Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-f36a736
Files | |
file | test_abstract_jb.c [code] |
Abstract Jitterbuffer Tests. | |
file | test_acl.c [code] |
ACL unit tests. | |
file | test_aeap.c [code] |
file | test_aeap_speech.c [code] |
file | test_aeap_transaction.c [code] |
file | test_aeap_transport.c [code] |
file | test_amihooks.c [code] |
Test AMI hook. | |
file | test_aoc.c [code] |
Generic AOC encode decode tests. | |
file | test_app.c [code] |
App unit test. | |
file | test_ari.c [code] |
Test ARI API. |
file | test_ari_model.c [code] |
Test the native ARI JSON validators. | |
file | test_ast_format_str_reduce.c [code] |
Test ast_format_str_reduce. | |
file | test_astobj2.c [code] |
astobj2 test module | |
file | test_astobj2_thrash.c [code] |
file | test_astobj2_weaken.c [code] |
astobj2 weakproxy test module | |
file | test_bridging.c [code] |
Bridging unit tests. | |
file | test_bucket.c [code] |
Bucket Unit Tests. | |
file | test_callerid.c [code] |
Callerid Tests. | |
file | test_capture.c [code] |
Make basic use of capture capability in test framework. | |
file | test_cdr.c [code] |
CDR unit tests. | |
file | test_cel.c [code] |
CEL unit tests. | |
file | test_channel.c [code] |
Channel unit tests. | |
file | test_channel_feature_hooks.c [code] |
Channel features unit tests. | |
file | test_config.c [code] |
Configuration unit tests. | |
file | test_conversions.c [code] |
Conversions Unit Tests. | |
file | test_core_codec.c [code] |
Core Codec API Unit Tests. | |
file | test_core_format.c [code] |
Core Format API Unit Tests. | |
file | test_crypto.c [code] |
Unit Tests for crypto API. | |
file | test_data_buffer.c [code] |
Data Buffer API Unit Tests. | |
file | test_db.c [code] |
AstDB Unit Tests. | |
file | test_devicestate.c [code] |
Device State Test Module. | |
file | test_dlinklists.c [code] |
Doubly-Linked List Tests. | |
file | test_dns.c [code] |
file | test_dns_naptr.c [code] |
file | test_dns_query_set.c [code] |
file | test_dns_recurring.c [code] |
file | test_dns_srv.c [code] |
file | test_endpoints.c [code] |
Test endpoints. | |
file | test_event.c [code] |
Tests for the ast_event API. | |
file | test_expr.c [code] |
Expression Tests. | |
file | test_file.c [code] |
file | test_format_cache.c [code] |
Format Cache API Unit Tests. | |
file | test_format_cap.c [code] |
Format Capabilities API Unit Tests. | |
file | test_func_file.c [code] |
Function FILE tests. | |
file | test_gosub.c [code] |
Gosub tests. | |
file | test_hashtab_thrash.c [code] |
file | test_heap.c [code] |
Heap data structure test module. | |
file | test_http_media_cache.c [code] |
Tests for the HTTP media cache backend. | |
file | test_jitterbuf.c [code] |
Unit tests for jitterbuf.c. | |
file | test_json.c [code] |
Test JSON API. | |
file | test_linkedlists.c [code] |
Linked List Tests. | |
file | test_locale.c [code] |
Locale Test. | |
file | test_logger.c [code] |
Test module for the logging subsystem. | |
file | test_media_cache.c [code] |
Tests for the media cache API. | |
file | test_message.c [code] |
file | test_mwi.c [code] |
file | test_named_lock.c [code] |
Named Lock unit tests. | |
file | test_netsock2.c [code] |
Netsock2 Unit Tests. | |
file | test_optional_api.c [code] |
Test optional API. | |
file | test_pbx.c [code] |
PBX Tests. | |
file | test_poll.c [code] |
Poll Tests. | |
file | test_res_pjsip_scheduler.c [code] |
res_pjsip scheduler tests | |
file | test_res_pjsip_session_caps.c [code] |
res_pjsip_session format caps tests | |
file | test_res_prometheus.c [code] |
file | test_res_rtp.c [code] |
RTP/RTCP Unit Tests. | |
file | test_res_stasis.c [code] |
Test Stasis Application API. |
file | test_sched.c [code] |
ast_sched performance test module | |
file | test_scope_trace.c [code] |
Test for Scope Trace. | |
file | test_scoped_lock.c [code] |
SCOPED_LOCK unit tests. | |
file | test_security_events.c [code] |
Test security event generation. | |
file | test_skel.c [code] |
Skeleton Test. | |
file | test_sorcery.c [code] |
Sorcery Unit Tests. | |
file | test_sorcery_astdb.c [code] |
Sorcery Unit Tests. | |
file | test_sorcery_memory_cache_thrash.c [code] |
Sorcery Unit Tests. | |
file | test_sorcery_realtime.c [code] |
Sorcery Unit Tests. | |
file | test_stasis.c [code] |
Test Stasis message bus. | |
file | test_stasis_channels.c [code] |
Test Stasis Channel messages and objects. | |
file | test_stasis_endpoints.c [code] |
Test endpoints. | |
file | test_stasis_state.c [code] |
file | test_stream.c [code] |
Media Stream API Unit Tests. | |
file | test_stringfields.c [code] |
String fields test. | |
file | test_strings.c [code] |
Dynamic string tests. | |
file | test_substitution.c [code] |
Substitution Test. | |
file | test_taskprocessor.c [code] |
taskprocessor unit tests | |
file | test_threadpool.c [code] |
threadpool unit tests | |
file | test_time.c [code] |
Timezone tests. | |
file | test_uri.c [code] |
URI Unit Tests. | |
file | test_utils.c [code] |
Unit Tests for utils API. | |
file | test_uuid.c [code] |
Universally unique identifier tests. | |
file | test_vector.c [code] |
Vector tests. | |
file | test_voicemail_api.c [code] |
Skeleton Test. | |
file | test_websocket_client.c [code] |
Websocket Client Unit Tests. | |
file | test_xml_escape.c [code] |
Test ast_xml_escape. | |