(), find_load_queue_rt_friendly(), init_queue(), is_longest_waiting_caller(), manager_queues_status(), print_queue(), queue_set_param(), and reload_single_queue().
unsigned int wrapped |
Definition at line 1868 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by calc_metric(), and store_next_rr().
int wrapuptime |
Wrapup Time
Definition at line 1899 of file app_queue.c.
Referenced by get_wrapuptime(), init_queue(), and queue_set_param().