Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-3dee037
chan_unistim channel driver for Asterisk More...
#include "asterisk.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "asterisk/paths.h"
#include "asterisk/network.h"
#include "asterisk/channel.h"
#include "asterisk/config.h"
#include "asterisk/module.h"
#include "asterisk/pbx.h"
#include "asterisk/rtp_engine.h"
#include "asterisk/unaligned.h"
#include "asterisk/netsock2.h"
#include "asterisk/acl.h"
#include "asterisk/callerid.h"
#include "asterisk/cli.h"
#include "asterisk/app.h"
#include "asterisk/mwi.h"
#include "asterisk/musiconhold.h"
#include "asterisk/causes.h"
#include "asterisk/indications.h"
#include "asterisk/pickup.h"
#include "asterisk/astobj2.h"
#include "asterisk/astdb.h"
#include "asterisk/features_config.h"
#include "asterisk/bridge.h"
#include "asterisk/stasis_channels.h"
#include "asterisk/format_cache.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | unistim_device |
A device containing one or more lines. More... | |
struct | unistim_languages |
struct | unistim_line |
struct | unistim_menu_item |
struct | unistim_subchannel |
struct | unistimsession |
struct | ustm_lang_entry |
struct | wsabuf |
Functions | |
static void | __reg_module (void) |
static void | __unreg_module (void) |
struct ast_module * | AST_MODULE_SELF_SYM (void) |
static int | attempt_transfer (struct unistim_subchannel *p1, struct unistim_subchannel *p2) |
static struct unistim_device * | build_device (const char *cat, const struct ast_variable *v) |
static void | change_callerid (struct unistimsession *pte, int type, char *callerid) |
static void | change_favorite_icon (struct unistimsession *pte, unsigned char status) |
static struct unistimsession * | channel_to_session (struct ast_channel *ast) |
static void | check_send_queue (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | close_call (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | close_client (struct unistimsession *s) |
static char * | control2str (int ind) |
static struct unistimsession * | create_client (const struct sockaddr_in *addr_from) |
static void | delete_device (struct unistim_device *d) |
static void | discard_call (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | display_last_error (const char *sz_msg) |
static void * | do_monitor (void *data) |
static void | dummy (char *unused,...) |
static int | find_language (const char *) |
static struct unistim_line * | find_line_by_number (struct unistim_device *d, const char *val) |
static int | find_rtp_port (struct unistim_subchannel *s) |
static struct unistim_subchannel * | find_subchannel_by_name (const char *dest) |
static void | finish_bookmark (void) |
static int | get_active_softkey (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static int | get_avail_softkey (struct unistimsession *pte, const char *name) |
static struct unistim_subchannel * | get_sub (struct unistim_device *device, int type) |
static struct unistim_subchannel * | get_sub_holding (struct unistim_device *device, int type, int holding) |
static unsigned int | get_tick_count (void) |
static int | get_to_address (int fd, struct sockaddr_in *toAddr) |
static void | handle_call_incoming (struct unistimsession *s) |
static void | handle_call_outgoing (struct unistimsession *s) |
static void | handle_dial_page (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | handle_key_fav (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode) |
static void | handle_select_codec (struct unistimsession *) |
static void | handle_select_language (struct unistimsession *) |
static void | handle_select_option (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | ignore_call (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | in_band_indication (struct ast_channel *ast, const struct ast_tone_zone *tz, const char *indication) |
static void | init_phone_step2 (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static int | is_key_favorite (struct unistim_device *d, int fav) |
static int | is_key_line (struct unistim_device *d, int fav) |
static void | key_call (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode) |
static void | key_dial_page (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode) |
static void | key_favorite (struct unistimsession *, char) |
static void | key_history (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode) |
static void | key_main_page (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode) |
static void | key_ringing (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode) |
static void | key_select_codec (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode) |
static void | key_select_extension (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode) |
static void | key_select_language (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode) |
static void | key_select_option (struct unistimsession *pte, char keycode) |
static int | lang_cmp_fn (void *obj, void *arg, int flags) |
static int | lang_hash_fn (const void *obj, const int flags) |
static int | load_module (void) |
static void | microphone_mute_toggle (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static char | open_history (struct unistimsession *pte, char way, FILE **f) |
static int | parse_bookmark (const char *text, struct unistim_device *d) |
static void | parsing (int size, unsigned char *buf, struct unistimsession *pte, struct sockaddr_in *addr_from) |
static void | process_request (int size, unsigned char *buf, struct unistimsession *pte) |
static const char * | ptestate_tostr (const int type) |
static void | rcv_mac_addr (struct unistimsession *pte, const unsigned char *buf) |
static void | rcv_resume_connection_with_server (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | refresh_all_favorite (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static int | register_extension (const struct unistimsession *pte) |
static int | reload (void) |
static int | reload_config (void) |
static int | restart_monitor (void) |
static void | send_blink_cursor (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_callerid_screen (struct unistimsession *, struct unistim_subchannel *) |
static void | send_charset_update (struct unistimsession *pte, int charset) |
static void | send_client (int size, const unsigned char *data, struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_cursor_pos (struct unistimsession *pte, unsigned char pos) |
static void | send_date_time (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_date_time2 (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_date_time3 (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_dial_tone (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static int | send_dtmf_tone (struct unistimsession *pte, char digit) |
static void | send_end_call (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_expansion_icon (unsigned char pos, unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_expansion_next (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_expansion_short (unsigned char pos, unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_expansion_text (unsigned char pos, struct unistimsession *pte, const char *text) |
static void | send_favorite (unsigned char pos, unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte, const char *text) |
static void | send_favorite_selected (unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_favorite_short (unsigned char pos, unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_icon (unsigned char pos, unsigned char status, struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_idle_clock (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_led_update (struct unistimsession *pte, unsigned char led) |
static void | send_month_labels (struct unistimsession *pte, int month) |
static void | send_mute (struct unistimsession *pte, unsigned char mute) |
static void | send_no_ring (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_ping (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_raw_client (int size, const unsigned char *data, struct sockaddr_in *addr_to, const struct sockaddr_in *addr_ourip) |
static int | send_retransmit (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_ring (struct unistimsession *pte, signed char volume, signed char style) |
static void | send_select_output (struct unistimsession *pte, unsigned char output, unsigned char volume, unsigned char mute) |
static void | send_start_rtp (struct unistim_subchannel *) |
static void | send_start_timer (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_stop_timer (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | send_text (unsigned char pos, unsigned char inverse, struct unistimsession *pte, const char *text) |
static void | send_text_status (struct unistimsession *pte, const char *text) |
static void | send_texttitle (struct unistimsession *pte, const char *text) |
static void | send_tone (struct unistimsession *pte, uint16_t tone1, uint16_t tone2) |
static void | set_ping_timer (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | show_entry_history (struct unistimsession *pte, FILE **f) |
static void | show_extension_page (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | show_history (struct unistimsession *pte, char way) |
static void | show_main_page (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | show_phone_number (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static int | soft_key_visible (struct unistim_device *d, unsigned char num) |
static void | start_rtp (struct unistim_subchannel *sub) |
static void | sub_hold (struct unistimsession *pte, struct unistim_subchannel *sub) |
static void | sub_start_silence (struct unistimsession *pte, struct unistim_subchannel *sub) |
static void | sub_stop_silence (struct unistimsession *pte, struct unistim_subchannel *sub) |
static void | sub_unhold (struct unistimsession *pte, struct unistim_subchannel *sub) |
static const char * | subtype_tostr (const int type) |
static void | swap_subs (struct unistim_subchannel *a, struct unistim_subchannel *b) |
static void | transfer_call_step1 (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static void | transfer_cancel_step2 (struct unistimsession *pte) |
static struct unistim_subchannel * | unistim_alloc_sub (struct unistim_device *d, int x) |
static int | unistim_answer (struct ast_channel *ast) |
static int | unistim_call (struct ast_channel *ast, const char *dest, int timeout) |
static char * | unistim_do_debug (struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) |
static int | unistim_do_senddigit (struct unistimsession *pte, char digit) |
static int | unistim_fixup (struct ast_channel *oldchan, struct ast_channel *newchan) |
static int | unistim_free_sub (struct unistim_subchannel *) |
static enum ast_rtp_glue_result | unistim_get_rtp_peer (struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_rtp_instance **instance) |
static int | unistim_hangup (struct ast_channel *ast) |
static int | unistim_hangup_clean (struct ast_channel *ast, struct unistim_subchannel *sub) |
static int | unistim_indicate (struct ast_channel *ast, int ind, const void *data, size_t datalen) |
static struct unistim_line * | unistim_line_alloc (void) |
static void | unistim_line_copy (struct unistim_line *dst, struct unistim_line *src) |
static struct unistim_line * | unistim_line_destroy (struct unistim_line *l) |
static struct ast_channel * | unistim_new (struct unistim_subchannel *sub, int state, const struct ast_assigned_ids *assignedids, const struct ast_channel *requestor) |
static struct ast_frame * | unistim_read (struct ast_channel *ast) |
static int | unistim_register (struct unistimsession *s) |
static char * | unistim_reload (struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) |
— unistim_reload: Force reload of module from cli — Runs in the asterisk main thread, so don't do anything useful but setting a flag and waiting for do_monitor to do the job in our thread More... | |
static struct ast_channel * | unistim_request (const char *type, struct ast_format_cap *cap, const struct ast_assigned_ids *assignedids, const struct ast_channel *requestor, const char *dest, int *cause) |
static struct ast_frame * | unistim_rtp_read (const struct ast_channel *ast, const struct unistim_subchannel *sub) |
static int | unistim_send_mwi_to_peer (struct unistim_line *peer, unsigned int tick) |
static int | unistim_senddigit_begin (struct ast_channel *ast, char digit) |
static int | unistim_senddigit_end (struct ast_channel *ast, char digit, unsigned int duration) |
static int | unistim_sendtext (struct ast_channel *ast, const char *text) |
static void | unistim_set_owner (struct unistim_subchannel *sub, struct ast_channel *chan) |
static int | unistim_set_rtp_peer (struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_rtp_instance *rtp, struct ast_rtp_instance *vrtp, struct ast_rtp_instance *trtp, const struct ast_format_cap *codecs, int nat_active) |
static char * | unistim_show_devices (struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) |
static char * | unistim_show_info (struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) |
static char * | unistim_sp (struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) |
static void * | unistim_ss (void *data) |
static int | unistim_unalloc_sub (struct unistim_device *d, struct unistim_subchannel *sub) |
static int | unistim_write (struct ast_channel *ast, struct ast_frame *frame) |
static int | unistimsock_read (int *id, int fd, short events, void *ignore) |
static int | unload_module (void) |
static void | unquote (char *out, const char *src, int maxlen) |
static int | unregister_extension (const struct unistimsession *pte) |
static const char * | ustmtext (const char *str, struct unistimsession *pte) |
static int | write_entry_history (struct unistimsession *pte, FILE *f, char c, char *line1) |
static int | write_history (struct unistimsession *pte, char way, char ismissed) |
Variables | |
static struct ast_module_info | __mod_info = { .name = AST_MODULE, .flags = AST_MODFLAG_DEFAULT , .description = "UNISTIM Protocol (USTM)" , .key = "This paragraph is copyright (c) 2006 by Digium, Inc. \In order for your module to load, it must return this \key via a function called \"key\". Any code which \includes this paragraph must be licensed under the GNU \General Public License version 2 or later (at your \option). In addition to Digium's general reservations \of rights, Digium expressly reserves the right to \allow other parties to license this paragraph under \different terms. Any use of Digium, Inc. trademarks or \logos (including \"Asterisk\" or \"Digium\") without \express written permission of Digium, Inc. is prohibited.\n" , .buildopt_sum = AST_BUILDOPT_SUM, .support_level = AST_MODULE_SUPPORT_EXTENDED, .load = load_module, .unload = unload_module, .reload = reload, } |
static const struct ast_module_info * | ast_module_info = &__mod_info |
static enum autoprovision | autoprovisioning = AUTOPROVISIONING_NO |
static unsigned char * | buff |
static const char | channel_type [] = "USTM" |
static struct ast_jb_conf | default_jbconf |
Global jitterbuffer configuration - by default, jb is disabled. More... | |
static ast_mutex_t | devicelock = { PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP , NULL, {1, 0} } |
static struct unistim_device * | devices = NULL |
static const float | dtmf_col [] = { 1209, 1336, 1477, 1633 } |
static const int | dtmf_row [] = { 697, 770, 852, 941 } |
struct ast_format_cap * | global_cap |
static struct ast_jb_conf | global_jbconf |
static struct io_context * | io |
static pthread_t | monitor_thread = AST_PTHREADT_NULL |
static ast_mutex_t | monlock = { PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP , NULL, {1, 0} } |
static unsigned char | monthlabels [] |
static struct unistim_languages | options_languages [] |
static struct unistim_menu_item | options_menu [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_rcv_discovery [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_recv_expansion_pressed_key [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_recv_firm_version [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_recv_hangup [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_recv_it_type [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_recv_mac_addr [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_recv_pick_up [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_recv_pressed_key [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_recv_r2 [] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x13, 0x96, 0x03, 0x03 } |
static const unsigned char | packet_recv_resume_connection_with_server [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_arrow [] = { 0x17, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00 } |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_blink_cursor [] = { 0x17, 0x04, 0x10, 0x86 } |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_call [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_charset_iso_2022_jp [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_charset_iso_8859_1 [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_charset_iso_8859_2 [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_charset_iso_8859_4 [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_charset_iso_8859_5 [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_Contrast [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_date_time [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_date_time2 [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_date_time3 [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_discovery_ack [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_end_call [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_expansion_icon [] = { 0x09, 0x06, 0x59, 0x05, 0x47, 0x20 } |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_expansion_next [] = { 0x09, 0x03, 0x17 } |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_expansion_text [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_favorite [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_icon [] = { 0x17, 0x05, 0x14, 0x00, 0x25 } |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_jitter_buffer_conf [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_led_update [] = { 0x19, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00 } |
static unsigned char | packet_send_monthlabels_download [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_mute [] = { 0x16, 0x05, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00 } |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_no_ring [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_open_audio_stream_rx [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_open_audio_stream_rx3 [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_open_audio_stream_tx [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_open_audio_stream_tx3 [] |
static unsigned char | packet_send_ping [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_query_basic_manager_04 [] = { 0x1a, 0x04, 0x01, 0x04 } |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_query_basic_manager_10 [] = { 0x1a, 0x04, 0x01, 0x10 } |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_query_mac_address [] = { 0x1a, 0x04, 0x01, 0x08 } |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_ring [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_rtp_packet_size [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_S1 [] = { 0x1a, 0x07, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x13 } |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_s4 [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_S7 [] = { 0x17, 0x06, 0x0f, 0x30, 0x07, 0x07 } |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_s9 [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_select_output [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_set_pos_cursor [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_start_timer [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_status [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_status2 [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_stop_timer [] = { 0x17, 0x05, 0x0b, 0x02, 0x00 } |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_stream_based_tone_dual_freq [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_stream_based_tone_off [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_stream_based_tone_on [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_stream_based_tone_single_freq [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_text [] |
static const unsigned char | packet_send_title [] |
static struct sockaddr_in | public_ip = { 0, } |
struct { | |
unsigned int cos | |
unsigned int cos_audio | |
unsigned int tos | |
unsigned int tos_audio | |
} | qos = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } |
static struct ast_sched_context * | sched |
static ast_mutex_t | sessionlock = { PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP , NULL, {1, 0} } |
static struct unistimsession * | sessions = NULL |
static const char | tdesc [] = "UNISTIM Channel Driver" |
static struct ast_cli_entry | unistim_cli [] |
static int | unistim_keepalive |
static int | unistim_port |
static ast_mutex_t | unistim_reload_lock = { PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP , NULL, {1, 0} } |
static int | unistim_reloading = 0 |
static struct ast_rtp_glue | unistim_rtp_glue |
static struct ast_channel_tech | unistim_tech |
static int | unistimdebug = 0 |
static int | unistimsock = -1 |
static char | ustm_strcopy [1024] |
chan_unistim channel driver for Asterisk
Unistim (Unified Networks IP Stimulus) channel driver for Nortel i2002, i2004 and i2050
Definition in file chan_unistim.c.
#define AST_CONFIG_MAX_PATH 255 |
Definition at line 113 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define BUFFSEND unsigned char buffsend[64] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0x02, 0x01 } |
Definition at line 704 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define DEBUG_TIMER dummy |
Definition at line 241 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define DEFAULT_CODEC 0x00 |
Not used
Definition at line 110 of file chan_unistim.c.
Timeout value for entered number being dialed
Definition at line 107 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define DEFAULTCALLERID "Unknown" |
Definition at line 84 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 85 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define DEFAULTCONTEXT "default" |
Definition at line 83 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 86 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define DEVICE_NAME_LEN 16 |
Definition at line 112 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define EXPNUM 24 |
Definition at line 217 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_BLINK_FAST 0x20 |
Definition at line 211 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_BLINK_SLOW 0x40 |
Definition at line 212 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_BOX 0x3F |
Definition at line 209 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_CALL_CENTER 0x34 |
Definition at line 198 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_CITY 0x31 |
Definition at line 195 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_COMPUTER 0x38 |
Definition at line 202 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_FAX 0x35 |
Definition at line 199 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_FORWARD 0x39 |
Definition at line 203 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 192 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 193 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_HOME 0x30 |
Definition at line 194 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_INBOX 0x3C |
Definition at line 206 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_LOCKED 0x3A |
Definition at line 204 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_MAILBOX 0x36 |
Definition at line 200 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_MEETING 0x3E |
Definition at line 208 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_NONE 0x00 |
Definition at line 177 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 182 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 183 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_ONHOLD_BLACK 0x26 |
Definition at line 184 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_ONHOLD_WHITE 0x27 |
Definition at line 185 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_ONHOOK_BLACK 0x20 |
Definition at line 178 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_ONHOOK_WHITE 0x21 |
Definition at line 179 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_OUTBOX 0x3D |
Definition at line 207 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_PAGER 0x33 |
Definition at line 197 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 188 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 189 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_REFLECT 0x37 |
Definition at line 201 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_SHARP 0x32 |
Definition at line 196 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 186 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 187 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 190 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 191 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 180 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 181 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_ICON_TRASH 0x3B |
Definition at line 205 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 218 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAV_MAX_LENGTH 0x0A |
Definition at line 214 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define FAVNUM 6 |
Definition at line 216 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define IDLE_WAIT 1000 |
Nb of milliseconds waited when no events are scheduled
Definition at line 101 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define LED_BAR_OFF 0x00 /* bar off */ |
Definition at line 151 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define LED_BAR_ON 0x01 /* bar on */ |
Definition at line 152 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define LED_BAR_P2 0x02 /* bar 1s on/1s */ |
Definition at line 153 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define LED_BAR_P3 0x03 /* bar 2.5s on/0.5s off */ |
Definition at line 154 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define LED_BAR_P4 0x04 /* bar 0.6s on/0.3s off */ |
Definition at line 155 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define LED_BAR_P5 0x05 /* bar 0.5s on/0.5s off */ |
Definition at line 156 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define LED_BAR_P6 0x06 /* bar 2s on/0.5s off */ |
Definition at line 157 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define LED_BAR_P7 0x07 /* bar off */ |
Definition at line 158 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define LED_HEADPHONE_OFF 0x010 |
Definition at line 161 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define LED_HEADPHONE_ON 0x011 |
Definition at line 162 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define LED_MUTE_BLINK 0x1A |
Definition at line 165 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define LED_MUTE_OFF 0x018 |
Definition at line 163 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define LED_MUTE_ON 0x019 |
Definition at line 164 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define LED_SPEAKER_OFF 0x08 |
Definition at line 159 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define LED_SPEAKER_ON 0x09 |
Definition at line 160 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define MAX_BUF_NUMBER 150 |
Number of slots for the transmit queue
Definition at line 93 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define MAX_BUF_SIZE 64 |
Size of the transmit buffer
Definition at line 91 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define MAX_ENTRY_LOG 30 |
Definition at line 114 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define MAX_SCREEN_NUMBER 15 |
Number of digits displayed on screen
Definition at line 95 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define MONTH_LABEL_SIZE 3 |
Length of month label size
Definition at line 97 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define MUTE_OFF 0x00 |
Definition at line 147 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define MUTE_ON 0xFF |
Definition at line 148 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define MUTE_ON_DISCRET 0xCE |
Definition at line 149 of file chan_unistim.c.
Try x times before removing the phone
Definition at line 99 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define OUTPUT_HANDSET 0xC0 |
Definition at line 138 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 139 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define OUTPUT_SPEAKER 0xC2 |
Definition at line 140 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define RETRANSMIT_TIMER 2000 |
Wait x milliseconds before resending a packet
Definition at line 103 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 3730 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define SELECTCODEC_MSG "Codec number : .." |
Definition at line 3731 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 3729 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 3874 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define SELECTEXTENSION_MSG ".........." |
Definition at line 3875 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 3873 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define SIZE_HEADER 6 |
Definition at line 167 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define SIZE_MAC_ADDR 17 |
Definition at line 168 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define SIZE_PAGE 4096 |
Definition at line 111 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define STATUS_LENGTH_MAX 28 |
Definition at line 175 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define SUB_REAL 0 |
Definition at line 116 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define SUB_RING 1 |
Definition at line 117 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define SUB_THREEWAY 2 |
Definition at line 118 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define TEXT_INVERSE 0x25 |
Definition at line 174 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define TEXT_LENGTH_MAX 24 |
Definition at line 169 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define TEXT_LINE0 0x00 |
Definition at line 170 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define TEXT_LINE1 0x20 |
Definition at line 171 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define TEXT_LINE2 0x40 |
Definition at line 172 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define TEXT_NORMAL 0x05 |
Definition at line 173 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define TIMER_MWI 5000 |
How often the mailbox is checked for new messages
Definition at line 105 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define USTM_LANG_DIR "unistimLang" |
Definition at line 88 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define USTM_LOG_DIR "unistimHistory" |
Definition at line 87 of file chan_unistim.c.
Definition at line 145 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define VOLUME_LOW 0x01 |
Definition at line 142 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define VOLUME_LOW_SPEAKER 0x03 |
Definition at line 143 of file chan_unistim.c.
#define VOLUME_NORMAL 0x02 |
Definition at line 144 of file chan_unistim.c.
enum autoprov_extn |
Definition at line 128 of file chan_unistim.c.
enum autoprovision |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 122 of file chan_unistim.c.
enum charset |
Enumerator | |
ISO_8859_1 | |
ISO_8859_2 | |
ISO_8859_4 | |
ISO_8859_5 | |
ISO_2022_JP |
Definition at line 336 of file chan_unistim.c.
enum handset_state |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 290 of file chan_unistim.c.
enum phone_key |
Definition at line 295 of file chan_unistim.c.
enum phone_state |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 275 of file chan_unistim.c.
static |
Definition at line 7206 of file chan_unistim.c.
static |
Definition at line 7206 of file chan_unistim.c.
struct ast_module * AST_MODULE_SELF_SYM | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 7206 of file chan_unistim.c.
static |
Definition at line 2440 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_bridge_transfer_attended(), AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_FAIL, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_INVALID, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_NOT_PERMITTED, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_SUCCESS, ast_channel_ref, ast_channel_unref, ast_log, AST_SOFTHANGUP_DEV, ast_softhangup_nolock(), LOG_WARNING, NULL, unistim_subchannel::owner, and RAII_VAR.
Referenced by close_call().
static |
Definition at line 6501 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_append_ha(), ast_calloc, ast_channel_string2amaflag(), ast_copy_string(), ast_format_cap_append_from_cap(), ast_free, ast_get_group(), ast_get_indication_zone(), AST_LIST_INSERT_TAIL, AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_REMOVE_CURRENT, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, ast_localtime(), ast_log, AST_MAX_EXTENSION, AST_MEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN, ast_mutex_init, ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, ast_strlen_zero(), ast_tone_zone_unref(), ast_true(), ast_tvnow(), ast_verb, autoprovisioning, AUTOPROVISIONING_TN, unistim_line::cap, d, dateformat, DEFAULT_INTERDIGIT_TIMER, DEFAULTCONTEXT, DEFAULTHEIGHT, delete_device(), devicelock, devices, EXTENSION_ASK, EXTENSION_LINE, EXTENSION_NONE, EXTENSION_TN, FAV_ICON_NONE, FAV_LINE_ICON, find_line_by_number(), unistim_line::fullname, global_cap, len(), ast_variable::lineno, unistim_line::list, unistim_line::lock, LOG_ERROR, LOG_WARNING, unistim_line::mailbox, MUTE_OFF, unistim_line::name, ast_variable::name, test_val::name, ast_variable::next, test_val::next, NULL, OUTPUT_HANDSET, unistim_line::parent, parse_bookmark(), ast_tm::tm_zone, unistim_line_alloc(), unistim_line_destroy(), unistimdebug, unistimsock, unquote(), ast_variable::value, and VOLUME_LOW.
Referenced by reload_config().
static |
Definition at line 2472 of file chan_unistim.c.
References unistimsession::device, unistim_device::lst_cid, unistim_device::lst_cnm, TEXT_LENGTH_MAX, and type.
Referenced by close_call(), and send_callerid_screen().
static |
Definition at line 1418 of file chan_unistim.c.
References d, unistimsession::device, devices, FAVNUM, get_active_softkey(), test_val::next, send_favorite(), send_favorite_short(), unistimsession::state, STATE_CLEANING, and status.
Referenced by close_client(), handle_dial_page(), send_select_output(), show_main_page(), and unistim_call().
static |
Definition at line 4794 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_channel_tech_pvt(), ast_log, ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, LOG_WARNING, NULL, and sub.
Referenced by unistim_answer(), unistim_call(), unistim_hangup(), unistim_indicate(), unistim_senddigit_begin(), unistim_senddigit_end(), and unistim_sendtext().
static |
Definition at line 1101 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_verb, unistimsession::last_buf_available, unistimsession::last_seq_ack, unistimsession::seq_server, set_ping_timer(), and unistimdebug.
Referenced by parsing().
static |
Definition at line 2599 of file chan_unistim.c.
References unistim_subchannel::alreadygone, AST_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING, ast_log, ast_queue_hangup(), ast_queue_hangup_with_cause(), ast_verb, attempt_transfer(), change_callerid(), unistimsession::device, FAV_LINE_ICON, get_sub(), LOG_WARNING, unistim_device::missed_call, unistim_device::name, unistim_subchannel::owner, unistim_device::redial_number, send_favorite_short(), send_stop_timer(), show_main_page(), sub, SUB_REAL, SUB_THREEWAY, and write_history().
Referenced by key_call(), process_request(), and unistim_hangup().
static |
Definition at line 1470 of file chan_unistim.c.
References AST_CAUSE_NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER, ast_debug, ast_free, AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_REMOVE_CURRENT, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, ast_log, ast_mutex_destroy, ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, ast_queue_hangup_with_cause(), ast_strlen_zero(), ast_verb, change_favorite_icon(), unistimsession::device, unistim_device::extension_number, FAV_ICON_NONE, unistim_device::lock, unistimsession::lock, LOG_WARNING, unistim_device::name, unistimsession::next, NULL, unistim_device::session, sessionlock, sessions, unistimsession::state, STATE_CLEANING, sub, unistim_device::subs, unistim_free_sub(), unistimdebug, and unregister_extension().
Referenced by parsing(), and send_retransmit().
static |
Definition at line 5279 of file chan_unistim.c.
Referenced by unistim_indicate().
static |
Definition at line 1046 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_calloc, ast_free, ast_inet_ntoa(), ast_mutex_init, ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, ast_verb, wsabuf::buf, unistimsession::buf, get_tick_count(), get_to_address(), unistimsession::lock, MAX_BUF_NUMBER, unistimsession::next, NULL, RETRANSMIT_TIMER, sessionlock, sessions, unistimsession::sin, unistimsession::sout, unistimsession::state, STATE_INIT, unistimsession::tick_next_ping, unistimsession::timeout, tmp(), unistim_keepalive, unistimdebug, unistimsock, and unistimsession::wsabufsend.
Referenced by parsing().
static |
Definition at line 6422 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_free, AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_REMOVE_CURRENT, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, ast_log, ast_mutex_destroy, ast_tone_zone_unref(), ast_verb, d, devices, unistim_line::lock, LOG_WARNING, test_val::name, unistim_device::next, unistimsession::next, test_val::next, sessions, sub, SUB_REAL, SUB_THREEWAY, unistim_line_destroy(), and unistimdebug.
Referenced by build_device(), and reload_config().
static |
Definition at line 2647 of file chan_unistim.c.
References AST_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING, ast_queue_hangup_with_cause(), unistimsession::device, get_sub(), sub, and SUB_RING.
Referenced by key_ringing().
static |
Definition at line 889 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_log, errno, and LOG_WARNING.
Referenced by key_history(), open_history(), send_raw_client(), show_entry_history(), write_entry_history(), and write_history().
static |
Definition at line 5835 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_io_add(), AST_IO_IN, ast_io_wait(), AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, ast_strlen_zero(), ast_verb, DEBUG_TIMER, unistimsession::device, get_tick_count(), handle_call_outgoing(), IDLE_WAIT, io, unistimsession::last_buf_available, unistim_device::lines, unistim_line::list, unistim_line::mailbox, unistimsession::next, unistim_device::nextdial, unistim_device::nextmsgcheck, NULL, unistim_line::parent, reload_config(), send_ping(), send_retransmit(), sessionlock, sessions, unistimsession::timeout, unistim_reload_lock, unistim_reloading, unistim_send_mwi_to_peer(), unistimsock, and unistimsock_read().
Referenced by restart_monitor().
static |
Definition at line 220 of file chan_unistim.c.
Referenced by ast_fdisset(), cc_request_state_change(), custom_log(), manager_log(), ooh323c_call_thread(), ooh323c_cmd_thread(), ooh323c_stack_thread(), packsms16(), packsms7(), packsms8(), parse_args(), write_cdr(), and write_cel().
static |
Definition at line 3807 of file chan_unistim.c.
References NULL, and options_languages.
Referenced by handle_select_language(), init_phone_step2(), reload_config(), send_charset_update(), and ustmtext().
static |
Definition at line 6408 of file chan_unistim.c.
References AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, d, unistim_line::list, unistim_line::name, and NULL.
Referenced by build_device().
static |
Definition at line 2685 of file chan_unistim.c.
References AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, ast_rtp_instance_get_remote_address, ast_sockaddr_to_sin, NULL, unistim_subchannel::parent, unistim_line::parent, unistim_device::rtp_port, sub, and unistim_device::subs.
Referenced by start_rtp().
static |
Definition at line 5421 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_copy_string(), AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, ast_log, ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, ast_verb, d, devicelock, devices, get_sub(), unistim_subchannel::list, LOG_NOTICE, LOG_WARNING, unistim_line::name, test_val::name, test_val::next, NULL, sub, SUB_REAL, unistim_alloc_sub(), and unistimdebug.
Referenced by unistim_request(), and unistim_sp().
static |
Definition at line 6380 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_log, ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, d, devicelock, devices, LOG_NOTICE, unistim_device::name, unistim_device::next, test_val::next, and NULL.
Referenced by reload_config().
static |
Definition at line 1380 of file chan_unistim.c.
References unistimsession::device, and unistim_device::selected.
Referenced by change_favorite_icon().
static |
Definition at line 1385 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_verb, unistimsession::device, FAVNUM, is_key_line(), unistim_line::name, name, unistim_device::selected, unistim_device::sline, soft_key_visible(), unistim_device::ssub, and unistimdebug.
Referenced by handle_call_outgoing(), key_main_page(), process_request(), and unistim_request().
static |
Definition at line 2493 of file chan_unistim.c.
References AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, unistim_subchannel::list, NULL, sub, unistim_device::subs, and type.
Referenced by close_call(), discard_call(), find_subchannel_by_name(), handle_call_incoming(), handle_call_outgoing(), key_call(), key_dial_page(), sub_unhold(), transfer_call_step1(), transfer_cancel_step2(), unistim_answer(), unistim_call(), unistim_do_senddigit(), unistim_hangup(), and unistim_request().
static |
Definition at line 2511 of file chan_unistim.c.
References AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, unistim_subchannel::holding, unistim_subchannel::list, NULL, sub, unistim_device::subs, and type.
Referenced by handle_key_fav().
static |
Definition at line 895 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_tvnow().
Referenced by create_client(), do_monitor(), key_dial_page(), send_client(), send_ping(), and send_retransmit().
static |
Definition at line 1002 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_inet_ntoa(), ast_log, ast_verb, errno, LOG_WARNING, NULL, public_ip, and unistimdebug.
Referenced by create_client().
static |
Definition at line 3262 of file chan_unistim.c.
References AST_CONTROL_ANSWER, ast_log, ast_queue_control(), ast_verb, unistimsession::device, FAV_ICON_OFFHOOK_BLACK, FAV_LINE_ICON, FAVNUM, get_sub(), LOG_WARNING, unistim_device::missed_call, MUTE_OFF, unistim_device::name, NULL, unistim_device::output, OUTPUT_HANDSET, OUTPUT_SPEAKER, unistim_device::receiver_state, send_favorite_short(), send_no_ring(), send_select_output(), send_start_timer(), send_text(), send_text_status(), unistim_device::sline, unistim_device::ssub, start_rtp(), unistimsession::state, STATE_CALL, STATE_ONHOOK, sub, sub_hold(), SUB_REAL, SUB_RING, unistim_subchannel::subtype, TEXT_LINE2, TEXT_NORMAL, unistimdebug, ustmtext(), unistim_device::volume, and write_history().
Referenced by handle_key_fav(), key_ringing(), and process_request().
static |
Definition at line 3111 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ao2_cleanup, AST_CAUSE_CALL_REJECTED, AST_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING, AST_CAUSE_SWITCH_CONGESTION, ast_channel_hangupcause_set(), ast_channel_lock, ast_channel_name(), ast_channel_unlock, ast_debug, ast_get_chan_features_pickup_config(), ast_hangup(), ast_log, ast_pickup_call(), ast_pthread_create, AST_PTHREADT_NULL, ast_queue_hangup_with_cause(), AST_STATE_DOWN, ast_strdupa, ast_verb, c, d, unistimsession::device, FAV_ICON_OFFHOOK_BLACK, get_avail_softkey(), get_sub(), unistim_device::height, LOG_ERROR, LOG_NOTICE, LOG_WARNING, MUTE_OFF, unistim_device::name, NULL, unistim_device::output, unistim_subchannel::owner, unistim_subchannel::parent, unistim_device::phone_number, RAII_VAR, unistim_device::selected, send_favorite_short(), send_select_output(), send_start_timer(), send_text(), send_text_status(), send_tone(), unistim_device::sline, unistim_subchannel::softkey, unistim_device::ssub, start_rtp(), unistimsession::state, STATE_CALL, sub, sub_hold(), SUB_REAL, sub_stop_silence(), SUB_THREEWAY, unistim_subchannel::subtype, swap_subs(), TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_LINE1, TEXT_LINE2, TEXT_NORMAL, unistim_alloc_sub(), unistim_new(), unistim_ss(), unistimdebug, ustmtext(), and unistim_device::volume.
Referenced by do_monitor(), key_dial_page(), key_favorite(), and key_main_page().
static |
Definition at line 2983 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_copy_string(), ast_strlen_zero(), unistim_device::call_forward, change_favorite_icon(), unistimsession::device, FAV_ICON_NONE, FAV_ICON_PHONE_BLACK, unistim_device::height, unistim_device::lastmsgssent, LED_BAR_OFF, unistim_device::missed_call, MUTE_OFF, unistim_device::output, OUTPUT_HANDSET, OUTPUT_SPEAKER, unistim_device::phone_number, unistim_device::receiver_state, unistim_device::redial_number, send_dial_tone(), send_icon(), send_led_update(), send_select_output(), send_text(), send_text_status(), show_phone_number(), unistim_device::size_phone_number, unistimsession::state, STATE_DIALPAGE, STATE_ONHOOK, TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_LINE1, TEXT_NORMAL, ustmtext(), and unistim_device::volume.
Referenced by handle_key_fav(), key_main_page(), process_request(), and transfer_call_step1().
static |
Definition at line 3380 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_verb, unistimsession::device, FAV_LINE_ICON, get_sub_holding(), handle_call_incoming(), handle_dial_page(), unistim_subchannel::holding, is_key_favorite(), is_key_line(), KEY_FAV0, key_favorite(), MUTE_OFF, NULL, unistim_device::output, OUTPUT_HANDSET, OUTPUT_SPEAKER, unistim_device::receiver_state, unistim_device::selected, send_callerid_screen(), send_favorite_selected(), send_select_output(), send_stop_timer(), send_tone(), show_main_page(), unistim_subchannel::softkey, unistim_device::ssub, unistimsession::state, STATE_CALL, STATE_DIALPAGE, STATE_ONHOOK, sub, sub_hold(), SUB_REAL, SUB_RING, sub_unhold(), unistim_subchannel::subtype, unistimdebug, and unistim_device::volume.
Referenced by key_call(), key_dial_page(), key_main_page(), and key_ringing().
static |
Definition at line 3732 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_copy_string(), buf, buf2, unistim_device::codec_number, unistimsession::device, SELECTCODEC_MSG, SELECTCODEC_START_ENTRY_POS, send_blink_cursor(), send_cursor_pos(), send_text(), send_text_status(), unistimsession::size_buff_entry, unistimsession::state, STATE_SELECTCODEC, TEXT_INVERSE, TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_LINE1, TEXT_LINE2, TEXT_NORMAL, and ustmtext().
static |
Definition at line 3819 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_copy_string(), unistimsession::buff_entry, unistimsession::device, unistim_languages::encoding, find_language(), unistim_languages::label, unistim_languages::lang_short, unistim_device::language, options_languages, send_charset_update(), send_text(), send_text_status(), unistimsession::size_buff_entry, unistimsession::state, STATE_SELECTLANGUAGE, TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_NORMAL, and ustmtext().
Referenced by key_select_language().
static |
Definition at line 3687 of file chan_unistim.c.
References unistimsession::buff_entry, unistim_menu_item::label, options_menu, send_text(), send_text_status(), unistimsession::size_buff_entry, unistimsession::state, STATE_SELECTOPTION, TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_NORMAL, tmp(), and ustmtext().
Referenced by key_main_page(), key_select_language(), and key_select_option().
static |
Definition at line 2641 of file chan_unistim.c.
References send_no_ring().
Referenced by key_ringing().
static |
Definition at line 5320 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_get_indication_tone(), ast_log, ast_playtones_start(), ast_tone_zone_sound_unref(), ast_tone_zone_sound::data, LOG_WARNING, NULL, and tz.
Referenced by unistim_indicate().
static |
Definition at line 4381 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_verb, autoprovisioning, AUTOPROVISIONING_TN, BUFFSEND, unistim_device::contrast, unistimsession::device, unistim_languages::encoding, FAVNUM, find_language(), unistim_device::language, LED_BAR_OFF, unistimsession::macaddr, NULL, options_languages, packet_send_arrow, packet_send_Contrast, packet_send_s4, packet_send_S7, packet_send_s9, refresh_all_favorite(), send_charset_update(), send_client(), send_date_time2(), send_date_time3(), send_favorite(), send_led_update(), send_no_ring(), send_ping(), send_text(), send_text_status(), send_texttitle(), show_extension_page(), show_main_page(), SIZE_HEADER, unistimsession::state, STATE_MAINPAGE, TEXT_LINE0, TEXT_LINE1, TEXT_LINE2, TEXT_NORMAL, tmp(), unistimdebug, and ustmtext().
Referenced by process_request().
static |
Definition at line 1352 of file chan_unistim.c.
Referenced by handle_key_fav(), is_key_line(), and key_favorite().
static |
Definition at line 1366 of file chan_unistim.c.
References d, FAVNUM, and is_key_favorite().
Referenced by get_avail_softkey(), handle_key_fav(), unistim_call(), and unistim_hangup().
static |
Definition at line 3435 of file chan_unistim.c.
References AST_STATE_UP, close_call(), unistimsession::device, get_sub(), handle_key_fav(), KEY_0, KEY_FAV0, KEY_FAV1, KEY_FAV2, KEY_FAV3, KEY_FAV4, KEY_FAV5, KEY_FUNC1, KEY_FUNC2, KEY_FUNC4, KEY_HANGUP, KEY_HEADPHN, KEY_LOUDSPK, KEY_ONHOLD, KEY_SHARP, KEY_STAR, MUTE_OFF, unistim_device::output, OUTPUT_HANDSET, OUTPUT_HEADPHONE, OUTPUT_SPEAKER, unistim_device::previous_output, unistim_device::selected, send_select_output(), unistim_device::ssub, sub, sub_hold(), SUB_REAL, SUB_THREEWAY, sub_unhold(), transfer_call_step1(), transfer_cancel_step2(), unistim_do_senddigit(), and unistim_device::volume.
Referenced by process_request().
static |
Definition at line 3561 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_copy_string(), ast_exists_extension(), ast_matchmore_extension(), ast_queue_unhold(), ast_strlen_zero(), unistim_device::call_forward, unistim_device::context, unistimsession::device, FAV_LINE_ICON, get_sub(), get_tick_count(), handle_call_outgoing(), handle_key_fav(), unistim_device::interdigit_timer, KEY_0, KEY_FAV0, KEY_FAV1, KEY_FAV2, KEY_FAV3, KEY_FAV4, KEY_FAV5, KEY_FUNC1, KEY_FUNC2, KEY_FUNC3, KEY_FUNC4, KEY_HANGUP, KEY_HEADPHN, KEY_LOUDSPK, KEY_SHARP, KEY_STAR, LED_HEADPHONE_OFF, LED_SPEAKER_OFF, MUTE_OFF, unistim_device::nextdial, NULL, unistim_device::output, OUTPUT_HANDSET, OUTPUT_HEADPHONE, OUTPUT_SPEAKER, unistim_device::phone_number, unistim_device::previous_output, unistim_device::receiver_state, unistim_device::redial_number, unistim_device::selected, send_callerid_screen(), send_favorite_selected(), send_led_update(), send_select_output(), send_text_status(), send_tone(), unistim_device::sharp_dial, show_main_page(), show_phone_number(), unistim_device::size_phone_number, unistimsession::state, STATE_CALL, STATE_OFFHOOK, sub, SUB_REAL, sub_stop_silence(), SUB_THREEWAY, ustmtext(), and unistim_device::volume.
Referenced by key_main_page(), and process_request().
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Definition at line 3548 of file chan_unistim.c.
References ast_copy_string(), ast_log, unistimsession::device, handle_call_outgoing(), is_key_favorite(), KEY_FAV0, LOG_WARNING, unistim_device::phone_number, and unistim_device::softkeynumber.
Referenced by handle_key_fav().
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Definition at line 4294 of file chan_unistim.c.