Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-f36a736
Data Fields
dahdi_pvt Struct Reference

#include <chan_dahdi.h>

Collaboration diagram for dahdi_pvt:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

char accountcode [AST_MAX_ACCOUNT_CODE]
unsigned int adsi:1
 TRUE if ADSI (Analog Display Services Interface) available. More...
int amaflags
unsigned int ani_info_digits:8
 INTEGER, number of ANI INFO digits on a CAMA trunk. older switches use 1 INFO digit, newer switches use 2 INFO digits. More...
unsigned int ani_timeout:16
 INTEGER, length of ANI failure timeout in ms. More...
unsigned int ani_wink_time:16
 INTEGER, length of time to wait before sending ANI wink in ms. More...
unsigned int answeronpolarityswitch:1
 TRUE if we can use a polarity reversal to mark when an outgoing call is answered by the remote party. More...
char begindigit
 DTMF digit in progress. 0 when no digit in progress. More...
int buf_no
int buf_policy
unsigned int bufferoverrideinuse:1
int bufsize
struct ast_dsp_busy_pattern busy_cadence
 Busy cadence pattern description. More...
int busycount
 Number of times to see "busy" tone before hanging up. More...
unsigned int busydetect:1
 TRUE if busy detection is enabled. (Listens for the beep-beep busy pattern.) More...
char call_forward [AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
 Accumulated call forwarding number. More...
unsigned int calledsubscriberheld:1
 TRUE if Called Subscriber held is enabled. This allows a single incoming call to hold a DAHDI channel up, allowing a recipient to hang up an extension and pick up another phone on the same line without disconnecting the call. More...
ast_group_t callgroup
 Bitmapped call groups this belongs to. More...
int callingpres
int callprogress
 Bitmapped call progress detection flags. CALLPROGRESS_xxx values. More...
unsigned int callreturn:1
 TRUE if call return is enabled. (*69, if your dialplan doesn't catch this first) More...
char callwait_name [AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
 Call waiting name. More...
char callwait_num [AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
 Call waiting number. More...
int callwaitcas
 TRUE if Call Waiting (CW) CPE Alert Signal (CAS) is being sent. More...
unsigned int callwaiting:1
 TRUE if busy extensions will hear the call-waiting tone and can use hook-flash to switch between callers. More...
unsigned int callwaitingcallerid:1
 TRUE if send caller ID for Call Waiting. More...
int callwaitingrepeat
int callwaitrings
 Number of call waiting rings. More...
unsigned int cancallforward:1
 TRUE if support for call forwarding enabled. Dial *72 to enable call forwarding. Dial *73 to disable call forwarding. More...
unsigned int canpark:1
 TRUE if support for call parking is enabled. More...
struct ast_cc_config_paramscc_params
int channel
int cid_ani2
 Automatic Number Identification code from PRI. More...
char cid_name [AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
 Caller ID name from an incoming call. More...
char cid_num [AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
 Caller ID number from an incoming call. More...
float cid_rxgain
 Amount of gain to increase during caller id. More...
int cid_signalling
int cid_start
char cid_subaddr [AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
 Caller ID subaddress from an incoming call. More...
int cid_suppress_expire
char cid_tag [AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
 Caller ID tag from incoming call. More...
int cid_ton
 Caller ID Q.931 TON/NPI field values. Set by PRI. Zero otherwise. More...
int cidcwexpire
int cidlen
 Length of the cidspill buffer containing samples. More...
int cidpos
 Position in the cidspill buffer to send out next. More...
unsigned char * cidspill
 Analog caller ID waveform sample buffer. More...
unsigned int confirmanswer:1
 TRUE if to wait for a DTMF digit to confirm answer. More...
int confno
int confusers
char context [AST_MAX_CONTEXT]
 The configured context for incoming calls. More...
struct callerid_statecs
unsigned int dahditrcallerid:1
 TRUE if we should use the callerid from incoming call on dahdi transfer. More...
char defcontext [AST_MAX_CONTEXT]
 Default distinctive ring context. More...
char description [32]
 A description for the channel configuration. More...
unsigned int destroy:1
 TRUE if the channel is to be destroyed on hangup. (Used by pseudo channels.) More...
char dialdest [256]
 Delayed dialing for E911. Overlap digits for ISDN. More...
unsigned int dialednone:1
 TRUE if analog type line dialed no digits in Dial() More...
unsigned int dialing:1
 TRUE if in the process of dialing digits or sending something. More...
int dialmode
char dialstring [AST_CHANNEL_NAME]
int dialtone_detect
 Number of frames to watch for dialtone in incoming calls. More...
int dialtone_scanning_time_elapsed
unsigned int didtdd:1
unsigned int digital:1
 TRUE if the transfer capability of the call is digital. More...
int distinctivering
unsigned int dnd:1
 TRUE if Do-Not-Disturb is enabled, present only for non sig_analog. More...
 Dialed Number Identifier. More...
struct dahdi_dialoperation dop
 DAHDI dial operation command struct for ioctl() call. More...
unsigned int doreoriginate:1
 Internal flag for if we should actually process a reorigination. More...
struct dahdi_distRings drings
 Distinctive Ring data. More...
struct ast_dspdsp
 Opaque DSP configuration structure. More...
int dsp_features
 DSP feature flags: DSP_FEATURE_xxx. More...
struct timeval dtmfcid_delay
int dtmfcid_holdoff_state
int dtmfrelax
unsigned int echobreak:1
 XXX BOOLEAN Purpose??? More...
unsigned int echocanbridged:1
 TRUE if echo cancellation enabled when bridged. More...
struct {
   struct dahdi_echocanparams   head
   struct dahdi_echocanparam   params [DAHDI_MAX_ECHOCANPARAMS]
 Echo cancel parameters. More...
unsigned int echocanon:1
 TRUE if echo cancellation is turned on. More...
char echorest [20]
 Filled with 'w'. XXX Purpose?? More...
int echotraining
 Echo training time. 0 = disabled. More...
char exten [AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
 Extension to use in the dialplan. More...
int fake_event
 Holding place for event injected from outside normal operation. More...
int faxbuf_no
int faxbuf_policy
unsigned int faxdetect_timeout
 The number of seconds into call to disable fax detection. (0 = disabled) More...
unsigned int faxhandled:1
 TRUE if a fax tone has already been handled. More...
char finaldial [64]
 Second part of SIG_FEATDMF_TA wink operation. More...
int firstdigit_timeout
 Time (ms) to detect first digit (in an analog phone) More...
unsigned int firstradio:1
 TRUE if over a radio and dahdi_read() has been called. More...
struct timeval flashtime
ast_group_t group
 Bitmapped groups this belongs to. More...
time_t guardtime
unsigned int hanguponpolarityswitch:1
 TRUE if the call will be considered "hung up" on a polarity reversal. More...
unsigned int hardwaredtmf:1
 TRUE if DTMF detection needs to be done by hardware. More...
unsigned int hidecallerid:1
 TRUE if the outgoing caller ID is blocked/hidden. More...
unsigned int hidecalleridname:1
 TRUE if hide just the name not the number for legacy PBX use. More...
float hwrxgain
 Hardware Rx gain set by chan_dahdi.conf. More...
unsigned int hwrxgain_enabled
 TRUE if hardware Rx gain set by Asterisk. More...
float hwtxgain
 Hardware Tx gain set by chan_dahdi.conf. More...
unsigned int hwtxgain_enabled
 TRUE if hardware Tx gain set by Asterisk. More...
unsigned int ignoredtmf:1
 TRUE if DTMF detection is disabled. More...
unsigned int immediate:1
 TRUE if the channel should be answered immediately without attempting to gather any digits. More...
unsigned int immediatering:1
 TRUE if audible ringback should be provided when immediate = yes. More...
unsigned int inalarm:1
 TRUE if in an alarm condition. More...
int inconference
unsigned int inservice:1
 TRUE if channel is out of reset and ready. More...
int interdigit_timeout
 Time (ms) to detect following digits (in an analog phone) More...
char language [MAX_LANGUAGE]
 Language configured for calls. More...
int law
 Active PCM encoding format: DAHDI_LAW_ALAW or DAHDI_LAW_MULAW. More...
int law_default
 Default call PCM encoding format: DAHDI_LAW_ALAW or DAHDI_LAW_MULAW. More...
unsigned int locallyblocked:2
 Bitmask for the channel being locally blocked. More...
ast_mutex_t lock
 Voice mailbox location. More...
unsigned int manages_span_alarms:1
 TRUE if the channel alarms will be managed also as Span ones. More...
struct dahdi_pvtmaster
int matchdigit_timeout
 Time (ms) to wait, in case of ambiguous match (in an analog phone) More...
unsigned int mate:1
 TRUE if TDD in MATE mode. More...
char mohinterpret [MAX_MUSICCLASS]
 The configured music-on-hold class to use for calls. More...
char mohsuggest [MAX_MUSICCLASS]
 Suggested music-on-hold class for peer channel to use for calls. More...
int muting
 TRUE if confrence is muted. More...
struct ast_mwi_subscribermwi_event_sub
 Opaque event subscription parameters for message waiting indication support. More...
unsigned int mwimonitor_fsk:1
 TRUE if the FXO port monitors for fsk type MWI indications from the other end. More...
unsigned int mwimonitor_neon:1
 TRUE if the FXO port monitors for neon type MWI indications from the other end. More...
unsigned int mwimonitor_rpas:1
 TRUE if the FXO port monitors for rpas precursor to fsk MWI indications from the other end. More...
unsigned int mwimonitoractive:1
 TRUE if an MWI monitor thread is currently active. More...
unsigned int mwioverride_active:1
 TRUE if a manual MWI override is active for a channel. More...
unsigned int mwioverride_disposition:1
 Manual MWI disposition (on/off) More...
struct mwisend_info mwisend_data
unsigned int mwisendactive:1
 TRUE if a MWI message sending thread is active. More...
struct ast_namedgroups * named_callgroups
 Named call groups this belongs to. More...
struct ast_namedgroups * named_pickupgroups
 Named pickup groups this belongs to. More...
struct dahdi_pvtnext
int oprmode
struct dahdi_pvtoprpeer
char * origcid_name
char * origcid_num
unsigned int outgoing:1
 TRUE if we originated the call leg. More...
int outsigmod
struct ast_channelowner
char parkinglot [AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
unsigned int permcallwaiting:1
 TRUE if busy extensions will hear the call-waiting tone and can use hook-flash to switch between callers. More...
unsigned int permhidecallerid:1
 TRUE if the outgoing caller ID is blocked/restricted/hidden. More...
ast_group_t pickupgroup
 Bitmapped pickup groups this belongs to. More...
int polarity
 Current line interface polarity. POLARITY_IDLE, POLARITY_REV. More...
struct timeval polaritydelaytv
 Start delay time if polarityonanswerdelay is nonzero. More...
int polarityonanswerdelay
 Minimal time period (ms) between the answer polarity switch and hangup polarity switch. More...
struct dahdi_pvtprev
unsigned int priexclusive:1
 TRUE if PRI B channels are always exclusively selected. More...
unsigned int priindication_oob:1
 TRUE if PRI congestion/busy indications are sent out-of-band. More...
int propconfno
unsigned int pulse:1
 TRUE if we will pulse dial. More...
unsigned int pulsedial:1
 TRUE if a pulsed digit was detected. (Pulse dial phone detected) More...
int radio
 Nonzero if the signaling type is sent over a radio. More...
char rdnis [AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
 Redirecting Directory Number Information Service (RDNIS) number. More...
unsigned int remotelyblocked:2
 Bitmask for the channel being remotely blocked. 1 maintenance, 2 blocked in hardware. More...
unsigned int reoriginate:1
 TRUE if FXS (FXO-signalled) channel should reoriginate for user to make a new call. More...
unsigned int restartpending:1
unsigned int restrictcid:1
 TRUE if caller ID is restricted. More...
int ringt
 Ring timeout timer?? More...
int ringt_base
 Ring timeout base. More...
float rxdrc
float rxgain
 Software Rx gain set by chan_dahdi.conf. More...
struct dahdi_confinfo saveconf
int sendcalleridafter
 Send caller ID on FXS after this many rings. Set to 1 for US. More...
int sig
void * sig_pvt
struct dahdi_pvtslaves [MAX_SLAVES]
struct ast_smdi_interfacesmdi_iface
 The SMDI interface to get SMDI messages from. More...
int span
int stripmsd
 Number of most significant digits/characters to strip from the dialed number. More...
struct dahdi_subchannel sub_unused
struct dahdi_subchannel subs [3]
struct tdd_statetdd
unsigned int threewaycalling:1
 TRUE if three way calling is enabled. More...
unsigned int threewaysilenthold:1
 TRUE if a three way dial tone should time out to silence. More...
int tonezone
unsigned int transfer:1
 TRUE if call transfer is enabled. More...
unsigned int transfertobusy:1
 TRUE if allowed to flash-transfer to busy channels. More...
float txdrc
float txgain
 Software Tx gain set by chan_dahdi.conf. More...
unsigned int use_callerid:1
 TRUE if caller ID is used on this channel. More...
unsigned int use_callingpres:1
 TRUE if we will use the calling presentation setting from the Asterisk channel for outgoing calls. More...
unsigned int use_smdi:1
 TRUE if SMDI (Simplified Message Desk Interface) is enabled. More...
unsigned int usedistinctiveringdetection:1
 TRUE if distinctive rings are to be detected. More...
unsigned int usefaxbuffers:1
struct ast_variablevars
 Channel variable list with associated values to set when a channel is created. More...
int waitfordialtone
 Number of milliseconds to wait for dialtone. More...
int waitfordialtoneduration
 Transient variable. Stored off waitfordialtone duration at runtime. More...
int waitfordialtonetemp
 Transient variable. Same as waitfordialtone, but temporarily set for a specific call, rather than permanently for the channel. More...
struct timeval waitingfordt
enum DAHDI_IFLIST which_iflist
int whichwink

Detailed Description

Definition at line 124 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Field Documentation

◆ accountcode

char accountcode[AST_MAX_ACCOUNT_CODE]

Account code

Definition at line 700 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), and process_dahdi().

◆ adsi

unsigned int adsi

TRUE if ADSI (Analog Display Services Interface) available.

Set from the "adsi" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 178 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), and process_dahdi().

◆ amaflags

int amaflags

AMA Flags

Definition at line 701 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), and process_dahdi().

◆ ani_info_digits

unsigned int ani_info_digits

INTEGER, number of ANI INFO digits on a CAMA trunk. older switches use 1 INFO digit, newer switches use 2 INFO digits.

Set from the "ani_info_digits" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 190 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ ani_timeout

unsigned int ani_timeout

INTEGER, length of ANI failure timeout in ms.

Set from the "ani_timeout" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 195 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ ani_wink_time

unsigned int ani_wink_time

INTEGER, length of time to wait before sending ANI wink in ms.

Set from the "ani_wink_time" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 200 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ answeronpolarityswitch

unsigned int answeronpolarityswitch

TRUE if we can use a polarity reversal to mark when an outgoing call is answered by the remote party.

Set from the "answeronpolarityswitch" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 184 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event(), my_answer_polarityswitch(), my_hangup_polarityswitch(), my_start_polarityswitch(), and process_dahdi().

◆ begindigit

char begindigit

DTMF digit in progress. 0 when no digit in progress.

Definition at line 761 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_digit_begin(), and dahdi_digit_end().

◆ buf_no

int buf_no

Number of buffers

Definition at line 139 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by alloc_sub(), duplicate_pseudo(), process_dahdi(), and revert_fax_buffers().

◆ buf_policy

int buf_policy

Buffer policy

Definition at line 140 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by alloc_sub(), duplicate_pseudo(), process_dahdi(), and revert_fax_buffers().

◆ bufferoverrideinuse

unsigned int bufferoverrideinuse

TRUE while buffer configuration override is in use

Definition at line 278 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_func_write(), dahdi_handle_dtmf(), my_handle_dtmf(), and revert_fax_buffers().

◆ bufsize

int bufsize

Size of the buffers

Definition at line 138 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_func_write(), dahdi_handle_dtmf(), my_handle_dtmf(), and revert_fax_buffers().

◆ busy_cadence

struct ast_dsp_busy_pattern busy_cadence

Busy cadence pattern description.

Set from the "busypattern" value read from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 646 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), and process_dahdi().

◆ busycount

int busycount

Number of times to see "busy" tone before hanging up.

Set from the "busycount" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 641 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), and process_dahdi().

◆ busydetect

unsigned int busydetect

TRUE if busy detection is enabled. (Listens for the beep-beep busy pattern.)

Set from the "busydetect" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 206 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), dahdi_read(), and process_dahdi().

◆ call_forward

char call_forward[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]

Accumulated call forwarding number.

Definition at line 704 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), and dahdi_new().

◆ calledsubscriberheld

unsigned int calledsubscriberheld

TRUE if Called Subscriber held is enabled. This allows a single incoming call to hold a DAHDI channel up, allowing a recipient to hang up an extension and pick up another phone on the same line without disconnecting the call.

Definition at line 213 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ callgroup

ast_group_t callgroup

Bitmapped call groups this belongs to.

The "callgroup" bitmapped group string read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 564 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), and process_dahdi().

◆ callingpres

int callingpres

The value of calling presentation that we're going to use when placing a PRI call

Definition at line 592 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new().

◆ callprogress

int callprogress

Bitmapped call progress detection flags. CALLPROGRESS_xxx values.

Bits set from the "callprogress" and "faxdetect" values read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 651 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_dtmf(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_new(), dahdi_read(), my_handle_dtmf(), my_have_progressdetect(), and process_dahdi().

◆ callreturn

unsigned int callreturn

TRUE if call return is enabled. (*69, if your dialplan doesn't catch this first)

Set from the "callreturn" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 219 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), and process_dahdi().

◆ callwait_name

char callwait_name[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]

Call waiting name.

Definition at line 543 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by send_cwcidspill().

◆ callwait_num

char callwait_num[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]

Call waiting number.

Definition at line 541 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by send_cwcidspill().

◆ callwaitcas

int callwaitcas

TRUE if Call Waiting (CW) CPE Alert Signal (CAS) is being sent.

After CAS is sent, the call waiting caller id will be sent if the phone gives a positive reply.

Definition at line 622 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_callwait(), dahdi_handle_dtmf(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_read(), my_callwait(), my_send_callerid(), send_callerid(), and send_cwcidspill().

◆ callwaiting

unsigned int callwaiting

TRUE if busy extensions will hear the call-waiting tone and can use hook-flash to switch between callers.

Can be disabled by dialing *70.
Initialized with the "callwaiting" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 226 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), dahdi_hangup(), my_set_callwaiting(), native_bridge_is_capable(), and process_dahdi().

◆ callwaitingcallerid

unsigned int callwaitingcallerid

TRUE if send caller ID for Call Waiting.

Set from the "callwaitingcallerid" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 231 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_callwait(), my_callwait(), native_bridge_is_capable(), and process_dahdi().

◆ callwaitingrepeat

int callwaitingrepeat

How many samples to wait before repeating call waiting

Definition at line 593 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by __dahdi_exception(), dahdi_callwait(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_read(), my_callwait(), and my_stop_callwait().

◆ callwaitrings

int callwaitrings

Number of call waiting rings.

Definition at line 624 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_call(), dahdi_callwait(), dahdi_read(), and my_callwait().

◆ cancallforward

unsigned int cancallforward

TRUE if support for call forwarding enabled. Dial *72 to enable call forwarding. Dial *73 to disable call forwarding.

Set from the "cancallforward" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 238 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), and process_dahdi().

◆ canpark

unsigned int canpark

TRUE if support for call parking is enabled.

Set from the "canpark" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 243 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), and process_dahdi().

◆ cc_params

struct ast_cc_config_params* cc_params

◆ channel

int channel

◆ cid_ani2

int cid_ani2

Automatic Number Identification code from PRI.

Definition at line 524 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new().

◆ cid_name

char cid_name[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]

Caller ID name from an incoming call.

Definition at line 535 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_new(), mwi_send_init(), and process_dahdi().

◆ cid_num

char cid_num[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]

Caller ID number from an incoming call.

Definition at line 526 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), create_channel_name(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_new(), mwi_send_init(), and process_dahdi().

◆ cid_rxgain

float cid_rxgain

Amount of gain to increase during caller id.

Definition at line 158 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by bump_gains(), and process_dahdi().

◆ cid_signalling

int cid_signalling

CID signalling type bell202 or v23

Definition at line 588 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), mwi_thread(), my_get_callerid(), my_start_cid_detect(), and process_dahdi().

◆ cid_start

int cid_start

CID start indicator, polarity or ring or DTMF without warning event

Definition at line 589 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), do_monitor(), handle_init_event(), and process_dahdi().

◆ cid_subaddr

char cid_subaddr[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]

Caller ID subaddress from an incoming call.

Definition at line 537 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by create_channel_name(), and dahdi_hangup().

◆ cid_suppress_expire

int cid_suppress_expire

How many samples to suppress after a CID spill.

Definition at line 595 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by __dahdi_exception(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_read(), my_send_callerid(), my_stop_callwait(), send_callerid(), and send_cwcidspill().

◆ cid_tag

char cid_tag[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]

Caller ID tag from incoming call.

the "cid_tag" string read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 531 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_new(), and process_dahdi().

◆ cid_ton

int cid_ton

Caller ID Q.931 TON/NPI field values. Set by PRI. Zero otherwise.

Definition at line 533 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new().

◆ cidcwexpire

int cidcwexpire

When to stop waiting for CID/CW CAS response (In samples)

Definition at line 594 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by __dahdi_exception(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_read(), my_send_callerid(), my_stop_callwait(), send_callerid(), and send_cwcidspill().

◆ cidlen

int cidlen

Length of the cidspill buffer containing samples.

Definition at line 601 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_callwait(), mwi_send_init(), mwi_send_process_buffer(), mwi_send_process_event(), my_callwait(), my_send_callerid(), send_callerid(), and send_cwcidspill().

◆ cidpos

int cidpos

Position in the cidspill buffer to send out next.

Definition at line 599 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_callwait(), mwi_send_init(), mwi_send_process_buffer(), mwi_send_process_event(), my_callwait(), my_send_callerid(), send_callerid(), and send_cwcidspill().

◆ cidspill

unsigned char* cidspill

◆ confirmanswer

unsigned int confirmanswer

TRUE if to wait for a DTMF digit to confirm answer.

Definition at line 245 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_dtmf(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_request(), my_check_confirmanswer(), and my_set_confirmanswer().

◆ confno

int confno

◆ confusers

int confusers

Who is using our conference

Definition at line 558 of file chan_dahdi.h.

◆ context

char context[AST_MAX_CONTEXT]

The configured context for incoming calls.

The "context" string read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 491 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), dahdi_new(), my_distinctive_ring(), and process_dahdi().

◆ cs

struct callerid_state* cs

Definition at line 126 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by my_get_callerid(), my_start_cid_detect(), and my_stop_cid_detect().

◆ dahditrcallerid

unsigned int dahditrcallerid

TRUE if we should use the callerid from incoming call on dahdi transfer.

Set from the "useincomingcalleridondahditransfer" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 408 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event(), and process_dahdi().

◆ defcontext

char defcontext[AST_MAX_CONTEXT]

Default distinctive ring context.

Definition at line 500 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), and my_distinctive_ring().

◆ description

char description[32]

A description for the channel configuration.

The "description" string read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 496 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by Api::load(), ResourceApi::load(), Model::load(), Parameter::load(), Property::load(), and process_dahdi().

◆ destroy

unsigned int destroy

TRUE if the channel is to be destroyed on hangup. (Used by pseudo channels.)

Definition at line 250 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_hangup(), and duplicate_pseudo().

◆ dialdest

char dialdest[256]

Delayed dialing for E911. Overlap digits for ISDN.

Definition at line 713 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_call(), and dahdi_handle_event().

◆ dialednone

unsigned int dialednone

TRUE if analog type line dialed no digits in Dial()

Definition at line 253 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_call(), and dahdi_handle_event().

◆ dialing

unsigned int dialing

TRUE if in the process of dialing digits or sending something.

This is used as a receive squelch for ISDN until connected.

Definition at line 258 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by __dahdi_exception(), dahdi_call(), dahdi_digit_begin(), dahdi_digit_end(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_read(), dahdi_write(), and my_set_dialing().

◆ dialmode

int dialmode

Dialing Modes Allowed (Pulse/Tone)

Definition at line 149 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_func_write(), dahdi_read(), and process_dahdi().

◆ dialstring

char dialstring[AST_CHANNEL_NAME]

Definition at line 772 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_request(), and my_get_orig_dialstring().

◆ dialtone_detect

int dialtone_detect

Number of frames to watch for dialtone in incoming calls.

Set from the "dialtone_detect" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 669 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), dahdi_read(), and process_dahdi().

◆ dialtone_scanning_time_elapsed

int dialtone_scanning_time_elapsed

Amount of audio scanned for dialtone, in frames

Definition at line 670 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), and dahdi_read().

◆ didtdd

unsigned int didtdd

flag to say its done it once

Definition at line 251 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_setoption(), and my_all_subchannels_hungup().

◆ digital

unsigned int digital

TRUE if the transfer capability of the call is digital.

Definition at line 260 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_ec_enable(), and dahdi_hangup().

◆ distinctivering

int distinctivering

Which distinctivering to use

Definition at line 719 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_request(), and my_set_cadence().

◆ dnd

unsigned int dnd

TRUE if Do-Not-Disturb is enabled, present only for non sig_analog.

Definition at line 262 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_dnd().

◆ dnid


Dialed Number Identifier.

Definition at line 547 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), and dahdi_request().

◆ dop

struct dahdi_dialoperation dop

DAHDI dial operation command struct for ioctl() call.

Definition at line 696 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_indicate(), dahdi_read(), and my_dial_digits().

◆ doreoriginate

unsigned int doreoriginate

Internal flag for if we should actually process a reorigination.

Definition at line 293 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_hangup(), and do_monitor().

◆ drings

struct dahdi_distRings drings

Distinctive Ring data.

Definition at line 485 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), my_distinctive_ring(), and process_dahdi().

◆ dsp

struct ast_dsp* dsp

◆ dsp_features

int dsp_features

◆ dtmfcid_delay

struct timeval dtmfcid_delay

Time value used for allow line to settle

Definition at line 591 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by do_monitor().

◆ dtmfcid_holdoff_state

int dtmfcid_holdoff_state

State indicator that allows for line to settle before checking for dtmf energy

Definition at line 590 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by do_monitor().

◆ dtmfrelax

int dtmfrelax

whether to run in relaxed DTMF mode

Definition at line 720 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_new(), dahdi_setoption(), my_dsp_set_digitmode(), and process_dahdi().

◆ echobreak

unsigned int echobreak

XXX BOOLEAN Purpose???

Definition at line 264 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event().

◆ echocanbridged

unsigned int echocanbridged

TRUE if echo cancellation enabled when bridged.

Initialized with the "echocancelwhenbridged" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf
Disabled if the echo canceller is not setup.

Definition at line 270 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by native_start(), and process_dahdi().


struct { ... } echocancel

Echo cancel parameters.

Referenced by dahdi_ec_enable(), and process_echocancel().

◆ echocanon

unsigned int echocanon

TRUE if echo cancellation is turned on.

Definition at line 272 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_ec_disable(), dahdi_ec_enable(), dahdi_func_write(), dahdi_handle_event(), and dahdi_train_ec().

◆ echorest

char echorest[20]

Filled with 'w'. XXX Purpose??

Definition at line 636 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event().

◆ echotraining

int echotraining

Echo training time. 0 = disabled.

Set from the "echotraining" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 634 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_train_ec(), and process_dahdi().

◆ exten


Extension to use in the dialplan.

Definition at line 502 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), dahdi_call(), dahdi_hangup(), and dahdi_new().

◆ fake_event

int fake_event

Holding place for event injected from outside normal operation.

Definition at line 722 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by __dahdi_exception(), dahdi_fake_event(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_new(), dahdi_read(), and my_get_event().

◆ faxbuf_no

int faxbuf_no

Number of Fax buffers

Definition at line 141 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_dtmf(), my_handle_dtmf(), and process_dahdi().

◆ faxbuf_policy

int faxbuf_policy

Fax buffer policy

Definition at line 142 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_dtmf(), my_handle_dtmf(), and process_dahdi().

◆ faxdetect_timeout

unsigned int faxdetect_timeout

The number of seconds into call to disable fax detection. (0 = disabled)

Set from the "faxdetect_timeout" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 675 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_read(), and process_dahdi().

◆ faxhandled

unsigned int faxhandled

TRUE if a fax tone has already been handled.

Definition at line 274 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_dtmf(), dahdi_hangup(), my_all_subchannels_hungup(), and my_handle_dtmf().

◆ finaldial

char finaldial[64]

Second part of SIG_FEATDMF_TA wink operation.

Definition at line 699 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event().

◆ firstdigit_timeout

int firstdigit_timeout

Time (ms) to detect first digit (in an analog phone)

Set from the "firstdigit_timeout" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 680 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), and process_dahdi().

◆ firstradio

unsigned int firstradio

TRUE if over a radio and dahdi_read() has been called.

Definition at line 280 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_read().

◆ flashtime

struct timeval flashtime

Last flash-hook time

Definition at line 692 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by __dahdi_exception(), and dahdi_handle_event().

◆ group

Bitmapped groups this belongs to.

The "group" bitmapped group string read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 552 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_ami_channel_event(), dahdi_func_read(), is_group_or_channel_match(), and process_dahdi().

◆ guardtime

time_t guardtime

Must wait this much time before using for new call

Definition at line 587 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_hangup().

◆ hanguponpolarityswitch

unsigned int hanguponpolarityswitch

TRUE if the call will be considered "hung up" on a polarity reversal.

Set from the "hanguponpolarityswitch" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 285 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), dahdi_handle_event(), handle_init_event(), my_hangup_polarityswitch(), my_start_polarityswitch(), and process_dahdi().

◆ hardwaredtmf

unsigned int hardwaredtmf

TRUE if DTMF detection needs to be done by hardware.

Definition at line 295 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), dahdi_dtmf_detect_disable(), dahdi_dtmf_detect_enable(), dahdi_new(), and my_dsp_set_digitmode().

◆ head

struct dahdi_echocanparams head

Definition at line 627 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_ec_enable(), and process_echocancel().

◆ hidecallerid

unsigned int hidecallerid

TRUE if the outgoing caller ID is blocked/hidden.

Caller ID can be disabled by dialing *67.
Caller ID can be enabled by dialing *82.
Initialized with the "hidecallerid" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 302 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), dahdi_call(), dahdi_hangup(), and process_dahdi().

◆ hidecalleridname

unsigned int hidecalleridname

TRUE if hide just the name not the number for legacy PBX use.

Only applies to PRI channels.
Set from the "hidecalleridname" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 308 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ hwrxgain

float hwrxgain

Hardware Rx gain set by chan_dahdi.conf.

Definition at line 154 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ hwrxgain_enabled

unsigned int hwrxgain_enabled

TRUE if hardware Rx gain set by Asterisk.

Definition at line 467 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ hwtxgain

float hwtxgain

Hardware Tx gain set by chan_dahdi.conf.

Definition at line 156 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ hwtxgain_enabled

unsigned int hwtxgain_enabled

TRUE if hardware Tx gain set by Asterisk.

Definition at line 469 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ ignoredtmf

unsigned int ignoredtmf

TRUE if DTMF detection is disabled.

Definition at line 310 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_dtmf_detect_disable(), dahdi_dtmf_detect_enable(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_queryoption(), and dahdi_read().

◆ immediate

unsigned int immediate

TRUE if the channel should be answered immediately without attempting to gather any digits.

Set from the "immediate" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 316 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), handle_init_event(), and process_dahdi().

◆ immediatering

unsigned int immediatering

TRUE if audible ringback should be provided when immediate = yes.

Set from the "immediatering" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 322 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ inalarm

unsigned int inalarm

TRUE if in an alarm condition.

Definition at line 324 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), available(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_read(), handle_init_event(), mwi_thread(), my_distinctive_ring(), and my_set_alarm().

◆ inconference

int inconference

If our real should be in the conference

Definition at line 136 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_conf_update(), dahdi_master_slave_unlink(), my_complete_conference_update(), and native_start().

◆ inservice

unsigned int inservice

TRUE if channel is out of reset and ready.

Used by SS7. Otherwise set but not used.

Definition at line 442 of file chan_dahdi.h.

◆ interdigit_timeout

int interdigit_timeout

Time (ms) to detect following digits (in an analog phone)

Set from the "interdigit_timeout" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 685 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), and process_dahdi().

◆ language

char language[MAX_LANGUAGE]

Language configured for calls.

The "language" string read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 507 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), and process_dahdi().

◆ law

int law

Active PCM encoding format: DAHDI_LAW_ALAW or DAHDI_LAW_MULAW.

Definition at line 556 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by bump_gains(), calc_energy(), dahdi_call(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_new(), dahdi_setoption(), isslavenative(), my_all_subchannels_hungup(), and restore_gains().

◆ law_default

int law_default

Default call PCM encoding format: DAHDI_LAW_ALAW or DAHDI_LAW_MULAW.

Definition at line 554 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_new(), and my_all_subchannels_hungup().

◆ locallyblocked

unsigned int locallyblocked

Bitmask for the channel being locally blocked.

Applies to SS7 and MFCR2 channels.
For MFCR2 only the first bit is used - TRUE if blocked
For SS7 two bits are used
Bit 0 - TRUE if maintenance blocked
Bit 1 - TRUE if hardware blocked

Definition at line 451 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by available().

◆ lock

◆ mailbox


Voice mailbox location.

Set from the "mailbox" string read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 709 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by handle_init_event(), has_voicemail(), mwi_thread(), my_handle_notify_message(), and process_dahdi().

◆ manages_span_alarms

unsigned int manages_span_alarms

TRUE if the channel alarms will be managed also as Span ones.

Applies to all channels

Definition at line 465 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by destroy_dahdi_pvt(), handle_alarms(), and handle_clear_alarms().

◆ master

struct dahdi_pvt* master

Master to us (we follow their conferencing)

Definition at line 135 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by check_for_conference(), dahdi_conf_update(), dahdi_master_slave_link(), dahdi_master_slave_unlink(), my_complete_conference_update(), and native_start().

◆ matchdigit_timeout

int matchdigit_timeout

Time (ms) to wait, in case of ambiguous match (in an analog phone)

Set from the "matchdigit_timeout" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 690 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), and process_dahdi().

◆ mate

unsigned int mate

TRUE if TDD in MATE mode.

Definition at line 326 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_queryoption(), dahdi_sendtext(), and dahdi_setoption().

◆ mohinterpret

char mohinterpret[MAX_MUSICCLASS]

The configured music-on-hold class to use for calls.

The "musicclass" or "mohinterpret" or "musiconhold" string read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 512 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_indicate(), and process_dahdi().

◆ mohsuggest

char mohsuggest[MAX_MUSICCLASS]

Suggested music-on-hold class for peer channel to use for calls.

The "mohsuggest" string read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 517 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_hangup(), and process_dahdi().

◆ muting

int muting

TRUE if confrence is muted.

Definition at line 763 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_new(), and dahdi_read().

◆ mwi_event_sub

struct ast_mwi_subscriber* mwi_event_sub

Opaque event subscription parameters for message waiting indication support.

Definition at line 711 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by destroy_dahdi_pvt().

◆ mwimonitor_fsk

unsigned int mwimonitor_fsk

TRUE if the FXO port monitors for fsk type MWI indications from the other end.

Set if the "mwimonitor" value read in contains "fsk" from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 423 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by do_monitor(), and process_dahdi().

◆ mwimonitor_neon

unsigned int mwimonitor_neon

TRUE if the FXO port monitors for neon type MWI indications from the other end.

Set if the "mwimonitor" value read in contains "neon" from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 418 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by handle_init_event(), my_handle_notify_message(), and process_dahdi().

◆ mwimonitor_rpas

unsigned int mwimonitor_rpas

TRUE if the FXO port monitors for rpas precursor to fsk MWI indications from the other end.

RPAS - Ring Pulse Alert Signal
Set if the "mwimonitor" value read in contains "rpas" from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 429 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by my_handle_notify_message(), and process_dahdi().

◆ mwimonitoractive

unsigned int mwimonitoractive

TRUE if an MWI monitor thread is currently active.

Definition at line 431 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by do_monitor(), and mwi_thread().

◆ mwioverride_active

unsigned int mwioverride_active

TRUE if a manual MWI override is active for a channel.

Definition at line 435 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_set_mwi(), and has_voicemail().

◆ mwioverride_disposition

unsigned int mwioverride_disposition

Manual MWI disposition (on/off)

Definition at line 437 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_set_mwi(), and has_voicemail().

◆ mwisend_data

struct mwisend_info mwisend_data

Definition at line 480 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by mwi_send_init(), mwi_send_process_buffer(), and mwi_send_process_event().

◆ mwisendactive

unsigned int mwisendactive

TRUE if a MWI message sending thread is active.

Definition at line 433 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by do_monitor(), mwi_send_init(), mwi_send_process_buffer(), and mwi_send_process_event().

◆ named_callgroups

struct ast_namedgroups* named_callgroups

Named call groups this belongs to.

The "namedcallgroup" string read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 574 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), destroy_dahdi_pvt(), and process_dahdi().

◆ named_pickupgroups

struct ast_namedgroups* named_pickupgroups

Named pickup groups this belongs to.

The "namedpickupgroup" string read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 579 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), destroy_dahdi_pvt(), and process_dahdi().

◆ next

struct dahdi_pvt* next

◆ oprmode

int oprmode

◆ oprpeer

struct dahdi_pvt* oprpeer

"Operator Services" peer tech_pvt ptr

Definition at line 152 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event(), and dahdi_setoption().

◆ origcid_name

char* origcid_name

malloced original callerid

Definition at line 539 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event(), and dahdi_hangup().

◆ origcid_num

char* origcid_num

malloced original callerid

Definition at line 538 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event(), and dahdi_hangup().

◆ outgoing

unsigned int outgoing

TRUE if we originated the call leg.

Definition at line 328 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_call(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_new(), dahdi_read(), dahdi_request(), my_have_progressdetect(), and my_set_outgoing().

◆ outsigmod

int outsigmod

Outbound Signalling style (modifier)

Definition at line 150 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_call(), dahdi_handle_event(), and process_dahdi().

◆ owner

struct ast_channel* owner

◆ params

struct dahdi_echocanparam params[DAHDI_MAX_ECHOCANPARAMS]

Definition at line 628 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_echocancel().

◆ parkinglot

char parkinglot[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]

Parking lot for this channel

Definition at line 518 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), and process_dahdi().

◆ permcallwaiting

unsigned int permcallwaiting

TRUE if busy extensions will hear the call-waiting tone and can use hook-flash to switch between callers.

Set from the "callwaiting" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 334 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_hangup().

◆ permhidecallerid

unsigned int permhidecallerid

TRUE if the outgoing caller ID is blocked/restricted/hidden.

Set from the "hidecallerid" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 339 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_hangup().

◆ pickupgroup

ast_group_t pickupgroup

Bitmapped pickup groups this belongs to.

The "pickupgroup" bitmapped group string read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 569 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), and process_dahdi().

◆ polarity

int polarity

Current line interface polarity. POLARITY_IDLE, POLARITY_REV.

Definition at line 736 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_hangup(), handle_init_event(), my_set_polarity(), polarity_read(), polarity_write(), and unalloc_sub().

◆ polaritydelaytv

struct timeval polaritydelaytv

Start delay time if polarityonanswerdelay is nonzero.

Definition at line 729 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event().

◆ polarityonanswerdelay

int polarityonanswerdelay

Minimal time period (ms) between the answer polarity switch and hangup polarity switch.

Definition at line 727 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event(), and process_dahdi().

◆ prev

struct dahdi_pvt* prev

◆ priexclusive

unsigned int priexclusive

TRUE if PRI B channels are always exclusively selected.

Set from the "priexclusive" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 349 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ priindication_oob

unsigned int priindication_oob

TRUE if PRI congestion/busy indications are sent out-of-band.

Set from the "priindication" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 344 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ propconfno

int propconfno

Propagated conference number

Definition at line 559 of file chan_dahdi.h.

◆ pulse

unsigned int pulse

TRUE if we will pulse dial.

Set from the "pulsedial" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 354 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_digit_begin(), dahdi_digit_end(), and process_dahdi().

◆ pulsedial

unsigned int pulsedial

TRUE if a pulsed digit was detected. (Pulse dial phone detected)

Definition at line 356 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_read(), and my_set_pulsedial().

◆ radio

int radio

Nonzero if the signaling type is sent over a radio.

Set to a couple of nonzero values but it is only tested like a boolean.

Definition at line 148 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by __dahdi_exception(), available(), dahdi_answer(), dahdi_call(), dahdi_dnd(), dahdi_exception(), dahdi_fixup(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_indicate(), dahdi_new(), dahdi_read(), dahdi_request(), do_monitor(), handle_init_event(), mwi_thread(), my_get_sigpvt_bridged_channel(), and process_dahdi().

◆ rdnis


Redirecting Directory Number Information Service (RDNIS) number.

Definition at line 545 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_hangup(), and dahdi_new().

◆ remotelyblocked

unsigned int remotelyblocked

Bitmask for the channel being remotely blocked. 1 maintenance, 2 blocked in hardware.

Applies to SS7 and MFCR2 channels.
For MFCR2 only the first bit is used - TRUE if blocked
For SS7 two bits are used
Bit 0 - TRUE if maintenance blocked
Bit 1 - TRUE if hardware blocked

Definition at line 460 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by available().

◆ reoriginate

unsigned int reoriginate

TRUE if FXS (FXO-signalled) channel should reoriginate for user to make a new call.

Definition at line 289 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_hangup(), and process_dahdi().

◆ restartpending

unsigned int restartpending

flag to ensure counted only once for restart

Definition at line 357 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_hangup(), and dahdi_softhangup_all().

◆ restrictcid

unsigned int restrictcid

TRUE if caller ID is restricted.

Set but not used. Should be deleted. Redundant with permhidecallerid.
Set from the "restrictcid" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 363 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ ringt

int ringt

◆ ringt_base

int ringt_base

Ring timeout base.

Value computed indirectly from "ringtimeout" read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 608 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), dahdi_handle_event(), handle_init_event(), and mwi_thread().

◆ rxdrc

float rxdrc

Definition at line 165 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by bump_gains(), dahdi_call(), dahdi_setoption(), process_dahdi(), and restore_gains().

◆ rxgain

float rxgain

Software Rx gain set by chan_dahdi.conf.

Definition at line 160 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by bump_gains(), dahdi_call(), dahdi_func_read(), dahdi_setoption(), process_dahdi(), and restore_gains().

◆ saveconf

struct dahdi_confinfo saveconf

Saved conference info

Definition at line 132 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by restore_conference(), and save_conference().

◆ sendcalleridafter

int sendcalleridafter

Send caller ID on FXS after this many rings. Set to 1 for US.

Set from the "sendcalleridafter" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 734 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by my_set_cadence(), and process_dahdi().

◆ sig

int sig

◆ sig_pvt

void* sig_pvt

◆ slaves

struct dahdi_pvt* slaves[MAX_SLAVES]

Slave to us (follows our conferencing)

Definition at line 134 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_conf_update(), dahdi_master_slave_link(), dahdi_master_slave_unlink(), isslavenative(), and my_complete_conference_update().

◆ smdi_iface

struct ast_smdi_interface* smdi_iface

The SMDI interface to get SMDI messages from.

Definition at line 482 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), and destroy_dahdi_pvt().

◆ span

int span

◆ stripmsd

int stripmsd

Number of most significant digits/characters to strip from the dialed number.

Feature is deprecated. Use dialplan logic.
The characters are stripped before the PRI TON/NPI prefix characters are processed.

Definition at line 615 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_call(), and process_dahdi().

◆ sub_unused

struct dahdi_subchannel sub_unused

Just a safety precaution

Definition at line 130 of file chan_dahdi.h.

◆ subs

struct dahdi_subchannel subs[3]


Definition at line 131 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by __dahdi_exception(), _dahdi_get_index(), alloc_sub(), analog_ss_thread(), attempt_transfer(), bump_gains(), check_for_conference(), create_channel_name(), dahdi_call(), dahdi_close_sub(), dahdi_conf_update(), dahdi_confmute(), dahdi_destroy_channel_range(), dahdi_dial_str(), dahdi_digit_begin(), dahdi_digit_end(), dahdi_dtmf_detect_disable(), dahdi_dtmf_detect_enable(), dahdi_ec_disable(), dahdi_ec_enable(), dahdi_fixup(), dahdi_func_write(), dahdi_handle_dtmf(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_indicate(), dahdi_lock_sub_owner(), dahdi_master_slave_unlink(), dahdi_new(), dahdi_read(), dahdi_restart(), dahdi_ring_phone(), dahdi_sendtext(), dahdi_setoption(), dahdi_train_ec(), dahdi_wink(), dahdi_write(), destroy_channel(), do_monitor(), duplicate_pseudo(), get_alarms(), handle_init_event(), isslavenative(), mwi_send_init(), mwi_send_process_buffer(), mwi_send_process_event(), mwi_thread(), my_all_subchannels_hungup(), my_complete_conference_update(), my_conf_add(), my_conf_del(), my_dahdi_write(), my_distinctive_ring(), my_flash(), my_get_callerid(), my_get_event(), my_get_sub_fd(), my_handle_dtmf(), my_is_dialing(), my_is_off_hook(), my_off_hook(), my_on_hook(), my_play_tone(), my_set_cadence(), my_set_inthreeway(), my_set_linear_mode(), my_set_needringing(), my_set_polarity(), my_start(), my_start_cid_detect(), my_stop_cid_detect(), my_swap_subchannels(), my_wait_event(), native_chan_changed(), native_start(), reset_conf(), restore_conference(), restore_gains(), revert_fax_buffers(), save_conference(), send_callerid(), swap_subs(), unalloc_sub(), and wakeup_sub().

◆ tdd

struct tdd_state* tdd

TDD flag

Definition at line 702 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_queryoption(), dahdi_read(), dahdi_sendtext(), and dahdi_setoption().

◆ threewaycalling

unsigned int threewaycalling

TRUE if three way calling is enabled.

Set from the "threewaycalling" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 368 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event(), and process_dahdi().

◆ threewaysilenthold

unsigned int threewaysilenthold

TRUE if a three way dial tone should time out to silence.

Set from the "threewaysilenthold" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 373 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ tonezone

int tonezone

tone zone for this chan, or -1 for default

Definition at line 167 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ transfer

unsigned int transfer

TRUE if call transfer is enabled.

For FXS ports (either direct analog or over T1/E1): Support flash-hook call transfer
For digital ports using ISDN PRI protocols: Support switch-side transfer (called 2BCT, RLT or other names)
Set from the "transfer" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 382 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), dahdi_handle_event(), native_start(), and process_dahdi().

◆ transfertobusy

unsigned int transfertobusy

TRUE if allowed to flash-transfer to busy channels.

Set from the "transfertobusy" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 413 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event(), and process_dahdi().

◆ txdrc

float txdrc

Dynamic Range Compression factor. a number between 1 and 6ish

Definition at line 164 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by bump_gains(), dahdi_call(), dahdi_setoption(), process_dahdi(), and restore_gains().

◆ txgain

float txgain

Software Tx gain set by chan_dahdi.conf.

Definition at line 162 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by bump_gains(), dahdi_call(), dahdi_func_read(), dahdi_setoption(), process_dahdi(), and restore_gains().

◆ use_callerid

unsigned int use_callerid

TRUE if caller ID is used on this channel.

PRI and SS7 spans will save caller ID from the networking peer.
FXS ports will generate the caller ID spill.
FXO ports will listen for the caller ID spill.
Set from the "usecallerid" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 390 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), and process_dahdi().

◆ use_callingpres

unsigned int use_callingpres

TRUE if we will use the calling presentation setting from the Asterisk channel for outgoing calls.

Only applies to PRI and SS7 channels.
Set from the "usecallingpres" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 397 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by process_dahdi().

◆ use_smdi

unsigned int use_smdi

TRUE if SMDI (Simplified Message Desk Interface) is enabled.

Set from the "usesmdi" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 479 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread(), destroy_dahdi_pvt(), and process_dahdi().

◆ usedistinctiveringdetection

unsigned int usedistinctiveringdetection

TRUE if distinctive rings are to be detected.

For FXO lines
Set indirectly from the "usedistinctiveringdetection" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 403 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by analog_ss_thread().

◆ usefaxbuffers

unsigned int usefaxbuffers

TRUE if dynamic faxbuffers are configured for use, default is OFF

Definition at line 276 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_dtmf(), my_handle_dtmf(), and process_dahdi().

◆ vars

struct ast_variable* vars

Channel variable list with associated values to set when a channel is created.

The "setvar" strings read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 584 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), destroy_dahdi_pvt(), and process_dahdi().

◆ waitfordialtone

int waitfordialtone

Number of milliseconds to wait for dialtone.

Set from the "waitfordialtone" value read in from chan_dahdi.conf

Definition at line 656 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_new(), my_set_waitingfordt(), and process_dahdi().

◆ waitfordialtoneduration

int waitfordialtoneduration

Transient variable. Stored off waitfordialtone duration at runtime.

Definition at line 664 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_read(), and my_set_waitingfordt().

◆ waitfordialtonetemp

int waitfordialtonetemp

Transient variable. Same as waitfordialtone, but temporarily set for a specific call, rather than permanently for the channel.

Definition at line 660 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_func_write(), and my_set_waitingfordt().

◆ waitingfordt

struct timeval waitingfordt

Time we started waiting for dialtone

Definition at line 691 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_call(), dahdi_handle_event(), dahdi_hangup(), dahdi_read(), my_check_waitingfordt(), and my_set_waitingfordt().

◆ which_iflist

enum DAHDI_IFLIST which_iflist

Which interface list is this structure listed?

Definition at line 168 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_iflist_extract(), dahdi_iflist_insert(), destroy_dahdi_pvt(), and duplicate_pseudo().

◆ whichwink

int whichwink

SIG_FEATDMF_TA Which wink are we on?

Definition at line 697 of file chan_dahdi.h.

Referenced by dahdi_handle_event().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: