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include/asterisk/app.h File Reference

Application convenience functions, designed to give consistent look and feel to Asterisk apps. More...

#include "asterisk/stringfields.h"
#include "asterisk/strings.h"
#include "asterisk/threadstorage.h"
#include "asterisk/file.h"
#include "asterisk/linkedlists.h"
#include "asterisk/utils.h"
#include "asterisk/stasis.h"
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Data Structures

struct  ast_app_option
 A structure to hold the description of an application 'option'. More...
struct  ast_app_stack_funcs
 Stack applications callback functions. More...
struct  ast_ivr_menu
struct  ast_ivr_option
struct  ast_vm_functions
 Voicemail function table definition. More...
struct  ast_vm_greeter_functions
 Voicemail greeter function table definition. More...
struct  ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot
struct  ast_vm_msg_snapshot
struct  ast_vm_recording_data
 Structure used for ast_copy_recording_to_vm in order to cleanly supply data needed for making the recording from the recorded file. More...


#define AST_APP_ARG(name)   char *name
 Define an application argument. More...
#define AST_APP_OPTION(option, flagno)    [option] = { .flag = flagno }
 Declares an application option that does not accept an argument. More...
#define AST_APP_OPTION_ARG(option, flagno, argno)    [option] = { .flag = flagno, .arg_index = argno + 1 }
 Declares an application option that accepts an argument. More...
#define AST_APP_OPTIONS(holder, options...)    static const struct ast_app_option holder[128] = options
 Declares an array of options for an application. More...
#define ast_app_separate_args(a, b, c, d)   __ast_app_separate_args(a,b,1,c,d)
#define AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS(name, arglist)   AST_DEFINE_APP_ARGS_TYPE(argtype_##name, arglist) name = { 0, }
 Declare a structure to hold an application's arguments. More...
#define AST_DEFINE_APP_ARGS_TYPE(type, arglist)
 Define a structure type to hold an application's arguments. More...
#define AST_IVR_DECLARE_MENU(holder, title, flags, foo...)
#define AST_IVR_FLAG_AUTORESTART   (1 << 0)
#define AST_NONSTANDARD_APP_ARGS(args, parse, sep)    args.argc = __ast_app_separate_args(parse, sep, 1, args.argv, ((sizeof(args) - offsetof(typeof(args), argv)) / sizeof(args.argv[0])))
 Performs the 'nonstandard' argument separation process for an application. More...
#define AST_NONSTANDARD_RAW_ARGS(args, parse, sep)    args.argc = __ast_app_separate_args(parse, sep, 0, args.argv, ((sizeof(args) - offsetof(typeof(args), argv)) / sizeof(args.argv[0])))
#define AST_STANDARD_APP_ARGS(args, parse)    args.argc = __ast_app_separate_args(parse, ',', 1, args.argv, ((sizeof(args) - offsetof(typeof(args), argv)) / sizeof(args.argv[0])))
 Performs the 'standard' argument separation process for an application. More...
#define AST_STANDARD_RAW_ARGS(args, parse)    args.argc = __ast_app_separate_args(parse, ',', 0, args.argv, ((sizeof(args) - offsetof(typeof(args), argv)) / sizeof(args.argv[0])))
#define ast_vm_greeter_register(vm_table)   __ast_vm_greeter_register(vm_table, AST_MODULE_SELF)
 See __ast_vm_greeter_register() More...
#define ast_vm_register(vm_table)   __ast_vm_register(vm_table, AST_MODULE_SELF)
 See __ast_vm_register() More...
#define BEGIN_OPTIONS   {
#define END_OPTIONS   }


typedef int() ast_copy_recording_to_vm_fn(struct ast_vm_recording_data *vm_rec_data)
 Creates a voicemail based on a specified file to a mailbox. More...
typedef int() ast_has_voicemail_fn(const char *mailboxes, const char *folder)
 Determines if the given folder has messages. More...
typedef int() ast_inboxcount2_fn(const char *mailboxes, int *urgentmsgs, int *newmsgs, int *oldmsgs)
 Gets the number of messages that exist for the mailbox list. More...
typedef int() ast_inboxcount_fn(const char *mailboxes, int *newmsgs, int *oldmsgs)
 Gets the number of messages that exist for the mailbox list. More...
typedef int() ast_ivr_callback(struct ast_channel *chan, char *option, void *cbdata)
 Callback function for IVR. More...
typedef int() ast_messagecount_fn(const char *mailbox_id, const char *folder)
 Gets the number of messages that exist in a mailbox folder. More...
typedef int() ast_sayname_fn(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *mailbox_id)
 Play a recorded user name for the mailbox to the specified channel. More...
typedef const char *() ast_vm_index_to_foldername_fn(int id)
 Convert the mailbox folder id to a folder name. More...
typedef struct ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot *() ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot_create_fn(const char *user, const char *context, const char *folder, int descending, enum ast_vm_snapshot_sort_val sort_val, int combine_INBOX_and_OLD)
 Create a snapshot of a mailbox which contains information about every msg. More...
typedef struct ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot *() ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot_destroy_fn(struct ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot *mailbox_snapshot)
 destroy a snapshot More...
typedef int() ast_vm_msg_forward_fn(const char *from_mailbox, const char *from_context, const char *from_folder, const char *to_mailbox, const char *to_context, const char *to_folder, size_t num_msgs, const char *msg_ids[], int delete_old)
 forward a message from one mailbox to another. More...
typedef int() ast_vm_msg_move_fn(const char *mailbox, const char *context, size_t num_msgs, const char *oldfolder, const char *old_msg_ids[], const char *newfolder)
 Move messages from one folder to another. More...
typedef void() ast_vm_msg_play_cb(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *playfile, int duration)
 Voicemail playback callback function definition. More...
typedef int() ast_vm_msg_play_fn(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *mailbox, const char *context, const char *folder, const char *msg_num, ast_vm_msg_play_cb *cb)
 Play a voicemail msg back on a channel. More...
typedef int() ast_vm_msg_remove_fn(const char *mailbox, const char *context, size_t num_msgs, const char *folder, const char *msgs[])
 Remove/delete messages from a mailbox folder. More...


enum  ast_getdata_result {
enum  ast_ivr_action {
 Type of locking to use in ast_lock_path / ast_unlock_path. More...
enum  ast_vm_snapshot_sort_val { AST_VM_SNAPSHOT_SORT_BY_ID = 0 , AST_VM_SNAPSHOT_SORT_BY_TIME }


unsigned int __ast_app_separate_args (char *buf, char delim, int remove_chars, char **array, int arraylen)
 Separate a string into arguments in an array. More...
int __ast_vm_greeter_register (const struct ast_vm_greeter_functions *vm_table, struct ast_module *module)
 Set voicemail greeter function callbacks. More...
int __ast_vm_register (const struct ast_vm_functions *vm_table, struct ast_module *module)
 Set voicemail function callbacks. More...
int app_init (void)
 Initialize the application core. More...
int ast_app_copy_recording_to_vm (struct ast_vm_recording_data *vm_rec_data)
 param[in] vm_rec_data Contains data needed to make the recording. retval 0 voicemail successfully created from recording. retval -1 Failure More...
int ast_app_dtget (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *context, char *collect, size_t size, int maxlen, int timeout)
 Present a dialtone and collect a certain length extension. More...
int ast_app_exec_sub (struct ast_channel *autoservice_chan, struct ast_channel *sub_chan, const char *sub_args, int ignore_hangup)
 Run a subroutine on a channel, placing an optional second channel into autoservice. More...
const char * ast_app_expand_sub_args (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *args)
 Add missing context/exten to subroutine argument string. More...
enum ast_getdata_result ast_app_getdata (struct ast_channel *c, const char *prompt, char *s, int maxlen, int timeout)
 Plays a stream and gets DTMF data from a channel. More...
int ast_app_getdata_full (struct ast_channel *c, const char *prompt, char *s, int maxlen, int timeout, int audiofd, int ctrlfd)
 Full version with audiofd and controlfd. NOTE: returns '2' on ctrlfd available, not '1' like other full functions. More...
enum ast_getdata_result ast_app_getdata_terminator (struct ast_channel *c, const char *prompt, char *s, int maxlen, int timeout, char *terminator)
 Plays a stream and gets DTMF data from a channel. More...
int ast_app_group_discard (struct ast_channel *chan)
 Discard all group counting for a channel. More...
int ast_app_group_get_count (const char *group, const char *category)
 Get the current channel count of the specified group and category. More...
struct ast_group_infoast_app_group_list_head (void)
 Get the head of the group count list. More...
int ast_app_group_list_rdlock (void)
 Read Lock the group count list. More...
int ast_app_group_list_unlock (void)
 Unlock the group count list. More...
int ast_app_group_list_wrlock (void)
 Write Lock the group count list. More...
int ast_app_group_match_get_count (const char *groupmatch, const char *category)
 Get the current channel count of all groups that match the specified pattern and category. More...
int ast_app_group_set_channel (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *data)
 Set the group for a channel, splitting the provided data into group and category, if specified. More...
int ast_app_group_split_group (const char *data, char *group, int group_max, char *category, int category_max)
 Split a group string into group and category, returning a default category if none is provided. More...
int ast_app_group_update (struct ast_channel *oldchan, struct ast_channel *newchan)
 Update all group counting for a channel to a new one. More...
int ast_app_has_voicemail (const char *mailboxes, const char *folder)
 Determine if a given mailbox has any voicemail If folder is NULL, defaults to "INBOX". If folder is "INBOX", includes the number of messages in the "Urgent" folder. More...
int ast_app_inboxcount (const char *mailboxes, int *newmsgs, int *oldmsgs)
 Determine number of new/old messages in a mailbox. More...
int ast_app_inboxcount2 (const char *mailboxes, int *urgentmsgs, int *newmsgs, int *oldmsgs)
 Determine number of urgent/new/old messages in a mailbox. More...
int ast_app_messagecount (const char *mailbox_id, const char *folder)
 Get the number of messages in a given mailbox folder. More...
void ast_app_options2str64 (const struct ast_app_option *options, struct ast_flags64 *flags, char *buf, size_t len)
 Given a list of options array, return an option string based on passed flags. More...
int ast_app_parse_options (const struct ast_app_option *options, struct ast_flags *flags, char **args, char *optstr)
 Parses a string containing application options and sets flags/arguments. More...
int ast_app_parse_options64 (const struct ast_app_option *options, struct ast_flags64 *flags, char **args, char *optstr)
 Parses a string containing application options and sets flags/arguments. More...
int ast_app_parse_timelen (const char *timestr, int *result, enum ast_timelen defunit)
 Common routine to parse time lengths, with optional time unit specifier. More...
int ast_app_run_sub (struct ast_channel *autoservice_chan, struct ast_channel *sub_chan, const char *sub_location, const char *sub_args, int ignore_hangup)
 Run a subroutine on a channel, placing an optional second channel into autoservice. More...
int ast_app_sayname (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *mailbox_id)
 Play a recorded user name for the mailbox to the specified channel. More...
void ast_close_fds_above_n (int n)
 Common routine for child processes, to close all fds prior to exec(2) More...
int ast_control_streamfile (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *file, const char *fwd, const char *rev, const char *stop, const char *pause, const char *restart, int skipms, long *offsetms)
 Stream a file with fast forward, pause, reverse, restart. More...
int ast_control_streamfile_lang (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *file, const char *fwd, const char *rev, const char *stop, const char *suspend, const char *restart, int skipms, const char *lang, long *offsetms)
 Version of ast_control_streamfile() which allows the language of the media file to be specified. More...
int ast_control_streamfile_w_cb (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *file, const char *fwd, const char *rev, const char *stop, const char *pause, const char *restart, int skipms, long *offsetms, ast_waitstream_fr_cb cb)
 Stream a file with fast forward, pause, reverse, restart. More...
int ast_control_tone (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *tone)
 Controls playback of a tone. More...
int ast_dtmf_stream (struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *peer, const char *digits, int between, unsigned int duration)
 Send a string of DTMF digits to a channel. More...
void ast_dtmf_stream_external (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *digits, int between, unsigned int duration)
 Send a string of DTMF digits to a channel from an external thread. More...
int ast_get_encoded_char (const char *stream, char *result, size_t *consumed)
 Decode an encoded control or extended ASCII character. More...
char * ast_get_encoded_str (const char *stream, char *result, size_t result_len)
 Decode a stream of encoded control or extended ASCII characters. More...
void ast_install_stack_functions (const struct ast_app_stack_funcs *funcs)
 Set stack application function callbacks. More...
int ast_ivr_menu_run (struct ast_channel *c, struct ast_ivr_menu *menu, void *cbdata)
 Runs an IVR menu. More...
int ast_linear_stream (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *filename, int fd, int allowoverride)
 Stream a filename (or file descriptor) as a generator. More...
enum AST_LOCK_RESULT ast_lock_path (const char *path)
 Lock a filesystem path. More...
int ast_mf_stream (struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *peer, struct ast_channel *chan2, const char *digits, int between, unsigned int duration, unsigned int durationkp, unsigned int durationst, int is_external)
 Send a string of MF digits to a channel. More...
int ast_play_and_prepend (struct ast_channel *chan, char *playfile, char *recordfile, int maxtime_sec, char *fmt, int *duration, int *sound_duration, int beep, int silencethreshold, int maxsilence_ms)
 Record a file based on input frm a channel. Recording is performed in 'prepend' mode which works a little differently from normal recordings This function will not play a success message due to post-recording control in the application this was added for. More...
int ast_play_and_record (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *playfile, const char *recordfile, int maxtime_sec, const char *fmt, int *duration, int *sound_duration, int silencethreshold, int maxsilence_ms, const char *path)
 Record a file based on input from a channel. Use default accept and cancel DTMF. This function will play "auth-thankyou" upon successful recording. More...
int ast_play_and_record_full (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *playfile, const char *recordfile, int maxtime_sec, const char *fmt, int *duration, int *sound_duration, int beep, int silencethreshold, int maxsilence_ms, const char *path, const char *acceptdtmf, const char *canceldtmf, int skip_confirmation_sound, enum ast_record_if_exists if_exists)
 Record a file based on input from a channel This function will play "auth-thankyou" upon successful recording if skip_confirmation_sound is false. More...
int ast_play_and_wait (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *fn)
 Play a stream and wait for a digit, returning the digit that was pressed. More...
struct stasis_topicast_queue_topic (const char *queuename)
 Get the Stasis Message Bus API topic for queue messages for a particular queue name. More...
struct stasis_topicast_queue_topic_all (void)
 Get the Stasis Message Bus API topic for queue messages. More...
char * ast_read_textfile (const char *file)
 Read a file into asterisk. More...
int ast_record_review (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *playfile, const char *recordfile, int maxtime, const char *fmt, int *duration, const char *path)
 Allow to record message and have a review option. More...
void ast_replace_sigchld (void)
 Replace the SIGCHLD handler. More...
int ast_safe_execvp (int dualfork, const char *file, char *const argv[])
 Safely spawn an external program while closing file descriptors. More...
int ast_safe_fork (int stop_reaper)
 Common routine to safely fork without a chance of a signal handler firing badly in the child. More...
void ast_safe_fork_cleanup (void)
 Common routine to cleanup after fork'ed process is complete (if reaping was stopped) More...
int ast_safe_system (const char *s)
 Safely spawn an OS shell command while closing file descriptors. More...
void ast_set_lock_type (enum AST_LOCK_TYPE type)
 Set the type of locks used by ast_lock_path() More...
int ast_sf_stream (struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *peer, struct ast_channel *chan2, const char *digits, int frequency, int is_external)
 Send a string of SF digits to a channel. More...
int ast_str_get_encoded_str (struct ast_str **str, int maxlen, const char *stream)
 Decode a stream of encoded control or extended ASCII characters. More...
 AST_THREADSTORAGE_EXTERNAL (ast_str_thread_global_buf)
int ast_unlock_path (const char *path)
 Unlock a path. More...
void ast_unreplace_sigchld (void)
 Restore the SIGCHLD handler. More...
int ast_vm_greeter_is_registered (void)
 Determine if a voicemail greeter provider is registered. More...
void ast_vm_greeter_unregister (const char *module_name)
 Unregister the specified voicemail greeter provider. More...
const char * ast_vm_index_to_foldername (int id)
 Return name of folder, given an id. More...
int ast_vm_is_registered (void)
 Determine if a voicemail provider is registered. More...
struct ast_vm_mailbox_snapshotast_vm_mailbox_snapshot_create (const char *mailbox, const char *context, const char *folder, int descending, enum ast_vm_snapshot_sort_val sort_val, int combine_INBOX_and_OLD)
 Create a snapshot of a mailbox which contains information about every msg. More...
struct ast_vm_mailbox_snapshotast_vm_mailbox_snapshot_destroy (struct ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot *mailbox_snapshot)
 destroy a snapshot More...
int ast_vm_msg_forward (const char *from_mailbox, const char *from_context, const char *from_folder, const char *to_mailbox, const char *to_context, const char *to_folder, size_t num_msgs, const char *msg_ids[], int delete_old)
 forward a message from one mailbox to another. More...
int ast_vm_msg_move (const char *mailbox, const char *context, size_t num_msgs, const char *oldfolder, const char *old_msg_ids[], const char *newfolder)
 Move messages from one folder to another. More...
int ast_vm_msg_play (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *mailbox, const char *context, const char *folder, const char *msg_num, ast_vm_msg_play_cb *cb)
 Play a voicemail msg back on a channel. More...
int ast_vm_msg_remove (const char *mailbox, const char *context, size_t num_msgs, const char *folder, const char *msgs[])
 Remove/delete messages from a mailbox folder. More...
void ast_vm_unregister (const char *module_name)
 Unregister the specified voicemail provider. More...

Detailed Description

Application convenience functions, designed to give consistent look and feel to Asterisk apps.

Definition in file include/asterisk/app.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AST_APP_ARG (   name)    char *name

Define an application argument.

nameThe name of the argument

Definition at line 1230 of file include/asterisk/app.h.


#define AST_APP_OPTION (   option,
)     [option] = { .flag = flagno }

Declares an application option that does not accept an argument.

optionThe single character representing the option
flagnoThe flag index to be set if this option is present
See also
AST_APP_OPTIONS, ast_app_parse_options

Definition at line 1400 of file include/asterisk/app.h.


#define AST_APP_OPTION_ARG (   option,
)     [option] = { .flag = flagno, .arg_index = argno + 1 }

Declares an application option that accepts an argument.

optionThe single character representing the option
flagnoThe flag index to be set if this option is present
argnoThe index into the argument array where the argument should be placed
See also
AST_APP_OPTIONS, ast_app_parse_options

Definition at line 1411 of file include/asterisk/app.h.


#define AST_APP_OPTIONS (   holder,
)     static const struct ast_app_option holder[128] = options

Declares an array of options for an application.

holderThe name of the array to be created
optionsThe actual options to be placed into the array
See also

This macro declares a 'static const' array of struct ast_option elements to hold the list of available options for an application. Each option must be declared using either the AST_APP_OPTION() or AST_APP_OPTION_ARG() macros.

Example usage:

OPT_JUMP = (1 << 0),
OPT_BLAH = (1 << 1),
OPT_BLORT = (1 << 2),
enum my_app_option_args {
!! this entry tells how many possible arguments there are,
and must be the last entry in the list
AST_APP_OPTIONS(my_app_options, {
static int my_app_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data)
char *options;
struct ast_flags opts = { 0, };
char *opt_args[OPT_ARG_ARRAY_SIZE];
... do any argument parsing here ...
if (ast_app_parse_options(my_app_options, &opts, opt_args, options)) {
return -1;
struct sla_ringing_trunk * last
Definition: app_sla.c:332
static void parsing(int size, unsigned char *buf, struct unistimsession *pte, struct sockaddr_in *addr_from)
char * be
Definition: eagi_proxy.c:73
#define AST_APP_OPTIONS(holder, options...)
Declares an array of options for an application.
#define AST_APP_OPTION_ARG(option, flagno, argno)
Declares an application option that accepts an argument.
#define AST_APP_OPTION(option, flagno)
Declares an application option that does not accept an argument.
int ast_app_parse_options(const struct ast_app_option *options, struct ast_flags *flags, char **args, char *optstr)
Parses a string containing application options and sets flags/arguments.
Definition: main/app.c:3066
Main Channel structure associated with a channel.
Structure used to handle boolean flags.
Definition: utils.h:199
Definition: search.h:40
static struct test_options options
FILE * in
Definition: utils/frame.c:33

Definition at line 1391 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_app_separate_args

#define ast_app_separate_args (   a,
)    __ast_app_separate_args(a,b,1,c,d)

Definition at line 1319 of file include/asterisk/app.h.


#define AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS (   name,
)    AST_DEFINE_APP_ARGS_TYPE(argtype_##name, arglist) name = { 0, }

Declare a structure to hold an application's arguments.

nameThe name of the structure
arglistThe list of arguments, defined using AST_APP_ARG

This macro declares a structure intended to be used in a call to ast_app_separate_args(). The structure includes all the arguments specified, plus an argv array that overlays them and an argc argument counter. The arguments must be declared using AST_APP_ARG, and they will all be character pointers (strings).

The structure is not initialized, as the call to ast_app_separate_args() will perform that function before parsing the arguments.

Definition at line 1247 of file include/asterisk/app.h.


#define AST_DEFINE_APP_ARGS_TYPE (   type,

Define a structure type to hold an application's arguments.

typeThe name of the structure type
arglistThe list of arguments, defined using AST_APP_ARG

This macro defines a structure type intended to be used in a call to ast_app_separate_args(). The structure includes all the arguments specified, plus an argv array that overlays them and an argc argument counter. The arguments must be declared using AST_APP_ARG, and they will all be character pointers (strings).

This defines a structure type, but does not declare an instance of the structure. That must be done separately.

Definition at line 1264 of file include/asterisk/app.h.


#define AST_IVR_DECLARE_MENU (   holder,
static struct ast_ivr_option __options_##holder[] = foo;\
static struct ast_ivr_menu holder = { title, flags, __options_##holder }
unsigned int flags

Definition at line 108 of file include/asterisk/app.h.


#define AST_IVR_FLAG_AUTORESTART   (1 << 0)

Definition at line 106 of file include/asterisk/app.h.


#define AST_NONSTANDARD_APP_ARGS (   args,
)     args.argc = __ast_app_separate_args(parse, sep, 1, args.argv, ((sizeof(args) - offsetof(typeof(args), argv)) / sizeof(args.argv[0])))

Performs the 'nonstandard' argument separation process for an application.

argsAn argument structure defined using AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS
parseA modifiable buffer containing the input to be parsed
sepA nonstandard separator character

This function will separate the input string using the nonstandard argument separator character and fill in the provided structure, including the argc argument counter field.

Definition at line 1298 of file include/asterisk/app.h.


#define AST_NONSTANDARD_RAW_ARGS (   args,
)     args.argc = __ast_app_separate_args(parse, sep, 0, args.argv, ((sizeof(args) - offsetof(typeof(args), argv)) / sizeof(args.argv[0])))

Definition at line 1300 of file include/asterisk/app.h.


#define AST_STANDARD_APP_ARGS (   args,
)     args.argc = __ast_app_separate_args(parse, ',', 1, args.argv, ((sizeof(args) - offsetof(typeof(args), argv)) / sizeof(args.argv[0])))

Performs the 'standard' argument separation process for an application.

argsAn argument structure defined using AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS
parseA modifiable buffer containing the input to be parsed

This function will separate the input string using the standard argument separator character ',' and fill in the provided structure, including the argc argument counter field.


Definition at line 1283 of file include/asterisk/app.h.


#define AST_STANDARD_RAW_ARGS (   args,
)     args.argc = __ast_app_separate_args(parse, ',', 0, args.argv, ((sizeof(args) - offsetof(typeof(args), argv)) / sizeof(args.argv[0])))

Definition at line 1285 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_vm_greeter_register

#define ast_vm_greeter_register (   vm_table)    __ast_vm_greeter_register(vm_table, AST_MODULE_SELF)

See __ast_vm_greeter_register()

Definition at line 640 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_vm_register

#define ast_vm_register (   vm_table)    __ast_vm_register(vm_table, AST_MODULE_SELF)

See __ast_vm_register()

Definition at line 573 of file include/asterisk/app.h.


#define BEGIN_OPTIONS   {

Definition at line 1341 of file include/asterisk/app.h.


#define END_OPTIONS   }

Definition at line 1342 of file include/asterisk/app.h.



Definition at line 598 of file include/asterisk/app.h.



Definition at line 521 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ast_copy_recording_to_vm_fn

typedef int() ast_copy_recording_to_vm_fn(struct ast_vm_recording_data *vm_rec_data)

Creates a voicemail based on a specified file to a mailbox.

vm_rec_dataA record containing filename and voicemail txt info.
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Definition at line 399 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_has_voicemail_fn

typedef int() ast_has_voicemail_fn(const char *mailboxes, const char *folder)

Determines if the given folder has messages.

mailboxesComma or & delimited list of mailboxes (user@context). If no context is found, uses 'default' for the context.
folderThe folder to look in. Default is INBOX if not provided.
Return values
1if the folder has one or more messages.

Definition at line 329 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_inboxcount2_fn

typedef int() ast_inboxcount2_fn(const char *mailboxes, int *urgentmsgs, int *newmsgs, int *oldmsgs)

Gets the number of messages that exist for the mailbox list.

mailboxesComma or space delimited list of mailboxes (user@context). If no context is found, uses 'default' for the context.
urgentmsgsWhere to put the count of urgent messages. (Can be NULL)
newmsgsWhere to put the count of new messages. (Can be NULL)
oldmsgsWhere to put the count of old messages. (Can be NULL)

Simultaneously determines the count of new, old, and urgent messages. The total messages would then be the sum of these three.

Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Definition at line 365 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_inboxcount_fn

typedef int() ast_inboxcount_fn(const char *mailboxes, int *newmsgs, int *oldmsgs)

Gets the number of messages that exist for the mailbox list.

mailboxesComma or space delimited list of mailboxes (user@context). If no context is found, uses 'default' for the context.
newmsgsWhere to put the count of new messages. (Can be NULL)
oldmsgsWhere to put the count of old messages. (Can be NULL)

Simultaneously determines the count of new + urgent and old messages. The total messages would then be the sum of these.

Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Definition at line 346 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_ivr_callback

typedef int() ast_ivr_callback(struct ast_channel *chan, char *option, void *cbdata)

Callback function for IVR.

Return values
0on completion.
-1on hangup or digit if interrupted.

Definition at line 48 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_messagecount_fn

typedef int() ast_messagecount_fn(const char *mailbox_id, const char *folder)

Gets the number of messages that exist in a mailbox folder.

mailbox_idThe mailbox name.
folderThe folder to look in. Default is INBOX if not provided.
If requesting INBOX then the returned count is INBOX + Urgent.
The number of messages in the mailbox folder (zero or more).

Definition at line 377 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_sayname_fn

typedef int() ast_sayname_fn(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *mailbox_id)

Play a recorded user name for the mailbox to the specified channel.

chanWhere to play the recorded name file.
mailbox_idThe mailbox name.
Return values
0Name played without interruption
dtmf ASCII value of the DTMF which interrupted playback.
Return values
-1Unable to locate mailbox or hangup occurred.

Definition at line 389 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_vm_index_to_foldername_fn

typedef const char *() ast_vm_index_to_foldername_fn(int id)

Convert the mailbox folder id to a folder name.

idMailbox folder id to convert.
Nothing calls it and nothing ever should.
The folder name associated with the id.

Definition at line 410 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot_create_fn

typedef struct ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot *() ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot_create_fn(const char *user, const char *context, const char *folder, int descending, enum ast_vm_snapshot_sort_val sort_val, int combine_INBOX_and_OLD)

Create a snapshot of a mailbox which contains information about every msg.

userThe user part of user@context.
contextThe context part of user@context. Must be explicit.
folderWhen not NULL only msgs from the specified folder will be included.
descendinglist the msgs in descending order rather than ascending order.
sort_valWhat to sort in the snapshot.
combine_INBOX_and_OLDWhen this argument is set, The OLD folder will be represented in the INBOX folder of the snapshot. This allows the snapshot to represent the OLD and INBOX messages in sorted order merged together.
Only used by voicemail unit tests.
snapshot on success
Return values
NULLon failure

Definition at line 410 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot_destroy_fn

typedef struct ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot *() ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot_destroy_fn(struct ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot *mailbox_snapshot)

destroy a snapshot

mailbox_snapshotThe snapshot to destroy.
Only used by voicemail unit tests.
Return values

Definition at line 410 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_vm_msg_forward_fn

typedef int() ast_vm_msg_forward_fn(const char *from_mailbox, const char *from_context, const char *from_folder, const char *to_mailbox, const char *to_context, const char *to_folder, size_t num_msgs, const char *msg_ids[], int delete_old)

forward a message from one mailbox to another.

from_mailbox The original mailbox the message is being forwarded from

from_context The voicemail context of the from_mailbox

from_folder The folder from which the message is being forwarded

to_mailbox The mailbox to forward the message to

to_context The voicemail context of the to_mailbox

to_folder The folder to which the message is being forwarded

num_msgs The number of messages being forwarded

msg_ids The message IDs of the messages in from_mailbox to forward

delete_old If non-zero, the forwarded messages are also deleted from from_mailbox. Otherwise, the messages will remain in the from_mailbox.

Only used by voicemail unit tests.
Return values

Definition at line 499 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_vm_msg_move_fn

typedef int() ast_vm_msg_move_fn(const char *mailbox, const char *context, size_t num_msgs, const char *oldfolder, const char *old_msg_ids[], const char *newfolder)

Move messages from one folder to another.

mailboxThe mailbox to which the folders belong
contextThe voicemail context for the mailbox
num_msgsThe number of messages to move
oldfolderThe folder from where messages should be moved
old_msg_idsThe message IDs of the messages to move
newfolderThe folder to which messages should be moved new folder. This array must be num_msgs sized.
Only used by voicemail unit tests.
Return values

Definition at line 460 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_vm_msg_play_cb

typedef void() ast_vm_msg_play_cb(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *playfile, int duration)

Voicemail playback callback function definition.

chanChannel to play the file back on.
playfileLocation of file on disk
durationof file in seconds. This will be zero if msg is very short or has an unknown duration.

Definition at line 317 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_vm_msg_play_fn

typedef int() ast_vm_msg_play_fn(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *mailbox, const char *context, const char *folder, const char *msg_num, ast_vm_msg_play_cb *cb)

Play a voicemail msg back on a channel.

mailboxmsg is in.
contextof mailbox.
foldervoicemail folder to look in.
msg_nummessage number in the voicemailbox to playback to the channel.
Only used by voicemail unit tests.
Return values

Definition at line 518 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

◆ ast_vm_msg_remove_fn

typedef int() ast_vm_msg_remove_fn(const char *mailbox, const char *context, size_t num_msgs, const char *folder, const char *msgs[])

Remove/delete messages from a mailbox folder.

mailboxThe mailbox from which to delete messages
contextThe voicemail context for the mailbox
num_msgsThe number of messages to delete
folderThe folder from which to remove messages
msgsThe message IDs of the messages to delete
Only used by voicemail unit tests.
Return values

Definition at line 477 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ast_getdata_result


indicates a user terminated empty string rather than an empty string resulting from a timeout or other factors

Definition at line 126 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

126 {
131 /*! indicates a user terminated empty string rather than an empty string resulting
132 * from a timeout or other factors */

◆ ast_ivr_action


adata is unused


adata is the return value for ast_ivr_menu_run if channel was not hungup


adata is an ast_ivr_callback


adata is file to play


adata is file to play


adata is list of files, separated by ; to play


adata is a pointer to an ast_ivr_menu


adata is max # of repeats, cast to a pointer


adata is like repeat, but resets repeats to 0


adata is a string with exten[@context]


adata is a timeout, or 0 for defaults


adata is unused


adata is list of files separated by ; allows interruption

Definition at line 50 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

50 {
51 AST_ACTION_UPONE, /*!< adata is unused */
52 AST_ACTION_EXIT, /*!< adata is the return value for ast_ivr_menu_run if channel was not hungup */
53 AST_ACTION_CALLBACK, /*!< adata is an ast_ivr_callback */
54 AST_ACTION_PLAYBACK, /*!< adata is file to play */
55 AST_ACTION_BACKGROUND, /*!< adata is file to play */
56 AST_ACTION_PLAYLIST, /*!< adata is list of files, separated by ; to play */
57 AST_ACTION_MENU, /*!< adata is a pointer to an ast_ivr_menu */
58 AST_ACTION_REPEAT, /*!< adata is max # of repeats, cast to a pointer */
59 AST_ACTION_RESTART, /*!< adata is like repeat, but resets repeats to 0 */
60 AST_ACTION_TRANSFER, /*!< adata is a string with exten[\@context] */
61 AST_ACTION_WAITOPTION, /*!< adata is a timeout, or 0 for defaults */
62 AST_ACTION_NOOP, /*!< adata is unused */
63 AST_ACTION_BACKLIST, /*!< adata is list of files separated by ; allows interruption */



Definition at line 1162 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

1162 {


Type of locking to use in ast_lock_path / ast_unlock_path.


Definition at line 1170 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

1170 {

◆ ast_record_if_exists

Possible actions to take if a recording already exists


Return an Error State for IF_Exists


Fail the recording.


Overwrite the existing recording.


Append to the existing recording.

Definition at line 1080 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

1080 {
1081 /*! Return an Error State for IF_Exists */
1083 /*! Fail the recording. */
1085 /*! Overwrite the existing recording. */
1087 /*! Append to the existing recording. */

◆ ast_timelen


Definition at line 112 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

112 {

◆ ast_vm_snapshot_sort_val


Definition at line 280 of file include/asterisk/app.h.

280 {

Function Documentation

◆ __ast_app_separate_args()

unsigned int __ast_app_separate_args ( char *  buf,
char  delim,
int  remove_chars,
char **  array,
int  arraylen 

Separate a string into arguments in an array.

bufThe string to be parsed (this must be a writable copy, as it will be modified)
delimThe character to be used to delimit arguments
remove_charsRemove backslashes and quote characters, while parsing
arrayAn array of 'char *' to be filled in with pointers to the found arguments
arraylenThe number of elements in the array (i.e. the number of arguments you will accept)

Note: if there are more arguments in the string than the array will hold, the last element of the array will contain the remaining arguments, not separated.

The array will be completely zeroed by this function before it populates any entries.

The number of arguments found, or zero if the function arguments are not valid.

Definition at line 2356 of file main/app.c.

2358 int argc;
2359 char *scan, *wasdelim = NULL;
2360 int paren = 0, quote = 0, bracket = 0;
2362 if (!array || !arraylen) {
2363 return 0;
2364 }
2366 memset(array, 0, arraylen * sizeof(*array));
2368 if (!buf) {
2369 return 0;
2370 }
2372 scan = buf;
2374 for (argc = 0; *scan && (argc < arraylen - 1); argc++) {
2375 array[argc] = scan;
2376 for (; *scan; scan++) {
2377 if (*scan == '(') {
2378 paren++;
2379 } else if (*scan == ')') {
2380 if (paren) {
2381 paren--;
2382 }
2383 } else if (*scan == '[') {
2384 bracket++;
2385 } else if (*scan == ']') {
2386 if (bracket) {
2387 bracket--;
2388 }
2389 } else if (*scan == '"' && delim != '"') {
2390 quote = quote ? 0 : 1;
2391 if (remove_chars) {
2392 /* Remove quote character from argument */
2393 memmove(scan, scan + 1, strlen(scan));
2394 scan--;
2395 }
2396 } else if (*scan == '\\') {
2397 if (remove_chars) {
2398 /* Literal character, don't parse */
2399 memmove(scan, scan + 1, strlen(scan));
2400 } else {
2401 scan++;
2402 }
2403 } else if ((*scan == delim) && !paren && !quote && !bracket) {
2404 wasdelim = scan;
2405 *scan++ = '\0';
2406 break;
2407 }
2408 }
2409 }
2411 /* If the last character in the original string was the delimiter, then
2412 * there is one additional argument. */
2413 if (*scan || (scan > buf && (scan - 1) == wasdelim)) {
2414 array[argc++] = scan;
2415 }
2417 return argc;
#define paren
Definition: ael_lex.c:962
char buf[BUFSIZE]
Definition: eagi_proxy.c:66
static int array(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *cmd, char *var, const char *value)
static int quote(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *cmd, char *data, char *buf, size_t len)
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96

References array(), buf, NULL, paren, and quote().

◆ __ast_vm_greeter_register()

int __ast_vm_greeter_register ( const struct ast_vm_greeter_functions vm_table,
struct ast_module module 

Set voicemail greeter function callbacks.

vm_tableVoicemail greeter function table to install.
modulePointer to the module implementing the interface
Return values
0on success.
-1on error.
AST_MODULE_LOAD_DECLINEif there's already another greeter registered.

Definition at line 479 of file main/app.c.

483 if (!vm_table->module_name) {
484 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Voicemail greeter provider missing required information.\n");
485 return -1;
486 }
488 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Voicemail greeter provider '%s' has incorrect version\n",
490 return -1;
491 }
493 table = ao2_global_obj_ref(vm_greeter_provider);
494 if (table) {
495 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Voicemail greeter provider already registered by %s.\n",
496 table->module_name);
498 }
501 if (!table) {
502 return -1;
503 }
504 *table = *vm_table;
505 table->module = module;
507 ao2_global_obj_replace_unref(vm_greeter_provider, table);
508 return 0;
static const struct ast_vm_functions vm_table
#define ast_log
Definition: astobj2.c:42
Definition: astobj2.h:367
#define ao2_global_obj_replace_unref(holder, obj)
Replace an ao2 object in the global holder, throwing away any old object.
Definition: astobj2.h:901
#define ao2_cleanup(obj)
Definition: astobj2.h:1934
#define ao2_global_obj_ref(holder)
Get a reference to the object stored in the global holder.
Definition: astobj2.h:918
#define ao2_alloc_options(data_size, destructor_fn, options)
Definition: astobj2.h:404
static char * table
Definition: cdr_odbc.c:55
#define LOG_ERROR
Module has failed to load, may be in an inconsistent state.
Definition: module.h:78
unsigned int module_version
The version of this function table.
const char * module_name
The name of the module that provides the voicemail functionality.
Voicemail greeter function table definition.
#define RAII_VAR(vartype, varname, initval, dtor)
Declare a variable that will call a destructor function when it goes out of scope.
Definition: utils.h:941

References AO2_ALLOC_OPT_LOCK_NOLOCK, ao2_alloc_options, ao2_cleanup, ao2_global_obj_ref, ao2_global_obj_replace_unref, ast_log, AST_MODULE_LOAD_DECLINE, LOG_ERROR, LOG_WARNING, ast_vm_greeter_functions::module, ast_vm_functions::module_name, ast_vm_functions::module_version, NULL, RAII_VAR, table, VM_GREETER_MODULE_VERSION, and vm_table.

◆ __ast_vm_register()

int __ast_vm_register ( const struct ast_vm_functions vm_table,
struct ast_module module 

Set voicemail function callbacks.

vm_tableVoicemail function table to install.
modulePointer to the module implementing the interface
Return values
0on success.
-1on error.
AST_MODULE_LOAD_DECLINEif there's already another provider registered.

Definition at line 368 of file main/app.c.

372 if (!vm_table->module_name) {
373 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Voicemail provider missing required information.\n");
374 return -1;
375 }
377 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Voicemail provider '%s' has incorrect version\n",
379 return -1;
380 }
382 table = ao2_global_obj_ref(vm_provider);
383 if (table) {
384 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Voicemail provider already registered by %s.\n",
385 table->module_name);
387 }
390 if (!table) {
391 return -1;
392 }
393 *table = *vm_table;
394 table->module = module;
397 return 0;
Voicemail function table definition.

References AO2_ALLOC_OPT_LOCK_NOLOCK, ao2_alloc_options, ao2_cleanup, ao2_global_obj_ref, ao2_global_obj_replace_unref, ast_log, AST_MODULE_LOAD_DECLINE, LOG_ERROR, LOG_WARNING, ast_vm_functions::module, ast_vm_functions::module_name, ast_vm_functions::module_version, NULL, RAII_VAR, table, VM_MODULE_VERSION, and vm_table.

◆ app_init()

int app_init ( void  )

Initialize the application core.

Return values

Definition at line 3365 of file main/app.c.

3368#ifdef HAVE_CAP
3369 child_cap = cap_from_text("cap_net_admin-eip");
3371 queue_topic_all = stasis_topic_create("queue:all");
3372 if (!queue_topic_all) {
3373 return -1;
3374 }
3376 if (!queue_topic_pool) {
3377 return -1;
3378 }
3379 return 0;
int ast_register_cleanup(void(*func)(void))
Register a function to be executed before Asterisk gracefully exits.
Definition: clicompat.c:19
static struct stasis_topic_pool * queue_topic_pool
Definition: main/app.c:91
static struct stasis_topic * queue_topic_all
Define Stasis Message Bus API topic objects.
Definition: main/app.c:90
static void app_cleanup(void)
Definition: main/app.c:3354
struct stasis_topic * stasis_topic_create(const char *name)
Create a new topic.
Definition: stasis.c:618
struct stasis_topic_pool * stasis_topic_pool_create(struct stasis_topic *pooled_topic)
Create a topic pool that routes messages from dynamically generated topics to the given topic.
Definition: stasis.c:1834

References app_cleanup(), ast_register_cleanup(), queue_topic_all, queue_topic_pool, stasis_topic_create(), and stasis_topic_pool_create().

Referenced by asterisk_daemon().

◆ ast_app_copy_recording_to_vm()

int ast_app_copy_recording_to_vm ( struct ast_vm_recording_data vm_rec_data)

param[in] vm_rec_data Contains data needed to make the recording. retval 0 voicemail successfully created from recording. retval -1 Failure

Definition at line 596 of file main/app.c.

598 int res = -1;
600 VM_API_CALL(res, copy_recording_to_vm, (vm_rec_data));
601 return res;
#define VM_API_CALL(res, api_call, api_parms)
Definition: main/app.c:547

References VM_API_CALL.

Referenced by copy_to_voicemail().

◆ ast_app_dtget()

int ast_app_dtget ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  context,
char *  collect,
size_t  size,
int  maxlen,
int  timeout 

Present a dialtone and collect a certain length extension.

Return values
1if extension exists
0if extension does not exist
-1on hangup
Note that if 'collect' holds digits already, new digits will be appended, so be sure it's initialized properly

Present a dialtone and collect a certain length extension.

timeouttimeout in milliseconds

Definition at line 138 of file main/app.c.

140 struct ast_tone_zone_sound *ts;
141 int res = 0, x = 0;
143 if (maxlen > size) {
144 maxlen = size;
145 }
147 if (!timeout) {
148 if (ast_channel_pbx(chan) && ast_channel_pbx(chan)->dtimeoutms) {
149 timeout = ast_channel_pbx(chan)->dtimeoutms;
150 } else {
151 timeout = 5000;
152 }
153 }
155 if ((ts = ast_get_indication_tone(ast_channel_zone(chan), "dial"))) {
156 res = ast_playtones_start(chan, 0, ts->data, 0);
158 } else {
159 ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Huh....? no dial for indications?\n");
160 }
162 for (x = strlen(collect); x < maxlen; ) {
163 res = ast_waitfordigit(chan, timeout);
164 if (!ast_ignore_pattern(context, collect)) {
165 ast_playtones_stop(chan);
166 }
167 if (res < 1) {
168 break;
169 }
170 if (res == '#') {
171 break;
172 }
173 collect[x++] = res;
174 if (!ast_matchmore_extension(chan, context, collect, 1,
175 S_COR(ast_channel_caller(chan)->id.number.valid, ast_channel_caller(chan)->id.number.str, NULL))) {
176 break;
177 }
178 }
180 if (res >= 0) {
181 res = ast_exists_extension(chan, context, collect, 1,
182 S_COR(ast_channel_caller(chan)->id.number.valid, ast_channel_caller(chan)->id.number.str, NULL)) ? 1 : 0;
183 }
185 return res;
int ast_waitfordigit(struct ast_channel *c, int ms)
Waits for a digit.
Definition: channel.c:3194
struct ast_tone_zone * ast_channel_zone(const struct ast_channel *chan)
struct ast_pbx * ast_channel_pbx(const struct ast_channel *chan)
struct ast_party_caller * ast_channel_caller(struct ast_channel *chan)
#define LOG_NOTICE
static struct ast_tone_zone_sound * ast_tone_zone_sound_unref(struct ast_tone_zone_sound *ts)
Release a reference to an ast_tone_zone_sound.
Definition: indications.h:227
int ast_playtones_start(struct ast_channel *chan, int vol, const char *tonelist, int interruptible)
Start playing a list of tones on a channel.
Definition: indications.c:302
void ast_playtones_stop(struct ast_channel *chan)
Stop playing tones on a channel.
Definition: indications.c:393
struct ast_tone_zone_sound * ast_get_indication_tone(const struct ast_tone_zone *zone, const char *indication)
Locate a tone zone sound.
Definition: indications.c:461
int ast_exists_extension(struct ast_channel *c, const char *context, const char *exten, int priority, const char *callerid)
Determine whether an extension exists.
Definition: pbx.c:4175
int ast_ignore_pattern(const char *context, const char *pattern)
Checks to see if a number should be ignored.
Definition: pbx.c:6879
int ast_matchmore_extension(struct ast_channel *c, const char *context, const char *exten, int priority, const char *callerid)
Looks to see if adding anything to this extension might match something. (exists ^ canmatch)
Definition: pbx.c:4195
#define S_COR(a, b, c)
returns the equivalent of logic or for strings, with an additional boolean check: second one if not e...
Definition: strings.h:87
int dtimeoutms
Definition: pbx.h:215
Description of a tone.
Definition: indications.h:35
const char * data
Description of a tone.
Definition: indications.h:52
Number structure.
Definition: app_followme.c:154

References ast_channel_caller(), ast_channel_pbx(), ast_channel_zone(), ast_exists_extension(), ast_get_indication_tone(), ast_ignore_pattern(), ast_log, ast_matchmore_extension(), ast_playtones_start(), ast_playtones_stop(), ast_tone_zone_sound_unref(), ast_waitfordigit(), voicemailpwcheck::context, ast_tone_zone_sound::data, ast_pbx::dtimeoutms, LOG_NOTICE, NULL, and S_COR.

Referenced by grab_transfer().

◆ ast_app_exec_sub()

int ast_app_exec_sub ( struct ast_channel autoservice_chan,
struct ast_channel sub_chan,
const char *  sub_args,
int  ignore_hangup 

Run a subroutine on a channel, placing an optional second channel into autoservice.


This is a shorthand method that makes it very easy to run a subroutine on any given channel. It is perfectly reasonable to supply a NULL autoservice_chan here in case there is no channel to place into autoservice.

Absolutely NO channel locks should be held before calling this function.
autoservice_chanA channel to place into autoservice while the subroutine is run
sub_chanChannel to execute subroutine on.
sub_argsGosub application argument string.
ignore_hangupTRUE if a hangup does not stop execution of the routine.
Return values
-1on error

Definition at line 297 of file main/app.c.

299 const struct ast_app_stack_funcs *funcs;
300 int res;
302 funcs = app_stack_callbacks;
303 if (!funcs || !funcs->run_sub || !ast_module_running_ref(funcs->module)) {
305 "Cannot run 'Gosub(%s)'. The app_stack module is not available.\n",
306 sub_args);
307 return -1;
308 }
310 if (autoservice_chan) {
311 ast_autoservice_start(autoservice_chan);
312 }
314 res = funcs->run_sub(sub_chan, sub_args, ignore_hangup);
315 ast_module_unref(funcs->module);
317 if (autoservice_chan) {
318 ast_autoservice_stop(autoservice_chan);
319 }
321 if (!ignore_hangup && ast_check_hangup_locked(sub_chan)) {
322 ast_queue_hangup(sub_chan);
323 }
325 return res;
@ ignore_hangup
int ast_autoservice_stop(struct ast_channel *chan)
Stop servicing a channel for us...
Definition: autoservice.c:266
int ast_queue_hangup(struct ast_channel *chan)
Queue a hangup frame.
Definition: channel.c:1169
int ast_check_hangup_locked(struct ast_channel *chan)
Definition: channel.c:459
int ast_autoservice_start(struct ast_channel *chan)
Automatically service a channel for us...
Definition: autoservice.c:200
static const struct ast_app_stack_funcs * app_stack_callbacks
Definition: main/app.c:271
#define ast_module_unref(mod)
Release a reference to the module.
Definition: module.h:483
#define ast_module_running_ref(mod)
Hold a reference to the module if it is running.
Definition: module.h:469
Stack applications callback functions.
int(* run_sub)(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *args, int ignore_hangup)
Callback for the routine to run a subroutine on a channel.

References app_stack_callbacks, ast_autoservice_start(), ast_autoservice_stop(), ast_check_hangup_locked(), ast_log, ast_module_running_ref, ast_module_unref, ast_queue_hangup(), ignore_hangup, LOG_WARNING, ast_app_stack_funcs::module, and ast_app_stack_funcs::run_sub.

Referenced by app_exec(), ast_app_run_sub(), ast_pbx_hangup_handler_run(), ast_pre_call(), dial_exec_full(), eval_sub_read(), generic_recall(), originate_exec(), page_exec(), queue_exec(), run_app_helper(), and try_calling().

◆ ast_app_expand_sub_args()

const char * ast_app_expand_sub_args ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  args 

Add missing context/exten to subroutine argument string.

chanChannel to obtain context/exten.
argsGosub application argument string.

Fills in the optional context and exten from the given channel.

New-args Gosub argument string on success. Must be freed.
Return values
NULLon error.

Definition at line 278 of file main/app.c.

280 const struct ast_app_stack_funcs *funcs;
281 const char *new_args;
283 funcs = app_stack_callbacks;
284 if (!funcs || !funcs->expand_sub_args || !ast_module_running_ref(funcs->module)) {
286 "Cannot expand 'Gosub(%s)' arguments. The app_stack module is not available.\n",
287 args);
288 return NULL;
289 }
291 new_args = funcs->expand_sub_args(chan, args);
292 ast_module_unref(funcs->module);
294 return new_args;
const char *(* expand_sub_args)(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *args)
Add missing context/exten to Gosub application argument string.
const char * args

References app_stack_callbacks, args, ast_log, ast_module_running_ref, ast_module_unref, ast_app_stack_funcs::expand_sub_args, LOG_WARNING, ast_app_stack_funcs::module, and NULL.

Referenced by app_exec(), ast_pbx_hangup_handler_push(), dial_exec_full(), and page_exec().

◆ ast_app_getdata()

enum ast_getdata_result ast_app_getdata ( struct ast_channel c,
const char *  prompt,
char *  s,
int  maxlen,
int  timeout 

Plays a stream and gets DTMF data from a channel.

cWhich channel one is interacting with
promptFile to pass to ast_streamfile (the one that you wish to play). It is also valid for this to be multiple files concatenated by "&". For example, "file1&file2&file3".
sThe location where the DTMF data will be stored
maxlenMax Length of the data
timeoutTimeout length waiting for data(in milliseconds). Set to 0 for standard timeout(six seconds), or -1 for no time out.

This function was designed for application programmers for situations where they need to play a message and then get some DTMF data in response to the message. If a digit is pressed during playback, it will immediately break out of the message and continue execution of your code.

Definition at line 188 of file main/app.c.

190 return ast_app_getdata_terminator(c, prompt, s, maxlen, timeout, NULL);
static struct ast_str * prompt
Definition: asterisk.c:2780
enum ast_getdata_result ast_app_getdata_terminator(struct ast_channel *c, const char *prompt, char *s, int maxlen, int timeout, char *terminator)
Plays a stream and gets DTMF data from a channel.
Definition: main/app.c:193
static struct test_val c

References ast_app_getdata_terminator(), c, NULL, and prompt.

Referenced by auth_exec(), conf_exec(), conf_get_pin(), dictate_exec(), find_conf(), testclient_exec(), testserver_exec(), and vm_exec().

◆ ast_app_getdata_full()

int ast_app_getdata_full ( struct ast_channel c,
const char *  prompt,
char *  s,
int  maxlen,
int  timeout,
int  audiofd,
int  ctrlfd 

Full version with audiofd and controlfd. NOTE: returns '2' on ctrlfd available, not '1' like other full functions.

Definition at line 247 of file main/app.c.

249 int res, to = 2000, fto = 6000;
251 if (!ast_strlen_zero(prompt)) {
253 if (res < 0) {
254 return res;
255 }
256 }
258 if (timeout > 0) {
259 fto = to = timeout;
260 }
261 if (timeout < 0) {
262 fto = to = 1000000000;
263 }
265 res = ast_readstring_full(c, s, maxlen, to, fto, "#", audiofd, ctrlfd);
267 return res;
int ast_readstring_full(struct ast_channel *c, char *s, int len, int timeout, int rtimeout, char *enders, int audiofd, int ctrlfd)
Definition: channel.c:6582
const char * ast_channel_language(const struct ast_channel *chan)
int ast_streamfile(struct ast_channel *c, const char *filename, const char *preflang)
Streams a file.
Definition: file.c:1293
static force_inline int attribute_pure ast_strlen_zero(const char *s)
Definition: strings.h:65

References ast_channel_language(), ast_readstring_full(), ast_streamfile(), ast_strlen_zero(), c, and prompt.

Referenced by handle_getdata().

◆ ast_app_getdata_terminator()

enum ast_getdata_result ast_app_getdata_terminator ( struct ast_channel c,
const char *  prompt,
char *  s,
int  maxlen,
int  timeout,
char *  terminator 

Plays a stream and gets DTMF data from a channel.

cWhich channel one is interacting with
promptFile to pass to ast_streamfile (the one that you wish to play). It is also valid for this to be multiple files concatenated by "&". For example, "file1&file2&file3".
sThe location where the DTMF data will be stored
maxlenMax Length of the data
timeoutTimeout length waiting for data(in milliseconds). Set to 0 for standard timeout(six seconds), or -1 for no time out.
terminatorA string of characters that may be used as terminators to end input. If NULL, "#" will be used.

This function was designed for application programmers for situations where they need to play a message and then get some DTMF data in response to the message. If a digit is pressed during playback, it will immediately break out of the message and continue execution of your code.

Definition at line 193 of file main/app.c.

196 int res = 0, to, fto;
197 char *front, *filename;
199 /* XXX Merge with full version? XXX */
201 if (maxlen)
202 s[0] = '\0';
204 if (!prompt)
205 prompt = "";
207 filename = ast_strdupa(prompt);
208 while ((front = ast_strsep(&filename, '&', AST_STRSEP_STRIP | AST_STRSEP_TRIM))) {
209 if (!ast_strlen_zero(front)) {
210 res = ast_streamfile(c, front, ast_channel_language(c));
211 if (res)
212 continue;
213 }
214 if (ast_strlen_zero(filename)) {
215 /* set timeouts for the last prompt */
216 fto = ast_channel_pbx(c) ? ast_channel_pbx(c)->rtimeoutms : 6000;
219 if (timeout > 0) {
220 fto = to = timeout;
221 }
222 if (timeout < 0) {
223 fto = to = 1000000000;
224 }
225 } else {
226 /* there is more than one prompt, so
227 * get rid of the long timeout between
228 * prompts, and make it 50ms */
229 fto = 50;
231 }
232 res = ast_readstring(c, s, maxlen, to, fto, (terminator ? terminator : "#"));
234 return res;
235 }
236 if (!ast_strlen_zero(s)) {
237 return res;
238 }
239 }
241 return res;
#define ast_strdupa(s)
duplicate a string in memory from the stack
Definition: astmm.h:298
int ast_readstring(struct ast_channel *c, char *s, int len, int timeout, int rtimeout, char *enders)
Reads multiple digits.
Definition: channel.c:6577
Definition: strings.h:256
Definition: strings.h:255
char * ast_strsep(char **s, const char sep, uint32_t flags)
Act like strsep but ignore separators inside quotes.
Definition: utils.c:1835
int rtimeoutms
Definition: pbx.h:216

References ast_channel_language(), ast_channel_pbx(), AST_GETDATA_EMPTY_END_TERMINATED, ast_readstring(), ast_strdupa, ast_streamfile(), ast_strlen_zero(), ast_strsep(), AST_STRSEP_STRIP, AST_STRSEP_TRIM, c, ast_pbx::dtimeoutms, prompt, and ast_pbx::rtimeoutms.

Referenced by ast_app_getdata(), and read_exec().

◆ ast_app_group_discard()

int ast_app_group_discard ( struct ast_channel chan)

Discard all group counting for a channel.

Definition at line 2319 of file main/app.c.

2321 struct ast_group_info *gi = NULL;
2325 if (gi->chan == chan) {
2327 ast_free(gi);
2328 }
2329 }
2333 return 0;
#define ast_free(a)
Definition: astmm.h:180
Definition: linkedlists.h:570
Definition: linkedlists.h:545
#define AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK(head)
Write locks a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:52
#define AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(head)
Attempts to unlock a read/write based list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:151
Definition: linkedlists.h:617
channel group info
Definition: channel.h:2961
struct ast_group_info::@210 group_list
struct ast_channel * chan
Definition: channel.h:2962


Referenced by ast_channel_destructor().

◆ ast_app_group_get_count()

int ast_app_group_get_count ( const char *  group,
const char *  category 

Get the current channel count of the specified group and category.

Definition at line 2240 of file main/app.c.

2242 struct ast_group_info *gi = NULL;
2243 int count = 0;
2245 if (ast_strlen_zero(group)) {
2246 return 0;
2247 }
2251 if (!strcasecmp(gi->group, group) && (ast_strlen_zero(category) || (!ast_strlen_zero(gi->category) && !strcasecmp(gi->category, category)))) {
2252 count++;
2253 }
2254 }
2257 return count;
#define AST_RWLIST_RDLOCK(head)
Read locks a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:78
Definition: linkedlists.h:494
char * category
Definition: channel.h:2963
char * group
Definition: channel.h:2964

References AST_RWLIST_RDLOCK, AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE, AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK, ast_strlen_zero(), ast_group_info::category, ast_group_info::group, ast_group_info::group_list, and NULL.

Referenced by group_count_function_read().

◆ ast_app_group_list_head()

struct ast_group_info * ast_app_group_list_head ( void  )

Get the head of the group count list.

Definition at line 2346 of file main/app.c.

2348 return AST_RWLIST_FIRST(&groups);
Definition: linkedlists.h:423


Referenced by group_count_function_read(), group_function_read(), group_list_function_read(), and group_show_channels().

◆ ast_app_group_list_rdlock()

int ast_app_group_list_rdlock ( void  )

Read Lock the group count list.

Definition at line 2341 of file main/app.c.

2343 return AST_RWLIST_RDLOCK(&groups);


Referenced by group_count_function_read(), group_function_read(), group_list_function_read(), and group_show_channels().

◆ ast_app_group_list_unlock()

int ast_app_group_list_unlock ( void  )

Unlock the group count list.

Definition at line 2351 of file main/app.c.

2353 return AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&groups);


Referenced by group_count_function_read(), group_function_read(), group_list_function_read(), and group_show_channels().

◆ ast_app_group_list_wrlock()

int ast_app_group_list_wrlock ( void  )

Write Lock the group count list.

Definition at line 2336 of file main/app.c.

2338 return AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK(&groups);


◆ ast_app_group_match_get_count()

int ast_app_group_match_get_count ( const char *  groupmatch,
const char *  category 

Get the current channel count of all groups that match the specified pattern and category.

Definition at line 2260 of file main/app.c.

2262 struct ast_group_info *gi = NULL;
2263 regex_t regexbuf_group;
2264 regex_t regexbuf_category;
2265 int count = 0;
2267 if (ast_strlen_zero(groupmatch)) {
2268 ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "groupmatch empty\n");
2269 return 0;
2270 }
2272 /* if regex compilation fails, return zero matches */
2273 if (regcomp(&regexbuf_group, groupmatch, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB)) {
2274 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Regex compile failed on: %s\n", groupmatch);
2275 return 0;
2276 }
2278 if (!ast_strlen_zero(category) && regcomp(&regexbuf_category, category, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB)) {
2279 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Regex compile failed on: %s\n", category);
2280 regfree(&regexbuf_group);
2281 return 0;
2282 }
2286 if (!regexec(&regexbuf_group, gi->group, 0, NULL, 0) && (ast_strlen_zero(category) || (!ast_strlen_zero(gi->category) && !regexec(&regexbuf_category, gi->category, 0, NULL, 0)))) {
2287 count++;
2288 }
2289 }
2292 regfree(&regexbuf_group);
2293 if (!ast_strlen_zero(category)) {
2294 regfree(&regexbuf_category);
2295 }
2297 return count;

References ast_log, AST_RWLIST_RDLOCK, AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE, AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK, ast_strlen_zero(), ast_group_info::category, ast_group_info::group, ast_group_info::group_list, LOG_ERROR, LOG_NOTICE, and NULL.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE(), and group_match_count_function_read().

◆ ast_app_group_set_channel()

int ast_app_group_set_channel ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  data 

Set the group for a channel, splitting the provided data into group and category, if specified.

Definition at line 2193 of file main/app.c.

2195 int res = 0;
2196 char group[80] = "", category[80] = "";
2197 struct ast_group_info *gi = NULL;
2198 size_t len = 0;
2200 if (ast_app_group_split_group(data, group, sizeof(group), category, sizeof(category))) {
2201 return -1;
2202 }
2204 /* Calculate memory we will need if this is new */
2205 len = sizeof(*gi) + strlen(group) + 1;
2206 if (!ast_strlen_zero(category)) {
2207 len += strlen(category) + 1;
2208 }
2212 if ((gi->chan == chan) && ((ast_strlen_zero(category) && ast_strlen_zero(gi->category)) || (!ast_strlen_zero(gi->category) && !strcasecmp(gi->category, category)))) {
2214 ast_free(gi);
2215 break;
2216 }
2217 }
2220 if (ast_strlen_zero(group)) {
2221 /* Enable unsetting the group */
2222 } else if ((gi = ast_calloc(1, len))) {
2223 gi->chan = chan;
2224 gi->group = (char *) gi + sizeof(*gi);
2225 strcpy(gi->group, group);
2226 if (!ast_strlen_zero(category)) {
2227 gi->category = (char *) gi + sizeof(*gi) + strlen(group) + 1;
2228 strcpy(gi->category, category);
2229 }
2231 } else {
2232 res = -1;
2233 }
2237 return res;
#define ast_calloc(num, len)
A wrapper for calloc()
Definition: astmm.h:202
static int len(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *cmd, char *data, char *buf, size_t buflen)
Definition: linkedlists.h:741
int ast_app_group_split_group(const char *data, char *group, int group_max, char *category, int category_max)
Split a group string into group and category, returning a default category if none is provided.
Definition: main/app.c:2166

References ast_app_group_split_group(), ast_calloc, ast_free, AST_RWLIST_INSERT_TAIL, AST_RWLIST_REMOVE_CURRENT, AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN, AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END, AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK, AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK, ast_strlen_zero(), ast_group_info::category, ast_group_info::chan, ast_group_info::group, ast_group_info::group_list, len(), and NULL.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE(), dial_exec_full(), and group_function_write().

◆ ast_app_group_split_group()

int ast_app_group_split_group ( const char *  data,
char *  group,
int  group_max,
char *  category,
int  category_max 

Split a group string into group and category, returning a default category if none is provided.

Definition at line 2166 of file main/app.c.

2168 int res = 0;
2169 char tmp[256];
2170 char *grp = NULL, *cat = NULL;
2172 if (!ast_strlen_zero(data)) {
2173 ast_copy_string(tmp, data, sizeof(tmp));
2174 grp = tmp;
2175 if ((cat = strchr(tmp, '@'))) {
2176 *cat++ = '\0';
2177 }
2178 }
2180 if (!ast_strlen_zero(grp)) {
2181 ast_copy_string(group, grp, group_max);
2182 } else {
2183 *group = '\0';
2184 }
2186 if (!ast_strlen_zero(cat)) {
2187 ast_copy_string(category, cat, category_max);
2188 }
2190 return res;
static int tmp()
Definition: bt_open.c:389
void ast_copy_string(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
Size-limited null-terminating string copy.
Definition: strings.h:425

References ast_copy_string(), ast_strlen_zero(), ast_frame::data, NULL, and tmp().

Referenced by ast_app_group_set_channel(), group_count_function_read(), and group_match_count_function_read().

◆ ast_app_group_update()

int ast_app_group_update ( struct ast_channel oldchan,
struct ast_channel newchan 

Update all group counting for a channel to a new one.

Definition at line 2300 of file main/app.c.

2302 struct ast_group_info *gi = NULL;
2306 if (gi->chan == old) {
2307 gi->chan = new;
2308 } else if (gi->chan == new) {
2310 ast_free(gi);
2311 }
2312 }
2316 return 0;


Referenced by channel_do_masquerade().

◆ ast_app_has_voicemail()

int ast_app_has_voicemail ( const char *  mailboxes,
const char *  folder 

Determine if a given mailbox has any voicemail If folder is NULL, defaults to "INBOX". If folder is "INBOX", includes the number of messages in the "Urgent" folder.

Return values
1Mailbox has voicemail
0No new voicemail in specified mailbox

Definition at line 582 of file main/app.c.

584 int res = 0;
586 VM_API_CALL(res, has_voicemail, (mailboxes, folder));
587 return res;
static int has_voicemail(const char *mailbox, const char *folder)
Determines if the given folder has messages.
static struct stasis_rest_handlers mailboxes
REST handler for /api-docs/mailboxes.json.

References has_voicemail(), mailboxes, and VM_API_CALL.

Referenced by action_mailboxstatus(), has_voicemail(), mwi_update_cb(), notify_new_message(), play_dialtone(), poll_mailbox(), run_externnotify(), and unistim_send_mwi_to_peer().

◆ ast_app_inboxcount()

int ast_app_inboxcount ( const char *  mailboxes,
int *  newmsgs,
int *  oldmsgs 

Determine number of new/old messages in a mailbox.

[in]mailboxesMailbox specification in the format /code mbox[@context][&mbox2[@context2]][...] /code
[out]newmsgsNumber of messages in the "INBOX" folder. Includes number of messages in the "Urgent" folder, if any.
[out]oldmsgsNumber of messages in the "Old" folder.
Return values

Definition at line 604 of file main/app.c.

606 int res = 0;
608 if (newmsgs) {
609 *newmsgs = 0;
610 }
611 if (oldmsgs) {
612 *oldmsgs = 0;
613 }
615 VM_API_CALL(res, inboxcount, (mailboxes, newmsgs, oldmsgs));
616 return res;
static int inboxcount(const char *mailbox, int *newmsgs, int *oldmsgs)

References inboxcount(), mailboxes, and VM_API_CALL.

Referenced by update_registry().

◆ ast_app_inboxcount2()

int ast_app_inboxcount2 ( const char *  mailboxes,
int *  urgentmsgs,
int *  newmsgs,
int *  oldmsgs 

Determine number of urgent/new/old messages in a mailbox.

[in]mailboxesthe mailbox context to use
[out]urgentmsgsthe urgent message count
[out]newmsgsthe new message count
[out]oldmsgsthe old message count
Return values
0for success
negativeupon error

Definition at line 619 of file main/app.c.

621 int res = 0;
623 if (newmsgs) {
624 *newmsgs = 0;
625 }
626 if (oldmsgs) {
627 *oldmsgs = 0;
628 }
629 if (urgentmsgs) {
630 *urgentmsgs = 0;
631 }
633 VM_API_CALL(res, inboxcount2, (mailboxes, urgentmsgs, newmsgs, oldmsgs));
634 return res;
static int inboxcount2(const char *mailbox, int *urgentmsgs, int *newmsgs, int *oldmsgs)
Check the given mailbox's message count.

References inboxcount2(), mailboxes, and VM_API_CALL.

Referenced by action_mailboxcount(), mwi_retrieve_then_create_state(), notify_new_message(), notify_new_state(), and vm_execmain().

◆ ast_app_messagecount()

int ast_app_messagecount ( const char *  mailbox_id,
const char *  folder 

Get the number of messages in a given mailbox folder.

[in]mailbox_idMailbox name
[in]folderThe folder to look in. Default is INBOX if not provided.
If requesting INBOX then the returned count is INBOX + Urgent.
The number of messages in the mailbox folder (zero or more).

Definition at line 645 of file main/app.c.

647 int res = 0;
649 VM_API_CALL(res, messagecount, (mailbox_id, folder));
650 return res;
static int messagecount(const char *mailbox_id, const char *folder)

References messagecount(), and VM_API_CALL.

Referenced by acf_vmcount_exec().

◆ ast_app_options2str64()

void ast_app_options2str64 ( const struct ast_app_option options,
struct ast_flags64 flags,
char *  buf,
size_t  len 

Given a list of options array, return an option string based on passed flags.

optionsThe array of possible options declared with AST_APP_OPTIONS
flagsThe flags of the options that you wish to populate the buffer with
bufThe buffer to fill with the string of options
lenThe maximum length of buf

Definition at line 3076 of file main/app.c.

3078 unsigned int i, found = 0;
3079 for (i = 32; i < 128 && found < len; i++) {
3080 if (ast_test_flag64(flags, options[i].flag)) {
3081 buf[found++] = i;
3082 }
3083 }
3084 buf[found] = '\0';
long int flag
Definition: f2c.h:83
#define ast_test_flag64(p, flag)
Definition: utils.h:120

References ast_test_flag64, buf, ast_flags64::flags, len(), and options.

◆ ast_app_parse_options()

int ast_app_parse_options ( const struct ast_app_option options,
struct ast_flags flags,
char **  args,
char *  optstr 

Parses a string containing application options and sets flags/arguments.

optionsThe array of possible options declared with AST_APP_OPTIONS
flagsThe flag structure to have option flags set
argsThe array of argument pointers to hold arguments found
optstrThe string containing the options to be parsed
Return values
zerofor success
non-zeroif an error occurs
See also

Definition at line 3066 of file main/app.c.

3068 return parse_options(options, flags, args, optstr, 32);
static int parse_options(const struct ast_app_option *options, void *_flags, char **args, char *optstr, int flaglen)
Definition: main/app.c:2983

References args, ast_flags64::flags, options, and parse_options().

Referenced by agent_login_exec(), app_exec(), aqm_exec(), ast_multicast_rtp_create_options(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), audiosocket_request(), auth_exec(), bridge_exec(), bridgewait_exec(), broadcast_exec(), cdr_read_callback(), cdr_write_callback(), chanspy_exec(), connectedline_write(), controlplayback_exec(), detect_write(), directory_exec(), disa_exec(), dundi_query_read(), dundifunc_read(), extenspy_exec(), forkcdr_exec(), geoloc_profile_read(), geoloc_profile_write(), handle_options(), hint_read(), json_decode_read(), manager_mixmonitor(), minivm_accmess_exec(), minivm_greet_exec(), minivm_record_exec(), mixmonitor_exec(), page_exec(), park_app_parse_data(), pbx_builtin_background(), pbx_builtin_waitexten(), pickupchan_exec(), queue_exec(), read_exec(), read_mf_exec(), read_sf_exec(), readexten_exec(), realtime_common(), receivefax_exec(), record_exec(), redirecting_write(), resetcdr_exec(), senddtmf_exec(), sendfax_exec(), sla_trunk_exec(), smdi_msg_retrieve_read(), sms_exec(), softhangup_exec(), speech_background(), unicast_rtp_request(), vm_exec(), vm_execmain(), volume_write(), and wait_exec().

◆ ast_app_parse_options64()

int ast_app_parse_options64 ( const struct ast_app_option options,
struct ast_flags64 flags,
char **  args,
char *  optstr 

Parses a string containing application options and sets flags/arguments.

optionsThe array of possible options declared with AST_APP_OPTIONS
flagsThe 64-bit flag structure to have option flags set
argsThe array of argument pointers to hold arguments found
optstrThe string containing the options to be parsed
Return values
zerofor success
non-zeroif an error occurs
See also

Definition at line 3071 of file main/app.c.

3073 return parse_options(options, flags, args, optstr, 64);

References args, ast_flags64::flags, options, and parse_options().

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE(), conf_exec(), dial_exec_full(), find_conf_realtime(), originate_exec(), and sayunixtime_exec().

◆ ast_app_parse_timelen()

int ast_app_parse_timelen ( const char *  timestr,
int *  result,
enum ast_timelen  defunit 

Common routine to parse time lengths, with optional time unit specifier.

[in]timestrString to parse
[in]defunitDefault unit type
[out]resultResulting value, specified in milliseconds
Return values

Definition at line 3273 of file main/app.c.

3275 int res;
3276 char u[10];
3278 long double amount;
3279 #define FMT "%30Lf%9s"
3281 double amount;
3282 #define FMT "%30lf%9s"
3284 if (!timestr) {
3285 return -1;
3286 }
3288 res = sscanf(timestr, FMT, &amount, u);
3290 if (res == 0 || res == EOF) {
3291#undef FMT
3292 return -1;
3293 } else if (res == 2) {
3294 switch (u[0]) {
3295 case 'h':
3296 case 'H':
3297 unit = TIMELEN_HOURS;
3298 if (u[1] != '\0') {
3299 return -1;
3300 }
3301 break;
3302 case 's':
3303 case 'S':
3304 unit = TIMELEN_SECONDS;
3305 if (u[1] != '\0') {
3306 return -1;
3307 }
3308 break;
3309 case 'm':
3310 case 'M':
3311 if (toupper(u[1]) == 'S') {
3313 if (u[2] != '\0') {
3314 return -1;
3315 }
3316 } else if (u[1] == '\0') {
3317 unit = TIMELEN_MINUTES;
3318 } else {
3319 return -1;
3320 }
3321 break;
3322 default:
3323 return -1;
3324 }
3325 }
3327 switch (unit) {
3328 case TIMELEN_HOURS:
3329 amount *= 60;
3330 /* fall-through */
3332 amount *= 60;
3333 /* fall-through */
3335 amount *= 1000;
3336 /* fall-through */
3338 ;
3339 }
3340 *result = amount > INT_MAX ? INT_MAX : (int) amount;
3341 return 0;
static PGresult * result
Definition: cel_pgsql.c:84
#define FMT


Referenced by ast_eivr_senddtmf(), ast_parse_arg(), new_realtime_sqlite3_db(), pbx_builtin_wait(), pbx_builtin_waitdigit(), pbx_builtin_waitexten(), senddtmf_exec(), and sendmf_exec().

◆ ast_app_run_sub()

int ast_app_run_sub ( struct ast_channel autoservice_chan,
struct ast_channel sub_chan,
const char *  sub_location,
const char *  sub_args,
int  ignore_hangup 

Run a subroutine on a channel, placing an optional second channel into autoservice.


This is a shorthand method that makes it very easy to run a subroutine on any given channel. It is perfectly reasonable to supply a NULL autoservice_chan here in case there is no channel to place into autoservice.

Absolutely NO channel locks should be held before calling this function.
autoservice_chanA channel to place into autoservice while the subroutine is run
sub_chanChannel to execute subroutine on.
sub_locationThe location of the subroutine to run.
sub_argsThe arguments to pass to the subroutine.
ignore_hangupTRUE if a hangup does not stop execution of the routine.
Return values
-1on error

Definition at line 328 of file main/app.c.

330 int res;
331 char *args_str;
332 size_t args_len;
334 if (ast_strlen_zero(sub_args)) {
335 return ast_app_exec_sub(autoservice_chan, sub_chan, sub_location, ignore_hangup);
336 }
338 /* Create the Gosub application argument string. */
339 args_len = strlen(sub_location) + strlen(sub_args) + 3;
340 args_str = ast_malloc(args_len);
341 if (!args_str) {
342 return -1;
343 }
344 snprintf(args_str, args_len, "%s(%s)", sub_location, sub_args);
346 res = ast_app_exec_sub(autoservice_chan, sub_chan, args_str, ignore_hangup);
347 ast_free(args_str);
348 return res;
#define ast_malloc(len)
A wrapper for malloc()
Definition: astmm.h:191
int ast_app_exec_sub(struct ast_channel *autoservice_chan, struct ast_channel *sub_chan, const char *sub_args, int ignore_hangup)
Run a subroutine on a channel, placing an optional second channel into autoservice.
Definition: main/app.c:297

References ast_app_exec_sub(), ast_free, ast_malloc, ast_strlen_zero(), and ignore_hangup.

Referenced by ast_channel_connected_line_sub(), and ast_channel_redirecting_sub().

◆ ast_app_sayname()

int ast_app_sayname ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  mailbox_id 

Play a recorded user name for the mailbox to the specified channel.

chanWhere to play the recorded name file.
mailbox_idThe mailbox name.
Return values
0Name played without interruption
dtmfASCII value of the DTMF which interrupted playback.
-1Unable to locate mailbox or hangup occurred.

Definition at line 637 of file main/app.c.

639 int res = -1;
641 VM_GREETER_API_CALL(res, sayname, (chan, mailbox_id));
642 return res;
static int sayname(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *mailbox, const char *context)
#define VM_GREETER_API_CALL(res, api_call, api_parms)
Definition: main/app.c:568

References sayname(), and VM_GREETER_API_CALL.

Referenced by play_mailbox_owner(), and spy_sayname().

◆ ast_close_fds_above_n()

void ast_close_fds_above_n ( int  n)

Common routine for child processes, to close all fds prior to exec(2)

[in]nstarting file descriptor number for closing all higher file descriptors

Definition at line 3202 of file main/app.c.

3204 closefrom(n + 1);
void closefrom(int lowfd)

References closefrom().

Referenced by app_exec(), asterisk_daemon(), launch_script(), mp3play(), safe_exec_prep(), send_waveform_to_fd(), spawn_mp3(), and vm_check_password_shell().

◆ ast_control_streamfile()

int ast_control_streamfile ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  file,
const char *  fwd,
const char *  rev,
const char *  stop,
const char *  pause,
const char *  restart,
int  skipms,
long *  offsetms 

Stream a file with fast forward, pause, reverse, restart.

fileFile to play.
fwd,rev,stop,pause,restartDTMF keys for media control
skipmsNumber of milliseconds to skip for fwd/rev.
offsetmsNumber of milliseconds to skip when starting the media.

Before calling this function, set this to be the number of ms to start from the beginning of the file. When the function returns, it will be the number of ms from the beginning where the playback stopped. Pass NULL if you don't care.

Return values
0on success
Non-zeroon failure

Definition at line 1465 of file main/app.c.

1470 return control_streamfile(chan, file, fwd, rev, stop, suspend, restart, skipms, offsetms, NULL, NULL);
unsigned int stop
Definition: app_sla.c:336
static int skipms
static void suspend(struct cc_core_instance *core_instance)
Definition: ccss.c:3160
static int control_streamfile(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *file, const char *fwd, const char *rev, const char *stop, const char *suspend, const char *restart, int skipms, long *offsetms, const char *lang, ast_waitstream_fr_cb cb)
Definition: main/app.c:1277

References control_streamfile(), make_ari_stubs::file, NULL, skipms, stop, and suspend().

Referenced by controlplayback_exec(), handle_controlstreamfile(), and wait_file().

◆ ast_control_streamfile_lang()

int ast_control_streamfile_lang ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  file,
const char *  fwd,
const char *  rev,
const char *  stop,
const char *  suspend,
const char *  restart,
int  skipms,
const char *  lang,
long *  offsetms 

Version of ast_control_streamfile() which allows the language of the media file to be specified.

Return values
0on success
Non-zeroon failure

Definition at line 1473 of file main/app.c.

1477 return control_streamfile(chan, file, fwd, rev, stop, suspend, restart, skipms, offsetms, lang, NULL);

References control_streamfile(), make_ari_stubs::file, NULL, skipms, stop, and suspend().

Referenced by play_on_channel().

◆ ast_control_streamfile_w_cb()

int ast_control_streamfile_w_cb ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  file,
const char *  fwd,
const char *  rev,
const char *  stop,
const char *  pause,
const char *  restart,
int  skipms,
long *  offsetms,
ast_waitstream_fr_cb  cb 

Stream a file with fast forward, pause, reverse, restart.

cbwaitstream callback to invoke when fastforward or rewind occurs.

Before calling this function, set this to be the number of ms to start from the beginning of the file. When the function returns, it will be the number of ms from the beginning where the playback stopped. Pass NULL if you don't care.

Definition at line 1451 of file main/app.c.

1462 return control_streamfile(chan, file, fwd, rev, stop, suspend, restart, skipms, offsetms, NULL, cb);

References control_streamfile(), make_ari_stubs::file, NULL, skipms, stop, and suspend().

◆ ast_control_tone()

int ast_control_tone ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  tone 

Controls playback of a tone.

Return values
0on success
Non-zeroon failure

Definition at line 1545 of file main/app.c.

1547 struct ast_tone_zone *zone = NULL;
1548 struct ast_tone_zone_sound *ts;
1549 int paused = 0;
1550 int res = 0;
1552 const char *tone_indication = NULL;
1553 const char *tone_zone = NULL;
1554 char *tone_uri_parser;
1556 if (ast_strlen_zero(tone)) {
1557 return -1;
1558 }
1560 tone_uri_parser = ast_strdupa(tone);
1562 if (parse_tone_uri(tone_uri_parser, &tone_indication, &tone_zone)) {
1563 return -1;
1564 }
1566 if (tone_zone) {
1567 zone = ast_get_indication_zone(tone_zone);
1568 }
1570 ts = ast_get_indication_tone(zone ? zone : ast_channel_zone(chan), tone_indication);
1572 if (ast_playtones_start(chan, 0, ts ? ts->data : tone_indication, 0)) {
1573 res = -1;
1574 }
1576 while (!res) {
1577 struct ast_frame *fr;
1579 if (ast_waitfor(chan, -1) < 0) {
1580 res = -1;
1581 break;
1582 }
1584 fr = ast_read_noaudio(chan);
1586 if (!fr) {
1587 res = -1;
1588 break;
1589 }
1591 if (fr->frametype != AST_FRAME_CONTROL) {
1592 continue;
1593 }
1595 res = control_tone_frame_response(chan, fr, ts, tone_indication, &paused);
1597 res = 0;
1598 break;
1599 } else if (res == CONTROL_TONE_RESPONSE_FAILED) {
1600 res = -1;
1601 break;
1602 }
1603 }
1605 if (ts) {
1607 }
1609 if (zone) {
1610 ast_tone_zone_unref(zone);
1611 }
1613 return res;
int ast_waitfor(struct ast_channel *chan, int ms)
Wait for input on a channel.
Definition: channel.c:3181
struct ast_frame * ast_read_noaudio(struct ast_channel *chan)
Reads a frame, returning AST_FRAME_NULL frame if audio.
Definition: channel.c:4286
static struct ast_tone_zone * ast_tone_zone_unref(struct ast_tone_zone *tz)
Release a reference to an ast_tone_zone.
Definition: indications.h:205
struct ast_tone_zone * ast_get_indication_zone(const char *country)
locate ast_tone_zone
Definition: indications.c:439
static enum control_tone_frame_response_result control_tone_frame_response(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_frame *fr, struct ast_tone_zone_sound *ts, const char *tone, int *paused)
Definition: main/app.c:1486
Definition: main/app.c:1481
Definition: main/app.c:1483
static int parse_tone_uri(char *tone_parser, const char **tone_indication, const char **tone_zone)
Definition: main/app.c:1524
Data structure associated with a single frame of data.
enum ast_frame_type frametype
A set of tones for a given locale.
Definition: indications.h:74

References ast_channel_zone(), AST_FRAME_CONTROL, ast_get_indication_tone(), ast_get_indication_zone(), ast_playtones_start(), ast_read_noaudio(), ast_strdupa, ast_strlen_zero(), ast_tone_zone_sound_unref(), ast_tone_zone_unref(), ast_waitfor(), control_tone_frame_response(), CONTROL_TONE_RESPONSE_FAILED, CONTROL_TONE_RESPONSE_FINISHED, ast_tone_zone_sound::data, ast_frame::frametype, NULL, parse_tone_uri(), and ast_frame::ts.

Referenced by play_on_channel().

◆ ast_dtmf_stream()

int ast_dtmf_stream ( struct ast_channel chan,
struct ast_channel peer,
const char *  digits,
int  between,
unsigned int  duration 

Send a string of DTMF digits to a channel.

chanThe channel that will receive the DTMF frames
peer(optional) Peer channel that will be autoserviced while the primary channel is receiving DTMF
digitsThis is a string of characters representing the DTMF digits to be sent to the channel. Valid characters are "0123456789*#abcdABCD". Note: You can pass arguments 'f' or 'F', if you want to Flash the channel (if supported by the channel), or 'w' to add a 500 millisecond pause to the DTMF sequence.
betweenThis is the number of milliseconds to wait in between each DTMF digit. If zero milliseconds is specified, then the default value of 100 will be used.
durationThis is the duration that each DTMF digit should have.
This must only be called by the channel's media handler thread.
Return values
0on success.
-1on failure or a channel hung up.

Definition at line 1127 of file main/app.c.

1129 int res;
1131 if (peer && ast_autoservice_start(peer)) {
1132 return -1;
1133 }
1134 res = dtmf_stream(chan, digits, between, duration, 0);
1135 if (peer && ast_autoservice_stop(peer)) {
1136 res = -1;
1137 }
1139 return res;
static int dtmf_stream(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *digits, int between, unsigned int duration, int is_external)
Definition: main/app.c:1029

References ast_autoservice_start(), ast_autoservice_stop(), and dtmf_stream().

Referenced by ast_eivr_senddtmf(), bridge_channel_dtmf_stream(), dial_exec_full(), dtmf_no_bridge(), senddtmf_exec(), testclient_exec(), testserver_exec(), and wait_for_answer().

◆ ast_dtmf_stream_external()

void ast_dtmf_stream_external ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  digits,
int  between,
unsigned int  duration 

Send a string of DTMF digits to a channel from an external thread.

chanThe channel that will receive the DTMF frames
digitsThis is a string of characters representing the DTMF digits to be sent to the channel. Valid characters are "0123456789*#abcdABCD". Note: You can pass arguments 'f' or 'F', if you want to Flash the channel (if supported by the channel), or 'w' to add a 500 millisecond pause to the DTMF sequence.
betweenThis is the number of milliseconds to wait in between each DTMF digit. If zero milliseconds is specified, then the default value of 100 will be used.
durationThis is the duration that each DTMF digit should have.
This must only be called by threads that are not the channel's media handler thread.

Definition at line 1142 of file main/app.c.

1144 dtmf_stream(chan, digits, between, duration, 1);

References dtmf_stream().

Referenced by dtmf_in_bridge().

◆ ast_get_encoded_char()

int ast_get_encoded_char ( const char *  stream,
char *  result,
size_t *  consumed 

Decode an encoded control or extended ASCII character.

[in]streamString to decode
[out]resultDecoded character
[out]consumedNumber of characters used in stream to encode the character
Return values
-1Stream is of zero length

Definition at line 3087 of file main/app.c.

3089 int i;
3090 *consumed = 1;
3091 *result = 0;
3092 if (ast_strlen_zero(stream)) {
3093 *consumed = 0;
3094 return -1;
3095 }
3097 if (*stream == '\\') {
3098 *consumed = 2;
3099 switch (*(stream + 1)) {
3100 case 'n':
3101 *result = '\n';
3102 break;
3103 case 'r':
3104 *result = '\r';
3105 break;
3106 case 't':
3107 *result = '\t';
3108 break;
3109 case 'x':
3110 /* Hexadecimal */
3111 if (strchr("0123456789ABCDEFabcdef", *(stream + 2)) && *(stream + 2) != '\0') {
3112 *consumed = 3;
3113 if (*(stream + 2) <= '9') {
3114 *result = *(stream + 2) - '0';
3115 } else if (*(stream + 2) <= 'F') {
3116 *result = *(stream + 2) - 'A' + 10;
3117 } else {
3118 *result = *(stream + 2) - 'a' + 10;
3119 }
3120 } else {
3121 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Illegal character '%c' in hexadecimal string\n", *(stream + 2));
3122 return -1;
3123 }
3125 if (strchr("0123456789ABCDEFabcdef", *(stream + 3)) && *(stream + 3) != '\0') {
3126 *consumed = 4;
3127 *result <<= 4;
3128 if (*(stream + 3) <= '9') {
3129 *result += *(stream + 3) - '0';
3130 } else if (*(stream + 3) <= 'F') {
3131 *result += *(stream + 3) - 'A' + 10;
3132 } else {
3133 *result += *(stream + 3) - 'a' + 10;
3134 }
3135 }
3136 break;
3137 case '0':
3138 /* Octal */
3139 *consumed = 2;
3140 for (i = 2; ; i++) {
3141 if (strchr("01234567", *(stream + i)) && *(stream + i) != '\0') {
3142 (*consumed)++;
3143 ast_debug(5, "result was %d, ", *result);
3144 *result <<= 3;
3145 *result += *(stream + i) - '0';
3146 ast_debug(5, "is now %d\n", *result);
3147 } else {
3148 break;
3149 }
3150 }
3151 break;
3152 default:
3153 *result = *(stream + 1);
3154 }
3155 } else {
3156 *result = *stream;
3157 *consumed = 1;
3158 }
3159 return 0;
#define ast_debug(level,...)
Log a DEBUG message.

References ast_debug, ast_log, ast_strlen_zero(), LOG_ERROR, and result.

Referenced by ast_get_encoded_str(), ast_str_get_encoded_str(), cut_internal(), filter(), function_fieldnum_helper(), function_fieldqty_helper(), replace(), shift_pop(), and unshift_push().

◆ ast_get_encoded_str()

char * ast_get_encoded_str ( const char *  stream,
char *  result,
size_t  result_len 

Decode a stream of encoded control or extended ASCII characters.

[in]streamEncoded string
[out]resultDecoded string
[in]result_lenMaximum size of the result buffer
A pointer to the result string

Definition at line 3162 of file main/app.c.

3164 char *cur = result;
3165 size_t consumed;
3167 while (cur < result + result_size - 1 && !ast_get_encoded_char(stream, cur, &consumed)) {
3168 cur++;
3169 stream += consumed;
3170 }
3171 *cur = '\0';
3172 return result;
int ast_get_encoded_char(const char *stream, char *result, size_t *consumed)
Decode an encoded control or extended ASCII character.
Definition: main/app.c:3087

References ast_get_encoded_char(), and result.

Referenced by chan_pjsip_new(), listfilter(), and replace().

◆ ast_install_stack_functions()

void ast_install_stack_functions ( const struct ast_app_stack_funcs funcs)

Set stack application function callbacks.

funcsStack applications callback functions.

Definition at line 273 of file main/app.c.

275 app_stack_callbacks = funcs;

References app_stack_callbacks.

Referenced by load_module(), and unload_module().

◆ ast_ivr_menu_run()

int ast_ivr_menu_run ( struct ast_channel c,
struct ast_ivr_menu menu,
void *  cbdata 

Runs an IVR menu.

Return values
0on successful completion.
-1on hangup.
-2on user error in menu.

Definition at line 2942 of file main/app.c.

2944 int res = ast_ivr_menu_run_internal(chan, menu, cbdata);
2945 /* Hide internal coding */
2946 return res > 0 ? 0 : res;
static int ast_ivr_menu_run_internal(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_ivr_menu *menu, void *cbdata)
Definition: main/app.c:2857

References ast_ivr_menu_run_internal().

Referenced by skel_exec().

◆ ast_linear_stream()

int ast_linear_stream ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  filename,
int  fd,
int  allowoverride 

Stream a filename (or file descriptor) as a generator.

Definition at line 1235 of file main/app.c.

1237 struct linear_state *lin;
1238 char tmpf[256];
1239 int autoclose = 0;
1241 if (fd < 0) {
1242 if (ast_strlen_zero(filename)) {
1243 return -1;
1244 }
1246 autoclose = 1;
1248 if (filename[0] == '/') {
1249 ast_copy_string(tmpf, filename, sizeof(tmpf));
1250 } else {
1251 snprintf(tmpf, sizeof(tmpf), "%s/%s/%s", ast_config_AST_DATA_DIR, "sounds", filename);
1252 }
1254 fd = open(tmpf, O_RDONLY);
1255 if (fd < 0) {
1256 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to open file '%s': %s\n", tmpf, strerror(errno));
1257 return -1;
1258 }
1259 }
1261 lin = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*lin));
1262 if (!lin) {
1263 if (autoclose) {
1264 close(fd);
1265 }
1267 return -1;
1268 }
1270 lin->fd = fd;
1272 lin->autoclose = autoclose;
1274 return ast_activate_generator(chan, &linearstream, lin);
int ast_activate_generator(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_generator *gen, void *params)
Definition: channel.c:2970
static struct ast_generator linearstream
Definition: main/app.c:1228
int errno
const char * ast_config_AST_DATA_DIR
Definition: options.c:158
int allowoverride
Definition: main/app.c:1150

References linear_state::allowoverride, ast_activate_generator(), ast_calloc, ast_config_AST_DATA_DIR, ast_copy_string(), ast_log, ast_strlen_zero(), linear_state::autoclose, errno, linear_state::fd, linearstream, and LOG_WARNING.

◆ ast_lock_path()

enum AST_LOCK_RESULT ast_lock_path ( const char *  path)

Lock a filesystem path.

paththe path to be locked
one of AST_LOCK_RESULT values

Definition at line 2614 of file main/app.c.

2618 switch (ast_lock_type) {
2620 r = ast_lock_path_lockfile(path);
2621 break;
2623 r = ast_lock_path_flock(path);
2624 break;
2625 }
2627 return r;
Definition: check_expr.c:35
static enum AST_LOCK_RESULT ast_lock_path_lockfile(const char *path)
Definition: main/app.c:2420
static enum AST_LOCK_RESULT ast_lock_path_flock(const char *path)
Definition: main/app.c:2494

References AST_LOCK_FAILURE, ast_lock_path_flock(), ast_lock_path_lockfile(), AST_LOCK_TYPE_FLOCK, AST_LOCK_TYPE_LOCKFILE, and path_lock::path.

Referenced by ast_module_reload(), test_vm_api_create_voicemail_files(), and vm_lock_path().

◆ ast_mf_stream()

int ast_mf_stream ( struct ast_channel chan,
struct ast_channel peer,
struct ast_channel chan2,
const char *  digits,
int  between,
unsigned int  duration,
unsigned int  durationkp,
unsigned int  durationst,
int  is_external 

Send a string of MF digits to a channel.

chanThe channel that will receive the MF digits.
peer(optional) Peer channel that will be autoserviced while the primary channel is receiving MF
chan2A second channel that will simultaneously receive MF digits. This option may only be used if is_external is 0.
digitsThis is a string of characters representing the MF digits to be sent to the channel. Valid characters are "0123456789*#abcdABCD". Note: You can pass arguments 'f' or 'F', if you want to Flash the channel (if supported by the channel), or 'w' or 'W' to add a wink (if supported by the channel).
betweenThis is the number of milliseconds to wait in between each MF digit. If zero milliseconds is specified, then the default value of 50 will be used.
durationThis is the duration that each numeric MF digit should have. Default value is 55.
durationkpThis is the duration that each KP digit should have. Default is 120.
durationstThis is the duration that each ST, STP, ST2P, or ST3P digit should have. Default is 65.
is_external1 if called by a thread that is not the channel's media handler thread, 0 if called by the channel's media handler thread.
Return values
0on success.
-1on failure or a channel hung up.

Definition at line 1113 of file main/app.c.

1116 int res;
1117 if (!is_external && !chan2 && peer && ast_autoservice_start(peer)) {
1118 return -1;
1119 }
1120 res = mf_stream(chan, chan2, digits, between, duration, durationkp, durationst, is_external);
1121 if (!is_external && !chan2 && peer && ast_autoservice_stop(peer)) {
1122 res = -1;
1123 }
1124 return res;
static int mf_stream(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *chan2, const char *digits, int between, unsigned int duration, unsigned int durationkp, unsigned int durationst, int is_external)
Definition: main/app.c:914

References ast_autoservice_start(), ast_autoservice_stop(), and mf_stream().

Referenced by manager_play_mf(), sendmf_exec(), and wait_for_answer().

◆ ast_play_and_prepend()

int ast_play_and_prepend ( struct ast_channel chan,
char *  playfile,
char *  recordfile,
int  maxtime_sec,
char *  fmt,
int *  duration,
int *  sound_duration,
int  beep,
int  silencethreshold,
int  maxsilence_ms 

Record a file based on input frm a channel. Recording is performed in 'prepend' mode which works a little differently from normal recordings This function will not play a success message due to post-recording control in the application this was added for.

chanthe channel being recorded
playfileFilename of sound to play before recording begins
recordfileFilename to save the recording
maxtime_secLongest possible message length in seconds
fmtstring containing all formats to be recorded delimited by '|'
durationpointer to integer for storing length of the recording
sound_durationpointer to integer for storing length of the recording minus all silence
beepwhether to play a beep to prompt the recording
silencethresholdtolerance of noise levels that can be considered silence for the purpose of silence timeout, -1 for default
maxsilence_mslength of time in milliseconds which will trigger a timeout from silence, -1 for default.
Return values
-1failure or hangup
'S'Recording ended from silence timeout
't'Recording either exceeded maximum duration or the call was ended via DTMF

Definition at line 2159 of file main/app.c.

2161 return __ast_play_and_record(chan, playfile, recordfile, maxtime, fmt, duration, sound_duration, beep, silencethreshold, maxsilence, NULL, 1, default_acceptdtmf, default_canceldtmf, 1, AST_RECORD_IF_EXISTS_OVERWRITE);
static int silencethreshold
static int maxsilence
static const char default_acceptdtmf[]
Definition: main/app.c:2146
static int __ast_play_and_record(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *playfile, const char *recordfile, int maxtime, const char *fmt, int *duration, int *sound_duration, int beep, int silencethreshold, int maxsilence, const char *path, int prepend, const char *acceptdtmf, const char *canceldtmf, int skip_confirmation_sound, enum ast_record_if_exists if_exists)
Definition: main/app.c:1727
static const char default_canceldtmf[]
Definition: main/app.c:2147

References __ast_play_and_record(), AST_RECORD_IF_EXISTS_OVERWRITE, default_acceptdtmf, default_canceldtmf, maxsilence, NULL, and silencethreshold.

Referenced by vm_forwardoptions().

◆ ast_play_and_record()

int ast_play_and_record ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  playfile,
const char *  recordfile,
int  maxtime_sec,
const char *  fmt,
int *  duration,
int *  sound_duration,
int  silencethreshold,
int  maxsilence_ms,
const char *  path 

Record a file based on input from a channel. Use default accept and cancel DTMF. This function will play "auth-thankyou" upon successful recording.

chanthe channel being recorded
playfileFilename of sound to play before recording begins
recordfileFilename to save the recording
maxtime_secLongest possible message length in seconds
fmtstring containing all formats to be recorded delimited by '|'
durationpointer to integer for storing length of the recording
sound_durationpointer to integer for storing length of the recording minus all silence
silencethresholdtolerance of noise levels that can be considered silence for the purpose of silence timeout, -1 for default
maxsilence_mslength of time in milliseconds which will trigger a timeout from silence, -1 for default
pathOptional filesystem path to unlock
Return values
-1failure or hangup
'S'Recording ended from silence timeout
't'Recording ended from the message exceeding the maximum duration
dtmfcharRecording ended via the return value's DTMF character for either cancel or accept.

Definition at line 2154 of file main/app.c.

2156 return __ast_play_and_record(chan, playfile, recordfile, maxtime, fmt, duration, sound_duration, 0, silencethreshold, maxsilence, path, 0, default_acceptdtmf, default_canceldtmf, 0, AST_RECORD_IF_EXISTS_OVERWRITE);

References __ast_play_and_record(), AST_RECORD_IF_EXISTS_OVERWRITE, default_acceptdtmf, default_canceldtmf, maxsilence, and silencethreshold.

Referenced by app_exec(), ast_record_review(), conf_rec_name(), conf_run(), and setup_privacy_args().

◆ ast_play_and_record_full()

int ast_play_and_record_full ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  playfile,
const char *  recordfile,
int  maxtime_sec,
const char *  fmt,
int *  duration,
int *  sound_duration,
int  beep,
int  silencethreshold,
int  maxsilence_ms,
const char *  path,
const char *  acceptdtmf,
const char *  canceldtmf,
int  skip_confirmation_sound,
enum ast_record_if_exists  if_exists 

Record a file based on input from a channel This function will play "auth-thankyou" upon successful recording if skip_confirmation_sound is false.

chanthe channel being recorded
playfileFilename of sound to play before recording begins. A beep is also played when playfile completes, before the recording begins.
recordfileFilename to save the recording
maxtime_secLongest possible message length in seconds
fmtstring containing all formats to be recorded delimited by '|'
durationpointer to integer for storing length of the recording
beepIf true, play a beep before recording begins (and doesn't play playfile)
sound_durationpointer to integer for storing length of the recording minus all silence
silencethresholdtolerance of noise levels that can be considered silence for the purpose of silence timeout, -1 for default
maxsilence_msLength of time in milliseconds which will trigger a timeout from silence, -1 for default
pathOptional filesystem path to unlock
acceptdtmfCharacter of DTMF to end and accept the recording
canceldtmfCharacter of DTMF to end and cancel the recording
skip_confirmation_soundIf true, don't play auth-thankyou at end. Nice for custom recording prompts in apps.
if_existsAction to take if recording already exists.
Return values
-1failure or hangup
'S'Recording ended from silence timeout
't'Recording ended from the message exceeding the maximum duration
dtmfcharRecording ended via the return value's DTMF character for either cancel or accept.

Definition at line 2149 of file main/app.c.

2151 return __ast_play_and_record(chan, playfile, recordfile, maxtime, fmt, duration, sound_duration, beep, silencethreshold, maxsilence, path, 0, S_OR(acceptdtmf, ""), S_OR(canceldtmf, default_canceldtmf), skip_confirmation_sound, if_exists);
#define S_OR(a, b)
returns the equivalent of logic or for strings: first one if not empty, otherwise second one.
Definition: strings.h:80

References __ast_play_and_record(), default_canceldtmf, maxsilence, S_OR, and silencethreshold.

Referenced by play_record_review(), and record_file().

◆ ast_play_and_wait()

int ast_play_and_wait ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  fn 

Play a stream and wait for a digit, returning the digit that was pressed.

Definition at line 1616 of file main/app.c.

1618 int d = 0;
1620 if ((d = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, ast_channel_language(chan)))) {
1621 return d;
1622 }
1626 ast_stopstream(chan);
1628 return d;
int ast_stopstream(struct ast_channel *c)
Stops a stream.
Definition: file.c:222
Definition: file.h:48
int ast_waitstream(struct ast_channel *c, const char *breakon)
Waits for a stream to stop or digit to be pressed.
Definition: file.c:1840
static struct test_val d

References ast_channel_language(), AST_DIGIT_ANY, ast_stopstream(), ast_streamfile(), ast_waitstream(), and d.

Referenced by __ast_play_and_record(), advanced_options(), ast_record_review(), ast_say_counted_adjective(), ast_say_counted_noun(), dialout(), forward_message(), get_folder(), get_folder2(), get_folder_ja(), leave_voicemail(), minivm_greet_exec(), play_message_category(), play_message_duration(), play_record_review(), vm_authenticate(), vm_browse_messages_en(), vm_browse_messages_es(), vm_browse_messages_gr(), vm_browse_messages_he(), vm_browse_messages_it(), vm_browse_messages_ja(), vm_browse_messages_pt(), vm_browse_messages_vi(), vm_browse_messages_zh(), vm_exec(), vm_execmain(), vm_forwardoptions(), vm_instructions_en(), vm_instructions_ja(), vm_instructions_zh(), vm_intro(), vm_intro_cs(), vm_intro_da(), vm_intro_de(), vm_intro_en(), vm_intro_es(), vm_intro_fr(), vm_intro_gr(), vm_intro_he(), vm_intro_is(), vm_intro_it(), vm_intro_ja(), vm_intro_multilang(), vm_intro_nl(), vm_intro_no(), vm_intro_pl(), vm_intro_pt(), vm_intro_pt_BR(), vm_intro_se(), vm_intro_vi(), vm_intro_zh(), vm_newuser_setup(), vm_options(), vm_play_folder_name(), vm_play_folder_name_gr(), vm_play_folder_name_ja(), vm_play_folder_name_pl(), vm_play_folder_name_ua(), vm_tempgreeting(), and vmauthenticate().

◆ ast_queue_topic()

struct stasis_topic * ast_queue_topic ( const char *  queuename)

Get the Stasis Message Bus API topic for queue messages for a particular queue name.

queuenameThe name for which to get the topic
The topic structure for queue messages for a given name
Return values
NULLif it failed to be found or allocated

Definition at line 3349 of file main/app.c.

struct stasis_topic * stasis_topic_pool_get_topic(struct stasis_topic_pool *pool, const char *topic_name)
Find or create a topic in the pool.
Definition: stasis.c:1885

References queue_topic_pool, and stasis_topic_pool_get_topic().

Referenced by send_agent_complete().

◆ ast_queue_topic_all()

struct stasis_topic * ast_queue_topic_all ( void  )

Get the Stasis Message Bus API topic for queue messages.

The topic structure for queue messages
Return values
NULLif it has not been allocated

Definition at line 3344 of file main/app.c.

3346 return queue_topic_all;

References queue_topic_all.

Referenced by load_module().

◆ ast_read_textfile()

char * ast_read_textfile ( const char *  file)

Read a file into asterisk.

Definition at line 2949 of file main/app.c.

2951 int fd, count = 0, res;
2952 char *output = NULL;
2953 struct stat filesize;
2955 if (stat(filename, &filesize) == -1) {
2956 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error can't stat %s\n", filename);
2957 return NULL;
2958 }
2960 count = filesize.st_size + 1;
2962 if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
2963 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot open file '%s' for reading: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
2964 return NULL;
2965 }
2967 if ((output = ast_malloc(count))) {
2968 res = read(fd, output, count - 1);
2969 if (res == count - 1) {
2970 output[res] = '\0';
2971 } else {
2972 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Short read of %s (%d of %d): %s\n", filename, res, count - 1, strerror(errno));
2973 ast_free(output);
2974 output = NULL;
2975 }
2976 }
2978 close(fd);
2980 return output;

References ast_free, ast_log, ast_malloc, errno, LOG_WARNING, and NULL.

Referenced by ast_tcptls_server_start().

◆ ast_record_review()

int ast_record_review ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  playfile,
const char *  recordfile,
int  maxtime,
const char *  fmt,
int *  duration,
const char *  path 

Allow to record message and have a review option.

Definition at line 2646 of file main/app.c.

2648 int silencethreshold;
2649 int maxsilence = 0;
2650 int res = 0;
2651 int cmd = 0;
2652 int max_attempts = 3;
2653 int attempts = 0;
2654 int recorded = 0;
2655 int message_exists = 0;
2656 /* Note that urgent and private are for flagging messages as such in the future */
2658 /* barf if no pointer passed to store duration in */
2659 if (!duration) {
2660 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error ast_record_review called without duration pointer\n");
2661 return -1;
2662 }
2664 cmd = '3'; /* Want to start by recording */
2668 while ((cmd >= 0) && (cmd != 't')) {
2669 switch (cmd) {
2670 case '1':
2671 if (!message_exists) {
2672 /* In this case, 1 is to record a message */
2673 cmd = '3';
2674 break;
2675 } else {
2676 ast_stream_and_wait(chan, "vm-msgsaved", "");
2677 cmd = 't';
2678 return res;
2679 }
2680 case '2':
2681 /* Review */
2682 ast_verb(3, "Reviewing the recording\n");
2683 cmd = ast_stream_and_wait(chan, recordfile, AST_DIGIT_ANY);
2684 break;
2685 case '3':
2686 message_exists = 0;
2687 /* Record */
2688 ast_verb(3, "R%secording\n", recorded == 1 ? "e-r" : "");
2689 recorded = 1;
2690 if ((cmd = ast_play_and_record(chan, playfile, recordfile, maxtime, fmt, duration, NULL, silencethreshold, maxsilence, path)) == -1) {
2691 /* User has hung up, no options to give */
2692 return cmd;
2693 }
2694 if (cmd == '0') {
2695 break;
2696 } else if (cmd == '*') {
2697 break;
2698 } else {
2699 /* If all is well, a message exists */
2700 message_exists = 1;
2701 cmd = 0;
2702 }
2703 break;
2704 case '4':
2705 case '5':
2706 case '6':
2707 case '7':
2708 case '8':
2709 case '9':
2710 case '*':
2711 case '#':
2712 cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-sorry");
2713 break;
2714 default:
2715 if (message_exists) {
2716 cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-review");
2717 } else {
2718 if (!(cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-torerecord"))) {
2719 cmd = ast_waitfordigit(chan, 600);
2720 }
2721 }
2723 if (!cmd) {
2724 cmd = ast_waitfordigit(chan, 6000);
2725 }
2726 if (!cmd) {
2727 attempts++;
2728 }
2729 if (attempts > max_attempts) {
2730 cmd = 't';
2731 }
2732 }
2733 }
2734 if (cmd == 't') {
2735 cmd = 0;
2736 }
2737 return cmd;
Definition: dsp.h:73
int ast_dsp_get_threshold_from_settings(enum threshold which)
Get silence threshold from dsp.conf.
Definition: dsp.c:2009
int ast_stream_and_wait(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *file, const char *digits)
stream file until digit If the file name is non-empty, try to play it.
Definition: file.c:1878
#define ast_verb(level,...)
int ast_play_and_wait(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *fn)
Play a stream and wait for a digit, returning the digit that was pressed.
Definition: main/app.c:1616
int ast_play_and_record(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *playfile, const char *recordfile, int maxtime, const char *fmt, int *duration, int *sound_duration, int silencethreshold, int maxsilence, const char *path)
Record a file based on input from a channel. Use default accept and cancel DTMF. This function will p...
Definition: main/app.c:2154

References AST_DIGIT_ANY, ast_dsp_get_threshold_from_settings(), ast_log, ast_play_and_record(), ast_play_and_wait(), ast_stream_and_wait(), ast_verb, ast_waitfordigit(), LOG_WARNING, maxsilence, NULL, path_lock::path, silencethreshold, and THRESHOLD_SILENCE.

Referenced by conf_rec_name(), and conf_run().

◆ ast_replace_sigchld()

void ast_replace_sigchld ( void  )

Replace the SIGCHLD handler.

Normally, Asterisk has a SIGCHLD handler that is cleaning up all zombie processes from forking elsewhere in Asterisk. However, if you want to wait*() on the process to retrieve information about it's exit status, then this signal handler needs to be temporarily replaced.

Code that executes this function must call ast_unreplace_sigchld() after it is finished doing the wait*().

Definition at line 801 of file extconf.c.

803 unsigned int level;
805 level = safe_system_level++;
807 /* only replace the handler if it has not already been done */
808 if (level == 0) {
809 sigaction(SIGCHLD, &null_sig_handler, &safe_system_prev_handler);
810 }
static unsigned int safe_system_level
Keep track of how many threads are currently trying to wait*() on a child process.
Definition: extconf.c:785
static struct sigaction safe_system_prev_handler
Definition: extconf.c:786
static struct sigaction null_sig_handler
Definition: extconf.c:794

References ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, null_sig_handler, safe_system_level, safe_system_lock, and safe_system_prev_handler.

Referenced by ast_safe_fork(), ast_safe_system(), handle_include_exec(), and safe_exec_prep().

◆ ast_safe_execvp()

int ast_safe_execvp ( int  dualfork,
const char *  file,
char *const  argv[] 

Safely spawn an external program while closing file descriptors.

This replaces the execvp call in all Asterisk modules
dualforkNon-zero to simulate running the program in the background by forking twice. The option provides similar functionality to the '&' in the OS shell command "cmd &". The option allows Asterisk to run a reaper loop to watch the first fork which immediately exits after spaning the second fork. The actual program is run in the second fork.
fileexecvp(file, argv) file parameter
argvexecvp(file, argv) argv parameter

Definition at line 1223 of file asterisk.c.

1225 pid_t pid = safe_exec_prep(dualfork);
1227 if (pid == 0) {
1228 execvp(file, argv);
1229 _exit(1);
1230 /* noreturn from _exit */
1231 }
1233 return safe_exec_wait(pid);
static int safe_exec_wait(pid_t pid)
wait for spawned application to complete and unreplace sigchld
Definition: asterisk.c:1197
static pid_t safe_exec_prep(int dualfork)
fork and perform other preparations for spawning applications
Definition: asterisk.c:1136

References make_ari_stubs::file, safe_exec_prep(), and safe_exec_wait().

Referenced by run_externnotify().

◆ ast_safe_fork()

int ast_safe_fork ( int  stop_reaper)

Common routine to safely fork without a chance of a signal handler firing badly in the child.

[in]stop_reaperflag to determine if sigchld handler is replaced or not

Definition at line 3207 of file main/app.c.

3209 sigset_t signal_set, old_set;
3210 int pid;
3212 /* Don't let the default signal handler for children reap our status */
3213 if (stop_reaper) {
3215 }
3217 /* GCC 4.9 gives a bogus "right-hand operand of comma expression has
3218 * no effect" warning */
3219 (void) sigfillset(&signal_set);
3220 pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &signal_set, &old_set);
3222 pid = fork();
3224 if (pid != 0) {
3225 /* Fork failed or parent */
3226 pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &old_set, NULL);
3227 if (!stop_reaper && pid > 0) {
3228 struct zombie *cur = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*cur));
3229 if (cur) {
3230 cur->pid = pid;
3236 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Shaun of the Dead wants to kill zombies, but can't?!!\n");
3238 }
3239 }
3240 }
3241 }
3242 return pid;
3243 } else {
3244 /* Child */
3245#ifdef HAVE_CAP
3246 cap_set_proc(child_cap);
3249 /* Before we unblock our signals, return our trapped signals back to the defaults */
3250 signal(SIGHUP, SIG_DFL);
3251 signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
3252 signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
3253 signal(SIGURG, SIG_DFL);
3254 signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
3255 signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
3256 signal(SIGXFSZ, SIG_DFL);
3258 /* unblock important signal handlers */
3259 if (pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &signal_set, NULL)) {
3260 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "unable to unblock signals: %s\n", strerror(errno));
3261 _exit(1);
3262 }
3264 return pid;
3265 }
void ast_replace_sigchld(void)
Replace the SIGCHLD handler.
Definition: extconf.c:801
#define AST_LIST_INSERT_TAIL(head, elm, field)
Appends a list entry to the tail of a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:731
#define AST_LIST_LOCK(head)
Locks a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:40
#define AST_LIST_UNLOCK(head)
Attempts to unlock a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:140
Definition: lock.h:66
static pthread_t shaun_of_the_dead_thread
Definition: main/app.c:74
static void * shaun_of_the_dead(void *data)
Definition: main/app.c:95
struct zombie::@293 list
pid_t pid
Definition: main/app.c:77
#define ast_pthread_create_background(a, b, c, d)
Definition: utils.h:592

References ast_calloc, AST_LIST_INSERT_TAIL, AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_UNLOCK, ast_log, ast_pthread_create_background, AST_PTHREADT_NULL, ast_replace_sigchld(), errno, zombie::list, LOG_ERROR, LOG_WARNING, NULL, zombie::pid, shaun_of_the_dead(), and shaun_of_the_dead_thread.

Referenced by app_exec(), filestream_destructor(), launch_script(), mp3play(), send_waveform_to_fd(), spawn_mp3(), and vm_check_password_shell().

◆ ast_safe_fork_cleanup()

void ast_safe_fork_cleanup ( void  )

Common routine to cleanup after fork'ed process is complete (if reaping was stopped)

This must not be called unless ast_safe_fork(1) has been called previously.

Definition at line 3268 of file main/app.c.

void ast_unreplace_sigchld(void)
Restore the SIGCHLD handler.
Definition: extconf.c:815

References ast_unreplace_sigchld().

Referenced by agi_exec_full().

◆ ast_safe_system()

int ast_safe_system ( const char *  s)

Safely spawn an OS shell command while closing file descriptors.

This replaces the system call in all Asterisk modules
s- OS shell command string to execute.
Command injection can happen using this call if the passed in string is created using untrusted data from an external source. It is best not to use untrusted data. However, the caller could filter out dangerous characters to avoid command injection.

Definition at line 829 of file extconf.c.

831 pid_t pid;
833 int x;
835 int res;
836 int status;
838#if defined(HAVE_WORKING_FORK) || defined(HAVE_WORKING_VFORK)
842 pid = fork();
844 pid = vfork();
847 if (pid == 0) {
849 /* Close file descriptors and launch system command */
850 for (x = STDERR_FILENO + 1; x < 4096; x++)
851 close(x);
853 execl("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", "-c", s, (char *) NULL);
854 _exit(1);
855 } else if (pid > 0) {
856 for(;;) {
857 res = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
858 if (res > -1) {
859 res = WIFEXITED(status) ? WEXITSTATUS(status) : -1;
860 break;
861 } else if (errno != EINTR)
862 break;
863 }
864 } else {
865 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Fork failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
866 res = -1;
867 }
871 res = -1;
874 return res;
jack_status_t status
Definition: app_jack.c:146
void ast_replace_sigchld(void)
Replace the SIGCHLD handler.
Definition: extconf.c:801
static void ast_log(int level, const char *file, int line, const char *function, const char *fmt,...)
Definition: extconf.c:2194
void ast_unreplace_sigchld(void)
Restore the SIGCHLD handler.
Definition: extconf.c:815
Definition: extconf.c:139
#define WEXITSTATUS(status)
#define WIFEXITED(status)

References ast_log(), ast_replace_sigchld(), ast_unreplace_sigchld(), errno, LOG_WARNING, NULL, safe_exec_prep(), safe_exec_wait(), status, WEXITSTATUS, and WIFEXITED.

Referenced by add_email_attachment(), alarmreceiver_exec(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), consolehandler(), convert_bdb_to_sqlite3(), mixmonitor_thread(), notify_message(), process_text_line(), remoteconsolehandler(), rotate_file(), run_externnotify(), sendmail(), sendpage(), system_exec_helper(), and vm_change_password_shell().

◆ ast_set_lock_type()

void ast_set_lock_type ( enum AST_LOCK_TYPE  type)

Set the type of locks used by ast_lock_path()

typethe locking type to use

Definition at line 2609 of file main/app.c.

static const char type[]
Definition: chan_ooh323.c:109

References type.

Referenced by load_asterisk_conf().

◆ ast_sf_stream()

int ast_sf_stream ( struct ast_channel chan,
struct ast_channel peer,
struct ast_channel chan2,
const char *  digits,
int  frequency,
int  is_external 

Send a string of SF digits to a channel.

chanThe channel that will receive the SF digits
peer(optional) Peer channel that will be autoserviced while the primary channel is receiving SF
chan2A second channel that will simultaneously receive SF digits. This option may only be used if is_external is 0.
digitsThis is a string of characters representing the SF digits to be sent to the channel. Valid characters are "0123456789". Note: You can pass arguments 'f' or 'F', if you want to Flash the channel (if supported by the channel), or 'w' or 'W' to add a wink (if supported by the channel).
frequencyThe frequency to use for signaling. 0 can be specified for the default, which is 2600 Hz.
is_external1 if called by a thread that is not the channel's media handler thread, 0 if called by the channel's media handler thread.
Return values
0on success.
-1on failure or a channel hung up.

Definition at line 1097 of file main/app.c.

1099 int res;
1100 if (frequency <= 0) {
1101 frequency = 2600;
1102 }
1103 if (!is_external && !chan2 && peer && ast_autoservice_start(peer)) {
1104 return -1;
1105 }
1106 res = sf_stream(chan, chan2, digits, frequency, is_external);
1107 if (!is_external && !chan2 && peer && ast_autoservice_stop(peer)) {
1108 res = -1;
1109 }
1110 return res;
static int sf_stream(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *chan2, const char *digits, int frequency, int is_external)
Definition: main/app.c:763

References ast_autoservice_start(), ast_autoservice_stop(), and sf_stream().

Referenced by sendsf_exec(), and wait_for_answer().

◆ ast_str_get_encoded_str()

int ast_str_get_encoded_str ( struct ast_str **  str,
int  maxlen,
const char *  stream 

Decode a stream of encoded control or extended ASCII characters.

Definition at line 3175 of file main/app.c.

3177 char next, *buf;
3178 size_t offset = 0;
3179 size_t consumed;
3181 if (strchr(stream, '\\')) {
3182 while (!ast_get_encoded_char(stream, &next, &consumed)) {
3183 if (offset + 2 > ast_str_size(*str) && maxlen > -1) {
3184 ast_str_make_space(str, maxlen > 0 ? maxlen : (ast_str_size(*str) + 48) * 2 - 48);
3185 }
3186 if (offset + 2 > ast_str_size(*str)) {
3187 break;
3188 }
3190 buf[offset++] = next;
3191 stream += consumed;
3192 }
3194 buf[offset++] = '\0';
3196 } else {
3197 ast_str_set(str, maxlen, "%s", stream);
3198 }
3199 return 0;
const char * str
Definition: app_jack.c:147
char * ast_str_buffer(const struct ast_str *buf)
Returns the string buffer within the ast_str buf.
Definition: strings.h:761
int ast_str_set(struct ast_str **buf, ssize_t max_len, const char *fmt,...)
Set a dynamic string using variable arguments.
Definition: strings.h:1113
#define ast_str_make_space(buf, new_len)
Definition: strings.h:828
void ast_str_update(struct ast_str *buf)
Update the length of the buffer, after using ast_str merely as a buffer.
Definition: strings.h:703
size_t ast_str_size(const struct ast_str *buf)
Returns the current maximum length (without reallocation) of the current buffer.
Definition: strings.h:742

References ast_get_encoded_char(), ast_str_buffer(), ast_str_make_space, ast_str_set(), ast_str_size(), ast_str_update(), buf, and str.

Referenced by sendtext_exec(), and system_exec_helper().


AST_THREADSTORAGE_EXTERNAL ( ast_str_thread_global_buf  )

◆ ast_unlock_path()

int ast_unlock_path ( const char *  path)

Unlock a path.

Definition at line 2630 of file main/app.c.

2632 int r = 0;
2634 switch (ast_lock_type) {
2636 r = ast_unlock_path_lockfile(path);
2637 break;
2639 r = ast_unlock_path_flock(path);
2640 break;
2641 }
2643 return r;
static int ast_unlock_path_flock(const char *path)
Definition: main/app.c:2579
static int ast_unlock_path_lockfile(const char *path)
Definition: main/app.c:2457

References AST_LOCK_TYPE_FLOCK, AST_LOCK_TYPE_LOCKFILE, ast_unlock_path_flock(), ast_unlock_path_lockfile(), and path_lock::path.

Referenced by __ast_play_and_record(), access_counter_file(), ast_module_reload(), close_mailbox(), copy_message(), count_messages(), leave_voicemail(), msg_create_from_file(), open_mailbox(), resequence_mailbox(), save_to_folder(), and test_vm_api_create_voicemail_files().

◆ ast_unreplace_sigchld()

void ast_unreplace_sigchld ( void  )

Restore the SIGCHLD handler.

This function is called after a call to ast_replace_sigchld. It restores the SIGCHLD handler that cleans up any zombie processes.

Definition at line 815 of file extconf.c.

817 unsigned int level;
819 level = --safe_system_level;
821 /* only restore the handler if we are the last one */
822 if (level == 0) {
823 sigaction(SIGCHLD, &safe_system_prev_handler, NULL);
824 }

References ast_assert, ast_mutex_lock, ast_mutex_unlock, NULL, safe_system_level, safe_system_lock, and safe_system_prev_handler.

Referenced by ast_safe_fork_cleanup(), ast_safe_system(), handle_include_exec(), and safe_exec_wait().

◆ ast_vm_greeter_is_registered()

int ast_vm_greeter_is_registered ( void  )

Determine if a voicemail greeter provider is registered.

Return values
0if no provider registered.
1if a provider is registered.

Definition at line 468 of file main/app.c.

471 int is_registered;
473 table = ao2_global_obj_ref(vm_greeter_provider);
474 is_registered = table ? 1 : 0;
476 return is_registered;

References ao2_cleanup, ao2_global_obj_ref, and table.

◆ ast_vm_greeter_unregister()

void ast_vm_greeter_unregister ( const char *  module_name)

Unregister the specified voicemail greeter provider.

module_nameThe module name of the provider to unregister

Definition at line 511 of file main/app.c.

515 table = ao2_global_obj_ref(vm_greeter_provider);
516 if (table && !strcmp(table->module_name, module_name)) {
517 ao2_global_obj_release(vm_greeter_provider);
518 }
#define ao2_global_obj_release(holder)
Release the ao2 object held in the global holder.
Definition: astobj2.h:859
const char * module_name
The name of the module that provides the voicemail greeter functionality.

References ao2_cleanup, ao2_global_obj_ref, ao2_global_obj_release, ast_vm_greeter_functions::module_name, and table.

Referenced by unload_module().

◆ ast_vm_index_to_foldername()

const char * ast_vm_index_to_foldername ( int  id)

Return name of folder, given an id.

[in]idFolder id
Name of folder

Definition at line 653 of file main/app.c.

655 const char *res = NULL;
657 VM_API_CALL(res, index_to_foldername, (id));
658 return res;

References NULL, and VM_API_CALL.

◆ ast_vm_is_registered()

int ast_vm_is_registered ( void  )

Determine if a voicemail provider is registered.

Return values
0if no provider registered.
1if a provider is registered.

Definition at line 357 of file main/app.c.

359 struct ast_vm_functions *table;
360 int is_registered;
362 table = ao2_global_obj_ref(vm_provider);
363 is_registered = table ? 1 : 0;
365 return is_registered;

References ao2_cleanup, ao2_global_obj_ref, and table.

◆ ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot_create()

struct ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot * ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot_create ( const char *  mailbox,
const char *  context,
const char *  folder,
int  descending,
enum ast_vm_snapshot_sort_val  sort_val,
int  combine_INBOX_and_OLD 

Create a snapshot of a mailbox which contains information about every msg.

mailboxthe mailbox to look for
contextthe context to look for the mailbox in
folderOPTIONAL. When not NULL only msgs from the specified folder will be included.
descendinglist the msgs in descending order rather than ascending order.
sort_valWhat to sort in the snapshot.
combine_INBOX_and_OLDWhen this argument is set, The OLD folder will be represented in the INBOX folder of the snapshot. This allows the snapshot to represent the OLD and INBOX messages in sorted order merged together.
snapshot on success
Return values
NULLon failure

Definition at line 661 of file main/app.c.

668 struct ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot *res = NULL;
670 VM_API_CALL(res, mailbox_snapshot_create, (mailbox, context, folder, descending,
671 sort_val, combine_INBOX_and_OLD));
672 return res;

References voicemailpwcheck::context, voicemailpwcheck::mailbox, NULL, and VM_API_CALL.

Referenced by append_vmbox_info_astman(), complete_voicemail_move_message(), show_mailbox_snapshot(), and test_vm_api_remove_all_messages().

◆ ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot_destroy()

struct ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot * ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot_destroy ( struct ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot mailbox_snapshot)

destroy a snapshot

mailbox_snapshotThe snapshot to destroy.
Return values

Definition at line 675 of file main/app.c.

677 struct ast_vm_mailbox_snapshot *res = NULL;
679 VM_API_CALL(res, mailbox_snapshot_destroy, (mailbox_snapshot));
680 return res;

References NULL, and VM_API_CALL.

Referenced by append_vmbox_info_astman(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), complete_voicemail_move_message(), show_mailbox_snapshot(), and test_vm_api_remove_all_messages().

◆ ast_vm_msg_forward()

int ast_vm_msg_forward ( const char *  from_mailbox,
const char *  from_context,
const char *  from_folder,
const char *  to_mailbox,
const char *  to_context,
const char *  to_folder,
size_t  num_msgs,
const char *  msg_ids[],
int  delete_old 

forward a message from one mailbox to another.

from_mailbox The original mailbox the message is being forwarded from

from_context The voicemail context of the from_mailbox

from_folder The folder from which the message is being forwarded

to_mailbox The mailbox to forward the message to

to_context The voicemail context of the to_mailbox

to_folder The folder to which the message is being forwarded

num_msgs The number of messages being forwarded

msg_ids The message IDs of the messages in from_mailbox to forward

delete_old If non-zero, the forwarded messages are also deleted from from_mailbox. Otherwise, the messages will remain in the from_mailbox.

Return values

Definition at line 709 of file main/app.c.

719 int res = 0;
721 VM_API_CALL(res, msg_forward, (from_mailbox, from_context, from_folder, to_mailbox,
722 to_context, to_folder, num_msgs, msg_ids, delete_old));
723 return res;
def from_mailbox(key, val, section, pjsip, nmapped)

References sip_to_pjsip::from_mailbox(), and VM_API_CALL.

◆ ast_vm_msg_move()

int ast_vm_msg_move ( const char *  mailbox,
const char *  context,
size_t  num_msgs,
const char *  oldfolder,
const char *  old_msg_ids[],
const char *  newfolder 

Move messages from one folder to another.

mailboxThe mailbox to which the folders belong
contextThe voicemail context for the mailbox
num_msgsThe number of messages to move
oldfolderThe folder from where messages should be moved
old_msg_idsThe message IDs of the messages to move
newfolderThe folder to which messages should be moved new folder. This array must be num_msgs sized.
Return values

Definition at line 683 of file main/app.c.

690 int res = 0;
692 VM_API_CALL(res, msg_move, (mailbox, context, num_msgs, oldfolder, old_msg_ids,
693 newfolder));
694 return res;

References voicemailpwcheck::context, voicemailpwcheck::mailbox, and VM_API_CALL.

◆ ast_vm_msg_play()

int ast_vm_msg_play ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  mailbox,
const char *  context,
const char *  folder,
const char *  msg_num,
ast_vm_msg_play_cb cb 

Play a voicemail msg back on a channel.

mailboxmsg is in.
contextof mailbox.
foldervoicemail folder to look in.
msg_nummessage number in the voicemailbox to playback to the channel.
Return values

Definition at line 726 of file main/app.c.

733 int res = 0;
735 VM_API_CALL(res, msg_play, (chan, mailbox, context, folder, msg_num, cb));
736 return res;

References voicemailpwcheck::context, voicemailpwcheck::mailbox, and VM_API_CALL.

◆ ast_vm_msg_remove()

int ast_vm_msg_remove ( const char *  mailbox,
const char *  context,
size_t  num_msgs,
const char *  folder,
const char *  msgs[] 

Remove/delete messages from a mailbox folder.

mailboxThe mailbox from which to delete messages
contextThe voicemail context for the mailbox
num_msgsThe number of messages to delete
folderThe folder from which to remove messages
msgsThe message IDs of the messages to delete
Return values

Definition at line 697 of file main/app.c.

703 int res = 0;
705 VM_API_CALL(res, msg_remove, (mailbox, context, num_msgs, folder, msgs));
706 return res;

References voicemailpwcheck::context, voicemailpwcheck::mailbox, and VM_API_CALL.

◆ ast_vm_unregister()

void ast_vm_unregister ( const char *  module_name)

Unregister the specified voicemail provider.

module_nameThe module name of the provider to unregister

Definition at line 400 of file main/app.c.

402 struct ast_vm_functions *table;
404 table = ao2_global_obj_ref(vm_provider);
405 if (table && !strcmp(table->module_name, module_name)) {
406 ao2_global_obj_release(vm_provider);
407 }

References ao2_cleanup, ao2_global_obj_ref, ao2_global_obj_release, ast_vm_functions::module_name, and table.

Referenced by unload_module().