Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-97770a9
Macros | Functions | Variables
voicin.c File Reference
#include "f2c.h"
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#define contrl_1   contrl_


int voicin_ (integer *vwin, real *inbuf, real *lpbuf, integer *buflim, integer *half, real *minamd, real *maxamd, integer *mintau, real *ivrc, integer *obound, integer *voibuf, integer *af, struct lpc10_encoder_state *st)


struct {
   logical   corrp
   integer   lframe
   integer   order

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ contrl_1

#define contrl_1   contrl_

Definition at line 53 of file voicin.c.

Function Documentation

◆ voicin_()

int voicin_ ( integer vwin,
real inbuf,
real lpbuf,
integer buflim,
integer half,
real minamd,
real maxamd,
integer mintau,
real ivrc,
integer obound,
integer voibuf,
integer af,
struct lpc10_encoder_state st 

Definition at line 258 of file voicin.c.

263 /* Initialized data */
265 real *dither;
266 static real vdc[100] /* was [10][10] */ = { 0.f,1714.f,-110.f,
267 334.f,-4096.f,-654.f,3752.f,3769.f,0.f,1181.f,0.f,874.f,-97.f,
268 300.f,-4096.f,-1021.f,2451.f,2527.f,0.f,-500.f,0.f,510.f,-70.f,
269 250.f,-4096.f,-1270.f,2194.f,2491.f,0.f,-1500.f,0.f,500.f,-10.f,
270 200.f,-4096.f,-1300.f,2e3f,2e3f,0.f,-2e3f,0.f,500.f,0.f,0.f,
271 -4096.f,-1300.f,2e3f,2e3f,0.f,-2500.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,
272 0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,
273 0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,
274 0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f };
275 static integer nvdcl = 5;
276 static real vdcl[10] = { 600.f,450.f,300.f,200.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f }
277 ;
279 /* System generated locals */
280 integer inbuf_offset = 0, lpbuf_offset = 0, i__1, i__2;
281 real r__1, r__2;
283 /* Builtin functions */
285 double sqrt(doublereal);
287 /* Local variables */
288 real ar_b__, ar_f__;
289 integer *lbve, *lbue, *fbve, *fbue;
290 integer snrl, i__;
291 integer *ofbue, *sfbue;
292 real *voice;
293 integer *olbue, *slbue;
294 real value[9];
295 integer zc;
296 logical ot;
297 real qs;
298 real *maxmin;
299 integer vstate;
300 real rc1;
301 extern /* Subroutine */ int vparms_(integer *, real *, real *, integer *,
302 integer *, real *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *,
303 real *, real *, real *, real *);
304 integer fbe, lbe;
305 real *snr;
306 real snr2;
308/* Global Variables: */
309/* Arguments */
310/* $Log$
311 * Revision 1.16 2004/06/26 03:50:14 markster
312 * Merge source cleanups (bug #1911)
313 *
314 * Revision 1.15 2003/11/23 22:14:32 markster
315 * Various warning cleanups
316 *
317 * Revision 1.14 2003/02/12 13:59:15 matteo
318 * mer feb 12 14:56:57 CET 2003
319 *
320 * Revision 2003/02/12 13:59:15 matteo
321 * mer feb 12 14:56:57 CET 2003
322 *
323 * Revision 1.2 2000/01/05 08:20:40 markster
324 * Some OSS fixes and a few lpc changes to make it actually work
325 *
326 * Revision 1.2 1996/08/20 20:45:00 jaf
327 * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
328 * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
329 * argument.
330 *
331 * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
332 * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
333 *
334 * Revision 1.1 1996/08/19 22:30:14 jaf
335 * Initial revision
336 * */
337/* Revision 1.3 1996/03/29 22:05:55 jaf */
338/* Commented out the common block variables that are not needed by the */
339/* embedded version. */
341/* Revision 1.2 1996/03/26 19:34:50 jaf */
342/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
343/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
345/* Revision 1.1 1996/02/07 14:44:09 jaf */
346/* Initial revision */
348/* LPC Processing control variables: */
350/* *** Read-only: initialized in setup */
352/* Files for Speech, Parameter, and Bitstream Input & Output, */
353/* and message and debug outputs. */
355/* Here are the only files which use these variables: */
357/* lpcsim.f setup.f trans.f error.f vqsetup.f */
359/* Many files which use fdebug are not listed, since it is only used in */
360/* those other files conditionally, to print trace statements. */
361/* integer fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
362/* LPC order, Frame size, Quantization rate, Bits per frame, */
363/* Error correction */
364/* Subroutine SETUP is the only place where order is assigned a value, */
365/* and that value is 10. It could increase efficiency 1% or so to */
366/* declare order as a constant (i.e., a Fortran PARAMETER) instead of as
368/* a variable in a COMMON block, since it is used in many places in the */
369/* core of the coding and decoding routines. Actually, I take that back.
371/* At least when compiling with f2c, the upper bound of DO loops is */
372/* stored in a local variable before the DO loop begins, and then that is
374/* compared against on each iteration. */
375/* Similarly for lframe, which is given a value of MAXFRM in SETUP. */
376/* Similarly for quant, which is given a value of 2400 in SETUP. quant */
377/* is used in only a few places, and never in the core coding and */
378/* decoding routines, so it could be eliminated entirely. */
379/* nbits is similar to quant, and is given a value of 54 in SETUP. */
380/* corrp is given a value of .TRUE. in SETUP, and is only used in the */
381/* subroutines ENCODE and DECODE. It doesn't affect the speed of the */
382/* coder significantly whether it is .TRUE. or .FALSE., or whether it is
384/* a constant or a variable, since it is only examined once per frame. */
385/* Leaving it as a variable that is set to .TRUE. seems like a good */
386/* idea, since it does enable some error-correction capability for */
387/* unvoiced frames, with no change in the coding rate, and no noticeable
389/* quality difference in the decoded speech. */
390/* integer quant, nbits */
391/* *** Read/write: variables for debugging, not needed for LPC algorithm
394/* Current frame, Unstable frames, Output clip count, Max onset buffer,
396/* Debug listing detail level, Line count on listing page */
398/* nframe is not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
399/* nunsfm is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in subroutine */
400/* ERROR, which is only called from RCCHK. When LPC10 is embedded into */
401/* an application, I would recommend removing the call to ERROR in RCCHK,
403/* and remove ERROR and nunsfm completely. */
404/* iclip is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in entry SWRITE in
406/* sread.f. When LPC10 is embedded into an application, one might want */
407/* to cause it to be incremented in a routine that takes the output of */
408/* SYNTHS and sends it to an audio device. It could be optionally */
409/* displayed, for those that might want to know what it is. */
410/* maxosp is never initialized to 0 in SETUP, although it probably should
412/* be, and it is updated in subroutine ANALYS. I doubt that its value */
413/* would be of much interest to an application in which LPC10 is */
414/* embedded. */
415/* listl and lincnt are not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
416/* integer nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
417/* common /contrl/ fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
418/* common /contrl/ quant, nbits */
419/* common /contrl/ nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
420/* Parameters/constants */
421/* Voicing coefficient and Linear Discriminant Analysis variables:
423/* Max number of VDC's and VDC levels */
424/* The following are not Fortran PARAMETER's, but they are */
425/* initialized with DATA statements, and never modified. */
426/* Actual number of VDC's and levels */
427/* Local variables that need not be saved */
428/* Note: */
430/* VALUE(1) through VALUE(8) are assigned values, but VALUE(9) */
431/* never is. Yet VALUE(9) is read in the loop that begins "DO I =
433/* 1, 9" below. I believe that this doesn't cause any problems in
435/* this subroutine, because all VDC(9,*) array elements are 0, and
437/* this is what is multiplied by VALUE(9) in all cases. Still, it
439/* would save a multiplication to change the loop to "DO I = 1, 8".
441/* Local state */
442/* WARNING! */
444/* VOICE, SFBUE, and SLBUE should be saved from one invocation to */
445/* the next, but they are never given an initial value. */
447/* Does Fortran 77 specify some default initial value, like 0, or */
448/* is it undefined? If it is undefined, then this code should be */
449/* corrected to specify an initial value. */
451/* For VOICE, note that it is "shifted" in the statement that */
452/* begins "IF (HALF .EQ. 1) THEN" below. Also, uninitialized */
453/* values in the VOICE array can only affect entries in the VOIBUF
455/* array that are for the same frame, or for an older frame. Thus
457/* the effects of uninitialized values in VOICE cannot linger on */
458/* for more than 2 or 3 frame times. */
460/* For SFBUE and SLBUE, the effects of uninitialized values can */
461/* linger on for many frame times, because their previous values */
462/* are exponentially decayed. Thus it is more important to choose
464/* initial values for these variables. I would guess that a */
465/* reasonable initial value for SFBUE is REF/16, the same as used */
466/* for FBUE and OFBUE. Similarly, SLBUE can be initialized to */
467/* REF/32, the same as for LBUE and OLBUE. */
469/* These guessed initial values should be validated by re-running */
470/* the modified program on some audio samples. */
472/* Declare and initialize filters: */
474 dither = (&st->dither);
475 snr = (&st->snr);
476 maxmin = (&st->maxmin);
477 voice = (&st->voice[0]);
478 lbve = (&st->lbve);
479 lbue = (&st->lbue);
480 fbve = (&st->fbve);
481 fbue = (&st->fbue);
482 ofbue = (&st->ofbue);
483 olbue = (&st->olbue);
484 sfbue = (&st->sfbue);
485 slbue = (&st->slbue);
487 /* Parameter adjustments */
488 if (vwin) {
489 --vwin;
490 }
491 if (buflim) {
492 --buflim;
493 }
494 if (inbuf) {
495 inbuf_offset = buflim[1];
496 inbuf -= inbuf_offset;
497 }
498 if (lpbuf) {
499 lpbuf_offset = buflim[3];
500 lpbuf -= lpbuf_offset;
501 }
502 if (ivrc) {
503 --ivrc;
504 }
505 if (obound) {
506 --obound;
507 }
508 if (voibuf) {
509 --voibuf;
510 }
512 /* Function Body */
514/* The following variables are saved from one invocation to the */
515/* next, but are not initialized with DATA statements. This is */
516/* acceptable, because FIRST is initialized ot .TRUE., and the */
517/* first time that this subroutine is then called, they are all */
518/* given initial values. */
520/* SNR */
523/* MAXMIN is initialized on the first call, assuming that HALF */
524/* .EQ. 1 on first call. This is how ANALYS calls this subroutine.
527/* Voicing Decision Parameter vector (* denotes zero coefficient): */
529/* * MAXMIN */
530/* LBE/LBVE */
531/* ZC */
532/* RC1 */
533/* QS */
534/* IVRC2 */
535/* aR_B */
536/* aR_F */
537/* * LOG(LBE/LBVE) */
538/* Define 2-D voicing decision coefficient vector according to the voicin
540/* parameter order above. Each row (VDC vector) is optimized for a speci
542/* SNR. The last element of the vector is the constant. */
543/* E ZC RC1 Qs IVRC2 aRb aRf c */
545/* The VOICE array contains the result of the linear discriminant functio
547/* (analog values). The VOIBUF array contains the hard-limited binary
549/* voicing decisions. The VOICE and VOIBUF arrays, according to FORTRAN
550 */
551/* memory allocation, are addressed as: */
553/* (half-frame number, future-frame number) */
555/* | Past | Present | Future1 | Future2 | */
556/* | 1,0 | 2,0 | 1,1 | 2,1 | 1,2 | 2,2 | 1,3 | 2,3 | ---> time */
558/* Update linear discriminant function history each frame: */
559 if (*half == 1) {
560 voice[0] = voice[2];
561 voice[1] = voice[3];
562 voice[2] = voice[4];
563 voice[3] = voice[5];
564 *maxmin = *maxamd / max(*minamd,1.f);
565 }
566/* Calculate voicing parameters twice per frame: */
567 vparms_(&vwin[1], &inbuf[inbuf_offset], &lpbuf[lpbuf_offset], &buflim[1],
568 half, dither, mintau, &zc, &lbe, &fbe, &qs, &rc1, &ar_b__, &
569 ar_f__);
570/* Estimate signal-to-noise ratio to select the appropriate VDC vector.
572/* The SNR is estimated as the running average of the ratio of the */
573/* running average full-band voiced energy to the running average */
574/* full-band unvoiced energy. SNR filter has gain of 63. */
575 r__1 = (*snr + *fbve / (real) max(*fbue,1)) * 63 / 64.f;
576 *snr = (real) i_nint(&r__1);
577 snr2 = *snr * *fbue / max(*lbue,1);
578/* Quantize SNR to SNRL according to VDCL thresholds. */
579 snrl = 1;
580 i__1 = nvdcl - 1;
581 for (snrl = 1; snrl <= i__1; ++snrl) {
582 if (snr2 > vdcl[snrl - 1]) {
583 goto L69;
584 }
585 }
586/* (Note: SNRL = NVDCL here) */
588/* Linear discriminant voicing parameters: */
589 value[0] = *maxmin;
590 value[1] = (real) lbe / max(*lbve,1);
591 value[2] = (real) zc;
592 value[3] = rc1;
593 value[4] = qs;
594 value[5] = ivrc[2];
595 value[6] = ar_b__;
596 value[7] = ar_f__;
597/* Evaluation of linear discriminant function: */
598 voice[*half + 3] = vdc[snrl * 10 - 1];
599 for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 8; ++i__) {
600 voice[*half + 3] += vdc[i__ + snrl * 10 - 11] * value[i__ - 1];
601 }
602/* Classify as voiced if discriminant > 0, otherwise unvoiced */
603/* Voicing decision for current half-frame: 1 = Voiced; 0 = Unvoiced */
604 if (voice[*half + 3] > 0.f) {
605 voibuf[*half + 6] = 1;
606 } else {
607 voibuf[*half + 6] = 0;
608 }
609/* Skip voicing decision smoothing in first half-frame: */
610/* Give a value to VSTATE, so that trace statements below will print
612/* a consistent value from one call to the next when HALF .EQ. 1. */
613/* The value of VSTATE is not used for any other purpose when this is
615/* true. */
616 vstate = -1;
617 if (*half == 1) {
618 goto L99;
619 }
620/* Voicing decision smoothing rules (override of linear combination): */
622/* Unvoiced half-frames: At least two in a row. */
623/* -------------------- */
625/* Voiced half-frames: At least two in a row in one frame. */
626/* ------------------- Otherwise at least three in a row. */
627/* (Due to the way transition frames are encoded) */
629/* In many cases, the discriminant function determines how to smooth. */
630/* In the following chart, the decisions marked with a * may be overridden
633/* Voicing override of transitions at onsets: */
634/* If a V/UV or UV/V voicing decision transition occurs within one-half
636/* frame of an onset bounding a voicing window, then the transition is */
637/* moved to occur at the onset. */
639/* P 1F */
640/* ----- ----- */
641/* 0 0 0 0 */
642/* 0 0 0* 1 (If there is an onset there) */
643/* 0 0 1* 0* (Based on 2F and discriminant distance) */
644/* 0 0 1 1 */
645/* 0 1* 0 0 (Always) */
646/* 0 1* 0* 1 (Based on discriminant distance) */
647/* 0* 1 1 0* (Based on past, 2F, and discriminant distance) */
648/* 0 1* 1 1 (If there is an onset there) */
649/* 1 0* 0 0 (If there is an onset there) */
650/* 1 0 0 1 */
651/* 1 0* 1* 0 (Based on discriminant distance) */
652/* 1 0* 1 1 (Always) */
653/* 1 1 0 0 */
654/* 1 1 0* 1* (Based on 2F and discriminant distance) */
655/* 1 1 1* 0 (If there is an onset there) */
656/* 1 1 1 1 */
658/* Determine if there is an onset transition between P and 1F. */
659/* OT (Onset Transition) is true if there is an onset between */
660/* P and 1F but not after 1F. */
661 ot = ((obound[1] & 2) != 0 || obound[2] == 1) && (obound[3] & 1) == 0;
662/* Multi-way dispatch on voicing decision history: */
663 vstate = (voibuf[3] << 3) + (voibuf[4] << 2) + (voibuf[5] << 1) + voibuf[
664 6];
665 switch (vstate + 1) {
666 case 1: goto L99;
667 case 2: goto L1;
668 case 3: goto L2;
669 case 4: goto L99;
670 case 5: goto L4;
671 case 6: goto L5;
672 case 7: goto L6;
673 case 8: goto L7;
674 case 9: goto L8;
675 case 10: goto L99;
676 case 11: goto L10;
677 case 12: goto L11;
678 case 13: goto L99;
679 case 14: goto L13;
680 case 15: goto L14;
681 case 16: goto L99;
682 }
684 if (ot && voibuf[7] == 1) {
685 voibuf[5] = 1;
686 }
687 goto L99;
689 if (voibuf[7] == 0 || voice[2] < -voice[3]) {
690 voibuf[5] = 0;
691 } else {
692 voibuf[6] = 1;
693 }
694 goto L99;
696 voibuf[4] = 0;
697 goto L99;
699 if (voice[1] < -voice[2]) {
700 voibuf[4] = 0;
701 } else {
702 voibuf[5] = 1;
703 }
704 goto L99;
705/* VOIBUF(2,0) must be 0 */
707 if (voibuf[1] == 1 || voibuf[7] == 1 || voice[3] > voice[0]) {
708 voibuf[6] = 1;
709 } else {
710 voibuf[3] = 1;
711 }
712 goto L99;
714 if (ot) {
715 voibuf[4] = 0;
716 }
717 goto L99;
719 if (ot) {
720 voibuf[4] = 1;
721 }
722 goto L99;
724 if (voice[2] < -voice[1]) {
725 voibuf[5] = 0;
726 } else {
727 voibuf[4] = 1;
728 }
729 goto L99;
731 voibuf[4] = 1;
732 goto L99;
734 if (voibuf[7] == 0 && voice[3] < -voice[2]) {
735 voibuf[6] = 0;
736 } else {
737 voibuf[5] = 1;
738 }
739 goto L99;
741 if (ot && voibuf[7] == 0) {
742 voibuf[5] = 0;
743 }
744/* GOTO 99 */
746/* Now update parameters: */
747/* ---------------------- */
749/* During unvoiced half-frames, update the low band and full band unvoice
751/* energy estimates (LBUE and FBUE) and also the zero crossing */
752/* threshold (DITHER). (The input to the unvoiced energy filters is */
753/* restricted to be less than 10dB above the previous inputs of the */
754/* filters.) */
755/* During voiced half-frames, update the low-pass (LBVE) and all-pass */
756/* (FBVE) voiced energy estimates. */
757 if (voibuf[*half + 6] == 0) {
758/* Computing MIN */
759 i__1 = fbe, i__2 = *ofbue * 3;
760 r__1 = (*sfbue * 63 + (min(i__1,i__2) << 3)) / 64.f;
761 *sfbue = i_nint(&r__1);
762 *fbue = *sfbue / 8;
763 *ofbue = fbe;
764/* Computing MIN */
765 i__1 = lbe, i__2 = *olbue * 3;
766 r__1 = (*slbue * 63 + (min(i__1,i__2) << 3)) / 64.f;
767 *slbue = i_nint(&r__1);
768 *lbue = *slbue / 8;
769 *olbue = lbe;
770 } else {
771 r__1 = (*lbve * 63 + lbe) / 64.f;
772 *lbve = i_nint(&r__1);
773 r__1 = (*fbve * 63 + fbe) / 64.f;
774 *fbve = i_nint(&r__1);
775 }
776/* Set dither threshold to yield proper zero crossing rates in the */
777/* presence of low frequency noise and low level signal input. */
778/* NOTE: The divisor is a function of REF, the expected energies. */
779/* Computing MIN */
780/* Computing MAX */
781 r__2 = (real)(sqrt((real) (*lbue * *lbve)) * 64 / 3000);
782 r__1 = max(r__2,1.f);
783 *dither = min(r__1,20.f);
784/* Voicing decisions are returned in VOIBUF. */
785 return 0;
786} /* voicin_ */
double doublereal
Definition: f2c.h:50
integer i_nint(real *x)
Definition: f2clib.c:80
int vparms_(integer *vwin, real *inbuf, real *lpbuf, integer *buflim, integer *half, real *dither, integer *mintau, integer *zc, integer *lbe, integer *fbe, real *qs, real *rc1, real *ar_b__, real *ar_f__)
Definition: vparms.c:134
#define min(a, b)
Definition: f2c.h:197
#define max(a, b)
Definition: f2c.h:198
float real
Definition: lpc10.h:79
INT32 integer
Definition: lpc10.h:80
INT32 logical
Definition: lpc10.h:81
real voice[6]
Definition: lpc10.h:121
integer lbue
Definition: lpc10.h:122
integer ofbue
Definition: lpc10.h:123
integer lbve
Definition: lpc10.h:122
integer slbue
Definition: lpc10.h:124
integer olbue
Definition: lpc10.h:124
integer fbue
Definition: lpc10.h:122
integer fbve
Definition: lpc10.h:122
integer sfbue
Definition: lpc10.h:123
int value
Definition: syslog.c:37
static int inbuf(struct baseio *bio, FILE *fi)
utility used by inchar(), for base_encode()
Definition: utils.c:590

References lpc10_encoder_state::dither, lpc10_encoder_state::fbue, lpc10_encoder_state::fbve, i_nint(), inbuf(), lpc10_encoder_state::lbue, lpc10_encoder_state::lbve, max, lpc10_encoder_state::maxmin, min, lpc10_encoder_state::ofbue, lpc10_encoder_state::olbue, lpc10_encoder_state::sfbue, lpc10_encoder_state::slbue, lpc10_encoder_state::snr, value, lpc10_encoder_state::voice, and vparms_().

Referenced by analys_().

Variable Documentation


struct { ... } contrl_

◆ corrp

logical corrp

Definition at line 50 of file voicin.c.

◆ lframe

integer lframe

Definition at line 49 of file voicin.c.

◆ order

integer order

Definition at line 49 of file voicin.c.