Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-3dee037
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chan_unistim.c File Reference

chan_unistim channel driver for Asterisk More...

#include "asterisk.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "asterisk/paths.h"
#include "asterisk/network.h"
#include "asterisk/channel.h"
#include "asterisk/config.h"
#include "asterisk/module.h"
#include "asterisk/pbx.h"
#include "asterisk/rtp_engine.h"
#include "asterisk/unaligned.h"
#include "asterisk/netsock2.h"
#include "asterisk/acl.h"
#include "asterisk/callerid.h"
#include "asterisk/cli.h"
#include "asterisk/app.h"
#include "asterisk/mwi.h"
#include "asterisk/musiconhold.h"
#include "asterisk/causes.h"
#include "asterisk/indications.h"
#include "asterisk/pickup.h"
#include "asterisk/astobj2.h"
#include "asterisk/astdb.h"
#include "asterisk/features_config.h"
#include "asterisk/bridge.h"
#include "asterisk/stasis_channels.h"
#include "asterisk/format_cache.h"
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Data Structures

struct  unistim_device
 A device containing one or more lines. More...
struct  unistim_languages
struct  unistim_line
struct  unistim_menu_item
struct  unistim_subchannel
struct  unistimsession
struct  ustm_lang_entry
struct  wsabuf


#define AST_CONFIG_MAX_PATH   255
#define BUFFSEND   unsigned char buffsend[64] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0x02, 0x01 }
#define DEBUG_TIMER   dummy
#define DEFAULT_CODEC   0x00
#define DEFAULTCALLERID   "Unknown"
#define DEFAULTCONTEXT   "default"
#define DEVICE_NAME_LEN   16
#define EXPNUM   24
#define FAV_BLINK_FAST   0x20
#define FAV_BLINK_SLOW   0x40
#define FAV_ICON_BOX   0x3F
#define FAV_ICON_CALL_CENTER   0x34
#define FAV_ICON_CITY   0x31
#define FAV_ICON_COMPUTER   0x38
#define FAV_ICON_FAX   0x35
#define FAV_ICON_FORWARD   0x39
#define FAV_ICON_HOME   0x30
#define FAV_ICON_INBOX   0x3C
#define FAV_ICON_LOCKED   0x3A
#define FAV_ICON_MAILBOX   0x36
#define FAV_ICON_MEETING   0x3E
#define FAV_ICON_NONE   0x00
#define FAV_ICON_ONHOLD_BLACK   0x26
#define FAV_ICON_ONHOLD_WHITE   0x27
#define FAV_ICON_ONHOOK_BLACK   0x20
#define FAV_ICON_ONHOOK_WHITE   0x21
#define FAV_ICON_OUTBOX   0x3D
#define FAV_ICON_PAGER   0x33
#define FAV_ICON_REFLECT   0x37
#define FAV_ICON_SHARP   0x32
#define FAV_ICON_TRASH   0x3B
#define FAV_MAX_LENGTH   0x0A
#define FAVNUM   6
#define IDLE_WAIT   1000
#define LED_BAR_OFF   0x00 /* bar off */
#define LED_BAR_ON   0x01 /* bar on */
#define LED_BAR_P2   0x02 /* bar 1s on/1s */
#define LED_BAR_P3   0x03 /* bar 2.5s on/0.5s off */
#define LED_BAR_P4   0x04 /* bar 0.6s on/0.3s off */
#define LED_BAR_P5   0x05 /* bar 0.5s on/0.5s off */
#define LED_BAR_P6   0x06 /* bar 2s on/0.5s off */
#define LED_BAR_P7   0x07 /* bar off */
#define LED_HEADPHONE_OFF   0x010
#define LED_HEADPHONE_ON   0x011
#define LED_MUTE_BLINK   0x1A
#define LED_MUTE_OFF   0x018
#define LED_MUTE_ON   0x019
#define LED_SPEAKER_OFF   0x08
#define LED_SPEAKER_ON   0x09
#define MAX_BUF_NUMBER   150
#define MAX_BUF_SIZE   64
#define MAX_ENTRY_LOG   30
#define MAX_SCREEN_NUMBER   15
#define MONTH_LABEL_SIZE   3
#define MUTE_OFF   0x00
#define MUTE_ON   0xFF
#define MUTE_ON_DISCRET   0xCE
#define OUTPUT_HANDSET   0xC0
#define OUTPUT_SPEAKER   0xC2
#define RETRANSMIT_TIMER   2000
#define SELECTCODEC_MSG   "Codec number : .."
#define SELECTEXTENSION_MSG   ".........."
#define SIZE_HEADER   6
#define SIZE_MAC_ADDR   17
#define SIZE_PAGE   4096
#define STATUS_LENGTH_MAX   28
#define SUB_REAL   0
#define SUB_RING   1
#define SUB_THREEWAY   2
#define TEXT_INVERSE   0x25
#define TEXT_LENGTH_MAX   24
#define TEXT_LINE0   0x00
#define TEXT_LINE1   0x20
#define TEXT_LINE2   0x40
#define TEXT_NORMAL   0x05
#define TIMER_MWI   5000
#define USTM_LANG_DIR   "unistimLang"
#define USTM_LOG_DIR   "unistimHistory"
#define VOLUME_LOW   0x01
#define VOLUME_LOW_SPEAKER   0x03
#define VOLUME_NORMAL   0x02


enum  charset {
  LANG_DEFAULT , ISO_8859_1 , ISO_8859_2 , ISO_8859_4 ,
  ISO_8859_5 , ISO_2022_JP
enum  handset_state { STATE_ONHOOK , STATE_OFFHOOK }
enum  phone_key {
  KEY_0 = 0x40 , KEY_1 = 0x41 , KEY_2 = 0x42 , KEY_3 = 0x43 ,
  KEY_4 = 0x44 , KEY_5 = 0x45 , KEY_6 = 0x46 , KEY_7 = 0x47 ,
  KEY_8 = 0x48 , KEY_9 = 0x49 , KEY_STAR = 0x4a , KEY_SHARP = 0x4b ,
  KEY_UP = 0x4c , KEY_DOWN = 0x4d , KEY_RIGHT = 0x4e , KEY_LEFT = 0x4f ,
  KEY_QUIT = 0x50 , KEY_COPY = 0x51 , KEY_FUNC1 = 0x54 , KEY_FUNC2 = 0x55 ,
  KEY_FUNC3 = 0x56 , KEY_FUNC4 = 0x57 , KEY_ONHOLD = 0x5b , KEY_HANGUP = 0x5c ,
  KEY_MUTE = 0x5d , KEY_HEADPHN = 0x5e , KEY_LOUDSPK = 0x5f , KEY_FAV0 = 0x60 ,
  KEY_FAV1 = 0x61 , KEY_FAV2 = 0x62 , KEY_FAV3 = 0x63 , KEY_FAV4 = 0x64 ,
  KEY_FAV5 = 0x65 , KEY_COMPUTR = 0x7b , KEY_CONF = 0x7c , KEY_SNDHIST = 0x7d ,
  KEY_RCVHIST = 0x7e , KEY_INDEX = 0x7f
enum  phone_state {


static void __reg_module (void)
static void __unreg_module (void)
struct ast_moduleAST_MODULE_SELF_SYM (void)
static int attempt_transfer (struct unistim_subchannel *p1, struct unistim_subchannel *p2)
static struct unistim_devicebuild_device (const char *cat, const struct ast_variable *v)
static void change_callerid (struct unistimsession *pte, int type, char *callerid)
static void change_favorite_icon (struct unistimsession *pte, unsigned char status)
static struct unistimsessionchannel_to_session (struct ast_channel *ast)
static void check_send_queue (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void close_call (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void close_client (struct unistimsession *s)
static char * control2str (int ind)
static struct unistimsessioncreate_client (const struct sockaddr_in *addr_from)
static void delete_device (struct unistim_device *d)
static void discard_call (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void display_last_error (const char *sz_msg)
static void * do_monitor (void *data)
static void dummy (char *unused,...)
static int find_language (const char *)
static struct unistim_linefind_line_by_number (struct unistim_device *d, const char *val)
static int find_rtp_port (struct unistim_subchannel *s)
static struct unistim_subchannelfind_subchannel_by_name (const char *dest)
static void finish_bookmark (void)
static int get_active_softkey (struct unistimsession *pte)
static int get_avail_softkey (struct unistimsession *pte, const char *name)
static struct unistim_subchannelget_sub (struct unistim_device *device, int type)
static struct unistim_subchannelget_sub_holding (struct unistim_device *device, int type, int holding)
static unsigned int get_tick_count (void)
static int get_to_address (int fd, struct sockaddr_in *toAddr)
static void handle_call_incoming (struct unistimsession *s)
static void handle_call_outgoing (struct unistimsession *s)
static void handle_dial_page (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void handle_key_fav (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode)
static void handle_select_codec (struct unistimsession *)
static void handle_select_language (struct unistimsession *)
static void handle_select_option (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void ignore_call (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void in_band_indication (struct ast_channel *ast, const struct ast_tone_zone *tz, const char *indication)
static void init_phone_step2 (struct unistimsession *pte)
static int is_key_favorite (struct unistim_device *d, int fav)
static int is_key_line (struct unistim_device *d, int fav)
static void key_call (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode)
static void key_dial_page (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode)
static void key_favorite (struct unistimsession *, char)
static void key_history (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode)
static void key_main_page (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode)
static void key_ringing (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode)
static void key_select_codec (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode)
static void key_select_extension (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode)
static void key_select_language (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode)
static void key_select_option (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode)
static int lang_cmp_fn (void *obj, void *arg, int flags)
static int lang_hash_fn (const void *obj, const int flags)
static int load_module (void)
static void microphone_mute_toggle (struct unistimsession *pte)
static char open_history (struct unistimsession *pte, char way, FILE **f)
static int parse_bookmark (const char *text, struct unistim_device *d)
static void parsing (int size, unsigned char *buf, struct unistimsession *pte, struct sockaddr_in *addr_from)
static void process_request (int size, unsigned char *buf, struct unistimsession *pte)
static const char * ptestate_tostr (const int type)
static void rcv_mac_addr (struct unistimsession *pte, const unsigned char *buf)
static void rcv_resume_connection_with_server (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void refresh_all_favorite (struct unistimsession *pte)
static int register_extension (const struct unistimsession *pte)
static int reload (void)
static int reload_config (void)
static int restart_monitor (void)
static void send_blink_cursor (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_callerid_screen (struct unistimsession *, struct unistim_subchannel *)
static void send_charset_update (struct unistimsession *pte, int charset)
static void send_client (int size, const unsigned char *data, struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_cursor_pos (struct unistimsession *pte, unsigned char pos)
static void send_date_time (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_date_time2 (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_date_time3 (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_dial_tone (struct unistimsession *pte)
static int send_dtmf_tone (struct unistimsession *pte, char digit)
static void send_end_call (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_expansion_icon (unsigned char pos, unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_expansion_next (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_expansion_short (unsigned char pos, unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_expansion_text (unsigned char pos, struct unistimsession *pte, const char *text)
static void send_favorite (unsigned char pos, unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte, const char *text)
static void send_favorite_selected (unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_favorite_short (unsigned char pos, unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_icon (unsigned char pos, unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_idle_clock (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_led_update (struct unistimsession *pte, unsigned char led)
static void send_month_labels (struct unistimsession *pte, int month)
static void send_mute (struct unistimsession *pte, unsigned char mute)
static void send_no_ring (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_ping (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_raw_client (int size, const unsigned char *data, struct sockaddr_in *addr_to, const struct sockaddr_in *addr_ourip)
static int send_retransmit (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_ring (struct unistimsession *pte, signed char volume, signed char style)
static void send_select_output (struct unistimsession *pte, unsigned char output, unsigned char volume, unsigned char mute)
static void send_start_rtp (struct unistim_subchannel *)
static void send_start_timer (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_stop_timer (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_text (unsigned char pos, unsigned char inverse, struct unistimsession *pte, const char *text)
static void send_text_status (struct unistimsession *pte, const char *text)
static void send_texttitle (struct unistimsession *pte, const char *text)
static void send_tone (struct unistimsession *pte, uint16_t tone1, uint16_t tone2)
static void set_ping_timer (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void show_entry_history (struct unistimsession *pte, FILE **f)
static void show_extension_page (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void show_history (struct unistimsession *pte, char way)
static void show_main_page (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void show_phone_number (struct unistimsession *pte)
static int soft_key_visible (struct unistim_device *d, unsigned char num)
static void start_rtp (struct unistim_subchannel *sub)
static void sub_hold (struct unistimsession *pte, struct unistim_subchannel *sub)
static void sub_start_silence (struct unistimsession *pte, struct unistim_subchannel *sub)
static void sub_stop_silence (struct unistimsession *pte, struct unistim_subchannel *sub)
static void sub_unhold (struct unistimsession *pte, struct unistim_subchannel *sub)
static const char * subtype_tostr (const int type)
static void swap_subs (struct unistim_subchannel *a, struct unistim_subchannel *b)
static void transfer_call_step1 (struct unistimsession *pte)
static void transfer_cancel_step2 (struct unistimsession *pte)
static struct unistim_subchannelunistim_alloc_sub (struct unistim_device *d, int x)
static int unistim_answer (struct ast_channel *ast)
static int unistim_call (struct ast_channel *ast, const char *dest, int timeout)
static char * unistim_do_debug (struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a)
static int unistim_do_senddigit (struct unistimsession *pte, char digit)
static int unistim_fixup (struct ast_channel *oldchan, struct ast_channel *newchan)
static int unistim_free_sub (struct unistim_subchannel *)
static enum ast_rtp_glue_result unistim_get_rtp_peer (struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_rtp_instance **instance)
static int unistim_hangup (struct ast_channel *ast)
static int unistim_hangup_clean (struct ast_channel *ast, struct unistim_subchannel *sub)
static int unistim_indicate (struct ast_channel *ast, int ind, const void *data, size_t datalen)
static struct unistim_lineunistim_line_alloc (void)
static void unistim_line_copy (struct unistim_line *dst, struct unistim_line *src)
static struct unistim_lineunistim_line_destroy (struct unistim_line *l)
static struct ast_channelunistim_new (struct unistim_subchannel *sub, int state, const struct ast_assigned_ids *assignedids, const struct ast_channel *requestor)
static struct ast_frameunistim_read (struct ast_channel *ast)
static int unistim_register (struct unistimsession *s)
static char * unistim_reload (struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a)
 — unistim_reload: Force reload of module from cli — Runs in the asterisk main thread, so don't do anything useful but setting a flag and waiting for do_monitor to do the job in our thread More...
static struct ast_channelunistim_request (const char *type, struct ast_format_cap *cap, const struct ast_assigned_ids *assignedids, const struct ast_channel *requestor, const char *dest, int *cause)
static struct ast_frameunistim_rtp_read (const struct ast_channel *ast, const struct unistim_subchannel *sub)
static int unistim_send_mwi_to_peer (struct unistim_line *peer, unsigned int tick)
static int unistim_senddigit_begin (struct ast_channel *ast, char digit)
static int unistim_senddigit_end (struct ast_channel *ast, char digit, unsigned int duration)
static int unistim_sendtext (struct ast_channel *ast, const char *text)
static void unistim_set_owner (struct unistim_subchannel *sub, struct ast_channel *chan)
static int unistim_set_rtp_peer (struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_rtp_instance *rtp, struct ast_rtp_instance *vrtp, struct ast_rtp_instance *trtp, const struct ast_format_cap *codecs, int nat_active)
static char * unistim_show_devices (struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a)
static char * unistim_show_info (struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a)
static char * unistim_sp (struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a)
static void * unistim_ss (void *data)
static int unistim_unalloc_sub (struct unistim_device *d, struct unistim_subchannel *sub)
static int unistim_write (struct ast_channel *ast, struct ast_frame *frame)
static int unistimsock_read (int *id, int fd, short events, void *ignore)
static int unload_module (void)
static void unquote (char *out, const char *src, int maxlen)
static int unregister_extension (const struct unistimsession *pte)
static const char * ustmtext (const char *str, struct unistimsession *pte)
static int write_entry_history (struct unistimsession *pte, FILE *f, char c, char *line1)
static int write_history (struct unistimsession *pte, char way, char ismissed)


static struct ast_module_info __mod_info = { .name = AST_MODULE, .flags = AST_MODFLAG_DEFAULT , .description = "UNISTIM Protocol (USTM)" , .key = "This paragraph is copyright (c) 2006 by Digium, Inc. \In order for your module to load, it must return this \key via a function called \"key\". Any code which \includes this paragraph must be licensed under the GNU \General Public License version 2 or later (at your \option). In addition to Digium's general reservations \of rights, Digium expressly reserves the right to \allow other parties to license this paragraph under \different terms. Any use of Digium, Inc. trademarks or \logos (including \"Asterisk\" or \"Digium\") without \express written permission of Digium, Inc. is prohibited.\n" , .buildopt_sum = AST_BUILDOPT_SUM, .support_level = AST_MODULE_SUPPORT_EXTENDED, .load = load_module, .unload = unload_module, .reload = reload, }
static const struct ast_module_infoast_module_info = &__mod_info
static enum autoprovision autoprovisioning = AUTOPROVISIONING_NO
static unsigned char * buff
static const char channel_type [] = "USTM"
static struct ast_jb_conf default_jbconf
 Global jitterbuffer configuration - by default, jb is disabled. More...
static ast_mutex_t devicelock = { PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP , NULL, {1, 0} }
static struct unistim_devicedevices = NULL
static const float dtmf_col [] = { 1209, 1336, 1477, 1633 }
static const int dtmf_row [] = { 697, 770, 852, 941 }
struct ast_format_capglobal_cap
static struct ast_jb_conf global_jbconf
static struct io_contextio
static pthread_t monitor_thread = AST_PTHREADT_NULL
static ast_mutex_t monlock = { PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP , NULL, {1, 0} }
static unsigned char monthlabels []
static struct unistim_languages options_languages []
static struct unistim_menu_item options_menu []
static const unsigned char packet_rcv_discovery []
static const unsigned char packet_recv_expansion_pressed_key []
static const unsigned char packet_recv_firm_version []
static const unsigned char packet_recv_hangup []
static const unsigned char packet_recv_it_type []
static const unsigned char packet_recv_mac_addr []
static const unsigned char packet_recv_pick_up []
static const unsigned char packet_recv_pressed_key []
static const unsigned char packet_recv_r2 [] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x13, 0x96, 0x03, 0x03 }
static const unsigned char packet_recv_resume_connection_with_server []
static const unsigned char packet_send_arrow [] = { 0x17, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00 }
static const unsigned char packet_send_blink_cursor [] = { 0x17, 0x04, 0x10, 0x86 }
static const unsigned char packet_send_call []
static const unsigned char packet_send_charset_iso_2022_jp []
static const unsigned char packet_send_charset_iso_8859_1 []
static const unsigned char packet_send_charset_iso_8859_2 []
static const unsigned char packet_send_charset_iso_8859_4 []
static const unsigned char packet_send_charset_iso_8859_5 []
static const unsigned char packet_send_Contrast []
static const unsigned char packet_send_date_time []
static const unsigned char packet_send_date_time2 []
static const unsigned char packet_send_date_time3 []
static const unsigned char packet_send_discovery_ack []
static const unsigned char packet_send_end_call []
static const unsigned char packet_send_expansion_icon [] = { 0x09, 0x06, 0x59, 0x05, 0x47, 0x20 }
static const unsigned char packet_send_expansion_next [] = { 0x09, 0x03, 0x17 }
static const unsigned char packet_send_expansion_text []
static const unsigned char packet_send_favorite []
static const unsigned char packet_send_icon [] = { 0x17, 0x05, 0x14, 0x00, 0x25 }
static const unsigned char packet_send_jitter_buffer_conf []
static const unsigned char packet_send_led_update [] = { 0x19, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00 }
static unsigned char packet_send_monthlabels_download []
static const unsigned char packet_send_mute [] = { 0x16, 0x05, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00 }
static const unsigned char packet_send_no_ring []
static const unsigned char packet_send_open_audio_stream_rx []
static const unsigned char packet_send_open_audio_stream_rx3 []
static const unsigned char packet_send_open_audio_stream_tx []
static const unsigned char packet_send_open_audio_stream_tx3 []
static unsigned char packet_send_ping []
static const unsigned char packet_send_query_basic_manager_04 [] = { 0x1a, 0x04, 0x01, 0x04 }
static const unsigned char packet_send_query_basic_manager_10 [] = { 0x1a, 0x04, 0x01, 0x10 }
static const unsigned char packet_send_query_mac_address [] = { 0x1a, 0x04, 0x01, 0x08 }
static const unsigned char packet_send_ring []
static const unsigned char packet_send_rtp_packet_size []
static const unsigned char packet_send_S1 [] = { 0x1a, 0x07, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x13 }
static const unsigned char packet_send_s4 []
static const unsigned char packet_send_S7 [] = { 0x17, 0x06, 0x0f, 0x30, 0x07, 0x07 }
static const unsigned char packet_send_s9 []
static const unsigned char packet_send_select_output []
static const unsigned char packet_send_set_pos_cursor []
static const unsigned char packet_send_start_timer []
static const unsigned char packet_send_status []
static const unsigned char packet_send_status2 []
static const unsigned char packet_send_stop_timer [] = { 0x17, 0x05, 0x0b, 0x02, 0x00 }
static const unsigned char packet_send_stream_based_tone_dual_freq []
static const unsigned char packet_send_stream_based_tone_off []
static const unsigned char packet_send_stream_based_tone_on []
static const unsigned char packet_send_stream_based_tone_single_freq []
static const unsigned char packet_send_text []
static const unsigned char packet_send_title []
static struct sockaddr_in public_ip = { 0, }
struct {
   unsigned int   cos
   unsigned int   cos_audio
   unsigned int   tos
   unsigned int   tos_audio
qos = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
static struct ast_sched_contextsched
static ast_mutex_t sessionlock = { PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP , NULL, {1, 0} }
static struct unistimsessionsessions = NULL
static const char tdesc [] = "UNISTIM Channel Driver"
static struct ast_cli_entry unistim_cli []
static int unistim_keepalive
static int unistim_port
static ast_mutex_t unistim_reload_lock = { PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP , NULL, {1, 0} }
static int unistim_reloading = 0
static struct ast_rtp_glue unistim_rtp_glue
static struct ast_channel_tech unistim_tech
static int unistimdebug = 0
static int unistimsock = -1
static char ustm_strcopy [1024]

Detailed Description

chan_unistim channel driver for Asterisk

Cedric Hans

Unistim (Unified Networks IP Stimulus) channel driver for Nortel i2002, i2004 and i2050

Definition in file chan_unistim.c.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AST_CONFIG_MAX_PATH   255

Definition at line 113 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define BUFFSEND   unsigned char buffsend[64] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0x02, 0x01 }

Definition at line 704 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define DEBUG_TIMER   dummy

Definition at line 241 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define DEFAULT_CODEC   0x00

Not used

Definition at line 110 of file chan_unistim.c.



Timeout value for entered number being dialed

Definition at line 107 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define DEFAULTCALLERID   "Unknown"

Definition at line 84 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 85 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define DEFAULTCONTEXT   "default"

Definition at line 83 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 86 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define DEVICE_NAME_LEN   16

Definition at line 112 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define EXPNUM   24

Definition at line 217 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_BLINK_FAST   0x20

Definition at line 211 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_BLINK_SLOW   0x40

Definition at line 212 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_BOX   0x3F

Definition at line 209 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_CALL_CENTER   0x34

Definition at line 198 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_CITY   0x31

Definition at line 195 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_COMPUTER   0x38

Definition at line 202 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_FAX   0x35

Definition at line 199 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_FORWARD   0x39

Definition at line 203 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 192 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 193 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_HOME   0x30

Definition at line 194 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_INBOX   0x3C

Definition at line 206 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_LOCKED   0x3A

Definition at line 204 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_MAILBOX   0x36

Definition at line 200 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_MEETING   0x3E

Definition at line 208 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_NONE   0x00

Definition at line 177 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 182 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 183 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_ONHOLD_BLACK   0x26

Definition at line 184 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_ONHOLD_WHITE   0x27

Definition at line 185 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_ONHOOK_BLACK   0x20

Definition at line 178 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_ONHOOK_WHITE   0x21

Definition at line 179 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_OUTBOX   0x3D

Definition at line 207 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_PAGER   0x33

Definition at line 197 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 188 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 189 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_REFLECT   0x37

Definition at line 201 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_SHARP   0x32

Definition at line 196 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 186 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 187 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 190 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 191 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 180 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 181 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_ICON_TRASH   0x3B

Definition at line 205 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 218 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAV_MAX_LENGTH   0x0A

Definition at line 214 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define FAVNUM   6

Definition at line 216 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define IDLE_WAIT   1000

Nb of milliseconds waited when no events are scheduled

Definition at line 101 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define LED_BAR_OFF   0x00 /* bar off */

Definition at line 151 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define LED_BAR_ON   0x01 /* bar on */

Definition at line 152 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define LED_BAR_P2   0x02 /* bar 1s on/1s */

Definition at line 153 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define LED_BAR_P3   0x03 /* bar 2.5s on/0.5s off */

Definition at line 154 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define LED_BAR_P4   0x04 /* bar 0.6s on/0.3s off */

Definition at line 155 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define LED_BAR_P5   0x05 /* bar 0.5s on/0.5s off */

Definition at line 156 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define LED_BAR_P6   0x06 /* bar 2s on/0.5s off */

Definition at line 157 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define LED_BAR_P7   0x07 /* bar off */

Definition at line 158 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define LED_HEADPHONE_OFF   0x010

Definition at line 161 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define LED_HEADPHONE_ON   0x011

Definition at line 162 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define LED_MUTE_BLINK   0x1A

Definition at line 165 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define LED_MUTE_OFF   0x018

Definition at line 163 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define LED_MUTE_ON   0x019

Definition at line 164 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define LED_SPEAKER_OFF   0x08

Definition at line 159 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define LED_SPEAKER_ON   0x09

Definition at line 160 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define MAX_BUF_NUMBER   150

Number of slots for the transmit queue

Definition at line 93 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define MAX_BUF_SIZE   64

Size of the transmit buffer

Definition at line 91 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define MAX_ENTRY_LOG   30

Definition at line 114 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define MAX_SCREEN_NUMBER   15

Number of digits displayed on screen

Definition at line 95 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define MONTH_LABEL_SIZE   3

Length of month label size

Definition at line 97 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define MUTE_OFF   0x00

Definition at line 147 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define MUTE_ON   0xFF

Definition at line 148 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define MUTE_ON_DISCRET   0xCE

Definition at line 149 of file chan_unistim.c.



Try x times before removing the phone

Definition at line 99 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define OUTPUT_HANDSET   0xC0

Definition at line 138 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 139 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define OUTPUT_SPEAKER   0xC2

Definition at line 140 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define RETRANSMIT_TIMER   2000

Wait x milliseconds before resending a packet

Definition at line 103 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 3730 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define SELECTCODEC_MSG   "Codec number : .."

Definition at line 3731 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 3729 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 3874 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define SELECTEXTENSION_MSG   ".........."

Definition at line 3875 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 3873 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define SIZE_HEADER   6

Definition at line 167 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define SIZE_MAC_ADDR   17

Definition at line 168 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define SIZE_PAGE   4096

Definition at line 111 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define STATUS_LENGTH_MAX   28

Definition at line 175 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define SUB_REAL   0

Definition at line 116 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define SUB_RING   1

Definition at line 117 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define SUB_THREEWAY   2

Definition at line 118 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define TEXT_INVERSE   0x25

Definition at line 174 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define TEXT_LENGTH_MAX   24

Definition at line 169 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define TEXT_LINE0   0x00

Definition at line 170 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define TEXT_LINE1   0x20

Definition at line 171 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define TEXT_LINE2   0x40

Definition at line 172 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define TEXT_NORMAL   0x05

Definition at line 173 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define TIMER_MWI   5000

How often the mailbox is checked for new messages

Definition at line 105 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define USTM_LANG_DIR   "unistimLang"

Definition at line 88 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define USTM_LOG_DIR   "unistimHistory"

Definition at line 87 of file chan_unistim.c.



Definition at line 145 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define VOLUME_LOW   0x01

Definition at line 142 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define VOLUME_LOW_SPEAKER   0x03

Definition at line 143 of file chan_unistim.c.


#define VOLUME_NORMAL   0x02

Definition at line 144 of file chan_unistim.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ autoprov_extn


Do not create an extension into the default dialplan


Prompt user for an extension number and register it


Register an extension with the line=> value



Definition at line 128 of file chan_unistim.c.

128 {
129 /*! Do not create an extension into the default dialplan */
131 /*! Prompt user for an extension number and register it */
133 /*! Register an extension with the line=> value */
135 /*! Used with AUTOPROVISIONING_TN */
Definition: chan_unistim.c:132
Definition: chan_unistim.c:134
Definition: chan_unistim.c:136
Definition: chan_unistim.c:130

◆ autoprovision


Definition at line 122 of file chan_unistim.c.

122 {
Definition: chan_unistim.c:123
Definition: chan_unistim.c:125
Definition: chan_unistim.c:124

◆ charset

enum charset

Definition at line 336 of file chan_unistim.c.

336 {
@ ISO_8859_1
Definition: chan_unistim.c:338
@ ISO_8859_4
Definition: chan_unistim.c:340
Definition: chan_unistim.c:337
@ ISO_8859_5
Definition: chan_unistim.c:341
@ ISO_2022_JP
Definition: chan_unistim.c:342
@ ISO_8859_2
Definition: chan_unistim.c:339

◆ handset_state


Definition at line 290 of file chan_unistim.c.

290 {
Definition: chan_unistim.c:292
Definition: chan_unistim.c:291

◆ phone_key

enum phone_key

Definition at line 295 of file chan_unistim.c.

295 {
296 KEY_0 = 0x40,
297 KEY_1 = 0x41,
298 KEY_2 = 0x42,
299 KEY_3 = 0x43,
300 KEY_4 = 0x44,
301 KEY_5 = 0x45,
302 KEY_6 = 0x46,
303 KEY_7 = 0x47,
304 KEY_8 = 0x48,
305 KEY_9 = 0x49,
306 KEY_STAR = 0x4a,
307 KEY_SHARP = 0x4b,
308 KEY_UP = 0x4c,
309 KEY_DOWN = 0x4d,
310 KEY_RIGHT = 0x4e,
311 KEY_LEFT = 0x4f,
312 KEY_QUIT = 0x50,
313 KEY_COPY = 0x51,
314 KEY_FUNC1 = 0x54,
315 KEY_FUNC2 = 0x55,
316 KEY_FUNC3 = 0x56,
317 KEY_FUNC4 = 0x57,
318 KEY_ONHOLD = 0x5b,
319 KEY_HANGUP = 0x5c,
320 KEY_MUTE = 0x5d,
321 KEY_HEADPHN = 0x5e,
322 KEY_LOUDSPK = 0x5f,
323 KEY_FAV0 = 0x60,
324 KEY_FAV1 = 0x61,
325 KEY_FAV2 = 0x62,
326 KEY_FAV3 = 0x63,
327 KEY_FAV4 = 0x64,
328 KEY_FAV5 = 0x65,
329 KEY_COMPUTR = 0x7b,
330 KEY_CONF = 0x7c,
331 KEY_SNDHIST = 0x7d,
332 KEY_RCVHIST = 0x7e,
333 KEY_INDEX = 0x7f
Definition: chan_unistim.c:333
Definition: chan_unistim.c:323
Definition: chan_unistim.c:312
Definition: chan_unistim.c:308
Definition: chan_unistim.c:319
@ KEY_2
Definition: chan_unistim.c:298
@ KEY_6
Definition: chan_unistim.c:302
Definition: chan_unistim.c:317
@ KEY_1
Definition: chan_unistim.c:297
Definition: chan_unistim.c:332
Definition: chan_unistim.c:326
Definition: chan_unistim.c:329
@ KEY_9
Definition: chan_unistim.c:305
Definition: chan_unistim.c:311
Definition: chan_unistim.c:310
@ KEY_0
Definition: chan_unistim.c:296
Definition: chan_unistim.c:325
Definition: chan_unistim.c:316
Definition: chan_unistim.c:331
Definition: chan_unistim.c:330
Definition: chan_unistim.c:307
Definition: chan_unistim.c:327
Definition: chan_unistim.c:309
@ KEY_8
Definition: chan_unistim.c:304
Definition: chan_unistim.c:320
Definition: chan_unistim.c:313
Definition: chan_unistim.c:306
Definition: chan_unistim.c:318
Definition: chan_unistim.c:322
Definition: chan_unistim.c:324
Definition: chan_unistim.c:328
Definition: chan_unistim.c:321
Definition: chan_unistim.c:314
@ KEY_7
Definition: chan_unistim.c:303
@ KEY_4
Definition: chan_unistim.c:300
@ KEY_5
Definition: chan_unistim.c:301
Definition: chan_unistim.c:315
@ KEY_3
Definition: chan_unistim.c:299

◆ phone_state


Definition at line 275 of file chan_unistim.c.

275 {
Definition: chan_unistim.c:279
Definition: chan_unistim.c:287
Definition: chan_unistim.c:277
Definition: chan_unistim.c:283
Definition: chan_unistim.c:286
Definition: chan_unistim.c:282
Definition: chan_unistim.c:284
Definition: chan_unistim.c:276
Definition: chan_unistim.c:278
Definition: chan_unistim.c:285
Definition: chan_unistim.c:280
Definition: chan_unistim.c:281

Function Documentation

◆ __reg_module()

static void __reg_module ( void  )

Definition at line 7206 of file chan_unistim.c.

◆ __unreg_module()

static void __unreg_module ( void  )

Definition at line 7206 of file chan_unistim.c.


struct ast_module * AST_MODULE_SELF_SYM ( void  )

Definition at line 7206 of file chan_unistim.c.

◆ attempt_transfer()

static int attempt_transfer ( struct unistim_subchannel p1,
struct unistim_subchannel p2 

Definition at line 2440 of file chan_unistim.c.

2442 RAII_VAR(struct ast_channel *, chana, NULL, ast_channel_unref);
2443 RAII_VAR(struct ast_channel *, chanb, NULL, ast_channel_unref);
2445 if (!p1->owner || !p2->owner) {
2446 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Transfer attempted without dual ownership?\n");
2447 return -1;
2448 }
2449 chana = ast_channel_ref(p1->owner);
2450 chanb = ast_channel_ref(p2->owner);
2452 switch (ast_bridge_transfer_attended(chana, chanb)) {
2454 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Transfer failed. Invalid bridge setup\n");
2455 break;
2457 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Transfer not permitted\n");
2458 break;
2460 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Transfer encountered internal error\n");
2461 break;
2463 return 0;
2464 }
2466 /* Control only reaches this point if transfer has failed */
2469 return -1;
#define ast_log
Definition: astobj2.c:42
Definition: bridge.h:1102
Definition: bridge.h:1100
Definition: bridge.h:1104
Definition: bridge.h:1106
enum ast_transfer_result ast_bridge_transfer_attended(struct ast_channel *to_transferee, struct ast_channel *to_transfer_target)
Attended transfer.
Definition: bridge.c:4677
#define ast_channel_ref(c)
Increase channel reference count.
Definition: channel.h:2993
#define ast_channel_unref(c)
Decrease channel reference count.
Definition: channel.h:3004
Definition: channel.h:1141
int ast_softhangup_nolock(struct ast_channel *chan, int cause)
Softly hangup up a channel (no channel lock)
Definition: channel.c:2477
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
Main Channel structure associated with a channel.
struct ast_channel * owner
Definition: chan_unistim.c:356
#define RAII_VAR(vartype, varname, initval, dtor)
Declare a variable that will call a destructor function when it goes out of scope.
Definition: utils.h:941

References ast_bridge_transfer_attended(), AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_FAIL, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_INVALID, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_NOT_PERMITTED, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_SUCCESS, ast_channel_ref, ast_channel_unref, ast_log, AST_SOFTHANGUP_DEV, ast_softhangup_nolock(), LOG_WARNING, NULL, unistim_subchannel::owner, and RAII_VAR.

Referenced by close_call().

◆ build_device()

static struct unistim_device * build_device ( const char *  cat,
const struct ast_variable v 

Definition at line 6501 of file chan_unistim.c.

6503 struct unistim_device *d;
6504 struct unistim_line *l = NULL, *lt = NULL;
6505 int create = 1;
6506 int nbsoftkey, dateformat, timeformat, callhistory, sharpdial, linecnt;
6507 char linelabel[AST_MAX_EXTENSION];
6508 signed char ringvolume, ringstyle, cwvolume, cwstyle;
6510 /* First, we need to know if we already have this name in our list */
6511 /* Get a lock for the device chained list */
6513 d = devices;
6514 while (d) {
6515 if (!strcmp(d->name, cat)) {
6516 /* Yep, we alreay have this one */
6517 if (unistimsock < 0) {
6518 /* It's a dupe */
6519 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Duplicate entry found (%s), ignoring.\n", cat);
6521 return NULL;
6522 }
6523 /* we're reloading right now */
6524 create = 0;
6525 break;
6526 }
6527 d = d->next;
6528 }
6530 if (!(lt = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*lt)))) {
6531 return NULL;
6532 }
6533 if (create) {
6534 if (!(d = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*d)))) {
6535 return NULL;
6536 }
6537 ast_mutex_init(&d->lock);
6538 ast_copy_string(d->name, cat, sizeof(d->name));
6540 ast_copy_string(d->context, DEFAULTCONTEXT, sizeof(d->context));
6541 d->contrast = -1;
6542 d->output = OUTPUT_HANDSET;
6543 d->previous_output = OUTPUT_HANDSET;
6544 d->volume = VOLUME_LOW;
6545 d->microphone = MUTE_OFF;
6546 d->height = DEFAULTHEIGHT;
6547 d->selected = -1;
6548 d->interdigit_timer = DEFAULT_INTERDIGIT_TIMER;
6549 } else {
6550 /* Delete existing line information */
6551 AST_LIST_LOCK(&d->lines);
6552 AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(&d->lines, l, list){
6555 }
6557 AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&d->lines);
6559 /* reset bookmarks */
6560 memset(d->softkeylabel, 0, sizeof(d->softkeylabel));
6561 memset(d->softkeynumber, 0, sizeof(d->softkeynumber));
6562 memset(d->softkeyicon, 0, sizeof(d->softkeyicon));
6563 memset(d->softkeydevice, 0, sizeof(d->softkeydevice));
6564 memset(d->ssub, 0, sizeof(d->ssub));
6565 memset(d->sline, 0, sizeof(d->sline));
6566 memset(d->sp, 0, sizeof(d->sp));
6567 }
6568 linelabel[0] = '\0';
6569 dateformat = 1;
6570 timeformat = 1;
6571 ringvolume = 2;
6572 cwvolume = 1;
6573 callhistory = 1;
6574 sharpdial = 0;
6575 ringstyle = 3;
6576 cwstyle = 2;
6577 nbsoftkey = 0;
6578 linecnt = 0;
6579 d->dtmfduration = 0;
6580 while (v) {
6581 if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "rtp_port")) {
6582 d->rtp_port = atoi(v->value);
6583 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "rtp_method")) {
6584 d->rtp_method = atoi(v->value);
6585 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "status_method")) {
6586 d->status_method = atoi(v->value);
6587 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "device")) {
6588 ast_copy_string(d->id, v->value, sizeof(d->id));
6589 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "tn")) {
6590 ast_copy_string(d->extension_number, v->value, sizeof(d->extension_number));
6591 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "permit") || !strcasecmp(v->name, "deny")) {
6592 int acl_error = 0;
6593 d->ha = ast_append_ha(v->name, v->value, d->ha, &acl_error);
6594 if (acl_error) {
6595 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Invalid ACL '%s' specified for device '%s' on line %d. Deleting device\n",
6596 v->value, cat, v->lineno);
6598 return NULL;
6599 }
6600 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "context")) {
6601 ast_copy_string(d->context, v->value, sizeof(d->context));
6602 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "maintext0")) {
6603 unquote(d->maintext0, v->value, sizeof(d->maintext0) - 1);
6604 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "maintext1")) {
6605 unquote(d->maintext1, v->value, sizeof(d->maintext1) - 1);
6606 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "maintext2")) {
6607 unquote(d->maintext2, v->value, sizeof(d->maintext2) - 1);
6608 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "titledefault")) {
6609 unquote(d->titledefault, v->value, sizeof(d->titledefault) - 1);
6610 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "dateformat")) {
6611 dateformat = atoi(v->value);
6612 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "timeformat")) {
6613 timeformat = atoi(v->value);
6614 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "contrast")) {
6615 d->contrast = atoi(v->value);
6616 if ((d->contrast < 0) || (d->contrast > 15)) {
6617 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "contrast must be beetween 0 and 15\n");
6618 d->contrast = 8;
6619 }
6620 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "nat")) {
6621 d->nat = ast_true(v->value);
6622 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "hasexp")) {
6623 d->hasexp = ast_true(v->value);
6624 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "ringvolume")) {
6625 ringvolume = atoi(v->value);
6626 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "ringstyle")) {
6627 ringstyle = atoi(v->value);
6628 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "cwvolume")) {
6629 cwvolume = atoi(v->value);
6630 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "cwstyle")) {
6631 cwstyle = atoi(v->value);
6632 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "callhistory")) {
6633 callhistory = atoi(v->value);
6634 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "sharpdial")) {
6635 sharpdial = ast_true(v->value) ? 1 : 0;
6636 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "interdigit_timer")) {
6637 d->interdigit_timer = atoi(v->value);
6638 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "dtmf_duration")) {
6639 d->dtmfduration = atoi(v->value);
6640 if (d->dtmfduration > 150) {
6641 d->dtmfduration = 150;
6642 }
6643 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "callerid")) {
6644 if (!strcasecmp(v->value, "asreceived")) {
6645 lt->cid_num[0] = '\0';
6646 } else {
6647 ast_copy_string(lt->cid_num, v->value, sizeof(lt->cid_num));
6648 }
6649 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "language")) {
6650 ast_copy_string(d->language, v->value, sizeof(d->language));
6651 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "country")) {
6652 ast_copy_string(d->country, v->value, sizeof(d->country));
6653 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "accountcode")) {
6654 ast_copy_string(lt->accountcode, v->value, sizeof(lt->accountcode));
6655 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "amaflags")) {
6656 int y;
6658 if (y < 0) {
6659 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid AMA flags: %s at line %d\n", v->value,
6660 v->lineno);
6661 } else {
6662 lt->amaflags = y;
6663 }
6664 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "musiconhold")) {
6665 ast_copy_string(lt->musicclass, v->value, sizeof(lt->musicclass));
6666 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "callgroup")) {
6667 lt->callgroup = ast_get_group(v->value);
6668 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "pickupgroup")) {
6669 lt->pickupgroup = ast_get_group(v->value);
6670 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "mailbox")) {
6671 ast_copy_string(lt->mailbox, v->value, sizeof(lt->mailbox));
6672 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "parkinglot")) {
6673 ast_copy_string(lt->parkinglot, v->value, sizeof(lt->parkinglot));
6674 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "linelabel")) {
6675 unquote(linelabel, v->value, sizeof(linelabel) - 1);
6676 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "extension")) {
6677 if (!strcasecmp(v->value, "none")) {
6678 d->extension = EXTENSION_NONE;
6679 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->value, "ask")) {
6680 d->extension = EXTENSION_ASK;
6681 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->value, "line")) {
6682 d->extension = EXTENSION_LINE;
6683 } else {
6684 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unknown extension option.\n");
6685 }
6686 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "bookmark")) {
6687 if (nbsoftkey > 5) {
6689 "More than 6 softkeys defined. Ignoring new entries.\n");
6690 } else {
6691 if (parse_bookmark(v->value, d)) {
6692 nbsoftkey++;
6693 }
6694 }
6695 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "line")) {
6696 int len = strlen(linelabel);
6697 int create_line = 0;
6699 l = find_line_by_number(d, v->value);
6700 if (!l) { /* If line still not exists */
6701 if (!(l = unistim_line_alloc())) {
6702 ast_free(d);
6703 ast_free(lt);
6704 return NULL;
6705 }
6706 lt->cap = l->cap;
6707 memcpy(l, lt, sizeof(*l));
6708 ast_mutex_init(&l->lock);
6709 create_line = 1;
6710 }
6711 d->to_delete = 0;
6713 /* Set softkey info for new line*/
6714 d->sline[nbsoftkey] = l;
6715 d->softkeyicon[nbsoftkey] = FAV_LINE_ICON;
6716 if (!len) { /* label is undefined ? */
6717 ast_copy_string(d->softkeylabel[nbsoftkey], v->value, sizeof(d->softkeylabel[nbsoftkey]));
6718 } else {
6719 int softkeylinepos = 0;
6720 if ((len > 2) && (linelabel[1] == '@')) {
6721 softkeylinepos = linelabel[0];
6722 if ((softkeylinepos >= '0') && (softkeylinepos <= '5')) {
6723 softkeylinepos -= '0';
6724 d->softkeyicon[nbsoftkey] = FAV_ICON_NONE;
6725 } else {
6727 "Invalid position for linelabel : must be between 0 and 5\n");
6728 }
6729 ast_copy_string(d->softkeylabel[softkeylinepos], linelabel + 2,
6730 sizeof(d->softkeylabel[softkeylinepos]));
6731 d->softkeyicon[softkeylinepos] = FAV_LINE_ICON;
6732 } else {
6733 ast_copy_string(d->softkeylabel[nbsoftkey], linelabel,
6734 sizeof(d->softkeylabel[nbsoftkey]));
6735 }
6736 }
6737 nbsoftkey++;
6739 if (create_line) {
6740 ast_copy_string(l->name, v->value, sizeof(l->name));
6741 snprintf(l->fullname, sizeof(l->fullname), "USTM/%s@%s", l->name, d->name);
6742 if (!ast_strlen_zero(l->mailbox)) {
6743 if (unistimdebug) {
6744 ast_verb(3, "Setting mailbox '%s' on %s@%s\n", l->mailbox, d->name, l->name);
6745 }
6746 }
6748 l->parent = d;
6749 linecnt++;
6750 AST_LIST_LOCK(&d->lines);
6751 AST_LIST_INSERT_TAIL(&d->lines, l, list);
6752 AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&d->lines);
6753 }
6754 } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "height")) {
6755 /* Allow the user to lower the expected display lines on the phone
6756 * For example the Nortel i2001 and i2002 only have one ! */
6757 d->height = atoi(v->value);
6758 } else
6759 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Don't know keyword '%s' at line %d\n", v->name,
6760 v->lineno);
6761 v = v->next;
6762 }
6763 ast_free(lt);
6764 if (linecnt == 0) {
6765 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "An Unistim device must have at least one line!\n");
6766 ast_free(d);
6767 return NULL;
6768 }
6769 d->ringvolume = ringvolume;
6770 d->ringstyle = ringstyle;
6771 d->cwvolume = cwvolume;
6772 d->cwstyle = cwstyle;
6773 d->callhistory = callhistory;
6774 d->sharp_dial = sharpdial;
6775 d->tz = ast_get_indication_zone(d->country);
6776 if ((d->tz == NULL) && !ast_strlen_zero(d->country)) {
6777 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Country '%s' was not found in indications.conf\n",
6778 d->country);
6779 }
6780 d->datetimeformat = 48 + (dateformat * 4);
6781 d->datetimeformat += timeformat;
6783 (!ast_strlen_zero(d->extension_number))) {
6784 d->extension = EXTENSION_TN;
6785 if (!ast_strlen_zero(d->id)) {
6787 "tn= and device= can't be used together. Ignoring device= entry\n");
6788 }
6789 d->id[0] = 'T'; /* magic : this is a tn entry */
6790 ast_copy_string((d->id) + 1, d->extension_number, sizeof(d->id) - 1);
6791 d->extension_number[0] = '\0';
6792 } else if (ast_strlen_zero(d->id)) {
6793 if (strcmp(d->name, "template")) {
6794 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "You must specify the mac address with device=\n");
6795 if (d->tz) {
6796 d->tz = ast_tone_zone_unref(d->tz);
6797 }
6798 ast_free(d);
6799 return NULL;
6800 } else {
6801 strcpy(d->id, "000000000000");
6802 }
6803 }
6804 if (!d->rtp_port) {
6805 d->rtp_port = 10000;
6806 }
6807 if (d->contrast == -1) {
6808 d->contrast = 8;
6809 }
6810 if (ast_strlen_zero(d->maintext1)) {
6811 strcpy(d->maintext1, d->name);
6812 }
6813 if (ast_strlen_zero(d->titledefault)) {
6814 struct ast_tm tm = { 0, };
6815 struct timeval cur_time = ast_tvnow();
6817 if ((ast_localtime(&cur_time, &tm, 0)) == 0 || ast_strlen_zero(tm.tm_zone)) {
6818 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error in ast_localtime()\n");
6819 ast_copy_string(d->titledefault, "UNISTIM for*", 12);
6820 } else {
6821 if (strlen(tm.tm_zone) < 4) {
6822 strcpy(d->titledefault, "TimeZone ");
6823 strcat(d->titledefault, tm.tm_zone);
6824 } else if (strlen(tm.tm_zone) < 9) {
6825 strcpy(d->titledefault, "TZ ");
6826 strcat(d->titledefault, tm.tm_zone);
6827 } else {
6828 ast_copy_string(d->titledefault, tm.tm_zone, 12);
6829 }
6830 }
6831 }
6832 /* Update the chained link if it's a new device */
6833 if (create) {
6835 d->next = devices;
6836 devices = d;
6838 ast_verb(3, "Added device '%s'\n", d->name);
6839 } else {
6840 ast_verb(3, "Device '%s' reloaded\n", d->name);
6841 }
6842 return d;
struct ast_ha * ast_append_ha(const char *sense, const char *stuff, struct ast_ha *path, int *error)
Add a new rule to a list of HAs.
Definition: acl.c:712
#define ast_free(a)
Definition: astmm.h:180
#define ast_calloc(num, len)
A wrapper for calloc()
Definition: astmm.h:202
static int unistimsock
Definition: chan_unistim.c:247
static struct unistim_line * find_line_by_number(struct unistim_device *d, const char *val)
static int unistimdebug
Definition: chan_unistim.c:243
static enum autoprovision autoprovisioning
Definition: chan_unistim.c:245
#define VOLUME_LOW
Definition: chan_unistim.c:142
static struct unistim_line * unistim_line_destroy(struct unistim_line *l)
static struct unistim_line * unistim_line_alloc(void)
#define MUTE_OFF
Definition: chan_unistim.c:147
static struct unistim_device * devices
static ast_mutex_t devicelock
Definition: chan_unistim.c:273
static void delete_device(struct unistim_device *d)
Definition: chan_unistim.c:83
Definition: chan_unistim.c:218
Definition: chan_unistim.c:138
Definition: chan_unistim.c:107
static int parse_bookmark(const char *text, struct unistim_device *d)
struct ast_format_cap * global_cap
Definition: chan_unistim.c:120
Definition: chan_unistim.c:86
Definition: chan_unistim.c:177
static void unquote(char *out, const char *src, int maxlen)
enum ama_flags ast_channel_string2amaflag(const char *flag)
Convert a string to a detail record AMA flag.
Definition: channel.c:4379
ast_group_t ast_get_group(const char *s)
Definition: channel.c:7640
Definition: channel.h:134
Definition: codec.h:31
int ast_format_cap_append_from_cap(struct ast_format_cap *dst, const struct ast_format_cap *src, enum ast_media_type type)
Append the formats of provided type in src to dst.
Definition: format_cap.c:269
static int len(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *cmd, char *data, char *buf, size_t buflen)
#define LOG_ERROR
#define ast_verb(level,...)
static struct ast_tone_zone * ast_tone_zone_unref(struct ast_tone_zone *tz)
Release a reference to an ast_tone_zone.
Definition: indications.h:205
struct ast_tone_zone * ast_get_indication_zone(const char *country)
locate ast_tone_zone
Definition: indications.c:439
#define AST_LIST_INSERT_TAIL(head, elm, field)
Appends a list entry to the tail of a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:731
Closes a safe loop traversal block.
Definition: linkedlists.h:615
#define AST_LIST_LOCK(head)
Locks a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:40
#define AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(head, var, field)
Loops safely over (traverses) the entries in a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:529
Removes the current entry from a list during a traversal.
Definition: linkedlists.h:557
#define AST_LIST_UNLOCK(head)
Attempts to unlock a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:140
struct ast_tm * ast_localtime(const struct timeval *timep, struct ast_tm *p_tm, const char *zone)
Timezone-independent version of localtime_r(3).
Definition: localtime.c:1739
#define ast_mutex_init(pmutex)
Definition: lock.h:186
#define ast_mutex_unlock(a)
Definition: lock.h:190
#define ast_mutex_lock(a)
Definition: lock.h:189
static char dateformat[256]
Definition: logger.c:81
int attribute_pure ast_true(const char *val)
Make sure something is true. Determine if a string containing a boolean value is "true"....
Definition: utils.c:2199
static force_inline int attribute_pure ast_strlen_zero(const char *s)
Definition: strings.h:65
void ast_copy_string(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
Size-limited null-terminating string copy.
Definition: strings.h:425
char * tm_zone
Definition: localtime.h:46
struct ast_variable * next
struct test_val * next
const char * name
A device containing one or more lines.
Definition: chan_unistim.c:394
struct unistim_line::@134 list
char fullname[101]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:375
char name[80]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:374
struct ast_format_cap * cap
Definition: chan_unistim.c:384
struct unistim_device * parent
Definition: chan_unistim.c:387
char mailbox[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:378
ast_mutex_t lock
Definition: chan_unistim.c:373
static struct test_val d
struct timeval ast_tvnow(void)
Returns current timeval. Meant to replace calls to gettimeofday().
Definition: time.h:159

References ast_append_ha(), ast_calloc, ast_channel_string2amaflag(), ast_copy_string(), ast_format_cap_append_from_cap(), ast_free, ast_get_group(), ast_get_indication_zone(), AST_LIST_INSERT_TAIL, AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_REMOVE_CURRENT, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, ast_localtime(), ast_log, AST_MAX_EXTENSION, AST_MEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN, ast_mutex_init, ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, ast_strlen_zero(), ast_tone_zone_unref(), ast_true(), ast_tvnow(), ast_verb, autoprovisioning, AUTOPROVISIONING_TN, unistim_line::cap, d, dateformat, DEFAULT_INTERDIGIT_TIMER, DEFAULTCONTEXT, DEFAULTHEIGHT, delete_device(), devicelock, devices, EXTENSION_ASK, EXTENSION_LINE, EXTENSION_NONE, EXTENSION_TN, FAV_ICON_NONE, FAV_LINE_ICON, find_line_by_number(), unistim_line::fullname, global_cap, len(), ast_variable::lineno, unistim_line::list, unistim_line::lock, LOG_ERROR, LOG_WARNING, unistim_line::mailbox, MUTE_OFF, unistim_line::name, ast_variable::name, test_val::name, ast_variable::next, test_val::next, NULL, OUTPUT_HANDSET, unistim_line::parent, parse_bookmark(), ast_tm::tm_zone, unistim_line_alloc(), unistim_line_destroy(), unistimdebug, unistimsock, unquote(), ast_variable::value, and VOLUME_LOW.

Referenced by reload_config().

◆ change_callerid()

void change_callerid ( struct unistimsession pte,
int  type,
char *  callerid 

Definition at line 2472 of file chan_unistim.c.

2474 char *data;
2475 int size;
2477 if (type) {
2478 data = pte->device->lst_cnm;
2479 } else {
2480 data = pte->device->lst_cid;
2481 }
2483 /* This is very nearly strncpy(), except that the remaining buffer
2484 * is padded with ' ', instead of '\0' */
2485 memset(data, ' ', TEXT_LENGTH_MAX);
2486 size = strlen(callerid);
2487 if (size > TEXT_LENGTH_MAX) {
2488 size = TEXT_LENGTH_MAX;
2489 }
2490 memcpy(data, callerid, size);
static const char type[]
Definition: chan_ooh323.c:109
Definition: chan_unistim.c:169
char lst_cid[TEXT_LENGTH_MAX]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:436
char lst_cnm[TEXT_LENGTH_MAX]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:437
struct unistim_device * device
Definition: chan_unistim.c:476

References unistimsession::device, unistim_device::lst_cid, unistim_device::lst_cnm, TEXT_LENGTH_MAX, and type.

Referenced by close_call(), and send_callerid_screen().

◆ change_favorite_icon()

static void change_favorite_icon ( struct unistimsession pte,
unsigned char  status 

Definition at line 1418 of file chan_unistim.c.

1420 struct unistim_device *d = devices;
1421 int i;
1422 /* Update the current phone line softkey icon */
1423 if (pte->state != STATE_CLEANING) {
1424 int softkeylinepos = get_active_softkey(pte);
1425 if (softkeylinepos != -1) {
1426 send_favorite_short(softkeylinepos, status, pte);
1427 }
1428 }
1429 /* Notify other phones if we're in their bookmark */
1430 while (d) {
1431 for (i = 0; i < FAVNUM; i++) {
1432 if (d->sp[i] == pte->device) { /* It's us ? */
1433 if (d->softkeyicon[i] != status) { /* Avoid resending the same icon */
1434 d->softkeyicon[i] = status;
1435 if (d->session) {
1436 send_favorite(i, status + 1, d->session, d->softkeylabel[i]);
1437 }
1438 }
1439 }
1440 }
1441 d = d->next;
1442 }
jack_status_t status
Definition: app_jack.c:146
static void send_favorite_short(unsigned char pos, unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_favorite(unsigned char pos, unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte, const char *text)
static int get_active_softkey(struct unistimsession *pte)
#define FAVNUM
Definition: chan_unistim.c:216

References d, unistimsession::device, devices, FAVNUM, get_active_softkey(), test_val::next, send_favorite(), send_favorite_short(), unistimsession::state, STATE_CLEANING, and status.

Referenced by close_client(), handle_dial_page(), send_select_output(), show_main_page(), and unistim_call().

◆ channel_to_session()

static struct unistimsession * channel_to_session ( struct ast_channel ast)

Definition at line 4794 of file chan_unistim.c.

4796 struct unistim_subchannel *sub;
4797 if (!ast) {
4798 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unistim callback function called with a null channel\n");
4799 return NULL;
4800 }
4801 if (!ast_channel_tech_pvt(ast)) {
4802 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unistim callback function called without a tech_pvt\n");
4803 return NULL;
4804 }
4807 if (!sub->parent) {
4808 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unistim callback function called without a line\n");
4809 return NULL;
4810 }
4811 if (!sub->parent->parent) {
4812 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unistim callback function called without a device\n");
4813 return NULL;
4814 }
4815 ast_mutex_lock(&sub->parent->parent->lock);
4816 if (!sub->parent->parent->session) {
4817 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unistim callback function called without a session\n");
4818 ast_mutex_unlock(&sub->parent->parent->lock);
4819 return NULL;
4820 }
4821 ast_mutex_unlock(&sub->parent->parent->lock);
4822 return sub->parent->parent->session;
void * ast_channel_tech_pvt(const struct ast_channel *chan)
struct stasis_forward * sub
Definition: res_corosync.c:240

References ast_channel_tech_pvt(), ast_log, ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, LOG_WARNING, NULL, and sub.

Referenced by unistim_answer(), unistim_call(), unistim_hangup(), unistim_indicate(), unistim_senddigit_begin(), unistim_senddigit_end(), and unistim_sendtext().

◆ check_send_queue()

static void check_send_queue ( struct unistimsession pte)

Definition at line 1101 of file chan_unistim.c.

1103 /* Check if our send queue contained only one element */
1104 if (pte->last_buf_available == 1) {
1105 if (unistimdebug) {
1106 ast_verb(0, "Our single packet was ACKed.\n");
1107 }
1108 pte->last_buf_available--;
1109 set_ping_timer(pte);
1110 return;
1111 }
1112 /* Check if this ACK catch up our latest packet */
1113 else if (pte->last_seq_ack + 1 == pte->seq_server + 1) {
1114 if (unistimdebug) {
1115 ast_verb(0, "Our send queue is completely ACKed.\n");
1116 }
1117 pte->last_buf_available = 0; /* Purge the send queue */
1118 set_ping_timer(pte);
1119 return;
1120 }
1121 if (unistimdebug) {
1122 ast_verb(0, "We still have packets in our send queue\n");
1123 }
1124 return;
static void set_ping_timer(struct unistimsession *pte)
unsigned short seq_server
Definition: chan_unistim.c:464
unsigned short last_seq_ack
Definition: chan_unistim.c:465

References ast_verb, unistimsession::last_buf_available, unistimsession::last_seq_ack, unistimsession::seq_server, set_ping_timer(), and unistimdebug.

Referenced by parsing().

◆ close_call()

static void close_call ( struct unistimsession pte)

Definition at line 2599 of file chan_unistim.c.

2601 struct unistim_subchannel *sub, *sub_transf;
2603 sub = get_sub(pte->device, SUB_REAL);
2604 sub_transf = get_sub(pte->device, SUB_THREEWAY);
2605 send_stop_timer(pte);
2606 if (!sub) {
2607 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Close call without sub\n");
2608 return;
2609 }
2610 send_favorite_short(sub->softkey, FAV_LINE_ICON, pte);
2611 if (sub->owner) {
2612 sub->alreadygone = 1;
2613 if (sub_transf) {
2614 sub_transf->alreadygone = 1;
2615 if (attempt_transfer(sub, sub_transf) < 0) {
2616 ast_verb(0, "attempt_transfer failed.\n");
2617 }
2618 } else {
2619 ast_queue_hangup(sub->owner);
2620 }
2621 } else {
2622 if (sub_transf) {
2623 if (sub_transf->owner) {
2625 } else {
2626 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "threeway sub without owner\n");
2627 }
2628 } else {
2629 ast_verb(0, "USTM(%s@%s-%d) channel already destroyed\n", sub->parent->name,
2630 pte->device->name, sub->softkey);
2631 }
2632 }
2633 change_callerid(pte, 0, pte->device->redial_number);
2634 change_callerid(pte, 1, "");
2635 write_history(pte, 'o', pte->device->missed_call);
2636 pte->device->missed_call = 0;
2637 show_main_page(pte);
2638 return;
Definition: causes.h:106
#define SUB_REAL
Definition: chan_unistim.c:116
Definition: chan_unistim.c:118
static int attempt_transfer(struct unistim_subchannel *p1, struct unistim_subchannel *p2)
static void show_main_page(struct unistimsession *pte)
static int write_history(struct unistimsession *pte, char way, char ismissed)
static void send_stop_timer(struct unistimsession *pte)
static void change_callerid(struct unistimsession *pte, int type, char *callerid)
static struct unistim_subchannel * get_sub(struct unistim_device *device, int type)
int ast_queue_hangup(struct ast_channel *chan)
Queue a hangup frame.
Definition: channel.c:1169
int ast_queue_hangup_with_cause(struct ast_channel *chan, int cause)
Queue a hangup frame with hangupcause set.
Definition: channel.c:1185
char redial_number[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:400
char name[DEVICE_NAME_LEN]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:402

References unistim_subchannel::alreadygone, AST_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING, ast_log, ast_queue_hangup(), ast_queue_hangup_with_cause(), ast_verb, attempt_transfer(), change_callerid(), unistimsession::device, FAV_LINE_ICON, get_sub(), LOG_WARNING, unistim_device::missed_call, unistim_device::name, unistim_subchannel::owner, unistim_device::redial_number, send_favorite_short(), send_stop_timer(), show_main_page(), sub, SUB_REAL, SUB_THREEWAY, and write_history().

Referenced by key_call(), process_request(), and unistim_hangup().

◆ close_client()

static void close_client ( struct unistimsession s)

Definition at line 1470 of file chan_unistim.c.

1472 struct unistim_subchannel *sub = NULL;
1473 struct unistimsession *cur, *prev = NULL;
1475 cur = sessions;
1476 /* Looking for the session in the linked chain */
1477 while (cur) {
1478 if (cur == s) {
1479 break;
1480 }
1481 prev = cur;
1482 cur = cur->next;
1483 }
1484 if (cur) { /* Session found ? */
1485 if (cur->device) { /* This session was registered ? */
1486 s->state = STATE_CLEANING;
1487 if (unistimdebug) {
1488 ast_verb(0, "close_client session %p device %p\n", s, s->device);
1489 }
1494 if (!sub) {
1495 continue;
1496 }
1497 if (sub->owner) { /* Call in progress ? */
1498 if (unistimdebug) {
1499 ast_verb(0, "Aborting call\n");
1500 }
1502 } else {
1503 if (unistimdebug) {
1504 ast_debug(1, "Released sub %u of channel %s@%s\n", sub->subtype, sub->parent->name, s->device->name);
1505 }
1508 }
1509 }
1515 }
1516 cur->device->session = NULL;
1518 } else {
1519 if (unistimdebug) {
1520 ast_verb(0, "Freeing an unregistered client\n");
1521 }
1522 }
1523 if (prev) {
1524 prev->next = cur->next;
1525 } else {
1526 sessions = cur->next;
1527 }
1529 ast_free(s);
1530 } else {
1531 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Trying to delete non-existent session %p?\n", s);
1532 }
1534 return;
Definition: causes.h:121
static struct unistimsession * sessions
static void change_favorite_icon(struct unistimsession *pte, unsigned char status)
static ast_mutex_t sessionlock
Definition: chan_unistim.c:271
static int unistim_free_sub(struct unistim_subchannel *)
static int unregister_extension(const struct unistimsession *pte)
#define ast_debug(level,...)
Log a DEBUG message.
#define ast_mutex_destroy(a)
Definition: lock.h:188
char extension_number[11]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:448
struct unistimsession * session
Definition: chan_unistim.c:454
struct unistim_device::@135 subs
ast_mutex_t lock
Definition: chan_unistim.c:395
struct unistimsession * next
Definition: chan_unistim.c:477
ast_mutex_t lock
Definition: chan_unistim.c:459

References AST_CAUSE_NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER, ast_debug, ast_free, AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_REMOVE_CURRENT, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, ast_log, ast_mutex_destroy, ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, ast_queue_hangup_with_cause(), ast_strlen_zero(), ast_verb, change_favorite_icon(), unistimsession::device, unistim_device::extension_number, FAV_ICON_NONE, unistim_device::lock, unistimsession::lock, LOG_WARNING, unistim_device::name, unistimsession::next, NULL, unistim_device::session, sessionlock, sessions, unistimsession::state, STATE_CLEANING, sub, unistim_device::subs, unistim_free_sub(), unistimdebug, and unregister_extension().

Referenced by parsing(), and send_retransmit().

◆ control2str()

static char * control2str ( int  ind)

Definition at line 5279 of file chan_unistim.c.

5281 switch (ind) {
5283 return "Other end has hungup";
5285 return "Local ring";
5287 return "Remote end is ringing";
5289 return "Remote end has answered";
5291 return "Remote end is busy";
5293 return "Make it go off hook";
5295 return "Line is off hook";
5297 return "Congestion (circuits busy)";
5299 return "Flash hook";
5301 return "Wink";
5303 return "Set a low-level option";
5305 return "Key Radio";
5307 return "Un-Key Radio";
5309 return "Remote end changed";
5311 return "RTP source updated";
5313 return "Source of media changed";
5314 case -1:
5315 return "Stop tone";
5316 }
5317 return "UNKNOWN";


Referenced by unistim_indicate().

◆ create_client()

static struct unistimsession * create_client ( const struct sockaddr_in *  addr_from)

Definition at line 1046 of file chan_unistim.c.

1048 int tmp;
1049 struct unistimsession *s;
1051 if (!(s = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*s))))
1052 return NULL;
1054 memcpy(&s->sin, addr_from, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
1055 if (get_to_address(unistimsock, &s->sout) < 0) {
1056 ast_free(s);
1057 return NULL;
1058 }
1059 s->sout.sin_family = AF_INET;
1060 if (unistimdebug) {
1061 ast_verb(0, "Creating a new entry for the phone from %s received via server ip %s\n",
1062 ast_inet_ntoa(addr_from->sin_addr), ast_inet_ntoa(s->sout.sin_addr));
1063 }
1064 ast_mutex_init(&s->lock);
1066 s->next = sessions;
1067 sessions = s;
1070 s->state = STATE_INIT;
1072 /* Initialize struct wsabuf */
1073 for (tmp = 0; tmp < MAX_BUF_NUMBER; tmp++) {
1074 s->wsabufsend[tmp].buf = s->buf[tmp];
1075 }
1077 return s;
static int tmp()
Definition: bt_open.c:389
static int unistim_keepalive
Definition: chan_unistim.c:246
static unsigned int get_tick_count(void)
Definition: chan_unistim.c:895
Definition: chan_unistim.c:93
Definition: chan_unistim.c:103
static int get_to_address(int fd, struct sockaddr_in *toAddr)
const char * ast_inet_ntoa(struct in_addr ia)
thread-safe replacement for inet_ntoa().
Definition: utils.c:928
unsigned char buf[MAX_BUF_NUMBER][MAX_BUF_SIZE]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:475
struct wsabuf wsabufsend[MAX_BUF_NUMBER]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:474
struct sockaddr_in sout
Definition: chan_unistim.c:461
unsigned long tick_next_ping
Definition: chan_unistim.c:466
struct sockaddr_in sin
Definition: chan_unistim.c:460
unsigned char * buf
Definition: chan_unistim.c:350

References ast_calloc, ast_free, ast_inet_ntoa(), ast_mutex_init, ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, ast_verb, wsabuf::buf, unistimsession::buf, get_tick_count(), get_to_address(), unistimsession::lock, MAX_BUF_NUMBER, unistimsession::next, NULL, RETRANSMIT_TIMER, sessionlock, sessions, unistimsession::sin, unistimsession::sout, unistimsession::state, STATE_INIT, unistimsession::tick_next_ping, unistimsession::timeout, tmp(), unistim_keepalive, unistimdebug, unistimsock, and unistimsession::wsabufsend.

Referenced by parsing().

◆ delete_device()

static void delete_device ( struct unistim_device d)

Definition at line 6422 of file chan_unistim.c.

6424 struct unistim_line *l;
6425 struct unistim_subchannel *sub;
6426 struct unistimsession *s;
6428 if (unistimdebug) {
6429 ast_verb(0, "Removing device '%s'\n", d->name);
6430 }
6431 AST_LIST_LOCK(&d->subs);
6432 AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(&d->subs, sub, list){
6433 if (sub->subtype == SUB_REAL) {
6434 if (sub->owner) {
6436 "Device '%s' was not deleted : a call is in progress. Try again later.\n",
6437 d->name);
6438 AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&d->subs);
6439 return;
6440 }
6441 }
6442 if (sub->subtype == SUB_THREEWAY) {
6444 "Device '%s' with threeway call subchannels allocated, aborting.\n",
6445 d->name);
6446 AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&d->subs);
6447 return;
6448 }
6450 ast_mutex_destroy(&sub->lock);
6451 ast_free(sub);
6452 }
6454 AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&d->subs);
6457 AST_LIST_LOCK(&d->lines);
6458 AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(&d->lines, l, list){
6462 }
6464 AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&d->lines);
6466 if (d->session) {
6467 if (sessions == d->session) {
6468 sessions = d->session->next;
6469 } else {
6470 s = sessions;
6471 while (s) {
6472 if (s->next == d->session) {
6473 s->next = d->session->next;
6474 break;
6475 }
6476 s = s->next;
6477 }
6478 }
6479 ast_mutex_destroy(&d->session->lock);
6480 ast_free(d->session);
6481 }
6482 if (devices == d) {
6483 devices = d->next;
6484 } else {
6485 struct unistim_device *d2 = devices;
6486 while (d2) {
6487 if (d2->next == d) {
6488 d2->next = d->next;
6489 break;
6490 }
6491 d2 = d2->next;
6492 }
6493 }
6494 if (d->tz) {
6495 d->tz = ast_tone_zone_unref(d->tz);
6496 }
6497 ast_mutex_destroy(&d->lock);
6498 ast_free(d);
struct unistim_device * next
Definition: chan_unistim.c:455

References ast_free, AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_REMOVE_CURRENT, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, ast_log, ast_mutex_destroy, ast_tone_zone_unref(), ast_verb, d, devices, unistim_line::lock, LOG_WARNING, test_val::name, unistim_device::next, unistimsession::next, test_val::next, sessions, sub, SUB_REAL, SUB_THREEWAY, unistim_line_destroy(), and unistimdebug.

Referenced by build_device(), and reload_config().

◆ discard_call()

static void discard_call ( struct unistimsession pte)

Definition at line 2647 of file chan_unistim.c.

2649 struct unistim_subchannel* sub;
2650 sub = get_sub(pte->device, SUB_RING);
2651 if (!sub) {
2652 return;
2653 }
2656 return;
#define SUB_RING
Definition: chan_unistim.c:117

References AST_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING, ast_queue_hangup_with_cause(), unistimsession::device, get_sub(), sub, and SUB_RING.

Referenced by key_ringing().

◆ display_last_error()

static void display_last_error ( const char *  sz_msg)

Definition at line 889 of file chan_unistim.c.

891 /* Display the error message */
892 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s : (%d) %s\n", sz_msg, errno, strerror(errno));
int errno

References ast_log, errno, and LOG_WARNING.

Referenced by key_history(), open_history(), send_raw_client(), show_entry_history(), write_entry_history(), and write_history().

◆ do_monitor()

static void * do_monitor ( void *  data)

Definition at line 5835 of file chan_unistim.c.

5837 struct unistimsession *cur = NULL;
5838 unsigned int dw_timeout = 0;
5839 unsigned int tick;
5840 int res;
5841 int reloading;
5843 /* Add an I/O event to our UDP socket */
5844 if (unistimsock > -1) {
5846 }
5847 /* This thread monitors our UDP socket and timers */
5848 for (;;) {
5849 /* This loop is executed at least every IDLE_WAITus (1s) or every time a packet is received */
5850 /* Looking for the smallest time-out value */
5851 tick = get_tick_count();
5852 dw_timeout = UINT_MAX;
5854 cur = sessions;
5855 DEBUG_TIMER("checking timeout for session %p with tick = %u\n", cur, tick);
5856 while (cur) {
5857 DEBUG_TIMER("checking timeout for session %p timeout = %u\n", cur,
5858 cur->timeout);
5859 /* Check if we have miss something */
5860 if (cur->timeout <= tick) {
5861 DEBUG_TIMER("Event for session %p\n", cur);
5862 /* If the queue is empty, send a ping */
5863 if (cur->last_buf_available == 0) {
5864 send_ping(cur);
5865 } else {
5866 if (send_retransmit(cur)) {
5867 DEBUG_TIMER("The chained link was modified, restarting...\n");
5868 cur = sessions;
5869 dw_timeout = UINT_MAX;
5870 continue;
5871 }
5872 }
5873 }
5874 if (dw_timeout > cur->timeout - tick) {
5875 dw_timeout = cur->timeout - tick;
5876 }
5877 /* Checking if the phone is logged on for a new MWI */
5878 if (cur->device) {
5879 struct unistim_line *l;
5880 AST_LIST_LOCK(&cur->device->lines);
5881 AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&cur->device->lines, l, list) {
5882 if ((!ast_strlen_zero(l->mailbox)) && (tick >= l->parent->nextmsgcheck)) {
5883 DEBUG_TIMER("Checking mailbox for MWI\n");
5884 unistim_send_mwi_to_peer(l, tick);
5885 break;
5886 }
5887 }
5889 if (cur->device->nextdial && tick >= cur->device->nextdial) {
5891 cur->device->nextdial = 0;
5892 }
5893 }
5894 cur = cur->next;
5895 }
5897 DEBUG_TIMER("Waiting for %dus\n", dw_timeout);
5898 res = dw_timeout;
5899 /* We should not wait more than IDLE_WAIT */
5900 if ((res < 0) || (res > IDLE_WAIT)) {
5901 res = IDLE_WAIT;
5902 }
5903 /* Wait for UDP messages for a maximum of res us */
5904 res = ast_io_wait(io, res); /* This function will call unistimsock_read if a packet is received */
5905 /* Check for a reload request */
5907 reloading = unistim_reloading;
5910 if (reloading) {
5911 ast_verb(1, "Reloading unistim.conf...\n");
5912 reload_config();
5913 }
5914 pthread_testcancel();
5915 }
5916 /* Never reached */
5917 return NULL;
static ast_mutex_t unistim_reload_lock
Definition: chan_unistim.c:261
static void handle_call_outgoing(struct unistimsession *s)
#define IDLE_WAIT
Definition: chan_unistim.c:101
static int unistim_reloading
Definition: chan_unistim.c:260
static void send_ping(struct unistimsession *pte)
Definition: chan_unistim.c:991
static int unistimsock_read(int *id, int fd, short events, void *ignore)
static int send_retransmit(struct unistimsession *pte)
static int unistim_send_mwi_to_peer(struct unistim_line *peer, unsigned int tick)
static int reload_config(void)
static struct io_context * io
Definition: chan_unistim.c:256
Definition: chan_unistim.c:241
#define AST_IO_IN
Definition: io.h:34
int * ast_io_add(struct io_context *ioc, int fd, ast_io_cb callback, short events, void *data)
Adds an IO context.
Definition: io.c:162
int ast_io_wait(struct io_context *ioc, int howlong)
Waits for IO.
Definition: io.c:278
#define AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(head, var, field)
Loops over (traverses) the entries in a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:491
struct unistim_device::@136 lines
time_t nextmsgcheck
Definition: chan_unistim.c:445

References ast_io_add(), AST_IO_IN, ast_io_wait(), AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, ast_strlen_zero(), ast_verb, DEBUG_TIMER, unistimsession::device, get_tick_count(), handle_call_outgoing(), IDLE_WAIT, io, unistimsession::last_buf_available, unistim_device::lines, unistim_line::list, unistim_line::mailbox, unistimsession::next, unistim_device::nextdial, unistim_device::nextmsgcheck, NULL, unistim_line::parent, reload_config(), send_ping(), send_retransmit(), sessionlock, sessions, unistimsession::timeout, unistim_reload_lock, unistim_reloading, unistim_send_mwi_to_peer(), unistimsock, and unistimsock_read().

Referenced by restart_monitor().

◆ dummy()

static void dummy ( char *  unused,

◆ find_language()

static int find_language ( const char *  lang)

Definition at line 3807 of file chan_unistim.c.

3809 int i = 0;
3810 while (options_languages[i].lang_short != NULL) {
3811 if(!strcmp(options_languages[i].lang_short, lang)) {
3812 return i;
3813 }
3814 i++;
3815 }
3816 return 0;
static struct unistim_languages options_languages[]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:771

References NULL, and options_languages.

Referenced by handle_select_language(), init_phone_step2(), reload_config(), send_charset_update(), and ustmtext().

◆ find_line_by_number()

static struct unistim_line * find_line_by_number ( struct unistim_device d,
const char *  val 

Definition at line 6408 of file chan_unistim.c.

6408 {
6409 struct unistim_line *l, *ret = NULL;
6411 AST_LIST_LOCK(&d->lines);
6412 AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&d->lines, l, list) {
6413 if (!strcmp(l->name, val)) {
6414 ret = l;
6415 break;
6416 }
6417 }
6418 AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&d->lines);
6419 return ret;
Definition: ast_expr2.c:325

References AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, d, unistim_line::list, unistim_line::name, and NULL.

Referenced by build_device().

◆ find_rtp_port()

static int find_rtp_port ( struct unistim_subchannel s)

Definition at line 2685 of file chan_unistim.c.

2687 struct unistim_subchannel *sub = NULL;
2688 int rtp_start = s->parent->parent->rtp_port;
2689 struct ast_sockaddr us_tmp;
2690 struct sockaddr_in us = { 0, };
2693 AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&s->parent->parent->subs, sub, list) {
2694 if (!sub) {
2695 continue;
2696 }
2697 if (sub->rtp) {
2699 ast_sockaddr_to_sin(&us_tmp, &us);
2700 if (htons(us.sin_port)) {
2701 rtp_start = htons(us.sin_port) + 1;
2702 break;
2703 }
2704 }
2705 }
2707 return rtp_start;
#define ast_sockaddr_to_sin(addr, sin)
Converts a struct ast_sockaddr to a struct sockaddr_in.
Definition: netsock2.h:765
#define ast_rtp_instance_get_remote_address(instance, address)
Get the address of the remote endpoint that we are sending RTP to.
Definition: rtp_engine.h:1250
Socket address structure.
Definition: netsock2.h:97
struct unistim_line * parent
Definition: chan_unistim.c:357

References AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, ast_rtp_instance_get_remote_address, ast_sockaddr_to_sin, NULL, unistim_subchannel::parent, unistim_line::parent, unistim_device::rtp_port, sub, and unistim_device::subs.

Referenced by start_rtp().

◆ find_subchannel_by_name()

static struct unistim_subchannel * find_subchannel_by_name ( const char *  dest)

Definition at line 5421 of file chan_unistim.c.

5423 struct unistim_line *l;
5424 struct unistim_device *d;
5425 struct unistim_subchannel *sub = NULL;
5426 char line[256];
5427 char *at;
5428 char *device;
5430 ast_copy_string(line, dest, sizeof(line));
5431 at = strchr(line, '@');
5432 if (!at) {
5433 ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Device '%s' has no @ (at) sign!\n", dest);
5434 return NULL;
5435 }
5436 *at = '\0';
5437 at++;
5438 device = at;
5440 d = devices;
5441 at = strchr(device, '/'); /* Extra options ? */
5442 if (at) {
5443 *at = '\0';
5444 }
5445 while (d) {
5446 if (!strcasecmp(d->name, device)) {
5447 if (unistimdebug) {
5448 ast_verb(0, "Found device: %s\n", d->name);
5449 }
5450 /* Found the device */
5451 AST_LIST_LOCK(&d->lines);
5452 AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&d->lines, l, list) {
5453 /* Search for the right line */
5454 if (!strcasecmp(l->name, line)) {
5455 if (unistimdebug) {
5456 ast_verb(0, "Found line: %s\n", l->name);
5457 }
5458 sub = get_sub(d, SUB_REAL);
5459 if (!sub) {
5461 }
5462 if (sub->owner) {
5463 /* Allocate additional channel if asterisk channel already here */
5465 sub->holding = 1;
5466 }
5467 sub->ringvolume = -1;
5468 sub->ringstyle = -1;
5469 if (at) { /* Other options ? */
5470 at++; /* Skip slash */
5471 if (*at == 'r') { /* distinctive ring */
5472 at++;
5473 if ((*at < '0') || (*at > '7')) { /* ring style */
5474 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid ring selection (%s)", at);
5475 } else {
5476 signed char ring_volume = -1;
5477 signed char ring_style = *at - '0';
5478 at++;
5479 if ((*at >= '0') && (*at <= '3')) { /* ring volume */
5480 ring_volume = *at - '0';
5481 }
5482 if (unistimdebug) {
5483 ast_verb(0, "Distinctive ring: style #%d volume %d\n",
5484 ring_style, ring_volume);
5485 }
5486 sub->ringvolume = ring_volume;
5487 sub->ringstyle = ring_style;
5488 }
5489 }
5490 }
5491 sub->parent = l;
5492 break;
5493 }
5494 }
5495 AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&d->lines);
5496 if (sub) {
5498 return sub;
5499 }
5500 }
5501 d = d->next;
5502 }
5503 /* Device not found */
5506 return NULL;
static struct unistim_subchannel * unistim_alloc_sub(struct unistim_device *d, int x)
#define LOG_NOTICE
struct unistim_subchannel::@133 list

References ast_copy_string(), AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, ast_log, ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, ast_verb, d, devicelock, devices, get_sub(), unistim_subchannel::list, LOG_NOTICE, LOG_WARNING, unistim_line::name, test_val::name, test_val::next, NULL, sub, SUB_REAL, unistim_alloc_sub(), and unistimdebug.

Referenced by unistim_request(), and unistim_sp().

◆ finish_bookmark()

static void finish_bookmark ( void  )

Definition at line 6380 of file chan_unistim.c.

6382 struct unistim_device *d = devices;
6383 int i;
6385 while (d) {
6386 for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
6387 if (d->softkeyicon[i] == 1) { /* Something for us */
6388 struct unistim_device *d2 = devices;
6389 while (d2) {
6390 if (!strcmp(d->softkeydevice[i], d2->name)) {
6391 d->sp[i] = d2;
6392 d->softkeyicon[i] = 0;
6393 break;
6394 }
6395 d2 = d2->next;
6396 }
6397 if (d->sp[i] == NULL) {
6398 ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Bookmark entry with device %s not found\n",
6399 d->softkeydevice[i]);
6400 }
6401 }
6402 }
6403 d = d->next;
6404 }

References ast_log, ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, d, devicelock, devices, LOG_NOTICE, unistim_device::name, unistim_device::next, test_val::next, and NULL.

Referenced by reload_config().

◆ get_active_softkey()

static int get_active_softkey ( struct unistimsession pte)

Definition at line 1380 of file chan_unistim.c.

1382 return pte->device->selected;

References unistimsession::device, and unistim_device::selected.

Referenced by change_favorite_icon().

◆ get_avail_softkey()

static int get_avail_softkey ( struct unistimsession pte,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 1385 of file chan_unistim.c.

1387 int i;
1389 if (!is_key_line(pte->device, pte->device->selected)) {
1390 pte->device->selected = -1;
1391 }
1392 for (i = 0; i < FAVNUM; i++) {
1393 if (pte->device->selected != -1 && pte->device->selected != i) {
1394 continue;
1395 }
1396 if (!soft_key_visible(pte->device, i)) {
1397 continue;
1398 }
1399 if (pte->device->ssub[i]) {
1400 continue;
1401 }
1402 if (is_key_line(pte->device, i)) {
1403 if (name && strcmp(name, pte->device->sline[i]->name)) {
1404 continue;
1405 }
1406 if (unistimdebug) {
1407 ast_verb(0, "Found softkey %d for device %s\n", i, name);
1408 }
1409 return i;
1410 }
1411 }
1412 return -1;
static int is_key_line(struct unistim_device *d, int fav)
static int soft_key_visible(struct unistim_device *d, unsigned char num)
static const char name[]
Definition: format_mp3.c:68
struct unistim_subchannel * ssub[FAVNUM]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:409
struct unistim_line * sline[FAVNUM]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:410

References ast_verb, unistimsession::device, FAVNUM, is_key_line(), unistim_line::name, name, unistim_device::selected, unistim_device::sline, soft_key_visible(), unistim_device::ssub, and unistimdebug.

Referenced by handle_call_outgoing(), key_main_page(), process_request(), and unistim_request().

◆ get_sub()

static struct unistim_subchannel * get_sub ( struct unistim_device device,
int  type 

◆ get_sub_holding()

static struct unistim_subchannel * get_sub_holding ( struct unistim_device device,
int  type,
int  holding 

Definition at line 2511 of file chan_unistim.c.

2513 struct unistim_subchannel *sub = NULL;
2515 AST_LIST_LOCK(&device->subs);
2516 AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&device->subs, sub, list) {
2517 if (!sub) {
2518 continue;
2519 }
2520 if (sub->subtype == type && sub->holding == holding) {
2521 break;
2522 }
2523 }
2524 AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&device->subs);
2526 return sub;

References AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, unistim_subchannel::holding, unistim_subchannel::list, NULL, sub, unistim_device::subs, and type.

Referenced by handle_key_fav().

◆ get_tick_count()

static unsigned int get_tick_count ( void  )

Definition at line 895 of file chan_unistim.c.

897 struct timeval now = ast_tvnow();
899 return (now.tv_sec * 1000) + (now.tv_usec / 1000);

References ast_tvnow().

Referenced by create_client(), do_monitor(), key_dial_page(), send_client(), send_ping(), and send_retransmit().

◆ get_to_address()

static int get_to_address ( int  fd,
struct sockaddr_in *  toAddr 

Definition at line 1002 of file chan_unistim.c.

1004#ifdef HAVE_PKTINFO
1005 int err;
1006 char cmbuf[0x100];
1007 struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
1008 struct sockaddr_in peeraddr;
1009 struct in_addr addr;
1010 struct msghdr mh = {
1011 .msg_name = &peeraddr,
1012 .msg_namelen = sizeof(peeraddr),
1013 .msg_control = cmbuf,
1014 .msg_controllen = sizeof(cmbuf),
1015 };
1016 memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
1017 /* Get info about the incoming packet */
1018 err = recvmsg(fd, &mh, MSG_PEEK);
1019 if (err == -1) {
1020 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "recvmsg returned an error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
1021 return err;
1022 }
1023 for(cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&mh);
1024 cmsg != NULL;
1025 cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&mh, cmsg))
1026 {
1027 if (cmsg->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IP && cmsg->cmsg_type == IP_PKTINFO) {
1028 struct in_pktinfo *pkt = (struct in_pktinfo*)CMSG_DATA(cmsg);
1029 addr = pkt->ipi_addr;
1030 if (unistimdebug) {
1031 ast_verb(0, "message received on address %s\n", ast_inet_ntoa(addr));
1032 }
1033 }
1034 }
1035 memcpy(&toAddr->sin_addr, &addr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
1036 return err;
1038 memcpy(toAddr, &public_ip, sizeof(*toAddr));
1039 return 0;
static struct sockaddr_in public_ip
Definition: chan_unistim.c:258

References ast_inet_ntoa(), ast_log, ast_verb, errno, LOG_WARNING, NULL, public_ip, and unistimdebug.

Referenced by create_client().

◆ handle_call_incoming()

static void handle_call_incoming ( struct unistimsession s)

Definition at line 3262 of file chan_unistim.c.

3264 struct unistim_subchannel *sub = NULL;
3265 int i;
3267 s->state = STATE_CALL;
3268 s->device->missed_call = 0;
3269 send_no_ring(s);
3270 sub = get_sub(s->device, SUB_RING); /* Put other SUB_REAL call on hold */
3271 if (!sub) {
3272 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No ringing lines on: %s\n", s->device->name);
3273 return;
3274 }
3275 /* Change icons for all ringing keys */
3276 for (i = 0; i < FAVNUM; i++) {
3277 if (!s->device->ssub[i]) { /* No sub assigned - skip */
3278 continue;
3279 }
3280 if (s->device->ssub[i]->subtype == SUB_REAL) {
3281 sub_hold(s, s->device->ssub[i]);
3282 }
3283 if (s->device->ssub[i] != sub) {
3284 continue;
3285 }
3286 if (sub->softkey == i) { /* If softkey assigned at this moment - do not erase */
3287 continue;
3288 }
3289 if (sub->softkey < 0) { /* If softkey not defined - first one used */
3290 sub->softkey = i;
3291 continue;
3292 }
3294 s->device->ssub[i] = NULL;
3295 }
3296 if (sub->softkey < 0) {
3297 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can not assign softkey for incoming call on: %s\n", s->device->name);
3298 return;
3299 }
3301 sub->parent = s->device->sline[sub->softkey];
3302 sub->subtype = SUB_REAL;
3303 if (unistimdebug) {
3304 ast_verb(0, "Handle Call Incoming for %s@%s\n", sub->parent->name,
3305 s->device->name);
3306 }
3307 start_rtp(sub);
3308 if (!sub->rtp) {
3309 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to create channel for %s@%s\n", sub->parent->name, s->device->name);
3310 return;
3311 }
3312 if (sub->owner) {
3314 }
3315 send_text(TEXT_LINE2, TEXT_NORMAL, s, ustmtext("is on-line", s));
3316 send_text_status(s, ustmtext(" Transf Hangup", s));
3319 if ((s->device->output == OUTPUT_HANDSET) &&
3322 } else {
3324 }
3325 write_history(s, 'i', 0);
3326 return;
Definition: chan_unistim.c:173
static void send_text(unsigned char pos, unsigned char inverse, struct unistimsession *pte, const char *text)
static void sub_hold(struct unistimsession *pte, struct unistim_subchannel *sub)
static void start_rtp(struct unistim_subchannel *sub)
static const char * ustmtext(const char *str, struct unistimsession *pte)
Definition: chan_unistim.c:800
Definition: chan_unistim.c:182
static void send_select_output(struct unistimsession *pte, unsigned char output, unsigned char volume, unsigned char mute)
static void send_text_status(struct unistimsession *pte, const char *text)
static void send_start_timer(struct unistimsession *pte)
#define TEXT_LINE2
Definition: chan_unistim.c:172
Definition: chan_unistim.c:140
static void send_no_ring(struct unistimsession *pte)
int ast_queue_control(struct ast_channel *chan, enum ast_control_frame_type control)
Queue a control frame without payload.
Definition: channel.c:1250
unsigned int subtype
Definition: chan_unistim.c:355

References AST_CONTROL_ANSWER, ast_log, ast_queue_control(), ast_verb, unistimsession::device, FAV_ICON_OFFHOOK_BLACK, FAV_LINE_ICON, FAVNUM, get_sub(), LOG_WARNING, unistim_device::missed_call, MUTE_OFF, unistim_device::name, NULL, unistim_device::output, OUTPUT_HANDSET, OUTPUT_SPEAKER, unistim_device::receiver_state, send_favorite_short(), send_no_ring(), send_select_output(), send_start_timer(), send_text(), send_text_status(), unistim_device::sline, unistim_device::ssub, start_rtp(), unistimsession::state, STATE_CALL, STATE_ONHOOK, sub, sub_hold(), SUB_REAL, SUB_RING, unistim_subchannel::subtype, TEXT_LINE2, TEXT_NORMAL, unistimdebug, ustmtext(), unistim_device::volume, and write_history().

Referenced by handle_key_fav(), key_ringing(), and process_request().

◆ handle_call_outgoing()

static void handle_call_outgoing ( struct unistimsession s)

Definition at line 3111 of file chan_unistim.c.

3113 struct ast_channel *c;
3114 struct unistim_subchannel *sub;
3115 int softkey;
3117 s->state = STATE_CALL;
3120 if (sub) {
3121 /* If sub for threway call created than we use transfer behavior */
3122 struct unistim_subchannel *sub_trans = NULL;
3123 struct unistim_device *d = s->device;
3125 sub_trans = get_sub(d, SUB_REAL);
3126 if (sub_trans) {
3127 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't transfer while active subchannel exists!\n");
3128 return;
3129 }
3130 if (!sub->owner) {
3131 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to find subchannel with music on hold\n");
3132 return;
3133 }
3135 sub_trans = unistim_alloc_sub(d, SUB_REAL);
3136 if (!sub_trans) {
3137 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to allocate three-way subchannel\n");
3138 return;
3139 }
3140 sub_trans->parent = sub->parent;
3142 send_tone(s, 0, 0);
3143 /* Make new channel */
3144 c = unistim_new(sub_trans, AST_STATE_DOWN, NULL, NULL);
3145 if (!c) {
3146 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot allocate new structure on channel %p\n", sub->parent);
3147 return;
3148 }
3149 /* Swap things around between the three-way and real call */
3150 swap_subs(sub, sub_trans);
3152 if (s->device->height == 1) {
3154 } else {
3155 send_text(TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_NORMAL, s, ustmtext("Calling (pre-transfer)", s));
3157 send_text(TEXT_LINE2, TEXT_NORMAL, s, ustmtext("Dialing...", s));
3158 }
3159 send_text_status(s, ustmtext("TransfrCancel", s));
3161 if (ast_pthread_create(&sub->ss_thread, NULL, unistim_ss, c)) {
3162 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to start simple switch on channel %p\n", c);
3163 sub->ss_thread = AST_PTHREADT_NULL;
3164 ast_hangup(c);
3165 return;
3166 }
3167 if (unistimdebug) {
3168 ast_verb(0, "Started three way call on channel %p (%s) subchan %u\n",
3169 sub_trans->owner, ast_channel_name(sub_trans->owner), sub_trans->subtype);
3170 }
3171 return;
3172 }
3174 softkey = get_avail_softkey(s, NULL);
3175 if (softkey == -1) {
3176 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Have no avail softkey for calling\n");
3177 return;
3178 }
3179 sub = get_sub(s->device, SUB_REAL);
3180 if (sub) { /* have already call assigned */
3181 sub_hold(s, sub); /* Need to put on hold */
3182 }
3183 if (!(sub = unistim_alloc_sub(s->device, SUB_REAL))) {
3184 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to allocate subchannel!\n");
3185 return;
3186 }
3187 sub->parent = s->device->sline[softkey];
3188 s->device->ssub[softkey] = sub;
3189 sub->softkey = softkey;
3191 if (unistimdebug) {
3192 ast_verb(0, "Using softkey %d, line %p\n", sub->softkey, sub->parent);
3193 }
3195 s->device->selected = -1;
3196 if (!sub->owner) { /* A call is already in progress ? */
3197 RAII_VAR(struct ast_features_pickup_config *, pickup_cfg, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
3198 const char *pickupexten;
3200 c = unistim_new(sub, AST_STATE_DOWN, NULL, NULL); /* No, starting a new one */
3201 if (!sub->rtp) { /* Need to start RTP before calling ast_pbx_run */
3202 start_rtp(sub);
3203 }
3204 if (c) {
3207 if (!pickup_cfg) {
3208 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to retrieve pickup configuration options. Unable to detect call pickup extension\n");
3209 pickupexten = "";
3210 } else {
3211 pickupexten = ast_strdupa(pickup_cfg->pickupexten);
3212 }
3214 }
3215 if (c && !strcmp(s->device->phone_number, pickupexten)) {
3216 if (unistimdebug) {
3217 ast_verb(0, "Try to pickup in unistim_new\n");
3218 }
3220 send_text_status(s, ustmtext(" Transf Hangup", s));
3222 if (ast_pickup_call(c)) {
3223 ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Nothing to pick up\n");
3225 } else {
3227 }
3228 ast_hangup(c);
3229 c = NULL;
3230 } else if (c) {
3232 send_tone(s, 0, 0); /* Dialing empty number should also stop dial tone */
3233 if (s->device->height == 1) {
3234 if (strlen(s->device->phone_number) > 0) {
3236 } else {
3237 send_text(TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_NORMAL, s, ustmtext("Calling...", s));
3238 }
3239 } else {
3240 send_text(TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_NORMAL, s, ustmtext("Calling :", s));
3242 send_text(TEXT_LINE2, TEXT_NORMAL, s, ustmtext("Dialing...", s));
3243 }
3244 send_text_status(s, ustmtext(" Hangup", s));
3246 /* start switch */
3247 if (ast_pthread_create(&sub->ss_thread, NULL, unistim_ss, c)) {
3248 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to create switch thread\n");
3249 sub->ss_thread = AST_PTHREADT_NULL;
3251 }
3252 } else
3253 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to create channel for %s@%s\n",
3254 sub->parent->name, s->device->name);
3255 } else {
3256 ast_debug(1, "Current sub [%s] already has owner\n", ast_channel_name(sub->owner));
3257 }
3258 return;
#define ast_strdupa(s)
duplicate a string in memory from the stack
Definition: astmm.h:298
#define ao2_cleanup(obj)
Definition: astobj2.h:1934
Definition: causes.h:123
Definition: causes.h:111
static int get_avail_softkey(struct unistimsession *pte, const char *name)
static struct ast_channel * unistim_new(struct unistim_subchannel *sub, int state, const struct ast_assigned_ids *assignedids, const struct ast_channel *requestor)
static void * unistim_ss(void *data)
static void sub_stop_silence(struct unistimsession *pte, struct unistim_subchannel *sub)
static void send_tone(struct unistimsession *pte, uint16_t tone1, uint16_t tone2)
static void swap_subs(struct unistim_subchannel *a, struct unistim_subchannel *b)
#define TEXT_LINE1
Definition: chan_unistim.c:171
#define TEXT_LINE0
Definition: chan_unistim.c:170
const char * ast_channel_name(const struct ast_channel *chan)
void ast_hangup(struct ast_channel *chan)
Hang up a channel.
Definition: channel.c:2560
#define ast_channel_lock(chan)
Definition: channel.h:2968
void ast_channel_hangupcause_set(struct ast_channel *chan, int value)
#define ast_channel_unlock(chan)
Definition: channel.h:2969
Definition: channelstate.h:36
struct ast_features_pickup_config * ast_get_chan_features_pickup_config(struct ast_channel *chan)
Get the pickup configuration options for a channel.
Definition: lock.h:66
int ast_pickup_call(struct ast_channel *chan)
Pickup a call.
Definition: pickup.c:199
Configuration relating to call pickup.
char phone_number[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:399
static struct test_val c
#define ast_pthread_create(a, b, c, d)
Definition: utils.h:584

References ao2_cleanup, AST_CAUSE_CALL_REJECTED, AST_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING, AST_CAUSE_SWITCH_CONGESTION, ast_channel_hangupcause_set(), ast_channel_lock, ast_channel_name(), ast_channel_unlock, ast_debug, ast_get_chan_features_pickup_config(), ast_hangup(), ast_log, ast_pickup_call(), ast_pthread_create, AST_PTHREADT_NULL, ast_queue_hangup_with_cause(), AST_STATE_DOWN, ast_strdupa, ast_verb, c, d, unistimsession::device, FAV_ICON_OFFHOOK_BLACK, get_avail_softkey(), get_sub(), unistim_device::height, LOG_ERROR, LOG_NOTICE, LOG_WARNING, MUTE_OFF, unistim_device::name, NULL, unistim_device::output, unistim_subchannel::owner, unistim_subchannel::parent, unistim_device::phone_number, RAII_VAR, unistim_device::selected, send_favorite_short(), send_select_output(), send_start_timer(), send_text(), send_text_status(), send_tone(), unistim_device::sline, unistim_subchannel::softkey, unistim_device::ssub, start_rtp(), unistimsession::state, STATE_CALL, sub, sub_hold(), SUB_REAL, sub_stop_silence(), SUB_THREEWAY, unistim_subchannel::subtype, swap_subs(), TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_LINE1, TEXT_LINE2, TEXT_NORMAL, unistim_alloc_sub(), unistim_new(), unistim_ss(), unistimdebug, ustmtext(), and unistim_device::volume.

Referenced by do_monitor(), key_dial_page(), key_favorite(), and key_main_page().

◆ handle_dial_page()

static void handle_dial_page ( struct unistimsession pte)

Definition at line 2983 of file chan_unistim.c.

2985 pte->state = STATE_DIALPAGE;
2986 if (pte->device->call_forward[0] == -1) {
2987 send_text(TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_NORMAL, pte, "");
2988 send_text(TEXT_LINE1, TEXT_NORMAL, pte, ustmtext("Enter forward", pte));
2989 send_text_status(pte, ustmtext("Fwd Cancel BackSp Erase", pte));
2990 if (pte->device->call_forward[1] != 0) {
2992 sizeof(pte->device->phone_number));
2993 show_phone_number(pte);
2995 return;
2996 }
2997 } else {
2998 if ((pte->device->output == OUTPUT_HANDSET) &&
2999 (pte->device->receiver_state == STATE_ONHOOK)) {
3001 } else {
3003 }
3004 send_dial_tone(pte);
3006 if (pte->device->height > 1) {
3007 send_text(TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_NORMAL, pte, ustmtext("Enter the number to dial", pte));
3008 send_text(TEXT_LINE1, TEXT_NORMAL, pte, ustmtext("and press Call", pte));
3009 }
3011 send_text_status(pte, ustmtext("Call BackSp Erase", pte));
3012 } else {
3013 send_text_status(pte, ustmtext("Call Redial BackSp Erase", pte));
3014 }
3015 }
3017 pte->device->size_phone_number = 0;
3018 pte->device->phone_number[0] = 0;
3019 show_phone_number(pte);
3022 pte->device->missed_call = 0;
3024 pte->device->lastmsgssent = -1;
3025 return;
static void send_led_update(struct unistimsession *pte, unsigned char led)
static void send_dial_tone(struct unistimsession *pte)
#define LED_BAR_OFF
Definition: chan_unistim.c:151
Definition: chan_unistim.c:188
static void show_phone_number(struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_icon(unsigned char pos, unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte)
char call_forward[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:438

References ast_copy_string(), ast_strlen_zero(), unistim_device::call_forward, change_favorite_icon(), unistimsession::device, FAV_ICON_NONE, FAV_ICON_PHONE_BLACK, unistim_device::height, unistim_device::lastmsgssent, LED_BAR_OFF, unistim_device::missed_call, MUTE_OFF, unistim_device::output, OUTPUT_HANDSET, OUTPUT_SPEAKER, unistim_device::phone_number, unistim_device::receiver_state, unistim_device::redial_number, send_dial_tone(), send_icon(), send_led_update(), send_select_output(), send_text(), send_text_status(), show_phone_number(), unistim_device::size_phone_number, unistimsession::state, STATE_DIALPAGE, STATE_ONHOOK, TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_LINE1, TEXT_NORMAL, ustmtext(), and unistim_device::volume.

Referenced by handle_key_fav(), key_main_page(), process_request(), and transfer_call_step1().

◆ handle_key_fav()

static void handle_key_fav ( struct unistimsession pte,
char  keycode 

Definition at line 3380 of file chan_unistim.c.

3382 int keynum = keycode - KEY_FAV0;
3383 struct unistim_subchannel *sub, *sub_key = NULL;
3384 sub = get_sub_holding(pte->device, SUB_REAL, 0);
3386 /* Make an action on selected favorite key */
3387 if (!pte->device->ssub[keynum]) { /* Key have no assigned call */
3388 sub = get_sub_holding(pte->device, SUB_REAL, 0);
3390 if (is_key_line(pte->device, keynum)) {
3391 if (unistimdebug) {
3392 ast_verb(0, "Handle line w/o sub - dialpage\n");
3393 }
3394 pte->device->selected = keynum;
3395 sub_hold(pte, sub); /* Put active call on hold */
3396 send_stop_timer(pte);
3397 handle_dial_page(pte);
3398 } else if (is_key_favorite(pte->device, keynum)) {
3399 /* Put active call on hold in handle_call_outgoing function, after preparation and
3400 checking if lines available for calling */
3401 if (unistimdebug) {
3402 ast_verb(0, "Handle favorite w/o sub - dialing\n");
3403 }
3404 if ((pte->device->output == OUTPUT_HANDSET) &&
3405 (pte->device->receiver_state == STATE_ONHOOK)) {
3407 } else {
3409 }
3410 key_favorite(pte, keycode);
3411 }
3412 } else {
3413 sub_key = pte->device->ssub[keynum];
3414 /* Favicon have assigned sub, activate it and put current on hold */
3415 if (sub_key->subtype == SUB_REAL && !sub_key->holding) {
3416 sub_hold(pte, sub_key);
3417 show_main_page(pte);
3418 } else if (sub_key->subtype == SUB_REAL && sub_key->holding) {
3419 /* We are going to unhold line (we should put active line on hold, of any) */
3420 if (pte->state == STATE_DIALPAGE){
3421 send_tone(pte, 0, 0);
3422 }
3423 sub_hold(pte, sub);
3424 send_callerid_screen(pte, sub_key);
3425 sub_unhold(pte, sub_key);
3426 pte->state = STATE_CALL;
3427 } else if (sub_key->subtype == SUB_RING) {
3428 sub_hold(pte, sub);
3429 sub_key->softkey = keynum;
3431 }
3432 }
static struct unistim_subchannel * get_sub_holding(struct unistim_device *device, int type, int holding)
static void handle_call_incoming(struct unistimsession *s)
static void sub_unhold(struct unistimsession *pte, struct unistim_subchannel *sub)
static void send_callerid_screen(struct unistimsession *, struct unistim_subchannel *)
static int is_key_favorite(struct unistim_device *d, int fav)
static void handle_dial_page(struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_favorite_selected(unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte)
static void key_favorite(struct unistimsession *, char)

References ast_verb, unistimsession::device, FAV_LINE_ICON, get_sub_holding(), handle_call_incoming(), handle_dial_page(), unistim_subchannel::holding, is_key_favorite(), is_key_line(), KEY_FAV0, key_favorite(), MUTE_OFF, NULL, unistim_device::output, OUTPUT_HANDSET, OUTPUT_SPEAKER, unistim_device::receiver_state, unistim_device::selected, send_callerid_screen(), send_favorite_selected(), send_select_output(), send_stop_timer(), send_tone(), show_main_page(), unistim_subchannel::softkey, unistim_device::ssub, unistimsession::state, STATE_CALL, STATE_DIALPAGE, STATE_ONHOOK, sub, sub_hold(), SUB_REAL, SUB_RING, sub_unhold(), unistim_subchannel::subtype, unistimdebug, and unistim_device::volume.

Referenced by key_call(), key_dial_page(), key_main_page(), and key_ringing().

◆ handle_select_codec()

static void handle_select_codec ( struct unistimsession pte)

Definition at line 3732 of file chan_unistim.c.

3734 char buf[30], buf2[6];
3736 pte->state = STATE_SELECTCODEC;
3737 ast_copy_string(buf, ustmtext("Using codec", pte), sizeof(buf));
3738 snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), " %d", pte->device->codec_number);
3739 strcat(buf, buf2);
3740 strcat(buf, " (G711u=0,");
3743 send_text(TEXT_LINE1, TEXT_NORMAL, pte, "G723=4,G711a=8,G729A=18)");
3745 send_blink_cursor(pte);
3747 pte->size_buff_entry = 0;
3748 send_text_status(pte, ustmtext("Select BackSp Erase Cancel", pte));
3749 return;
Definition: chan_unistim.c:174
static void send_blink_cursor(struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_cursor_pos(struct unistimsession *pte, unsigned char pos)
char buf[BUFSIZE]
Definition: eagi_proxy.c:66
static struct ast_threadstorage buf2

References ast_copy_string(), buf, buf2, unistim_device::codec_number, unistimsession::device, SELECTCODEC_MSG, SELECTCODEC_START_ENTRY_POS, send_blink_cursor(), send_cursor_pos(), send_text(), send_text_status(), unistimsession::size_buff_entry, unistimsession::state, STATE_SELECTCODEC, TEXT_INVERSE, TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_LINE1, TEXT_LINE2, TEXT_NORMAL, and ustmtext().

◆ handle_select_language()

static void handle_select_language ( struct unistimsession pte)

Definition at line 3819 of file chan_unistim.c.

3821 char tmp_language[40];
3822 struct unistim_languages lang;
3824 if (pte->state != STATE_SELECTLANGUAGE) {
3826 pte->size_buff_entry = 1;
3827 pte->buff_entry[0] = find_language(pte->device->language);
3828 }
3829 lang = options_languages[(int)pte->buff_entry[0]];
3830 ast_copy_string(tmp_language, pte->device->language, sizeof(tmp_language));
3831 ast_copy_string(pte->device->language, lang.lang_short, sizeof(pte->device->language));
3832 send_charset_update(pte, lang.encoding);
3833 send_text(TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_NORMAL, pte, ustmtext(lang.label, pte));
3835 ast_copy_string(pte->device->language, tmp_language, sizeof(pte->device->language));
3837 send_charset_update(pte, lang.encoding);
3838 send_text_status(pte, ustmtext("Select Cancel", pte));
3839 return;
static void send_charset_update(struct unistimsession *pte, int charset)
static int find_language(const char *)
char language[MAX_LANGUAGE]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:412
char buff_entry[16]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:471

References ast_copy_string(), unistimsession::buff_entry, unistimsession::device, unistim_languages::encoding, find_language(), unistim_languages::label, unistim_languages::lang_short, unistim_device::language, options_languages, send_charset_update(), send_text(), send_text_status(), unistimsession::size_buff_entry, unistimsession::state, STATE_SELECTLANGUAGE, TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_NORMAL, and ustmtext().

Referenced by key_select_language().

◆ handle_select_option()

static void handle_select_option ( struct unistimsession pte)

Definition at line 3687 of file chan_unistim.c.

3689 char tmp[128];
3691 if (pte->state != STATE_SELECTOPTION) {
3693 pte->size_buff_entry = 1;
3694 pte->buff_entry[0] = 0; /* Position in menu */
3695 }
3696 snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d. %s", pte->buff_entry[0] + 1, ustmtext(options_menu[(int)pte->buff_entry[0]].label, pte));
3698 send_text_status(pte, ustmtext("Select Cancel", pte));
3699 return;
static struct unistim_menu_item options_menu[]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:764

References unistimsession::buff_entry, unistim_menu_item::label, options_menu, send_text(), send_text_status(), unistimsession::size_buff_entry, unistimsession::state, STATE_SELECTOPTION, TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_NORMAL, tmp(), and ustmtext().

Referenced by key_main_page(), key_select_language(), and key_select_option().

◆ ignore_call()

static void ignore_call ( struct unistimsession pte)

Definition at line 2641 of file chan_unistim.c.

2643 send_no_ring(pte);
2644 return;

References send_no_ring().

Referenced by key_ringing().

◆ in_band_indication()

static void in_band_indication ( struct ast_channel ast,
const struct ast_tone_zone tz,
const char *  indication 

Definition at line 5320 of file chan_unistim.c.

5323 struct ast_tone_zone_sound *ts = NULL;
5325 if ((ts = ast_get_indication_tone(tz, indication))) {
5326 ast_playtones_start(ast, 0, ts->data, 1);
5328 } else {
5329 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to get indication tone for %s\n", indication);
5330 }
static char * tz
Definition: cdr_pgsql.c:71
static struct ast_tone_zone_sound * ast_tone_zone_sound_unref(struct ast_tone_zone_sound *ts)
Release a reference to an ast_tone_zone_sound.
Definition: indications.h:227
int ast_playtones_start(struct ast_channel *chan, int vol, const char *tonelist, int interruptible)
Start playing a list of tones on a channel.
Definition: indications.c:302
struct ast_tone_zone_sound * ast_get_indication_tone(const struct ast_tone_zone *zone, const char *indication)
Locate a tone zone sound.
Definition: indications.c:461
Description of a tone.
Definition: indications.h:35
const char * data
Description of a tone.
Definition: indications.h:52

References ast_get_indication_tone(), ast_log, ast_playtones_start(), ast_tone_zone_sound_unref(), ast_tone_zone_sound::data, LOG_WARNING, NULL, and tz.

Referenced by unistim_indicate().

◆ init_phone_step2()

static void init_phone_step2 ( struct unistimsession pte)

Definition at line 4381 of file chan_unistim.c.

4384 if (unistimdebug) {
4385 ast_verb(0, "Sending S4\n");
4386 }
4387 memcpy(buffsend + SIZE_HEADER, packet_send_s4, sizeof(packet_send_s4));
4388 send_client(SIZE_HEADER + sizeof(packet_send_s4), buffsend, pte);
4389 send_date_time2(pte);
4390 send_date_time3(pte);
4391 if (unistimdebug) {
4392 ast_verb(0, "Sending S7\n");
4393 }
4394 memcpy(buffsend + SIZE_HEADER, packet_send_S7, sizeof(packet_send_S7));
4395 send_client(SIZE_HEADER + sizeof(packet_send_S7), buffsend, pte);
4396 if (unistimdebug) {
4397 ast_verb(0, "Sending Contrast\n");
4398 }
4399 memcpy(buffsend + SIZE_HEADER, packet_send_Contrast, sizeof(packet_send_Contrast));
4400 if (pte->device != NULL) {
4401 buffsend[9] = pte->device->contrast;
4402 }
4403 send_client(SIZE_HEADER + sizeof(packet_send_Contrast), buffsend, pte);
4405 if (unistimdebug) {
4406 ast_verb(0, "Sending S9\n");
4407 }
4408 memcpy(buffsend + SIZE_HEADER, packet_send_s9, sizeof(packet_send_s9));
4409 send_client(SIZE_HEADER + sizeof(packet_send_s9), buffsend, pte);
4410 send_no_ring(pte);
4412 if (unistimdebug) {
4413 ast_verb(0, "Sending S7\n");
4414 }
4415 memcpy(buffsend + SIZE_HEADER, packet_send_S7, sizeof(packet_send_S7));
4416 send_client(SIZE_HEADER + sizeof(packet_send_S7), buffsend, pte);
4418 send_ping(pte);
4419 if (unistimdebug) {
4420 ast_verb(0, "Sending init language\n");
4421 }
4422 if (pte->device) {
4424 }
4425 if (pte->state < STATE_MAINPAGE) {
4428 return;
4429 } else {
4430 int i;
4431 char tmp[30];
4433 for (i = 1; i < FAVNUM; i++) {
4434 send_favorite(i, 0, pte, "");
4435 }
4436 send_text(TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_NORMAL, pte, ustmtext("Phone is not registered", pte));
4437 send_text(TEXT_LINE1, TEXT_NORMAL, pte, ustmtext("in unistim.conf", pte));
4438 strcpy(tmp, "MAC = ");
4439 strcat(tmp, pte->macaddr);
4441 send_text_status(pte, "");
4442 send_texttitle(pte, ustmtext("UNISTIM for*", pte));
4443 return;
4444 }
4445 }
4446 show_main_page(pte);
4448 if (unistimdebug) {
4449 ast_verb(0, "Sending arrow\n");
4450 }
4451 memcpy(buffsend + SIZE_HEADER, packet_send_arrow, sizeof(packet_send_arrow));
4452 send_client(SIZE_HEADER + sizeof(packet_send_arrow), buffsend, pte);
4453 return;
static void send_client(int size, const unsigned char *data, struct unistimsession *pte)
Definition: chan_unistim.c:959
static const unsigned char packet_send_s4[]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:551
static const unsigned char packet_send_arrow[]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:633
#define BUFFSEND
Definition: chan_unistim.c:704
static const unsigned char packet_send_s9[]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:594
static const unsigned char packet_send_S7[]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:645
static void show_extension_page(struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_date_time2(struct unistimsession *pte)
Definition: chan_unistim.c:167
static void refresh_all_favorite(struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_date_time3(struct unistimsession *pte)
static void send_texttitle(struct unistimsession *pte, const char *text)
static const unsigned char packet_send_Contrast[]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:638
signed char contrast
Definition: chan_unistim.c:419
char macaddr[18]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:472

References ast_verb, autoprovisioning, AUTOPROVISIONING_TN, BUFFSEND, unistim_device::contrast, unistimsession::device, unistim_languages::encoding, FAVNUM, find_language(), unistim_device::language, LED_BAR_OFF, unistimsession::macaddr, NULL, options_languages, packet_send_arrow, packet_send_Contrast, packet_send_s4, packet_send_S7, packet_send_s9, refresh_all_favorite(), send_charset_update(), send_client(), send_date_time2(), send_date_time3(), send_favorite(), send_led_update(), send_no_ring(), send_ping(), send_text(), send_text_status(), send_texttitle(), show_extension_page(), show_main_page(), SIZE_HEADER, unistimsession::state, STATE_MAINPAGE, TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_LINE1, TEXT_LINE2, TEXT_NORMAL, tmp(), unistimdebug, and ustmtext().

Referenced by process_request().

◆ is_key_favorite()

static int is_key_favorite ( struct unistim_device d,
int  fav 

Definition at line 1352 of file chan_unistim.c.

1354 if ((fav < 0) || (fav >= FAVNUM)) {
1355 return 0;
1356 }
1357 if (d->sline[fav]) {
1358 return 0;
1359 }
1360 if (d->softkeynumber[fav][0] == '\0') {
1361 return 0;
1362 }
1363 return 1;

References d, and FAVNUM.

Referenced by handle_key_fav(), is_key_line(), and key_favorite().

◆ is_key_line()

static int is_key_line ( struct unistim_device d,
int  fav 

Definition at line 1366 of file chan_unistim.c.

1368 if ((fav < 0) || (fav >= FAVNUM)) {
1369 return 0;
1370 }
1371 if (!d->sline[fav]) {
1372 return 0;
1373 }
1374 if (is_key_favorite(d, fav)) {
1375 return 0;
1376 }
1377 return 1;

References d, FAVNUM, and is_key_favorite().

Referenced by get_avail_softkey(), handle_key_fav(), unistim_call(), and unistim_hangup().

◆ key_call()

static void key_call ( struct unistimsession pte,
char  keycode 

Definition at line 3435 of file chan_unistim.c.

3437 struct unistim_subchannel *sub = get_sub(pte->device, SUB_REAL);
3438 struct unistim_subchannel *sub_3way = get_sub(pte->device, SUB_THREEWAY);
3440 if (!sub) {
3441 return;
3442 }
3443 if ((keycode >= KEY_0) && (keycode <= KEY_SHARP)) {
3444 if (keycode == KEY_SHARP) {
3445 keycode = '#';
3446 } else if (keycode == KEY_STAR) {
3447 keycode = '*';
3448 } else {
3449 keycode -= 0x10;
3450 }
3451 unistim_do_senddigit(pte, keycode);
3452 return;
3453 }
3454 switch (keycode) {
3455 case KEY_FUNC1:
3456 if (sub->owner && ast_channel_state(sub->owner) == AST_STATE_UP) {
3457 if (sub_3way) {
3458 close_call(pte);
3459 }
3460 }
3461 break;
3462 case KEY_FUNC2:
3463 if (sub_3way) {
3465 } else if (ast_channel_state(sub->owner) == AST_STATE_UP) {
3467 }
3468 break;
3469 case KEY_HANGUP:
3470 case KEY_FUNC4:
3471 if (!sub_3way) {
3472 close_call(pte);
3473 }
3474 break;
3475 case KEY_FAV0:
3476 case KEY_FAV1:
3477 case KEY_FAV2:
3478 case KEY_FAV3:
3479 case KEY_FAV4:
3480 case KEY_FAV5:
3481 handle_key_fav(pte, keycode);
3482 break;
3483 case KEY_HEADPHN:
3484 if (pte->device->output == OUTPUT_HEADPHONE) {
3486 } else {
3488 }
3489 break;
3490 case KEY_LOUDSPK:
3491 if (pte->device->output != OUTPUT_SPEAKER)
3493 else
3495 MUTE_OFF);
3496 break;
3497 case KEY_ONHOLD:
3498 if (!sub) {
3499 if(pte->device->ssub[pte->device->selected]) {
3500 sub = pte->device->ssub[pte->device->selected];
3501 } else {
3502 break;
3503 }
3504 }
3505 if (sub->holding) {
3506 sub_unhold(pte, sub);
3507 } else {
3508 sub_hold(pte, sub);
3509 }
3510 break;
3511 }
3512 return;
static void transfer_call_step1(struct unistimsession *pte)
static void handle_key_fav(struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode)
static void close_call(struct unistimsession *pte)
Definition: chan_unistim.c:139
static void transfer_cancel_step2(struct unistimsession *pte)
static int unistim_do_senddigit(struct unistimsession *pte, char digit)
ast_channel states
Definition: channelstate.h:35
Definition: channelstate.h:42

References AST_STATE_UP, close_call(), unistimsession::device, get_sub(), handle_key_fav(), KEY_0, KEY_FAV0, KEY_FAV1, KEY_FAV2, KEY_FAV3, KEY_FAV4, KEY_FAV5, KEY_FUNC1, KEY_FUNC2, KEY_FUNC4, KEY_HANGUP, KEY_HEADPHN, KEY_LOUDSPK, KEY_ONHOLD, KEY_SHARP, KEY_STAR, MUTE_OFF, unistim_device::output, OUTPUT_HANDSET, OUTPUT_HEADPHONE, OUTPUT_SPEAKER, unistim_device::previous_output, unistim_device::selected, send_select_output(), unistim_device::ssub, sub, sub_hold(), SUB_REAL, SUB_THREEWAY, sub_unhold(), transfer_call_step1(), transfer_cancel_step2(), unistim_do_senddigit(), and unistim_device::volume.

Referenced by process_request().

◆ key_dial_page()

static void key_dial_page ( struct unistimsession pte,
char  keycode 

Definition at line 3561 of file chan_unistim.c.

3565 pte->device->nextdial = 0;
3566 if (keycode == KEY_FUNC3) {
3567 if (pte->device->size_phone_number <= 1) {
3568 keycode = KEY_FUNC4;
3569 } else {
3570 pte->device->size_phone_number -= 2;
3571 keycode = pte->device->phone_number[pte->device->size_phone_number] + 0x10;
3572 }
3573 }
3574 if (keycode == KEY_SHARP && pte->device->sharp_dial == 1) {
3575 keycode = KEY_FUNC1;
3576 }
3577 if ((keycode >= KEY_0) && (keycode <= KEY_SHARP)) {
3578 int i = pte->device->size_phone_number;
3580 if (pte->device->size_phone_number == 0) {
3581 send_tone(pte, 0, 0);
3582 }
3583 if (keycode == KEY_SHARP) {
3584 keycode = '#';
3585 } else if (keycode == KEY_STAR) {
3586 keycode = '*';
3587 } else {
3588 keycode -= 0x10;
3589 }
3590 pte->device->phone_number[i] = keycode;
3591 pte->device->size_phone_number++;
3592 pte->device->phone_number[i + 1] = 0;
3593 show_phone_number(pte);
3597 keycode = KEY_FUNC1;
3598 } else {
3599 if (pte->device->interdigit_timer) {
3601 }
3602 }
3603 }
3604 if (keycode == KEY_FUNC4) {
3605 pte->device->size_phone_number = 0;
3606 show_phone_number(pte);
3607 return;
3608 }
3610 if (pte->device->call_forward[0] == -1) {
3611 if (keycode == KEY_FUNC1) {
3613 sizeof(pte->device->call_forward));
3614 show_main_page(pte);
3615 } else if ((keycode == KEY_FUNC2) || (keycode == KEY_HANGUP)) {
3616 pte->device->call_forward[0] = '\0';
3619 show_main_page(pte);
3620 }
3621 return;
3622 }
3623 switch (keycode) {
3624 case KEY_FUNC2:
3626 break;
3627 }
3629 sizeof(pte->device->phone_number));
3630 case KEY_FUNC1:
3632 break;
3633 case KEY_HANGUP:
3634 if (sub && sub->owner) {
3635 sub_stop_silence(pte, sub);
3636 send_tone(pte, 0, 0);
3637 ast_queue_unhold(sub->owner);
3638 sub->moh = 0;
3639 sub->subtype = SUB_REAL;
3640 pte->state = STATE_CALL;
3642 send_text_status(pte, ustmtext(" Transf Hangup", pte));
3644 } else {
3647 show_main_page(pte);
3648 }
3649 break;
3650 case KEY_FAV0:
3651 case KEY_FAV1:
3652 case KEY_FAV2:
3653 case KEY_FAV3:
3654 case KEY_FAV4:
3655 case KEY_FAV5:
3657 pte->device->selected = -1;
3658 handle_key_fav(pte, keycode);
3659 break;
3660 case KEY_LOUDSPK:
3661 if (pte->device->output == OUTPUT_SPEAKER) {
3662 if (pte->device->receiver_state == STATE_OFFHOOK) {
3664 MUTE_OFF);
3665 } else {
3666 show_main_page(pte);
3667 }
3668 } else {
3670 }
3671 break;
3672 case KEY_HEADPHN:
3673 if (pte->device->output == OUTPUT_HEADPHONE) {
3674 if (pte->device->receiver_state == STATE_OFFHOOK) {
3676 } else {
3677 show_main_page(pte);
3678 }
3679 } else {
3681 }
3682 break;
3683 }
3684 return;
Definition: chan_unistim.c:159
Definition: chan_unistim.c:161
int ast_queue_unhold(struct ast_channel *chan)
Queue an unhold frame.
Definition: channel.c:1235
int ast_exists_extension(struct ast_channel *c, const char *context, const char *exten, int priority, const char *callerid)
Determine whether an extension exists.
Definition: pbx.c:4175
int ast_matchmore_extension(struct ast_channel *c, const char *context, const char *exten, int priority, const char *callerid)
Looks to see if adding anything to this extension might match something. (exists ^ canmatch)
Definition: pbx.c:4195
char context[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:398

References ast_copy_string(), ast_exists_extension(), ast_matchmore_extension(), ast_queue_unhold(), ast_strlen_zero(), unistim_device::call_forward, unistim_device::context, unistimsession::device, FAV_LINE_ICON, get_sub(), get_tick_count(), handle_call_outgoing(), handle_key_fav(), unistim_device::interdigit_timer, KEY_0, KEY_FAV0, KEY_FAV1, KEY_FAV2, KEY_FAV3, KEY_FAV4, KEY_FAV5, KEY_FUNC1, KEY_FUNC2, KEY_FUNC3, KEY_FUNC4, KEY_HANGUP, KEY_HEADPHN, KEY_LOUDSPK, KEY_SHARP, KEY_STAR, LED_HEADPHONE_OFF, LED_SPEAKER_OFF, MUTE_OFF, unistim_device::nextdial, NULL, unistim_device::output, OUTPUT_HANDSET, OUTPUT_HEADPHONE, OUTPUT_SPEAKER, unistim_device::phone_number, unistim_device::previous_output, unistim_device::receiver_state, unistim_device::redial_number, unistim_device::selected, send_callerid_screen(), send_favorite_selected(), send_led_update(), send_select_output(), send_text_status(), send_tone(), unistim_device::sharp_dial, show_main_page(), show_phone_number(), unistim_device::size_phone_number, unistimsession::state, STATE_CALL, STATE_OFFHOOK, sub, SUB_REAL, sub_stop_silence(), SUB_THREEWAY, ustmtext(), and unistim_device::volume.

Referenced by key_main_page(), and process_request().

◆ key_favorite()

static void key_favorite ( struct unistimsession pte,
char  keycode 

Definition at line 3548 of file chan_unistim.c.

3550 int fav = keycode - KEY_FAV0;
3551 if (!is_key_favorite(pte->device, fav)) {
3552 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "It's not a favorite key\n");
3553 return;
3554 }
3556 sizeof(pte->device->phone_number));
3558 return;
char softkeynumber[FAVNUM][AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
Definition: chan_unistim.c:406

References ast_copy_string(), ast_log, unistimsession::device, handle_call_outgoing(), is_key_favorite(), KEY_FAV0, LOG_WARNING, unistim_device::phone_number, and unistim_device::softkeynumber.

Referenced by handle_key_fav().

◆ key_history()

static void key_history ( struct unistimsession pte,
char  keycode 

Definition at line 4294 of file chan_unistim.c.

4296 FILE *f;
4297 char count;
4298 long offset;
4299 int flag = 0;
4301 switch (keycode) {
4302 case KEY_LEFT:
4303 if (pte->device->height == 1) {
4304 if (pte->buff_entry[3] <= 1) {
4305 return;
4306 }
4307 pte->buff_entry[3]--;
4308 flag = 1;
4309 break;
4310 }
4311 case KEY_UP:
4312 case KEY_FUNC1:
4313 if (pte->buff_entry[2] <= 1) {
4314 return;
4315 }
4316 pte->buff_entry[2]--;
4317 flag = 1;
4318 break;
4319 case KEY_RIGHT:
4320 if (pte->device->height == 1) {
4321 if (pte->buff_entry[3] == 3) {
4322 return;
4323 }
4324 pte->buff_entry[3]++;
4325 flag = 1;
4326 break;
4327 }
4328 case KEY_DOWN:
4329 case KEY_FUNC2:
4330 if (pte->buff_entry[2] >= pte->buff_entry[1]) {
4331 return;
4332 }
4333 pte->buff_entry[2]++;
4334 flag = 1;
4335 break;
4336 case KEY_FUNC3:
4337 if (ast_strlen_zero(pte->device->lst_cid)) {
4338 break;
4339 }
4341 sizeof(pte->device->redial_number));
4343 break;
4344 case