27#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
76typedef void *(*aco_type_item_alloc)(
const char *category);
84typedef void *(*aco_type_item_find)(
struct ao2_container *newcontainer,
const char *category);
158typedef void *(*aco_snapshot_alloc)(void);
181#define ACO_TYPES(...) { __VA_ARGS__, NULL, }
182#define ACO_FILES(...) { __VA_ARGS__, NULL, }
213#define CONFIG_INFO_STANDARD(name, arr, alloc, ...) \
214static struct aco_info name = { \
215 .module = AST_MODULE, \
216 .global_obj = &arr, \
217 .snapshot_alloc = alloc, \
221#define CONFIG_INFO_CORE(mod, name, arr, alloc, ...) \
222static struct aco_info name = { \
224 .global_obj = &arr, \
225 .snapshot_alloc = alloc, \
229#define CONFIG_INFO_TEST(name, arr, alloc, ...) \
230static struct aco_info name = { \
231 .module = AST_MODULE, \
232 .global_obj = &arr, \
233 .snapshot_alloc = alloc, \
623#define aco_option_register(info, name, matchtype, types, default_val, opt_type, flags, ...) \
624 __aco_option_register(info, name, matchtype, types, default_val, opt_type, NULL, flags, 0, VA_NARGS(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__);
638#define aco_option_register_custom(info, name, matchtype, types, default_val, handler, flags) \
639 __aco_option_register(info, name, matchtype, types, default_val, OPT_CUSTOM_T, handler, flags, 0, 0);
656#define aco_option_register_custom_nodoc(info, name, matchtype, types, default_val, handler, flags) \
657 __aco_option_register(info, name, matchtype, types, default_val, OPT_CUSTOM_T, handler, flags, 1, 0);
738#define ARGMAP(func, func_arg, x, ...) ARGMAP_(VA_NARGS(x, ##__VA_ARGS__), func, func_arg, x, __VA_ARGS__)
744#define ARGMAP_(N, func, func_arg, x, ...) PASTE(ARGMAP_, N)(func, func_arg, N, x, __VA_ARGS__)
750#define PASTE(arg1, arg2) PASTE1(arg1, arg2)
751#define PASTE1(arg1, arg2) arg1##arg2
754#define ARGIFY(...) __VA_ARGS__
763#define ARGMAP_1(func, func_arg, in, x, ...) ARGIFY(in, func(func_arg, x))
764#define ARGMAP_2(func, func_arg, in, x, ...)\
765 ARGMAP_1(func, func_arg, ARGIFY(in, func(func_arg, x)), __VA_ARGS__)
766#define ARGMAP_3(func, func_arg, in, x, ...)\
767 ARGMAP_2(func, func_arg, ARGIFY(in, func(func_arg, x)), __VA_ARGS__)
768#define ARGMAP_4(func, func_arg, in, x, ...)\
769 ARGMAP_3(func, func_arg, ARGIFY(in, func(func_arg, x)), __VA_ARGS__)
770#define ARGMAP_5(func, func_arg, in, x, ...)\
771 ARGMAP_4(func, func_arg, ARGIFY(in, func(func_arg, x)), __VA_ARGS__)
772#define ARGMAP_6(func, func_arg, in, x, ...)\
773 ARGMAP_5(func, func_arg, ARGIFY(in, func(func_arg, x)), __VA_ARGS__)
774#define ARGMAP_7(func, func_arg, in, x, ...)\
775 ARGMAP_6(func, func_arg, ARGIFY(in, func(func_arg, x)), __VA_ARGS__)
776#define ARGMAP_8(func, func_arg, in, x, ...)\
777 ARGMAP_7(func, func_arg, ARGIFY(in, func(func_arg, x)), __VA_ARGS__)
797#define VA_NARGS(...) VA_NARGS1(__VA_ARGS__, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
798#define VA_NARGS1(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, N, ...) N
816#define FLDSET(type, ...) FLDSET1(type, ##__VA_ARGS__)
817#define FLDSET1(type, ...) POPPED(ARGMAP(offsetof, type, ##__VA_ARGS__))
827#define STRFLDSET(type, ...) FLDSET(type, __VA_ARGS__, __field_mgr_pool, __field_mgr)
835#define CHARFLDSET(type, field) ARGIFY(offsetof(type, field), sizeof(((type *)0)->field))
848#define POPPED(...) POPPED1(__VA_ARGS__)
849#define POPPED1(x, ...) __VA_ARGS__
851#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
struct ao2_container * aco_option_container_alloc(void)
Allocate a container to hold config options.
int(* aco_option_handler)(const struct aco_option *opt, struct ast_variable *var, void *obj)
A callback function for handling a particular option.
int aco_option_register_deprecated(struct aco_info *info, const char *name, struct aco_type **types, const char *aliased_to)
Register a deprecated (and aliased) config option.
What kind of matching should be done on an option name.
int aco_set_defaults(struct aco_type *type, const char *category, void *obj)
Set all default options of obj.
void aco_info_destroy(struct aco_info *info)
Destroy an initialized aco_info struct.
Return values for the aco_process functions.
The config had not been edited and no changes applied.
Their was an error and no changes were applied.
The config was processed and applied.
int aco_info_init(struct aco_info *info)
Initialize an aco_info structure.
void *(* aco_snapshot_alloc)(void)
A callback function for allocating an object to hold all config objects.
The option types.
Type for default option handler for unsigned integers.
Type for a default handler that should do nothing.
Type for default option handler for format capabilities.
Type for default option handler for bools (ast_true/ast_false)
Type for default option handler for bools (ast_true/ast_false) that are stored in a flag.
Type for a custom (user-defined) option handler.
Type for default option handler for character array strings.
Type for default option handler for ACLs.
Type for default handler for ast_sockaddrs.
Type for default option handler for bools (ast_true/ast_false)
Type for default option handler for signed integers.
Type for default option handler for time length signed integers.
Type for default option handler for doubles.
Type for default option handler for stringfields.
unsigned int aco_option_get_flags(const struct aco_option *option)
Read the flags of a config option - useful when using a custom callback for a config option.
void(* aco_post_apply_config)(void)
A callback function called only if config changes have been applied.
void *(* aco_type_item_alloc)(const char *category)
Allocate a configurable ao2 object.
int aco_process_category_options(struct aco_type *type, struct ast_config *cfg, const char *cat, void *obj)
Parse each option defined in a config category.
int(* aco_type_item_pre_process)(void *newitem)
Callback function that is called after a config object is initialized with defaults.
intptr_t aco_option_get_argument(const struct aco_option *option, unsigned int position)
Get the offset position for an argument within a config option.
int aco_process_var(struct aco_type *type, const char *cat, struct ast_variable *var, void *obj)
Parse a single ast_variable and apply it to an object.
int(* aco_pre_apply_config)(void)
A callback function to run just prior to applying config changes.
int(* aco_type_prelink)(void *newitem)
Callback function that is called after config processing, but before linking.
void *(* aco_type_item_find)(struct ao2_container *newcontainer, const char *category)
Find a item given a category and container of items.
void * aco_pending_config(struct aco_info *info)
Get pending config changes.
int __aco_option_register(struct aco_info *info, const char *name, enum aco_matchtype match_type, struct aco_type **types, const char *default_val, enum aco_option_type type, aco_option_handler handler, unsigned int flags, unsigned int no_doc, size_t argc,...)
register a config option
int(* aco_matchvalue_func)(const char *text)
A function for determining whether the value for the matchfield in an aco_type is sufficient for a ma...
enum aco_process_status aco_process_config(struct aco_info *info, int reload)
Process a config info via the options registered with an aco_info.
enum aco_process_status aco_process_ast_config(struct aco_info *info, struct aco_file *file, struct ast_config *cfg)
Process config info from an ast_config via options registered with an aco_info.
Configuration File Parser.
The representation of a single configuration file to be processed.
struct aco_type * types[]
const char * skip_category
Bits of aco_info that shouldn't be assigned outside this file.
struct aco_file * files[]
struct ao2_global_obj * global_obj
aco_snapshot_alloc snapshot_alloc
struct aco_info_internal * internal
aco_post_apply_config post_apply_config
aco_pre_apply_config pre_apply_config
Type information about a category-level configurable object.
aco_type_prelink item_prelink
aco_type_item_pre_process item_pre_process
aco_type_item_find item_find
aco_matchvalue_func matchfunc
aco_type_item_alloc item_alloc
struct aco_type_internal * internal
enum aco_category_op category_match
Structure for variables, used for configurations and for channel variables.
static void handler(const char *name, int response_code, struct ast_variable *get_params, struct ast_variable *path_vars, struct ast_variable *headers, struct ast_json *body, struct ast_ari_response *response)