Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-3dee037
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manager.h File Reference

The AMI - Asterisk Manager Interface - is a TCP protocol created to manage Asterisk with third-party software. More...

#include "asterisk/network.h"
#include "asterisk/lock.h"
#include "asterisk/datastore.h"
#include "asterisk/xmldoc.h"
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Data Structures

struct  ast_manager_event_blob
 Struct containing info for an AMI event to send out. More...
struct  manager_action
struct  manager_custom_hook
struct  message


#define AMI_VERSION   "12.0.0"
#define ast_manager_event(chan, category, event, contents, ...)
#define ast_manager_event_multichan(category, event, nchans, chans, contents, ...)    __ast_manager_event_multichan(category, event, nchans, chans, __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, contents , ## __VA_ARGS__);
#define ast_manager_register(action, authority, func, synopsis)   ast_manager_register2(action, authority, func, AST_MODULE_SELF, synopsis, NULL)
 External routines may register/unregister manager callbacks this way. More...
#define ast_manager_register_xml(action, authority, func)   ast_manager_register2(action, authority, func, AST_MODULE_SELF, NULL, NULL)
 Register a manager callback using XML documentation to describe the manager. More...
#define ast_manager_register_xml_core(action, authority, func)   ast_manager_register2(action, authority, func, NULL, NULL, NULL)
 Register a manager callback using XML documentation to describe the manager. More...
#define AST_MAX_MANHEADERS   128
 Export manager structures. More...
#define DEFAULT_MANAGER_PORT   5038 /* Default port for Asterisk management via TCP */
#define DEFAULT_MANAGER_TLS_PORT   5039 /* Default port for Asterisk management via TCP */
#define manager_event(category, event, contents, ...)    __ast_manager_event_multichan(category, event, 0, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, contents , ## __VA_ARGS__)
 External routines may send asterisk manager events this way. More...
#define NO_EXTRA_FIELDS   "%s", ""
Constant return values
Currently, returning anything other than zero causes the session to terminate.
#define AMI_DESTROY   (-1)
#define AMI_SUCCESS   (0)
Manager event classes
#define EVENT_FLAG_AGENT   (1 << 5) /* Ability to read/set agent info */
#define EVENT_FLAG_AGI   (1 << 13) /* AGI events */
#define EVENT_FLAG_AOC   (1 << 16) /* Advice Of Charge events */
#define EVENT_FLAG_CALL   (1 << 1) /* Call event, such as state change, etc */
#define EVENT_FLAG_CC   (1 << 15) /* Call Completion events */
#define EVENT_FLAG_CDR   (1 << 10) /* CDR events */
#define EVENT_FLAG_COMMAND   (1 << 4) /* Ability to read/set commands */
#define EVENT_FLAG_CONFIG   (1 << 7) /* Ability to modify configurations */
#define EVENT_FLAG_DIALPLAN   (1 << 11) /* Dialplan events (VarSet, NewExten) */
#define EVENT_FLAG_DTMF   (1 << 8) /* Ability to read DTMF events */
#define EVENT_FLAG_HOOKRESPONSE   (1 << 14) /* Hook Response */
#define EVENT_FLAG_LOG   (1 << 2) /* Log events */
#define EVENT_FLAG_MESSAGE   (1 << 30) /* MESSAGE events. */
#define EVENT_FLAG_ORIGINATE   (1 << 12) /* Originate a call to an extension */
#define EVENT_FLAG_REPORTING   (1 << 9) /* Reporting events such as rtcp sent */
#define EVENT_FLAG_SECURITY   (1 << 18) /* Security Message as AMI Event */
#define EVENT_FLAG_SYSTEM   (1 << 0) /* System events such as module load/unload */
#define EVENT_FLAG_TEST   (1 << 17) /* Test event used to signal the Asterisk Test Suite */
#define EVENT_FLAG_USER   (1 << 6) /* Ability to read/set user info */
#define EVENT_FLAG_VERBOSE   (1 << 3) /* Verbose messages */


typedef int(* key_exclusion_cb) (const char *key)
 Callback used to determine whether a key should be skipped when converting a JSON object to a manager blob. More...
typedef int(* manager_hangup_cause_validator_t) (const char *channel_name, const char *cause)
 Callback used by ast_manager_hangup_helper that will validate the cause code. More...
typedef void(* manager_hangup_handler_t) (struct ast_channel *chan, int causecode)
 Callback used by ast_manager_hangup_helper that will actually hangup a channel. More...
typedef int(* manager_hook_t) (int category, const char *event, char *body)
 Manager Helper Function. More...


enum  variable_orders { ORDER_NATURAL , ORDER_REVERSE }


int __ast_manager_event_multichan (int category, const char *event, int chancount, struct ast_channel **chans, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *contents,...)
int ast_hook_send_action (struct manager_custom_hook *hook, const char *msg)
 Registered hooks can call this function to invoke actions and they will receive responses through registered callback. More...
struct ast_strast_manager_build_bridge_state_string (const struct ast_bridge_snapshot *snapshot)
 Generate the AMI message body from a bridge snapshot. More...
struct ast_strast_manager_build_bridge_state_string_prefix (const struct ast_bridge_snapshot *snapshot, const char *prefix)
 Generate the AMI message body from a bridge snapshot. More...
struct ast_strast_manager_build_channel_state_string (const struct ast_channel_snapshot *snapshot)
 Generate the AMI message body from a channel snapshot. More...
struct ast_strast_manager_build_channel_state_string_prefix (const struct ast_channel_snapshot *snapshot, const char *prefix)
 Generate the AMI message body from a channel snapshot. More...
int ast_manager_check_enabled (void)
 Check if AMI is enabled. More...
struct ast_manager_event_blobast_manager_event_blob_create (int event_flags, const char *manager_event, const char *extra_fields_fmt,...)
 Construct a ast_manager_event_blob. More...
struct stasis_message_typeast_manager_get_generic_type (void)
 Get the stasis_message_type for generic messages. More...
struct stasis_message_routerast_manager_get_message_router (void)
 Get the stasis_message_router for AMI. More...
struct stasis_topicast_manager_get_topic (void)
 Get the Stasis Message Bus API topic for AMI. More...
int ast_manager_hangup_helper (struct mansession *s, const struct message *m, manager_hangup_handler_t handler, manager_hangup_cause_validator_t cause_validator)
 A manager helper function that hangs up a channel using a supplied channel type specific hangup function and cause code validator. More...
void ast_manager_publish_event (const char *type, int class_type, struct ast_json *obj)
 Publish an event to AMI. More...
int ast_manager_register2 (const char *action, int authority, int(*func)(struct mansession *s, const struct message *m), struct ast_module *module, const char *synopsis, const char *description)
 Register a manager command with the manager interface. More...
void ast_manager_register_hook (struct manager_custom_hook *hook)
 Add a custom hook to be called when an event is fired. More...
struct ast_strast_manager_str_from_json_object (struct ast_json *blob, key_exclusion_cb exclusion_cb)
 Convert a JSON object into an AMI compatible string. More...
int ast_manager_unregister (const char *action)
 Unregister a registered manager command. More...
void ast_manager_unregister_hook (struct manager_custom_hook *hook)
 Delete a custom hook to be called when an event is fired. More...
int ast_str_append_event_header (struct ast_str **fields_string, const char *header, const char *value)
 append an event header to an ast string More...
int ast_webmanager_check_enabled (void)
 Check if AMI/HTTP is enabled. More...
void astman_append (struct mansession *s, const char *fmt,...)
int astman_datastore_add (struct mansession *s, struct ast_datastore *datastore)
 Add a datastore to a session. More...
struct ast_datastoreastman_datastore_find (struct mansession *s, const struct ast_datastore_info *info, const char *uid)
 Find a datastore on a session. More...
int astman_datastore_remove (struct mansession *s, struct ast_datastore *datastore)
 Remove a datastore from a session. More...
const char * astman_get_header (const struct message *m, char *var)
 Get header from manager transaction. More...
struct ast_variableastman_get_variables (const struct message *m)
 Get a linked list of the Variable: headers. More...
struct ast_variableastman_get_variables_order (const struct message *m, enum variable_orders order)
 Get a linked list of the Variable: headers with order specified. More...
int astman_is_authed (uint32_t ident)
 Determine if a manager session ident is authenticated. More...
void astman_live_dangerously (int new_live_dangerously)
 Enable/disable the inclusion of 'dangerous' configurations outside of the ast_config_AST_CONFIG_DIR. More...
void astman_send_ack (struct mansession *s, const struct message *m, char *msg)
 Send ack in manager transaction. More...
void astman_send_error (struct mansession *s, const struct message *m, char *error)
 Send error in manager transaction. More...
void astman_send_error_va (struct mansession *s, const struct message *m, const char *fmt,...)
 Send error in manager transaction (with va_args support) More...
void astman_send_list_complete_end (struct mansession *s)
 End the list complete event. More...
void astman_send_list_complete_start (struct mansession *s, const struct message *m, const char *event_name, int count)
 Start the list complete event. More...
void astman_send_listack (struct mansession *s, const struct message *m, char *msg, char *listflag)
 Send ack in manager transaction to begin a list. More...
void astman_send_response (struct mansession *s, const struct message *m, char *resp, char *msg)
 Send response in manager transaction. More...
int astman_verify_session_readpermissions (uint32_t ident, int perm)
 Verify a session's read permissions against a permission mask. More...
int astman_verify_session_writepermissions (uint32_t ident, int perm)
 Verify a session's write permissions against a permission mask. More...
int manager_bridging_init (void)
 Initialize support for AMI channel events. More...
int manager_channels_init (void)
 Initialize support for AMI channel events. More...
int manager_endpoints_init (void)
 Initialize support for AMI endpoint events. More...
int manager_mwi_init (void)
 Initialize support for AMI MWI events. More...
int manager_system_init (void)
 Initialize support for AMI system events. More...

Detailed Description

The AMI - Asterisk Manager Interface - is a TCP protocol created to manage Asterisk with third-party software.

Manager protocol packages are text fields of the form a: b. There is always exactly one space after the colon.

 For Actions replies, the first line of the reply is a "Response:" header with
 values "success", "error" or "follows". "Follows" implies that the
 response is coming as separate events with the same ActionID. If the
 Action request has no ActionID, it will be hard matching events
 to the Action request in the manager client.

 The first header type is the "Event" header.  Other headers vary from
 event to event.  Headers end with standard \\r\\n termination.
 The last line of the manager response or event is an empty line.
Please try to re-use existing headers to simplify manager message parsing in clients. Don't re-use an existing header with a new meaning, please. You can find a reference of standard headers in doc/manager.txt

Definition in file manager.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AMI_DESTROY   (-1)

Definition at line 67 of file manager.h.


#define AMI_SUCCESS   (0)

Definition at line 66 of file manager.h.


#define AMI_VERSION   "12.0.0"

Definition at line 57 of file manager.h.

◆ ast_manager_event

#define ast_manager_event (   chan,
do { \
struct ast_channel *_chans[] = { chan, }; \
__ast_manager_event_multichan(category, event, 1, _chans, __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, contents , ## __VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
Main Channel structure associated with a channel.
Definition: astman.c:222
const char * contents

Definition at line 255 of file manager.h.

◆ ast_manager_event_multichan

#define ast_manager_event_multichan (   category,
)     __ast_manager_event_multichan(category, event, nchans, chans, __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, contents , ## __VA_ARGS__);

Definition at line 260 of file manager.h.

◆ ast_manager_register

#define ast_manager_register (   action,
)    ast_manager_register2(action, authority, func, AST_MODULE_SELF, synopsis, NULL)

External routines may register/unregister manager callbacks this way.

Use ast_manager_register2() to register with help text for new manager commands

Definition at line 188 of file manager.h.

◆ ast_manager_register_xml

#define ast_manager_register_xml (   action,
)    ast_manager_register2(action, authority, func, AST_MODULE_SELF, NULL, NULL)

Register a manager callback using XML documentation to describe the manager.

Definition at line 191 of file manager.h.

◆ ast_manager_register_xml_core

#define ast_manager_register_xml_core (   action,
)    ast_manager_register2(action, authority, func, NULL, NULL, NULL)

Register a manager callback using XML documentation to describe the manager.

For Asterisk core modules that are not independently loadable.
If you use ast_manager_register_xml() instead when you need to use this function, Asterisk will crash on load.

Definition at line 202 of file manager.h.


#define AST_MAX_MANHEADERS   128

Export manager structures.

Definition at line 100 of file manager.h.


#define DEFAULT_MANAGER_PORT   5038 /* Default port for Asterisk management via TCP */

Definition at line 58 of file manager.h.


#define DEFAULT_MANAGER_TLS_PORT   5039 /* Default port for Asterisk management via TCP */

Definition at line 59 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_AGENT   (1 << 5) /* Ability to read/set agent info */

Definition at line 80 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_AGI   (1 << 13) /* AGI events */

Definition at line 88 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_AOC   (1 << 16) /* Advice Of Charge events */

Definition at line 91 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_CALL   (1 << 1) /* Call event, such as state change, etc */

Definition at line 76 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_CC   (1 << 15) /* Call Completion events */

Definition at line 90 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_CDR   (1 << 10) /* CDR events */

Definition at line 85 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_COMMAND   (1 << 4) /* Ability to read/set commands */

Definition at line 79 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_CONFIG   (1 << 7) /* Ability to modify configurations */

Definition at line 82 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_DIALPLAN   (1 << 11) /* Dialplan events (VarSet, NewExten) */

Definition at line 86 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_DTMF   (1 << 8) /* Ability to read DTMF events */

Definition at line 83 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_HOOKRESPONSE   (1 << 14) /* Hook Response */

Definition at line 89 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_LOG   (1 << 2) /* Log events */

Definition at line 77 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_MESSAGE   (1 << 30) /* MESSAGE events. */

Definition at line 95 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_ORIGINATE   (1 << 12) /* Originate a call to an extension */

Definition at line 87 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_REPORTING   (1 << 9) /* Reporting events such as rtcp sent */

Definition at line 84 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_SECURITY   (1 << 18) /* Security Message as AMI Event */

Definition at line 93 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_SYSTEM   (1 << 0) /* System events such as module load/unload */

Definition at line 75 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_TEST   (1 << 17) /* Test event used to signal the Asterisk Test Suite */

Definition at line 92 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_USER   (1 << 6) /* Ability to read/set user info */

Definition at line 81 of file manager.h.


#define EVENT_FLAG_VERBOSE   (1 << 3) /* Verbose messages */

Definition at line 78 of file manager.h.

◆ manager_event

#define manager_event (   category,
)     __ast_manager_event_multichan(category, event, 0, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, contents , ## __VA_ARGS__)

External routines may send asterisk manager events this way.

categoryEvent category, matches manager authorization
eventEvent name
contentsContents of event

Definition at line 253 of file manager.h.


#define NO_EXTRA_FIELDS   "%s", ""

GCC warns about blank or NULL format strings. So, shenanigans!

Definition at line 533 of file manager.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ key_exclusion_cb

typedef int(* key_exclusion_cb) (const char *key)

Callback used to determine whether a key should be skipped when converting a JSON object to a manager blob.

keyKey from JSON blob to be evaluated
Return values
non-zeroif the key should be excluded
zeroif the key should not be excluded

Definition at line 455 of file manager.h.

◆ manager_hangup_cause_validator_t

typedef int(* manager_hangup_cause_validator_t) (const char *channel_name, const char *cause)

Callback used by ast_manager_hangup_helper that will validate the cause code.

channel_nameMostly for displaying log messages
causeCause code string
integer cause code

Definition at line 642 of file manager.h.

◆ manager_hangup_handler_t

typedef void(* manager_hangup_handler_t) (struct ast_channel *chan, int causecode)

Callback used by ast_manager_hangup_helper that will actually hangup a channel.

chanThe channel to hang up
causecodeCause code to set on the channel

Definition at line 631 of file manager.h.

◆ manager_hook_t

typedef int(* manager_hook_t) (int category, const char *event, char *body)

Manager Helper Function.

categoryThe class authorization category of the event
eventThe name of the event being raised
bodyThe body of the event
Return values

Definition at line 111 of file manager.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ variable_orders


Definition at line 287 of file manager.h.

287 {
Definition: manager.h:288
Definition: manager.h:289

Function Documentation

◆ ast_manager_build_bridge_state_string()

struct ast_str * ast_manager_build_bridge_state_string ( const struct ast_bridge_snapshot snapshot)

Generate the AMI message body from a bridge snapshot.

snapshotthe bridge snapshot for which to generate an AMI message body
Return values
NULLon error
ast_str* on success (must be ast_freed by caller)

Definition at line 267 of file manager_bridges.c.

struct ast_str * ast_manager_build_bridge_state_string_prefix(const struct ast_bridge_snapshot *snapshot, const char *prefix)
Generate the AMI message body from a bridge snapshot.

References ast_manager_build_bridge_state_string_prefix().

Referenced by blind_transfer_to_ami(), bridge_snapshot_update(), channel_enter_cb(), channel_leave_cb(), confbridge_publish_manager_event(), manager_bridge_info(), and send_bridge_list_item_cb().

◆ ast_manager_build_bridge_state_string_prefix()

struct ast_str * ast_manager_build_bridge_state_string_prefix ( const struct ast_bridge_snapshot snapshot,
const char *  prefix 

Generate the AMI message body from a bridge snapshot.

snapshotthe bridge snapshot for which to generate an AMI message body
prefixWhat to prepend to the bridge fields
Return values
NULLon error
ast_str* on success (must be ast_freed by caller)

Definition at line 223 of file manager_bridges.c.

227 struct ast_str *out = ast_str_create(128);
228 int res;
230 if (!out) {
231 return NULL;
232 }
234 res = ast_str_set(&out, 0,
235 "%sBridgeUniqueid: %s\r\n"
236 "%sBridgeType: %s\r\n"
237 "%sBridgeTechnology: %s\r\n"
238 "%sBridgeCreator: %s\r\n"
239 "%sBridgeName: %s\r\n"
240 "%sBridgeNumChannels: %u\r\n"
241 "%sBridgeVideoSourceMode: %s\r\n",
242 prefix, snapshot->uniqueid,
243 prefix, snapshot->subclass,
244 prefix, snapshot->technology,
245 prefix, ast_strlen_zero(snapshot->creator) ? "<unknown>": snapshot->creator,
246 prefix, ast_strlen_zero(snapshot->name) ? "<unknown>": snapshot->name,
247 prefix, snapshot->num_channels,
249 if (!res) {
250 ast_free(out);
251 return NULL;
252 }
255 && !ast_strlen_zero(snapshot->video_source_id)) {
256 res = ast_str_append(&out, 0, "%sBridgeVideoSource: %s\r\n",
257 prefix, snapshot->video_source_id);
258 if (!res) {
259 ast_free(out);
260 return NULL;
261 }
262 }
264 return out;
#define ast_free(a)
Definition: astmm.h:180
const char * ast_bridge_video_mode_to_string(enum ast_bridge_video_mode_type video_mode)
Converts an enum representation of a bridge video mode to string.
Definition: bridge.c:3951
Definition: bridge.h:100
static char prefix[MAX_PREFIX]
Definition: http.c:144
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
int ast_str_append(struct ast_str **buf, ssize_t max_len, const char *fmt,...)
Append to a thread local dynamic string.
Definition: strings.h:1139
static force_inline int attribute_pure ast_strlen_zero(const char *s)
Definition: strings.h:65
#define ast_str_create(init_len)
Create a malloc'ed dynamic length string.
Definition: strings.h:659
int ast_str_set(struct ast_str **buf, ssize_t max_len, const char *fmt,...)
Set a dynamic string using variable arguments.
Definition: strings.h:1113
enum ast_bridge_video_mode_type video_mode
Definition: bridge.h:341
const ast_string_field video_source_id
Definition: bridge.h:328
const ast_string_field creator
Definition: bridge.h:328
const ast_string_field uniqueid
Definition: bridge.h:328
unsigned int num_channels
Definition: bridge.h:337
const ast_string_field technology
Definition: bridge.h:328
const ast_string_field name
Definition: bridge.h:328
const ast_string_field subclass
Definition: bridge.h:328
Support for dynamic strings.
Definition: strings.h:623
FILE * out
Definition: utils/frame.c:33

References AST_BRIDGE_VIDEO_MODE_NONE, ast_bridge_video_mode_to_string(), ast_free, ast_str_append(), ast_str_create, ast_str_set(), ast_strlen_zero(), ast_bridge_snapshot::creator, ast_bridge_snapshot::name, NULL, ast_bridge_snapshot::num_channels, out, prefix, ast_bridge_snapshot::subclass, ast_bridge_snapshot::technology, ast_bridge_snapshot::uniqueid, ast_bridge_snapshot::video_mode, and ast_bridge_snapshot::video_source_id.

Referenced by ast_manager_build_bridge_state_string(), attended_transfer_to_ami(), bridge_merge_cb(), and multi_object_blob_to_ami().

◆ ast_manager_build_channel_state_string()

struct ast_str * ast_manager_build_channel_state_string ( const struct ast_channel_snapshot snapshot)

Generate the AMI message body from a channel snapshot.

snapshotthe channel snapshot for which to generate an AMI message body
Return values
NULLon error
ast_str* on success (must be ast_freed by caller)

Definition at line 539 of file manager_channels.c.

struct ast_str * ast_manager_build_channel_state_string_prefix(const struct ast_channel_snapshot *snapshot, const char *prefix)
Generate the AMI message body from a channel snapshot.

References ast_manager_build_channel_state_string_prefix().

Referenced by action_agents(), action_confbridgelist_item(), agent_login_to_ami(), agent_logoff_to_ami(), agi_channel_to_ami(), aoc_to_ami(), call_pickup_to_ami(), channel_dial_cb(), channel_dtmf_begin_cb(), channel_dtmf_end_cb(), channel_enter_cb(), channel_fax_cb(), channel_flash_cb(), channel_hangup_handler_cb(), channel_hangup_request_cb(), channel_hold_cb(), channel_leave_cb(), channel_mixmonitor_mute_cb(), channel_moh_start_cb(), channel_snapshot_update(), channel_unhold_cb(), channel_wink_cb(), confbridge_publish_manager_event(), dahdichannel_to_ami(), generate_status(), meetme_stasis_cb(), mwi_app_event_cb(), mwi_update_cb(), publish_basic_channel_event(), queue_channel_to_ami(), queue_multi_channel_to_ami(), rtcp_report_to_ami(), send_bridge_info_item_cb(), talking_start_to_ami(), talking_stop_to_ami(), and varset_to_ami().

◆ ast_manager_build_channel_state_string_prefix()

struct ast_str * ast_manager_build_channel_state_string_prefix ( const struct ast_channel_snapshot snapshot,
const char *  prefix 

Generate the AMI message body from a channel snapshot.

snapshotthe channel snapshot for which to generate an AMI message body
prefixWhat to prepend to the channel fields
Return values
NULLon error
ast_str* on success (must be ast_freed by caller)

Definition at line 461 of file manager_channels.c.

465 struct ast_str *out;
466 char *caller_name;
467 char *connected_name;
468 int res;
470 if (!snapshot || (snapshot->base->tech_properties & AST_CHAN_TP_INTERNAL)) {
471 return NULL;
472 }
474 out = ast_str_create(1024);
475 if (!out) {
476 return NULL;
477 }
479 caller_name = ast_escape_c_alloc(snapshot->caller->name);
480 connected_name = ast_escape_c_alloc(snapshot->connected->name);
482 res = ast_str_set(&out, 0,
483 "%sChannel: %s\r\n"
484 "%sChannelState: %u\r\n"
485 "%sChannelStateDesc: %s\r\n"
486 "%sCallerIDNum: %s\r\n"
487 "%sCallerIDName: %s\r\n"
488 "%sConnectedLineNum: %s\r\n"
489 "%sConnectedLineName: %s\r\n"
490 "%sLanguage: %s\r\n"
491 "%sAccountCode: %s\r\n"
492 "%sContext: %s\r\n"
493 "%sExten: %s\r\n"
494 "%sPriority: %d\r\n"
495 "%sUniqueid: %s\r\n"
496 "%sLinkedid: %s\r\n",
497 prefix, snapshot->base->name,
498 prefix, snapshot->state,
499 prefix, ast_state2str(snapshot->state),
500 prefix, S_OR(snapshot->caller->number, "<unknown>"),
501 prefix, S_OR(caller_name, "<unknown>"),
502 prefix, S_OR(snapshot->connected->number, "<unknown>"),
503 prefix, S_OR(connected_name, "<unknown>"),
504 prefix, snapshot->base->language,
505 prefix, snapshot->base->accountcode,
506 prefix, snapshot->dialplan->context,
507 prefix, snapshot->dialplan->exten,
508 prefix, snapshot->dialplan->priority,
509 prefix, snapshot->base->uniqueid,
510 prefix, snapshot->peer->linkedid);
512 ast_free(caller_name);
513 ast_free(connected_name);
515 if (!res) {
516 ast_free(out);
517 return NULL;
518 }
520 if (!ast_strlen_zero(snapshot->base->tenantid)) {
521 ast_str_append(&out, 0, "%sTenantid: %s\r\n", prefix, snapshot->base->tenantid);
522 }
524 if (snapshot->manager_vars) {
525 struct ast_var_t *var;
526 char *val;
528 val = ast_escape_c_alloc(var->value);
529 ast_str_append(&out, 0, "%sChanVariable: %s=%s\r\n",
530 prefix,
531 var->name, S_OR(val, ""));
532 ast_free(val);
533 }
534 }
536 return out;
#define var
Definition: ast_expr2f.c:605
Channels with this particular technology are an implementation detail of Asterisk and should generall...
Definition: channel.h:991
const char * ast_state2str(enum ast_channel_state state)
Gives the string form of a given channel state.
Definition: channel.c:636
#define AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(head, var, field)
Loops over (traverses) the entries in a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:491
#define S_OR(a, b)
returns the equivalent of logic or for strings: first one if not empty, otherwise second one.
Definition: strings.h:80
char * ast_escape_c_alloc(const char *s)
Escape standard 'C' sequences in the given string.
Definition: utils.c:2140
const ast_string_field language
const ast_string_field tenantid
const ast_string_field accountcode
const ast_string_field uniqueid
const ast_string_field name
const ast_string_field number
const ast_string_field name
const ast_string_field context
const ast_string_field exten
struct ast_channel_snapshot_connected * connected
struct varshead * manager_vars
struct ast_channel_snapshot_dialplan * dialplan
struct ast_channel_snapshot_peer * peer
struct ast_channel_snapshot_base * base
enum ast_channel_state state
struct ast_channel_snapshot_caller * caller
struct ast_var_t::@211 entries
Definition: ast_expr2.c:325

References ast_channel_snapshot_base::accountcode, AST_CHAN_TP_INTERNAL, ast_escape_c_alloc(), ast_free, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE, ast_state2str(), ast_str_append(), ast_str_create, ast_str_set(), ast_strlen_zero(), ast_channel_snapshot::base, ast_channel_snapshot::caller, ast_channel_snapshot::connected, ast_channel_snapshot_dialplan::context, ast_channel_snapshot::dialplan, ast_var_t::entries, ast_channel_snapshot_dialplan::exten, ast_channel_snapshot_base::language, ast_channel_snapshot_peer::linkedid, ast_channel_snapshot::manager_vars, ast_channel_snapshot_caller::name, ast_channel_snapshot_connected::name, ast_channel_snapshot_base::name, NULL, ast_channel_snapshot_caller::number, ast_channel_snapshot_connected::number, out, ast_channel_snapshot::peer, prefix, ast_channel_snapshot_dialplan::priority, S_OR, ast_channel_snapshot::state, ast_channel_snapshot_base::tech_properties, ast_channel_snapshot_base::tenantid, ast_channel_snapshot_base::uniqueid, and var.

Referenced by action_coreshowchannels(), ast_manager_build_channel_state_string(), attended_transfer_to_ami(), blind_transfer_to_ami(), call_pickup_to_ami(), channel_chanspy_start_cb(), channel_chanspy_stop_cb(), channel_dial_cb(), local_message_to_ami(), manager_build_parked_call_string(), multi_object_blob_to_ami(), and queue_multi_channel_to_ami().

◆ ast_manager_event_blob_create()

struct ast_manager_event_blob * ast_manager_event_blob_create ( int  event_flags,
const char *  manager_event,
const char *  extra_fields_fmt,

Construct a ast_manager_event_blob.


The returned object is AO2 managed, so clean up with ao2_cleanup().

event_flagsFlags the event should be raised with.
manager_eventThe event to be raised, should be a string literal.
extra_fields_fmtFormat string for extra fields to include. Or NO_EXTRA_FIELDS for no extra fields.
New ast_manager_event_blob object.
Return values
NULLon error.

Definition at line 10128 of file manager.c.

10134 struct ast_manager_event_blob *ev;
10135 va_list argp;
10137 ast_assert(extra_fields_fmt != NULL);
10141 if (!ev) {
10142 return NULL;
10143 }
10145 if (ast_string_field_init(ev, 20)) {
10146 ao2_ref(ev, -1);
10147 return NULL;
10148 }
10153 va_start(argp, extra_fields_fmt);
10154 ast_string_field_ptr_build_va(ev, &ev->extra_fields, extra_fields_fmt, argp);
10155 va_end(argp);
10157 return ev;
Definition: astobj2.h:367
#define ao2_ref(o, delta)
Reference/unreference an object and return the old refcount.
Definition: astobj2.h:459
#define ao2_alloc_options(data_size, destructor_fn, options)
Definition: astobj2.h:404
static void manager_event_blob_dtor(void *obj)
Definition: manager.c:10119
#define manager_event(category, event, contents,...)
External routines may send asterisk manager events this way.
Definition: manager.h:253
#define ast_string_field_ptr_build_va(x, ptr, fmt, args)
Set a field to a complex (built) value with prebuilt va_lists.
Definition: stringfields.h:573
#define ast_string_field_init(x, size)
Initialize a field pool and fields.
Definition: stringfields.h:359
Struct containing info for an AMI event to send out.
Definition: manager.h:502
const ast_string_field extra_fields
Definition: manager.h:507
const char * manager_event
Definition: manager.h:504
#define ast_assert(a)
Definition: utils.h:739

References AO2_ALLOC_OPT_LOCK_NOLOCK, ao2_alloc_options, ao2_ref, ast_assert, ast_string_field_init, ast_string_field_ptr_build_va, ast_manager_event_blob::event_flags, ast_manager_event_blob::extra_fields, manager_event, ast_manager_event_blob::manager_event, manager_event_blob_dtor(), and NULL.

Referenced by agent_login_to_ami(), agent_logoff_to_ami(), agi_channel_to_ami(), aoc_to_ami(), attended_transfer_to_ami(), blind_transfer_to_ami(), bridge_create(), bridge_destroy(), bridge_video_update(), call_pickup_to_ami(), cc_available_to_ami(), cc_callerrecalling_to_ami(), cc_callerstartmonitoring_to_ami(), cc_callerstopmonitoring_to_ami(), cc_failure_to_ami(), cc_monitorfailed_to_ami(), cc_offertimerstart_to_ami(), cc_recallcomplete_to_ami(), cc_requestacknowledged_to_ami(), cc_requested_to_ami(), channel_new_accountcode(), channel_new_callerid(), channel_new_connected_line(), channel_newexten(), channel_state_change(), contactstatus_to_ami(), dahdichannel_to_ami(), devstate_to_ami(), fake_ami(), local_message_to_ami(), multi_user_event_to_ami(), peerstatus_to_ami(), presence_state_to_ami(), queue_channel_to_ami(), queue_member_to_ami(), queue_multi_channel_to_ami(), rtcp_report_to_ami(), security_event_to_ami_blob(), system_registry_to_ami(), talking_start_to_ami(), talking_stop_to_ami(), and varset_to_ami().

◆ ast_manager_get_generic_type()

struct stasis_message_type * ast_manager_get_generic_type ( void  )

Get the stasis_message_type for generic messages.


A generic AMI message expects a JSON only payload. The payload must have the following structure: {type: s, class_type: i, event: [ {s: s}, ...] }

  • type is the AMI event type
  • class_type is the class authorization type for the event
  • event is a list of key/value tuples to be sent out in the message
A stasis_message_type for AMI messages

Referenced by __init_manager(), ast_manager_publish_event(), load_module(), manager_shutdown(), manager_subscriptions_init(), mwi_startup_event_cb(), publish_load_message_type(), startup_event_cb(), and subscription_persistence_event_cb().

◆ ast_str_append_event_header()

int ast_str_append_event_header ( struct ast_str **  fields_string,
const char *  header,
const char *  value 

append an event header to an ast string

fields_stringpointer to an ast_string pointer. It may be a pointer to a NULL ast_str pointer, in which case the ast_str will be initialized.
headerThe header being applied
valuethe value of the header
Return values
0if successful
non-zeroon failure

Definition at line 10106 of file manager.c.

10109 if (!*fields_string) {
10110 *fields_string = ast_str_create(128);
10111 if (!*fields_string) {
10112 return -1;
10113 }
10114 }
10116 return (ast_str_append(fields_string, 0, "%s: %s\r\n", header, value) < 0) ? -1 : 0;
int value
Definition: syslog.c:37

References ast_str_append(), ast_str_create, and value.

Referenced by confbridge_talking_cb(), get_bool_header(), and meetme_stasis_cb().

◆ astman_datastore_add()

int astman_datastore_add ( struct mansession s,
struct ast_datastore datastore 

Add a datastore to a session.

Return values

Definition at line 10067 of file manager.c.

10069 AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&s->session->datastores, datastore, entry);
10071 return 0;
#define AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(head, elm, field)
Inserts a list entry at the head of a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:711
Definition: search.h:40
struct mansession_session::mansession_datastores datastores
struct mansession_session * session
Definition: manager.c:327

References AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD, mansession_session::datastores, and mansession::session.

◆ astman_datastore_find()

struct ast_datastore * astman_datastore_find ( struct mansession s,
const struct ast_datastore_info info,
const char *  uid 

Find a datastore on a session.

pointer to the datastore if found
Return values
NULLif not found

Definition at line 10079 of file manager.c.

10081 struct ast_datastore *datastore = NULL;
10083 if (info == NULL)
10084 return NULL;
10087 if (datastore->info != info) {
10088 continue;
10089 }
10091 if (uid == NULL) {
10092 /* matched by type only */
10093 break;
10094 }
10096 if ((datastore->uid != NULL) && !strcasecmp(uid, datastore->uid)) {
10097 /* Matched by type AND uid */
10098 break;
10099 }
10100 }
10103 return datastore;
Closes a safe loop traversal block.
Definition: linkedlists.h:615
#define AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(head, var, field)
Loops safely over (traverses) the entries in a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:529
def info(msg)
Structure for a data store object.
Definition: datastore.h:64
const struct ast_datastore_info * info
Definition: datastore.h:67
const char * uid
Definition: datastore.h:65

References AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END, mansession_session::datastores, sip_to_pjsip::info(), ast_datastore::info, NULL, mansession::session, and ast_datastore::uid.

◆ astman_datastore_remove()

int astman_datastore_remove ( struct mansession s,
struct ast_datastore datastore 

Remove a datastore from a session.

Return values

Definition at line 10074 of file manager.c.

10076 return AST_LIST_REMOVE(&s->session->datastores, datastore, entry) ? 0 : -1;
#define AST_LIST_REMOVE(head, elm, field)
Removes a specific entry from a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:856

References AST_LIST_REMOVE, mansession_session::datastores, and mansession::session.

◆ astman_is_authed()

int astman_is_authed ( uint32_t  ident)

Determine if a manager session ident is authenticated.

Definition at line 7900 of file manager.c.

7902 int authed;
7905 if (!(session = find_session(ident, 0)))
7906 return 0;
7908 authed = (session->authenticated != 0);
7913 return authed;
static struct ast_mansession session
#define ao2_unlock(a)
Definition: astobj2.h:729
static struct mansession_session * unref_mansession(struct mansession_session *s)
Unreference manager session object. If no more references, then go ahead and delete it.
Definition: manager.c:917
static struct mansession_session * find_session(uint32_t ident, int incinuse)
Definition: manager.c:7828

References ao2_unlock, find_session(), session, and unref_mansession().

Referenced by http_post_callback(), and static_callback().

◆ astman_verify_session_readpermissions()

int astman_verify_session_readpermissions ( uint32_t  ident,
int  perm 

Verify a session's read permissions against a permission mask.

identsession identity
permpermission mask to verify
Return values
1if the session has the permission mask capabilities

Definition at line 7916 of file manager.c.

7918 int result = 0;
7920 struct ao2_container *sessions;
7921 struct ao2_iterator i;
7923 if (ident == 0) {
7924 return 0;
7925 }
7927 sessions = ao2_global_obj_ref(mgr_sessions);
7928 if (!sessions) {
7929 return 0;
7930 }
7932 ao2_ref(sessions, -1);
7933 while ((session = ao2_iterator_next(&i))) {
7935 if ((session->managerid == ident) && (session->readperm & perm)) {
7936 result = 1;
7939 break;
7940 }
7943 }
7946 return result;
#define ao2_iterator_next(iter)
Definition: astobj2.h:1911
#define ao2_global_obj_ref(holder)
Get a reference to the object stored in the global holder.
Definition: astobj2.h:918
struct ao2_iterator ao2_iterator_init(struct ao2_container *c, int flags) attribute_warn_unused_result
Create an iterator for a container.
#define ao2_lock(a)
Definition: astobj2.h:717
void ao2_iterator_destroy(struct ao2_iterator *iter)
Destroy a container iterator.
static PGresult * result
Definition: cel_pgsql.c:84
static struct unistimsession * sessions
Generic container type.
When we need to walk through a container, we use an ao2_iterator to keep track of the current positio...
Definition: astobj2.h:1821

References ao2_global_obj_ref, ao2_iterator_destroy(), ao2_iterator_init(), ao2_iterator_next, ao2_lock, ao2_ref, ao2_unlock, result, session, sessions, and unref_mansession().

◆ astman_verify_session_writepermissions()

int astman_verify_session_writepermissions ( uint32_t  ident,
int  perm 

Verify a session's write permissions against a permission mask.

identsession identity
permpermission mask to verify
Return values
1if the session has the permission mask capabilities, otherwise 0

Definition at line 7949 of file manager.c.

7951 int result = 0;
7953 struct ao2_container *sessions;
7954 struct ao2_iterator i;
7956 if (ident == 0) {
7957 return 0;
7958 }
7960 sessions = ao2_global_obj_ref(mgr_sessions);
7961 if (!sessions) {
7962 return 0;
7963 }
7965 ao2_ref(sessions, -1);
7966 while ((session = ao2_iterator_next(&i))) {
7968 if ((session->managerid == ident) && (session->writeperm & perm)) {
7969 result = 1;
7972 break;
7973 }
7976 }
7979 return result;

References ao2_global_obj_ref, ao2_iterator_destroy(), ao2_iterator_init(), ao2_iterator_next, ao2_lock, ao2_ref, ao2_unlock, result, session, sessions, and unref_mansession().

Referenced by http_post_callback().

◆ manager_bridging_init()

int manager_bridging_init ( void  )

Initialize support for AMI channel events.

Return values
0on success.
non-zeroon error.

Definition at line 683 of file manager_bridges.c.

685 int ret = 0;
687 struct stasis_topic *bridge_topic;
690 /* Already initialized */
691 return 0;
692 }
697 if (!manager_topic) {
698 return -1;
699 }
701 bridge_topic = ast_bridge_topic_all();
702 if (!bridge_topic) {
703 return -1;
704 }
707 if (!topic_forwarder) {
708 return -1;
709 }
712 if (!bridge_state_router) {
713 return -1;
714 }
729 ret |= ast_manager_register_xml_core("BridgeInfo", 0, manager_bridge_info);
730 ret |= ast_manager_register_xml_core("BridgeDestroy", 0, manager_bridge_destroy);
731 ret |= ast_manager_register_xml_core("BridgeKick", 0, manager_bridge_kick);
733 /* If somehow we failed to add any routes, just shut down the whole
734 * thing and fail it.
735 */
736 if (ret) {
738 return -1;
739 }
741 return 0;
int ast_register_cleanup(void(*func)(void))
Register a function to be executed before Asterisk gracefully exits.
Definition: clicompat.c:19
struct stasis_message_router * ast_manager_get_message_router(void)
Get the stasis_message_router for AMI.
Definition: manager.c:458
struct stasis_topic * ast_manager_get_topic(void)
Get the Stasis Message Bus API topic for AMI.
Definition: manager.c:453
static struct stasis_topic * manager_topic
A stasis_topic that all topics AMI cares about will be forwarded to.
Definition: manager.c:185
#define ast_manager_register_xml_core(action, authority, func)
Register a manager callback using XML documentation to describe the manager.
Definition: manager.h:202
static void bridge_merge_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static struct stasis_message_router * bridge_state_router
Message router for cached bridge state snapshot updates.
static void channel_leave_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static int manager_bridge_kick(struct mansession *s, const struct message *m)
static int manager_bridges_list(struct mansession *s, const struct message *m)
static void manager_bridging_cleanup(void)
static int manager_bridge_destroy(struct mansession *s, const struct message *m)
static int manager_bridge_info(struct mansession *s, const struct message *m)
static void bridge_snapshot_update(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_enter_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static struct stasis_forward * topic_forwarder
The Stasis Message Bus API subscription returned by the forwarding of the channel topic to the manage...
struct stasis_forward * stasis_forward_all(struct stasis_topic *from_topic, struct stasis_topic *to_topic)
Create a subscription which forwards all messages from one topic to another.
Definition: stasis.c:1579
struct stasis_message_type * ast_bridge_snapshot_type(void)
Message type for ast_bridge_snapshot.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_entered_bridge_type(void)
Message type for ast_channel enter bridge blob messages.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_bridge_merge_message_type(void)
Message type for ast_bridge_merge_message.
struct stasis_topic * ast_bridge_topic_all(void)
A topic which publishes the events for all bridges.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_left_bridge_type(void)
Message type for ast_channel leave bridge blob messages.
int stasis_message_router_add(struct stasis_message_router *router, struct stasis_message_type *message_type, stasis_subscription_cb callback, void *data)
Add a route to a message router.

References ast_bridge_merge_message_type(), ast_bridge_snapshot_type(), ast_bridge_topic_all(), ast_channel_entered_bridge_type(), ast_channel_left_bridge_type(), ast_manager_get_message_router(), ast_manager_get_topic(), ast_manager_register_xml_core, ast_register_cleanup(), bridge_merge_cb(), bridge_snapshot_update(), bridge_state_router, channel_enter_cb(), channel_leave_cb(), manager_bridge_destroy(), manager_bridge_info(), manager_bridge_kick(), manager_bridges_list(), manager_bridging_cleanup(), manager_topic, NULL, stasis_forward_all(), stasis_message_router_add(), and topic_forwarder.

Referenced by subscribe_all().

◆ manager_channels_init()

int manager_channels_init ( void  )

Initialize support for AMI channel events.

Return values
0on success.
non-zeroon error.

Definition at line 1312 of file manager_channels.c.

1314 int ret = 0;
1316 struct stasis_topic *channel_topic;
1317 struct stasis_message_router *message_router;
1320 if (!manager_topic) {
1321 return -1;
1322 }
1323 message_router = ast_manager_get_message_router();
1324 if (!message_router) {
1325 return -1;
1326 }
1327 channel_topic = ast_channel_topic_all();
1328 if (!channel_topic) {
1329 return -1;
1330 }
1333 if (!topic_forwarder) {
1334 return -1;
1335 }
1339 /* The snapshot type has a special handler as it can result in multiple
1340 * manager events being queued due to aspects of the snapshot itself
1341 * changing.
1342 */
1343 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1346 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1349 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1352 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1355 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1358 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1360 NULL);
1362 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1365 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1368 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1371 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1374 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1376 NULL);
1378 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1381 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1383 NULL);
1385 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1388 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1391 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1394 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1397 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
1400 /* If somehow we failed to add any routes, just shut down the whole
1401 * thing and fail it.
1402 */
1403 if (ret) {
1405 return -1;
1406 }
1408 return 0;
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_mixmonitor_mute_type(void)
Message type for muting or unmuting mixmonitor on a channel.
struct stasis_topic * ast_channel_topic_all(void)
A topic which publishes the events for all channels.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_hold_type(void)
Message type for when a channel is placed on hold.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_chanspy_start_type(void)
Message type for when a channel starts spying on another channel.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_chanspy_stop_type(void)
Message type for when a channel stops spying on another channel.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_dtmf_begin_type(void)
Message type for when DTMF begins on a channel.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_mixmonitor_stop_type(void)
Message type for stopping mixmonitor on a channel.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_hangup_handler_type(void)
Message type for hangup handler related actions.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_dial_type(void)
Message type for when a channel dials another channel.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_moh_stop_type(void)
Message type for stopping music on hold on a channel.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_unhold_type(void)
Message type for when a channel is removed from hold.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_hangup_request_type(void)
Message type for when a hangup is requested on a channel.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_flash_type(void)
Message type for when a hook flash occurs on a channel.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_snapshot_type(void)
Message type for ast_channel_snapshot_update.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_fax_type(void)
Message type for a fax operation.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_dtmf_end_type(void)
Message type for when DTMF ends on a channel.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_wink_type(void)
Message type for when a wink occurs on a channel.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_moh_start_type(void)
Message type for starting music on hold on a channel.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_channel_mixmonitor_start_type(void)
Message type for starting mixmonitor on a channel.
static void channel_flash_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_hangup_handler_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_chanspy_stop_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_snapshot_update(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_mixmonitor_start_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_dtmf_end_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_mixmonitor_stop_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_dial_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
Callback processing messages for channel dialing.
static void channel_hold_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_moh_start_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_wink_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_fax_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_chanspy_start_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_hangup_request_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_dtmf_begin_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_moh_stop_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void channel_mixmonitor_mute_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static void manager_channels_shutdown(void)
static struct stasis_forward * topic_forwarder
The Stasis Message Bus API subscription returned by the forwarding of the channel topic to the manage...
static void channel_unhold_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)

References ast_channel_chanspy_start_type(), ast_channel_chanspy_stop_type(), ast_channel_dial_type(), ast_channel_dtmf_begin_type(), ast_channel_dtmf_end_type(), ast_channel_fax_type(), ast_channel_flash_type(), ast_channel_hangup_handler_type(), ast_channel_hangup_request_type(), ast_channel_hold_type(), ast_channel_mixmonitor_mute_type(), ast_channel_mixmonitor_start_type(), ast_channel_mixmonitor_stop_type(), ast_channel_moh_start_type(), ast_channel_moh_stop_type(), ast_channel_snapshot_type(), ast_channel_topic_all(), ast_channel_unhold_type(), ast_channel_wink_type(), ast_manager_get_message_router(), ast_manager_get_topic(), ast_register_cleanup(), channel_chanspy_start_cb(), channel_chanspy_stop_cb(), channel_dial_cb(), channel_dtmf_begin_cb(), channel_dtmf_end_cb(), channel_fax_cb(), channel_flash_cb(), channel_hangup_handler_cb(), channel_hangup_request_cb(), channel_hold_cb(), channel_mixmonitor_mute_cb(), channel_mixmonitor_start_cb(), channel_mixmonitor_stop_cb(), channel_moh_start_cb(), channel_moh_stop_cb(), channel_snapshot_update(), channel_unhold_cb(), channel_wink_cb(), manager_channels_shutdown(), manager_topic, NULL, stasis_forward_all(), stasis_message_router_add(), and topic_forwarder.

Referenced by subscribe_all().

◆ manager_endpoints_init()

int manager_endpoints_init ( void  )

Initialize support for AMI endpoint events.

Return values
0on success.
non-zeroon error.

Definition at line 52 of file manager_endpoints.c.

54 struct stasis_topic *endpoint_topic;
55 int ret = 0;
57 if (endpoint_router) {
58 /* Already initialized */
59 return 0;
60 }
64 endpoint_topic = ast_endpoint_topic_all_cached();
65 if (!endpoint_topic) {
66 return -1;
67 }
71 if (!endpoint_router) {
72 return -1;
73 }
78 /* If somehow we failed to add any routes, just shut down the whole
79 * thing and fail it.
80 */
81 if (ret) {
83 return -1;
84 }
86 return 0;
struct stasis_message_type * ast_endpoint_contact_state_type(void)
Message type for endpoint contact state changes.
struct stasis_topic * ast_endpoint_topic_all_cached(void)
Cached topic for all endpoint related messages.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_endpoint_state_type(void)
Message type for endpoint state changes.
static void manager_endpoints_shutdown(void)
static void endpoint_state_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
static struct stasis_message_router * endpoint_router
#define stasis_message_router_create(topic)
Create a new message router object.

References ast_endpoint_contact_state_type(), ast_endpoint_state_type(), ast_endpoint_topic_all_cached(), ast_register_cleanup(), endpoint_router, endpoint_state_cb(), manager_endpoints_shutdown(), NULL, stasis_message_router_add(), and stasis_message_router_create.

Referenced by subscribe_all().

◆ manager_mwi_init()

int manager_mwi_init ( void  )

Initialize support for AMI MWI events.

Return values
0on success
non-zeroon error

Definition at line 155 of file manager_mwi.c.

157 int ret = 0;
159 struct stasis_topic *mwi_topic;
160 struct stasis_message_router *message_router;
163 if (!manager_topic) {
164 return -1;
165 }
166 message_router = ast_manager_get_message_router();
167 if (!message_router) {
168 return -1;
169 }
170 mwi_topic = ast_mwi_topic_all();
171 if (!mwi_topic) {
172 return -1;
173 }
176 if (!topic_forwarder) {
177 return -1;
178 }
182 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
185 NULL);
187 ret |= stasis_message_router_add(message_router,
190 NULL);
192 /* If somehow we failed to add any routes, just shut down the whole
193 * thing and fail it.
194 */
195 if (ret) {
197 return -1;
198 }
200 return 0;
static void mwi_update_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
Definition: manager_mwi.c:86
static void mwi_app_event_cb(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
Generic MWI event callback used for one-off events from voicemail modules.
Definition: manager_mwi.c:55
static void manager_mwi_shutdown(void)
Definition: manager_mwi.c:149
static struct stasis_forward * topic_forwarder
The Stasis Message Bus API subscription returned by the forwarding of the MWI topic to the manager to...
Definition: manager_mwi.c:43
struct stasis_message_type * ast_mwi_state_type(void)
Get the Stasis Message Bus API message type for MWI messages.
struct stasis_message_type * ast_mwi_vm_app_type(void)
Get the Stasis Message Bus API message type for voicemail application specific messages.
struct stasis_topic * ast_mwi_topic_all(void)
Get the Stasis Message Bus API topic for MWI messages.
Definition: mwi.c:89

References ast_manager_get_message_router(), ast_manager_get_topic(), ast_mwi_state_type(), ast_mwi_topic_all(), ast_mwi_vm_app_type(), ast_register_cleanup(), manager_mwi_shutdown(), manager_topic, mwi_app_event_cb(), mwi_update_cb(), NULL, stasis_forward_all(), stasis_message_router_add(), and topic_forwarder.

Referenced by subscribe_all().

◆ manager_system_init()

int manager_system_init ( void  )

Initialize support for AMI system events.

Return values
0on success
non-zeroon error

Definition at line 43 of file manager_system.c.

47 struct stasis_message_router *message_router;
50 if (!manager_topic) {
51 return -1;
52 }
53 message_router = ast_manager_get_message_router();
54 if (!message_router) {
55 return -1;
56 }
58 if (!system_topic) {
59 return -1;
60 }
63 if (!topic_forwarder) {
64 return -1;
65 }
69 return 0;
static void manager_system_shutdown(void)
static struct stasis_forward * topic_forwarder
The Stasis Message Bus API subscription returned by the forwarding of the system topic to the manager...
static struct stasis_topic * system_topic
The Stasis Message Bus API topic for system level changes.
Definition: stasis_system.c:68
struct stasis_topic * ast_system_topic(void)
A Stasis Message Bus API topic which publishes messages regarding system changes.

References ast_manager_get_message_router(), ast_manager_get_topic(), ast_register_cleanup(), ast_system_topic(), manager_system_shutdown(), manager_topic, stasis_forward_all(), system_topic, and topic_forwarder.

Referenced by subscribe_all().