Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-97770a9
Data Fields
ast_channel Struct Reference

Main Channel structure associated with a channel. More...

Collaboration diagram for ast_channel:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

struct ast_string_field_mgr __field_mgr
struct ast_string_field_pool__field_mgr_pool
const ast_string_field accountcode
enum ast_channel_adsicpe adsicpe
int alertpipe [2]
int amaflags
struct timeval answertime
const char * appl
struct ast_audiohook_listaudiohooks
struct ast_autochan_list autochans
pthread_t blocker
int blocker_tid
const char * blockproc
struct ast_bridgebridge
struct ast_bridge_channelbridge_channel
const ast_string_field call_forward
struct ast_party_caller caller
 Channel Caller ID information. More...
ast_group_t callgroup
ast_callid callid
struct ast_cdrcdr
struct stasis_forwardchannel_forward
struct ast_party_connected_line connected
 Channel Connected Line ID information. More...
struct ast_party_connected_line connected_indicated
 Channel Connected Line ID information that was last indicated. More...
char context [AST_MAX_CONTEXT]
struct timeval creationtime
const char * data
struct ast_datastore_list datastores
struct ast_streamdefault_streams [AST_MEDIA_TYPE_END]
const ast_string_field dialcontext
struct ast_party_dialed dialed
 Dialed/Called information. More...
struct ao2_containerdialed_causes
char dtmf_digit_to_emulate
struct timeval dtmf_tv
struct ast_frame dtmff
unsigned int emulate_dtmf_duration
struct stasis_forwardendpoint_forward
char exten [AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
int fdno
struct {
   size_t   current
   int *   elems
   size_t   max
unsigned int fin
unsigned int finalized:1
struct ast_flags flags
unsigned int fout
struct ast_framehook_listframehooks
struct ast_generatorgenerator
void * generatordata
struct ast_hangup_handler_list hangup_handlers
int hangupcause
const ast_string_field hangupsource
int hold_state
unsigned long insmpl
char is_t38_active
struct ast_jb jb
const ast_string_field language
char lastcontext [AST_MAX_CONTEXT]
char lastexten [AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
const ast_string_field latest_musicclass
struct ast_channel_id linkedid
struct ast_channelmasq
struct ast_channelmasqr
void * music_state
const ast_string_field musicclass
const ast_string_field name
struct ast_namedgroups * named_callgroups
struct ast_namedgroups * named_pickupgroups
struct ast_format_capnativeformats
struct ast_formatoldwriteformat
unsigned long outsmpl
const ast_string_field parkinglot
struct ast_pbxpbx
const ast_string_field peeraccount
ast_group_t pickupgroup
int priority
struct ast_formatrawreadformat
struct ast_formatrawwriteformat
struct ast_formatreadformat
struct ast_readq_list readq
struct ast_trans_pvtreadtrans
struct ast_party_redirecting redirecting
 Redirecting/Diversion information. More...
int rings
struct ast_sched_contextsched
char sending_dtmf_digit
struct timeval sending_dtmf_tv
struct ast_channel_snapshotsnapshot
struct ast_flags snapshot_segment_flags
int softhangup
enum ast_channel_state state
struct ast_filestreamstream
struct ast_stream_topologystream_topology
void * stream_topology_change_source
int streamid
const struct ast_channel_techtech
void * tech_pvt
struct ast_timertimer
void * timingdata
int timingfd
ast_timing_func_t timingfunc
struct stasis_topictopic
unsigned short transfercapability
char unbridged
struct ast_channel_id uniqueid
const ast_string_field userfield
struct varshead varshead
int visible_indication
struct ast_filestreamvstream
int vstreamid
struct timeval whentohangup
struct ast_formatwriteformat
struct ast_trans_pvtwritetrans
char x
struct ast_tone_zonezone

Detailed Description

Main Channel structure associated with a channel.

When adding fields to this structure, it is important to add the field 'in position' with like-aligned fields, so as to keep the compiler from having to add padding to align fields. The structure's fields are sorted in this order: pointers, structures, long, int/enum, short, char. This is especially important on 64-bit architectures, where mixing 4-byte and 8-byte fields causes 4 bytes of padding to be added before many 8-byte fields.

Definition at line 74 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Field Documentation

◆ __field_mgr

struct ast_string_field_mgr __field_mgr

Definition at line 113 of file channel_internal_api.c.

◆ __field_mgr_pool

struct ast_string_field_pool* __field_mgr_pool

Default parking lot, if empty, default parking lot

Who is responsible for hanging up this channel

< Dial: Extension context that we were called from

Definition at line 113 of file channel_internal_api.c.

◆ accountcode

const ast_string_field accountcode

Definition at line 113 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_yank().

◆ adsicpe

enum ast_channel_adsicpe adsicpe

Whether or not ADSI is detected on CPE

Definition at line 182 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_adsicpe(), and ast_channel_adsicpe_set().

◆ alertpipe

int alertpipe[2]

◆ amaflags

int amaflags

Set BEFORE PBX is started to determine AMA flags

Definition at line 181 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_amaflags(), ast_channel_amaflags_set(), and ast_channel_yank().

◆ answertime

struct timeval answertime

The time the channel was answered

Definition at line 157 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_answertime_set().

◆ appl

const char* appl

Current application

Definition at line 83 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_appl(), and ast_channel_appl_set().

◆ audiohooks

struct ast_audiohook_list* audiohooks

Definition at line 93 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_audiohooks(), and ast_channel_audiohooks_set().

◆ autochans

struct ast_autochan_list autochans

Autochans on the channel

Definition at line 163 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_autochans().

◆ blocker

pthread_t blocker

If anyone is blocking, this is them

Definition at line 119 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_blocker(), and ast_channel_blocker_set().

◆ blocker_tid

int blocker_tid

If anyone is blocking, this is their thread id

Definition at line 167 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_blocker_tid(), and ast_channel_blocker_tid_set().

◆ blockproc

const char* blockproc

Procedure causing blocking

Definition at line 82 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_blockproc(), and ast_channel_blockproc_set().

◆ bridge

struct ast_bridge* bridge

◆ bridge_channel

struct ast_bridge_channel* bridge_channel

◆ call_forward

const ast_string_field call_forward

Definition at line 113 of file channel_internal_api.c.

◆ caller

struct ast_party_caller caller

Channel Caller ID information.

The caller id information is the caller id of this channel when it is used to initiate a call.

Definition at line 133 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by analog_send_callerid(), app_exec(), ast_call_forward(), ast_channel_caller(), ast_channel_caller_set(), and channel_do_masquerade().

◆ callgroup

ast_group_t callgroup

Call group for call pickups

Definition at line 152 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_callgroup(), and ast_channel_callgroup_set().

◆ callid

ast_callid callid

◆ cdr

struct ast_cdr* cdr

Call Detail Record

Definition at line 95 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_cdr(), ast_channel_cdr_set(), and manager_log().

◆ channel_forward

struct stasis_forward* channel_forward

Subscription for event forwarding to all channel topic

Definition at line 217 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ari_bridges_play_new(), ast_ari_bridges_record(), ast_channel_internal_cleanup(), and ast_channel_internal_setup_topics().

◆ connected

struct ast_party_connected_line connected

Channel Connected Line ID information.

The connected line information identifies the channel connected/bridged to this channel.

Definition at line 140 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_connected(), ast_channel_connected_set(), and channel_do_masquerade().

◆ connected_indicated

struct ast_party_connected_line connected_indicated

Channel Connected Line ID information that was last indicated.

Definition at line 145 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_connected_indicated().

◆ context

char context[AST_MAX_CONTEXT]

Dialplan: Current extension context

Definition at line 206 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_context(), ast_channel_context_set(), ast_channel_yank(), and readexten_exec().

◆ creationtime

struct timeval creationtime

The time of channel creation

Definition at line 156 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_creationtime_set().

◆ current

size_t current

Definition at line 168 of file channel_internal_api.c.

◆ data

const char* data

◆ datastores

struct ast_datastore_list datastores

Data stores on the channel

Definition at line 162 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_datastores().

◆ default_streams

struct ast_stream* default_streams[AST_MEDIA_TYPE_END]

Default streams indexed by media type

Definition at line 221 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_get_default_stream(), and channel_set_default_streams().

◆ dialcontext

const ast_string_field dialcontext

Definition at line 113 of file channel_internal_api.c.

◆ dialed

struct ast_party_dialed dialed

Dialed/Called information.

Set on incoming channels to indicate the originally dialed party.
Dialed Number Identifier (DNID)

Definition at line 126 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_dialed(), ast_channel_dialed_set(), channel_do_masquerade(), jingle_request(), and pbx_outgoing_attempt().

◆ dialed_causes

struct ao2_container* dialed_causes

Contains tech-specific and Asterisk cause data from dialed channels ASCII unique channel name Language requested for voice prompts Default music class Latest active music class Account code for billing Peer account code for billing Userfield for CEL billing Where to forward to if asked to dial on this interface

Definition at line 99 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_dialed_causes_add(), ast_channel_dialed_causes_channels(), ast_channel_dialed_causes_clear(), ast_channel_dialed_causes_find(), and ast_channel_internal_cleanup().

◆ dtmf_digit_to_emulate

char dtmf_digit_to_emulate

Digit being emulated

Definition at line 213 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_dtmf_digit_to_emulate(), and ast_channel_dtmf_digit_to_emulate_set().

◆ dtmf_tv

struct timeval dtmf_tv

The time that an in process digit began, or the last digit ended

Definition at line 160 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_dtmf_tv(), and ast_channel_dtmf_tv_set().

◆ dtmff

struct ast_frame dtmff

DTMF frame

Definition at line 150 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_dtmff(), and ast_channel_dtmff_set().

◆ elems

int* elems

Definition at line 168 of file channel_internal_api.c.

◆ emulate_dtmf_duration

unsigned int emulate_dtmf_duration

Number of ms left to emulate DTMF for

Definition at line 196 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_emulate_dtmf_duration(), and ast_channel_emulate_dtmf_duration_set().

◆ endpoint_forward

struct stasis_forward* endpoint_forward

Subscription for event forwarding to endpoint's topic

Definition at line 218 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_forward_endpoint(), and ast_channel_internal_cleanup().

◆ exten


◆ fdno

int fdno

Which fd had an event detected on

Definition at line 173 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_fdno(), and ast_channel_fdno_set().


struct { ... } fds

File descriptors for channel – Drivers will poll on these file descriptors, so at least one must be non -1. See

Referenced by ast_channel_fd(), ast_channel_fd_add(), ast_channel_fd_count(), ast_channel_internal_cleanup(), ast_channel_internal_fd_clear(), ast_channel_internal_fd_clear_all(), and ast_channel_internal_fd_set().

◆ fin

unsigned int fin

Frames in counters. The high bit is a debug mask, so the counter is only in the remaining bits

Definition at line 183 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_fin(), and ast_channel_fin_set().

◆ finalized

unsigned int finalized

Whether or not the channel has been successfully allocated

Definition at line 188 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_internal_finalize(), and ast_channel_internal_is_finalized().

◆ flags

struct ast_flags flags

◆ fout

unsigned int fout

Frames out counters. The high bit is a debug mask, so the counter is only in the remaining bits

Definition at line 185 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_fout(), and ast_channel_fout_set().

◆ framehooks

struct ast_framehook_list* framehooks

Definition at line 94 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_framehooks(), and ast_channel_framehooks_set().

◆ generator

struct ast_generator* generator

Current active data generator

Definition at line 79 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_generator(), and ast_channel_generator_set().

◆ generatordata

void* generatordata

Current generator data if there is any

Definition at line 78 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_activate_generator(), ast_channel_generatordata(), and ast_channel_generatordata_set().

◆ hangup_handlers

struct ast_hangup_handler_list hangup_handlers

Hangup handlers on the channel.

Definition at line 161 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_hangup_handlers().

◆ hangupcause

int hangupcause

Why is the channel hanged up. See causes.h

Definition at line 187 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_hangupcause(), and ast_channel_hangupcause_set().

◆ hangupsource

const ast_string_field hangupsource

Definition at line 113 of file channel_internal_api.c.

◆ hold_state

int hold_state

Current Hold/Unhold state

Definition at line 198 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_hold_state(), and ast_channel_hold_state_set().

◆ insmpl

unsigned long insmpl

Track the read/written samples for monitor use

Definition at line 164 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_insmpl(), and ast_channel_insmpl_set().

◆ is_t38_active

char is_t38_active

non-zero if T.38 is active on this channel.

Definition at line 212 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_is_t38_active_nolock(), and ast_channel_set_is_t38_active_nolock().

◆ jb

struct ast_jb jb

The jitterbuffer state

Definition at line 159 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_jb(), ast_channel_jb_set(), and create_jb().

◆ language

const ast_string_field language

Definition at line 113 of file channel_internal_api.c.

◆ lastcontext

char lastcontext[AST_MAX_CONTEXT]

Dialplan: Previous extension context

Definition at line 208 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_context_set(), and ast_channel_lastcontext().

◆ lastexten

char lastexten[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]

Dialplan: Previous extension number

Definition at line 209 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_exten_set(), and ast_channel_lastexten().

◆ latest_musicclass

const ast_string_field latest_musicclass

Definition at line 113 of file channel_internal_api.c.

◆ linkedid

struct ast_channel_id linkedid

◆ masq

struct ast_channel* masq

Channel that will masquerade as us

Definition at line 80 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_masq(), and ast_channel_masq_set().

◆ masqr

struct ast_channel* masqr

Who we are masquerading as

Definition at line 81 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_masqr(), and ast_channel_masqr_set().

◆ max

size_t max

Definition at line 168 of file channel_internal_api.c.

◆ music_state

void* music_state

Music State

Definition at line 77 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_music_state(), and ast_channel_music_state_set().

◆ musicclass

const ast_string_field musicclass

Definition at line 113 of file channel_internal_api.c.

◆ name

const ast_string_field name

◆ named_callgroups

struct ast_namedgroups* named_callgroups

Named call group for call pickups

Definition at line 154 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_named_callgroups(), and ast_channel_named_callgroups_set().

◆ named_pickupgroups

struct ast_namedgroups* named_pickupgroups

Named pickup group - which call groups can be picked up?

Definition at line 155 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_named_pickupgroups(), and ast_channel_named_pickupgroups_set().

◆ nativeformats

struct ast_format_cap* nativeformats

Kinds of data this channel can natively handle

Definition at line 191 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_nativeformats(), and ast_channel_nativeformats_set().

◆ oldwriteformat

struct ast_format* oldwriteformat

Original writer format

Definition at line 176 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_oldwriteformat(), and ast_channel_set_oldwriteformat().

◆ outsmpl

unsigned long outsmpl

Track the read/written samples for monitor use

Definition at line 165 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_outsmpl(), and ast_channel_outsmpl_set().

◆ parkinglot

const ast_string_field parkinglot

Definition at line 113 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by manager_park().

◆ pbx

struct ast_pbx* pbx

PBX private structure for this channel

Definition at line 90 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_pbx(), and ast_channel_pbx_set().

◆ peeraccount

const ast_string_field peeraccount

Definition at line 113 of file channel_internal_api.c.

◆ pickupgroup

ast_group_t pickupgroup

Pickup group - which calls groups can be picked up?

Definition at line 153 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_pickupgroup(), and ast_channel_pickupgroup_set().

◆ priority

int priority

Dialplan: Current extension priority

Definition at line 180 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_priority(), ast_channel_priority_set(), and ast_channel_yank().

◆ rawreadformat

struct ast_format* rawreadformat

Raw read format (before translation)

Definition at line 194 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_rawreadformat(), and ast_channel_set_rawreadformat().

◆ rawwriteformat

struct ast_format* rawwriteformat

Raw write format (after translation)

Definition at line 195 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_rawwriteformat(), and ast_channel_set_rawwriteformat().

◆ readformat

struct ast_format* readformat

Requested read format (after translation)

Definition at line 192 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_readformat(), ast_channel_set_readformat(), and ast_channel_yank().

◆ readq

struct ast_readq_list readq

Definition at line 158 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_readq().

◆ readtrans

struct ast_trans_pvt* readtrans

Read translation path

Definition at line 92 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_readtrans(), and ast_channel_readtrans_set().

◆ redirecting

struct ast_party_redirecting redirecting

Redirecting/Diversion information.

Definition at line 148 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_redirecting(), ast_channel_redirecting_set(), channel_do_masquerade(), and my_get_callerid().

◆ rings

int rings

Number of rings so far

Definition at line 179 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_rings(), and ast_channel_rings_set().

◆ sched

Schedule context

Definition at line 85 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_sched(), and ast_channel_sched_set().

◆ sending_dtmf_digit

char sending_dtmf_digit

Digit this channel is currently sending out. (zero if not sending)

Definition at line 214 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_sending_dtmf_digit(), and ast_channel_sending_dtmf_digit_set().

◆ sending_dtmf_tv

struct timeval sending_dtmf_tv

The time this channel started sending the current digit. (Invalid if sending_dtmf_digit is zero.)

Definition at line 215 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_sending_dtmf_tv_set().

◆ snapshot

struct ast_channel_snapshot* snapshot

◆ snapshot_segment_flags

struct ast_flags snapshot_segment_flags

Flags regarding the segments of the snapshot

Definition at line 223 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_snapshot_segment_flags().

◆ softhangup

int softhangup

◆ state

State of line – Don't write directly, use ast_setstate()

Definition at line 178 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_state(), ast_channel_state_set(), and bridge_channel_internal_push_full().

◆ stream

struct ast_filestream* stream

◆ stream_topology

struct ast_stream_topology* stream_topology

◆ stream_topology_change_source

void* stream_topology_change_source

Source that initiated a stream topology change

Definition at line 220 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_get_stream_topology_change_source(), and ast_channel_internal_set_stream_topology_change_source().

◆ streamid

int streamid

For streaming playback, the schedule ID

Definition at line 174 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_streamid(), and ast_channel_streamid_set().

◆ tech

const struct ast_channel_tech* tech

◆ tech_pvt

void* tech_pvt

Private data used by the technology driver

Definition at line 76 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_tech_pvt(), ast_channel_tech_pvt_set(), and native_bridge_join().

◆ timer

struct ast_timer* timer

timer object that provided timingfd

Definition at line 204 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_timer(), and ast_channel_timer_set().

◆ timingdata

void* timingdata

Definition at line 89 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_timingdata(), and ast_channel_timingdata_set().

◆ timingfd

int timingfd

Timing fd

Definition at line 177 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_timingfd(), and ast_channel_timingfd_set().

◆ timingfunc

ast_timing_func_t timingfunc

Definition at line 88 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_timingfunc(), and ast_channel_timingfunc_set().

◆ topic

struct stasis_topic* topic

Topic for this channel

Definition at line 216 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_internal_cleanup(), ast_channel_internal_setup_topics(), and ast_channel_topic().

◆ transfercapability

unsigned short transfercapability

ISDN Transfer Capability - AST_FLAG_DIGITAL is not enough

Definition at line 200 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_transfercapability(), and ast_channel_transfercapability_set().

◆ unbridged

char unbridged

non-zero if the bridge core needs to re-evaluate the current bridging technology which is in use by this channel's bridge.

Definition at line 210 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_set_unbridged_nolock(), and ast_channel_unbridged_nolock().

◆ uniqueid

struct ast_channel_id uniqueid

Unique Channel Identifier - can be specified on creation

Definition at line 115 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_by_uniqueid_cb(), ast_channel_internal_set_fake_ids(), ast_channel_internal_setup_topics(), ast_channel_uniqueid(), and does_id_conflict().

◆ userfield

const ast_string_field userfield

Definition at line 113 of file channel_internal_api.c.

◆ varshead

A linked list for channel variables. See Asterisk Dialplan Variables

Definition at line 151 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_varshead(), ast_channel_varshead_set(), and shared_write().

◆ visible_indication

int visible_indication

Indication currently playing on the channel

Definition at line 197 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_visible_indication(), and ast_channel_visible_indication_set().

◆ vstream

struct ast_filestream* vstream

Video Stream itself.

Definition at line 87 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_vstream(), and ast_channel_vstream_set().

◆ vstreamid

int vstreamid

For streaming video playback, the schedule ID

Definition at line 175 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_vstreamid(), and ast_channel_vstreamid_set().

◆ whentohangup

struct timeval whentohangup

Non-zero, set to actual time when channel is to be hung up

Definition at line 118 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_whentohangup(), and ast_channel_whentohangup_set().

◆ writeformat

struct ast_format* writeformat

Requested write format (before translation)

Definition at line 193 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_set_writeformat(), ast_channel_writeformat(), and ast_channel_yank().

◆ writetrans

struct ast_trans_pvt* writetrans

Write translation path

Definition at line 91 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_writetrans(), and ast_channel_writetrans_set().

◆ x

char x

◆ zone

struct ast_tone_zone* zone

Tone zone as set in indications.conf or in the CHANNEL dialplan function

Definition at line 96 of file channel_internal_api.c.

Referenced by ast_channel_zone(), and ast_channel_zone_set().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: