Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project GIT-master-3dee037
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bridge.c File Reference

Bridging API. More...

#include "asterisk.h"
#include "asterisk/logger.h"
#include "asterisk/channel.h"
#include "asterisk/options.h"
#include "asterisk/utils.h"
#include "asterisk/lock.h"
#include "asterisk/linkedlists.h"
#include "asterisk/bridge.h"
#include "asterisk/bridge_internal.h"
#include "asterisk/bridge_channel_internal.h"
#include "asterisk/bridge_features.h"
#include "asterisk/bridge_basic.h"
#include "asterisk/bridge_technology.h"
#include "asterisk/bridge_channel.h"
#include "asterisk/bridge_after.h"
#include "asterisk/stasis_bridges.h"
#include "asterisk/stasis_channels.h"
#include "asterisk/stasis_cache_pattern.h"
#include "asterisk/app.h"
#include "asterisk/file.h"
#include "asterisk/module.h"
#include "asterisk/astobj2.h"
#include "asterisk/pbx.h"
#include "asterisk/test.h"
#include "asterisk/_private.h"
#include "asterisk/heap.h"
#include "asterisk/say.h"
#include "asterisk/timing.h"
#include "asterisk/stringfields.h"
#include "asterisk/musiconhold.h"
#include "asterisk/features.h"
#include "asterisk/cli.h"
#include "asterisk/parking.h"
#include "asterisk/core_local.h"
#include "asterisk/core_unreal.h"
#include "asterisk/causes.h"
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Data Structures

struct  bridge_channel_impart_cond
 Internal bridge impart wait condition and associated conditional. More...
struct  bridge_channel_impart_ds_head
struct  bridge_manager_controller
struct  bridge_manager_request
struct  bridge_technologies
struct  merge_direction
struct  tech_deferred_destroy


#define BRIDGE_ARRAY_GROW   32
#define BRIDGE_ARRAY_START   128
#define BRIDGE_LOCK_ONE_OR_BOTH(b1, b2)
#define FORMAT_HDR   "%-36s %5s %-15s %-15s %s\n"
#define FORMAT_HDR   "%-20s %-20s %8s %s\n"
#define FORMAT_ROW   "%-36s %5u %-15s %-15s %s\n"
#define FORMAT_ROW   "%-20s %-20s %8u %s\n"
#define MAX_BRIDGEPEER_CHANS   (10 + 1)
#define UPDATE_BRIDGE_VARS_GET(chan, name, pvtid)




int __ast_bridge_technology_register (struct ast_bridge_technology *technology, struct ast_module *module)
 Register a bridge technology for use. More...
int ast_bridge_add_channel (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_bridge_features *features, int play_tone, const char *xfersound)
 Add an arbitrary channel to a bridge. More...
struct ast_bridgeast_bridge_base_new (uint32_t capabilities, unsigned int flags, const char *creator, const char *name, const char *id)
 Create a new base class bridge. More...
int ast_bridge_depart (struct ast_channel *chan)
 Depart a channel from a bridge. More...
int ast_bridge_destroy (struct ast_bridge *bridge, int cause)
 Destroy a bridge. More...
int ast_bridge_dtmf_hook (struct ast_bridge_features *features, const char *dtmf, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
 Attach a DTMF hook to a bridge features structure. More...
void ast_bridge_features_cleanup (struct ast_bridge_features *features)
 Clean up the contents of a bridge features structure. More...
void ast_bridge_features_destroy (struct ast_bridge_features *features)
 Destroy an allocated bridge features struct. More...
int ast_bridge_features_do (enum ast_bridge_builtin_feature feature, struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, void *hook_pvt)
 Invoke a built in feature hook now. More...
int ast_bridge_features_enable (struct ast_bridge_features *features, enum ast_bridge_builtin_feature feature, const char *dtmf, void *config, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
 Enable a built in feature on a bridge features structure. More...
int ast_bridge_features_init (struct ast_bridge_features *features)
 Initialize bridge features structure. More...
int ast_bridge_features_limits_construct (struct ast_bridge_features_limits *limits)
 Constructor function for ast_bridge_features_limits. More...
void ast_bridge_features_limits_destroy (struct ast_bridge_features_limits *limits)
 Destructor function for ast_bridge_features_limits. More...
void ast_bridge_features_merge (struct ast_bridge_features *into, const struct ast_bridge_features *from)
 Merge one ast_bridge_features into another. More...
struct ast_bridge_featuresast_bridge_features_new (void)
 Allocate a new bridge features struct. More...
int ast_bridge_features_register (enum ast_bridge_builtin_feature feature, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, const char *dtmf)
 Register a handler for a built in feature. More...
void ast_bridge_features_remove (struct ast_bridge_features *features, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
 Remove marked bridge channel feature hooks. More...
void ast_bridge_features_set_flag (struct ast_bridge_features *features, unsigned int flag)
 Set a flag on a bridge channel features structure. More...
int ast_bridge_features_set_limits (struct ast_bridge_features *features, struct ast_bridge_features_limits *limits, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
 Limit the amount of time a channel may stay in the bridge and optionally play warning messages as time runs out. More...
int ast_bridge_features_unregister (enum ast_bridge_builtin_feature feature)
 Unregister a handler for a built in feature. More...
struct ast_bridgeast_bridge_find_by_id (const char *bridge_id)
 Find bridge by id. More...
int ast_bridge_hangup_hook (struct ast_bridge_features *features, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
 Attach a hangup hook to a bridge features structure. More...
int ast_bridge_impart (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *swap, struct ast_bridge_features *features, enum ast_bridge_impart_flags flags)
 Impart a channel to a bridge (non-blocking) More...
int ast_bridge_interval_hook (struct ast_bridge_features *features, enum ast_bridge_hook_timer_option flags, unsigned int interval, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
 Attach an interval hook to a bridge features structure. More...
int ast_bridge_interval_register (enum ast_bridge_builtin_interval interval, ast_bridge_builtin_set_limits_fn callback)
 Register a handler for a built in interval feature. More...
int ast_bridge_interval_unregister (enum ast_bridge_builtin_interval interval)
 Unregisters a handler for a built in interval feature. More...
int ast_bridge_is_video_src (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
 Determine if a channel is a video src for the bridge. More...
int ast_bridge_join (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *swap, struct ast_bridge_features *features, struct ast_bridge_tech_optimizations *tech_args, enum ast_bridge_join_flags flags)
 Join a channel to a bridge (blocking) More...
int ast_bridge_join_hook (struct ast_bridge_features *features, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
 Attach a bridge channel join hook to a bridge features structure. More...
int ast_bridge_kick (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
 Kick a channel from a bridge. More...
int ast_bridge_leave_hook (struct ast_bridge_features *features, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
 Attach a bridge channel leave hook to a bridge features structure. More...
int ast_bridge_merge (struct ast_bridge *dst_bridge, struct ast_bridge *src_bridge, int merge_best_direction, struct ast_channel **kick_me, unsigned int num_kick)
 Merge two bridges together. More...
void ast_bridge_merge_inhibit (struct ast_bridge *bridge, int request)
 Adjust the bridge merge inhibit request count. More...
int ast_bridge_move (struct ast_bridge *dst_bridge, struct ast_bridge *src_bridge, struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *swap, int attempt_recovery)
 Move a channel from one bridge to another. More...
int ast_bridge_move_hook (struct ast_bridge_features *features, ast_bridge_move_indicate_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
 Attach a bridge channel move detection hook to a bridge features structure. More...
void ast_bridge_notify_masquerade (struct ast_channel *chan)
 Notify bridging that this channel was just masqueraded. More...
int ast_bridge_number_video_src (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
 Returns the number of video sources currently active in the bridge. More...
struct ast_channelast_bridge_peer (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
 Get the channel's bridge peer only if the bridge is two-party. More...
struct ast_channelast_bridge_peer_nolock (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
 Get the channel's bridge peer only if the bridge is two-party. More...
struct ao2_containerast_bridge_peers (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
 Get a container of all channels in the bridge. More...
struct ao2_containerast_bridge_peers_nolock (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
 Get a container of all channels in the bridge. More...
int ast_bridge_queue_action (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_frame *action)
 Put an action onto the specified bridge. More...
int ast_bridge_remove (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
 Remove a channel from a bridge. More...
void ast_bridge_remove_video_src (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
 remove a channel as a source of video for the bridge. More...
void ast_bridge_set_binaural_active (struct ast_bridge *bridge, unsigned int binaural_active)
 Activates the use of binaural signals in a conference bridge. More...
void ast_bridge_set_internal_sample_rate (struct ast_bridge *bridge, unsigned int sample_rate)
 Adjust the internal mixing sample rate of a bridge used during multimix mode. More...
void ast_bridge_set_maximum_sample_rate (struct ast_bridge *bridge, unsigned int sample_rate)
 Adjust the maximum mixing sample rate of a bridge used during multimix mode. More...
void ast_bridge_set_mixing_interval (struct ast_bridge *bridge, unsigned int mixing_interval)
 Adjust the internal mixing interval of a bridge used during multimix mode. More...
void ast_bridge_set_remb_estimated_bitrate (struct ast_bridge *bridge, float estimated_bitrate)
 Force the REMB report estimated bitrate to a specific max value. More...
void ast_bridge_set_remb_send_interval (struct ast_bridge *bridge, unsigned int remb_send_interval)
 Set the interval at which a combined REMB frame will be sent to video sources. More...
void ast_bridge_set_send_sdp_label (struct ast_bridge *bridge, unsigned int send_sdp_label)
 Controls whether to send a "label" attribute in each stream in an SDP. More...
void ast_bridge_set_sfu_video_mode (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
 Set the bridge to be a selective forwarding unit. More...
void ast_bridge_set_single_src_video_mode (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *video_src_chan)
 Set a bridge to feed a single video source to all participants. More...
void ast_bridge_set_talker_src_video_mode (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
 Set the bridge to pick the strongest talker supporting video as the single source video feed. More...
void ast_bridge_set_transfer_variables (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *value, int attended)
 Set the relevant transfer variables for a single channel. More...
void ast_bridge_set_video_update_discard (struct ast_bridge *bridge, unsigned int video_update_discard)
 Set the amount of time to discard subsequent video updates after a video update has been sent. More...
int ast_bridge_suspend (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
 Suspend a channel temporarily from a bridge. More...
int ast_bridge_talk_detector_hook (struct ast_bridge_features *features, ast_bridge_talking_indicate_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
 Attach a bridge channel talk detection hook to a bridge features structure. More...
void ast_bridge_technology_suspend (struct ast_bridge_technology *technology)
 Suspend a bridge technology from consideration. More...
int ast_bridge_technology_unregister (struct ast_bridge_technology *technology)
 Unregister a bridge technology from use. More...
void ast_bridge_technology_unsuspend (struct ast_bridge_technology *technology)
 Unsuspend a bridge technology. More...
struct ast_bridgeast_bridge_transfer_acquire_bridge (struct ast_channel *chan)
 Acquire the channel's bridge for transfer purposes. More...
enum ast_transfer_result ast_bridge_transfer_attended (struct ast_channel *to_transferee, struct ast_channel *to_transfer_target)
 Attended transfer. More...
enum ast_transfer_result ast_bridge_transfer_blind (int is_external, struct ast_channel *transferer, const char *exten, const char *context, transfer_channel_cb new_channel_cb, void *user_data)
 Blind transfer target to the extension and context provided. More...
int ast_bridge_unreal_optimize_out (struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *peer, struct ast_unreal_pvt *pvt)
 Check and optimize out the unreal channels between bridges. More...
int ast_bridge_unsuspend (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
 Unsuspend a channel from a bridge. More...
void ast_bridge_update_talker_src_video_mode (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan, int talker_energy, int is_keyframe)
 Update information about talker energy for talker src video mode. More...
void ast_bridge_vars_set (struct ast_channel *chan, const char *name, const char *pvtid)
 Sets BRIDGECHANNEL and BRIDGEPVTCALLID for a channel. More...
const char * ast_bridge_video_mode_to_string (enum ast_bridge_video_mode_type video_mode)
 Converts an enum representation of a bridge video mode to string. More...
struct ao2_containerast_bridges (void)
 Returns the global bridges container. More...
enum ast_bridge_optimization ast_bridges_allow_optimization (struct ast_bridge *chan_bridge, struct ast_bridge *peer_bridge)
 Determine if bridges allow for optimization to occur betweem them. More...
int ast_bridging_init (void)
 Initialize the bridging system. More...
void ast_brige_set_remb_behavior (struct ast_bridge *bridge, enum ast_bridge_video_sfu_remb_behavior behavior)
 Set the REMB report generation behavior on a bridge. More...
static enum ast_transfer_result attended_transfer_bridge (struct ast_channel *chan1, struct ast_channel *chan2, struct ast_bridge *bridge1, struct ast_bridge *bridge2, struct ast_attended_transfer_message *transfer_msg)
 Perform an attended transfer of a bridge. More...
static enum ast_transfer_result blind_transfer_bridge (int is_external, struct ast_channel *transferer, struct ast_bridge *bridge, const char *exten, const char *context, struct ast_channel *transferee, transfer_channel_cb new_channel_cb, struct transfer_channel_data *user_data_wrapper, struct ast_blind_transfer_message *transfer_message)
static void bridge_action_bridge (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_frame *action)
struct ast_bridgebridge_alloc (size_t size, const struct ast_bridge_methods *v_table)
static int bridge_allows_optimization (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
static void bridge_base_destroy (struct ast_bridge *self)
static void bridge_base_dissolving (struct ast_bridge *self)
static int bridge_base_get_merge_priority (struct ast_bridge *self)
struct ast_bridgebridge_base_init (struct ast_bridge *self, uint32_t capabilities, unsigned int flags, const char *creator, const char *name, const char *id)
 Initialize the base class of the bridge. More...
static void bridge_base_notify_masquerade (struct ast_bridge *self, struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel)
static void bridge_base_pull (struct ast_bridge *self, struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel)
static int bridge_base_push (struct ast_bridge *self, struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, struct ast_bridge_channel *swap)
static int bridge_base_push_peek (struct ast_bridge *self, struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, struct ast_bridge_channel *swap)
static void bridge_channel_change_bridge (struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, struct ast_bridge *new_bridge)
static void bridge_channel_complete_join (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel)
static void * bridge_channel_depart_thread (void *data)
 Thread responsible for imparted bridged channels to be departed. More...
static int bridge_channel_impart_add (struct ast_channel *chan, struct bridge_channel_impart_cond *cond)
static void bridge_channel_impart_ds_head_dtor (void *doomed)
static void bridge_channel_impart_ds_head_fixup (void *data, struct ast_channel *old_chan, struct ast_channel *new_chan)
static void bridge_channel_impart_ds_head_signal (struct bridge_channel_impart_ds_head *ds_head)
void bridge_channel_impart_signal (struct ast_channel *chan)
static void bridge_channel_impart_wait (struct bridge_channel_impart_cond *cond)
static void * bridge_channel_ind_thread (void *data)
 Thread responsible for independent imparted bridged channels. More...
static void bridge_channel_moving (struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, struct ast_bridge *src, struct ast_bridge *dst)
static void bridge_cleanup (void)
static void bridge_complete_join (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
void bridge_dissolve (struct ast_bridge *bridge, int cause)
static void bridge_dissolve_check_stolen (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel)
void bridge_do_merge (struct ast_bridge *dst_bridge, struct ast_bridge *src_bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel **kick_me, unsigned int num_kick, unsigned int optimized)
int bridge_do_move (struct ast_bridge *dst_bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, int attempt_recovery, unsigned int optimized)
static int bridge_dtmf_hook_sort (const void *obj_left, const void *obj_right, int flags)
struct ast_bridge_channelbridge_find_channel (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
static void bridge_handle_actions (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
static void bridge_hook_destroy (void *vhook)
static struct ast_bridge_hookbridge_hook_generic (size_t size, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
static int bridge_impart_internal (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *swap, struct ast_bridge_features *features, enum ast_bridge_impart_flags flags, struct bridge_channel_impart_cond *cond)
static struct bridge_manager_controllerbridge_manager_create (void)
static void bridge_manager_destroy (void *obj)
static void bridge_manager_service (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
static void bridge_manager_service_req (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
static void * bridge_manager_thread (void *data)
static struct merge_direction bridge_merge_determine_direction (struct ast_bridge *bridge1, struct ast_bridge *bridge2)
void bridge_merge_inhibit_nolock (struct ast_bridge *bridge, int request)
static int bridge_merge_locked (struct ast_bridge *dst_bridge, struct ast_bridge *src_bridge, int merge_best_direction, struct ast_channel **kick_me, unsigned int num_kick)
static int bridge_move_locked (struct ast_bridge *dst_bridge, struct ast_bridge *src_bridge, struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *swap, int attempt_recovery)
static int bridge_other_hook (struct ast_bridge_features *features, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags, enum ast_bridge_hook_type type)
static void bridge_prnt_obj (void *v_obj, void *where, ao2_prnt_fn *prnt)
static void bridge_queue_action_nodup (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_frame *action)
void bridge_reconfigured (struct ast_bridge *bridge, unsigned int colp_update)
static void bridge_reconfigured_connected_line_update (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
struct ast_bridgebridge_register (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
 Register the new bridge with the system. More...
static int bridge_show_specific_print_channel (void *obj, void *arg, int flags)
 Internal callback function for sending channels in a bridge to the CLI. More...
static int bridge_sort_cmp (const void *obj_left, const void *obj_right, int flags)
static enum ast_transfer_result bridge_swap_attended_transfer (struct ast_bridge *dest_bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *source_bridge_channel, struct ast_channel *swap_channel)
static void bridge_tech_deferred_destroy (struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_frame *action)
static enum bridge_allow_merge bridges_allow_merge_optimization (struct ast_bridge *chan_bridge, struct ast_bridge *peer_bridge, int num_kick_channels, struct merge_direction *merge)
static enum bridge_allow_swap bridges_allow_swap_optimization (struct ast_bridge *chan_bridge, struct ast_bridge *peer_bridge)
static int channel_cmp (void *obj, void *arg, int flags)
static int channel_hash (const void *obj, int flags)
static void check_bridge_play_sound (struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel)
static void check_bridge_play_sounds (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
static void cleanup_video_mode (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
static char * complete_bridge_live (const char *word)
static int complete_bridge_live_search (void *obj, void *arg, int flags)
static char * complete_bridge_participant (const char *bridge_name, const char *word)
static char * complete_bridge_technology (const char *word)
static void destroy_bridge (void *obj)
static void fill_bridgepeer_buf (char *buf, unsigned int cur_idx, const char *names[], unsigned int num_names)
static struct ast_bridge_technologyfind_best_technology (uint32_t capabilities, struct ast_bridge *bridge)
 Helper function used to find the "best" bridge technology given specified capabilities. More...
static struct ast_channelget_transferee (struct ao2_container *channels, struct ast_channel *transferer)
static char * handle_bridge_kick_channel (struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a)
static char * handle_bridge_show_all (struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a)
static char * handle_bridge_show_specific (struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a)
static char * handle_bridge_technology_show (struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a)
static char * handle_bridge_technology_suspend (struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a)
static int handle_manager_bridge_tech_suspend (struct mansession *s, const struct message *m, int suspend)
static int hook_remove_match (void *obj, void *arg, int flags)
static void hooks_remove_container (struct ao2_container *hooks, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
static void hooks_remove_heap (struct ast_heap *hooks, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
static int interval_hook_time_cmp (void *a, void *b)
static int interval_wrapper_cb (struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, void *obj)
 Wrapper for interval hooks that calls into the wrapped hook. More...
static void interval_wrapper_pvt_dtor (void *obj)
 Destructor for the hook wrapper. More...
static void kick_it (struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, const void *payload, size_t payload_size)
static int manager_bridge_tech_list (struct mansession *s, const struct message *m)
static int manager_bridge_tech_suspend (struct mansession *s, const struct message *m)
static int manager_bridge_tech_unsuspend (struct mansession *s, const struct message *m)
static int merge_container_cb (void *obj, void *data, int flags)
 Callback for merging hook ao2_containers. More...
static struct ast_bridgeoptimize_lock_chan_stack (struct ast_channel *chan)
static struct ast_bridgeoptimize_lock_peer_stack (struct ast_channel *peer)
static void set_bridge_peer_vars (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
static void set_bridge_peer_vars_2party (struct ast_channel *c0, struct ast_channel *c1)
static void set_bridge_peer_vars_holding (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
static void set_bridge_peer_vars_multiparty (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
static void set_transfer_variables_all (struct ast_channel *transferer, struct ao2_container *channels, int is_attended)
static int smart_bridge_operation (struct ast_bridge *bridge)
static const char * tech_capability2str (uint32_t capabilities)
static int try_merge_optimize_out (struct ast_bridge *chan_bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *chan_bridge_channel, struct ast_bridge *peer_bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *peer_bridge_channel, struct ast_unreal_pvt *pvt)
static enum ast_transfer_result try_parking (struct ast_channel *transferer, const char *context, const char *exten, transfer_channel_cb new_channel_cb, struct transfer_channel_data *user_data_wrapper)
static int try_swap_optimize_out (struct ast_bridge *chan_bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *chan_bridge_channel, struct ast_bridge *peer_bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *peer_bridge_channel, struct ast_unreal_pvt *pvt)
static enum ast_transfer_result two_bridge_attended_transfer (struct ast_channel *to_transferee, struct ast_bridge_channel *to_transferee_bridge_channel, struct ast_channel *to_transfer_target, struct ast_bridge_channel *to_target_bridge_channel, struct ast_bridge *to_transferee_bridge, struct ast_bridge *to_target_bridge, struct ast_attended_transfer_message *transfer_msg)
static void wrap_hook (struct ast_bridge_features *features, struct ast_bridge_hook_timer *hook)
 Wrap the provided interval hook and add it to features. More...


struct ast_bridge_methods ast_bridge_base_v_table
 Bridge base class virtual method table. More...
static const struct ast_datastore_info bridge_channel_impart_ds_info
static struct ast_cli_entry bridge_cli []
static struct bridge_manager_controllerbridge_manager
static struct bridge_technologies bridge_technologies = { .first = NULL, .last = NULL, .lock = { PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER , NULL, {1, 0} } , }
static struct ao2_containerbridges
static char builtin_features_dtmf [AST_BRIDGE_BUILTIN_END][MAXIMUM_DTMF_FEATURE_STRING]
static ast_bridge_hook_callback builtin_features_handlers [AST_BRIDGE_BUILTIN_END]
static ast_bridge_builtin_set_limits_fn builtin_interval_handlers [AST_BRIDGE_BUILTIN_INTERVAL_END]
static unsigned int optimization_id

Detailed Description

Bridging API.

Joshua Colp

Definition in file bridge.c.

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 139 of file bridge.c.



Definition at line 136 of file bridge.c.


#define BRIDGE_ARRAY_GROW   32

Definition at line 133 of file bridge.c.


#define BRIDGE_ARRAY_START   128

Definition at line 130 of file bridge.c.


#define BRIDGE_LOCK_ONE_OR_BOTH (   b1,

◆ FORMAT_HDR [1/2]

#define FORMAT_HDR   "%-36s %5s %-15s %-15s %s\n"

◆ FORMAT_HDR [2/2]

#define FORMAT_HDR   "%-20s %-20s %8s %s\n"

◆ FORMAT_ROW [1/2]

#define FORMAT_ROW   "%-36s %5u %-15s %-15s %s\n"

◆ FORMAT_ROW [2/2]

#define FORMAT_ROW   "%-20s %-20s %8u %s\n"


#define MAX_BRIDGEPEER_CHANS   (10 + 1)


#define UPDATE_BRIDGE_VARS_GET (   chan,

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ bridge_allow_merge


Bridge properties prohibit merge optimization


Merge optimization cannot occur because the source bridge has too few channels


Merge optimization cannot occur because multimix capability could not be requested


Merge optimization allowed between bridges

Definition at line 2811 of file bridge.c.

2811 {
2812 /*! Bridge properties prohibit merge optimization */
2814 /*! Merge optimization cannot occur because the source bridge has too few channels */
2816 /*! Merge optimization cannot occur because multimix capability could not be requested */
2818 /*! Merge optimization allowed between bridges */
Definition: bridge.c:2819
Definition: bridge.c:2815
Definition: bridge.c:2817
Definition: bridge.c:2813

◆ bridge_allow_swap


Bridges cannot allow for a swap optimization to occur


Bridge swap optimization can occur into the chan_bridge


Bridge swap optimization can occur into the peer_bridge

Definition at line 2672 of file bridge.c.

2672 {
2673 /*! Bridges cannot allow for a swap optimization to occur */
2675 /*! Bridge swap optimization can occur into the chan_bridge */
2677 /*! Bridge swap optimization can occur into the peer_bridge */
Definition: bridge.c:2674
Definition: bridge.c:2678
Definition: bridge.c:2676

Function Documentation

◆ __ast_bridge_technology_register()

int __ast_bridge_technology_register ( struct ast_bridge_technology technology,
struct ast_module mod 

Register a bridge technology for use.

technologyThe bridge technology to register
modThe module that is registering the bridge technology
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

#define ast_bridge_technology_register(technology)
See __ast_bridge_technology_register()

This registers a bridge technology declared as the structure simple_bridge_tech with the bridging core and makes it available for use when creating bridges.

Definition at line 212 of file bridge.c.

216 /* Perform a sanity check to make sure the bridge technology conforms to our needed requirements */
217 if (ast_strlen_zero(technology->name)
218 || !technology->capabilities
219 || !technology->write) {
220 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Bridge technology %s failed registration sanity check.\n",
221 technology->name);
222 return -1;
223 }
227 /* Look for duplicate bridge technology already using this name, or already registered */
229 if ((!strcasecmp(current->name, technology->name)) || (current == technology)) {
230 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "A bridge technology of %s already claims to exist in our world.\n",
231 technology->name);
233 return -1;
234 }
235 }
237 /* Copy module pointer so reference counting can keep the module from unloading */
238 technology->mod = module;
240 /* Find the correct position to insert the technology. */
242 /* Put the highest preference tech's first in the list. */
243 if (technology->preference >= current->preference) {
246 break;
247 }
248 }
251 if (!current) {
252 /* Insert our new bridge technology to the end of the list. */
254 }
258 ast_verb(5, "Registered bridge technology %s\n", technology->name);
260 return 0;
#define ast_log
Definition: astobj2.c:42
#define ast_verb(level,...)
Definition: linkedlists.h:545
#define AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK(head)
Write locks a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:52
#define AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(head)
Attempts to unlock a read/write based list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:151
Definition: linkedlists.h:617
Definition: linkedlists.h:494
Definition: linkedlists.h:741
Definition: linkedlists.h:610
size_t current
Definition: main/cli.c:113
static force_inline int attribute_pure ast_strlen_zero(const char *s)
Definition: strings.h:65
Structure that is the essence of a bridge technology.
struct ast_module * mod
int(* write)(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, struct ast_frame *frame)
Write a frame into the bridging technology instance for a bridge.
enum ast_bridge_preference preference
Definition: search.h:40

References ast_log, AST_RWLIST_INSERT_BEFORE_CURRENT, AST_RWLIST_INSERT_TAIL, AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE, AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN, AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END, AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK, AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK, ast_strlen_zero(), ast_verb, ast_bridge_technology::capabilities, current, LOG_WARNING, ast_bridge_technology::mod, ast_bridge_technology::name, ast_bridge_technology::preference, and ast_bridge_technology::write.

◆ ast_bridge_add_channel()

int ast_bridge_add_channel ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_channel chan,
struct ast_bridge_features features,
int  play_tone,
const char *  xfersound 

Add an arbitrary channel to a bridge.


The channel that is being added to the bridge can be in any state: unbridged, bridged, answered, unanswered, etc. The channel will be added asynchronously, meaning that when this function returns once the channel has been added to the bridge, not once the channel has been removed from the bridge.

In addition, a tone can optionally be played to the channel once the channel is placed into the bridge.

When this function returns, there is no guarantee that the channel that was passed in is valid any longer. Do not attempt to operate on the channel after this function returns.
bridgeBridge to which the channel should be added
chanThe channel to add to the bridge
featuresFeatures for this channel in the bridge
play_toneIndicates if a tone should be played to the channel
xfersoundSound that should be used to indicate transfer with play_tone
The features parameter must be NULL or obtained by ast_bridge_features_new(). You must not dereference features after calling even if the call fails.
Return values

Definition at line 2471 of file bridge.c.

2474 RAII_VAR(struct ast_bridge *, chan_bridge, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
2475 RAII_VAR(struct ast_channel *, yanked_chan, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
2477 ast_moh_stop(chan);
2479 ast_channel_lock(chan);
2480 chan_bridge = ast_channel_get_bridge(chan);
2481 ast_channel_unlock(chan);
2483 if (chan_bridge) {
2484 struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel;
2486 /* The channel is in a bridge so it is not getting any new features. */
2489 ast_bridge_lock_both(bridge, chan_bridge);
2490 bridge_channel = bridge_find_channel(chan_bridge, chan);
2492 if (bridge_move_locked(bridge, chan_bridge, chan, NULL, 1)) {
2493 ast_bridge_unlock(chan_bridge);
2495 return -1;
2496 }
2498 /*
2499 * bridge_move_locked() will implicitly ensure that
2500 * bridge_channel is not NULL.
2501 */
2502 ast_assert(bridge_channel != NULL);
2504 /*
2505 * Additional checks if the channel we just stole dissolves the
2506 * original bridge.
2507 */
2508 bridge_dissolve_check_stolen(chan_bridge, bridge_channel);
2509 ast_bridge_unlock(chan_bridge);
2511 } else {
2512 /* Slightly less easy case. We need to yank channel A from
2513 * where he currently is and impart him into our bridge.
2514 */
2515 yanked_chan = ast_channel_yank(chan);
2516 if (!yanked_chan) {
2517 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not gain control of channel %s\n", ast_channel_name(chan));
2519 return -1;
2520 }
2521 if (ast_channel_state(yanked_chan) != AST_STATE_UP) {
2522 ast_answer(yanked_chan);
2523 }
2524 ast_channel_ref(yanked_chan);
2525 if (ast_bridge_impart(bridge, yanked_chan, NULL, features,
2527 /* It is possible for us to yank a channel and have some other
2528 * thread start a PBX on the channel after we yanked it. In particular,
2529 * this can theoretically happen on the ;2 of a Local channel if we
2530 * yank it prior to the ;1 being answered. Make sure that it isn't
2531 * executing a PBX before hanging it up.
2532 */
2533 if (ast_channel_pbx(yanked_chan)) {
2534 ast_channel_unref(yanked_chan);
2535 } else {
2536 ast_hangup(yanked_chan);
2537 }
2538 return -1;
2539 }
2540 }
2542 if (play_tone && !ast_strlen_zero(xfersound)) {
2543 struct ast_channel *play_chan = yanked_chan ?: chan;
2544 RAII_VAR(struct ast_bridge_channel *, play_bridge_channel, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
2546 ast_channel_lock(play_chan);
2547 play_bridge_channel = ast_channel_get_bridge_channel(play_chan);
2548 ast_channel_unlock(play_chan);
2550 if (!play_bridge_channel) {
2551 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to play tone for channel %s. No longer in a bridge.\n",
2552 ast_channel_name(play_chan));
2553 } else {
2554 ast_bridge_channel_queue_playfile(play_bridge_channel, NULL, xfersound, NULL);
2555 }
2556 }
2557 return 0;
#define ao2_cleanup(obj)
Definition: astobj2.h:1934
int ast_bridge_impart(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *swap, struct ast_bridge_features *features, enum ast_bridge_impart_flags flags)
Impart a channel to a bridge (non-blocking)
Definition: bridge.c:1878
static int bridge_move_locked(struct ast_bridge *dst_bridge, struct ast_bridge *src_bridge, struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *swap, int attempt_recovery)
Definition: bridge.c:2399
struct ast_bridge_channel * bridge_find_channel(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
Definition: bridge.c:1429
void ast_bridge_features_destroy(struct ast_bridge_features *features)
Destroy an allocated bridge features struct.
Definition: bridge.c:3674
static void bridge_dissolve_check_stolen(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel)
Definition: bridge.c:355
#define ast_bridge_lock_both(bridge1, bridge2)
Lock two bridges.
Definition: bridge.h:488
#define ast_bridge_unlock(bridge)
Unlock the bridge.
Definition: bridge.h:481
Definition: bridge.h:590
int ast_bridge_channel_queue_playfile(struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, ast_bridge_custom_play_fn custom_play, const char *playfile, const char *moh_class)
Queue a bridge action play file frame onto the bridge channel.
const char * ast_channel_name(const struct ast_channel *chan)
void ast_hangup(struct ast_channel *chan)
Hang up a channel.
Definition: channel.c:2560
#define ast_channel_lock(chan)
Definition: channel.h:2968
struct ast_channel * ast_channel_yank(struct ast_channel *yankee)
Gain control of a channel in the system.
Definition: channel.c:10615
#define ast_channel_ref(c)
Increase channel reference count.
Definition: channel.h:2993
struct ast_bridge * ast_channel_get_bridge(const struct ast_channel *chan)
Get the bridge associated with a channel.
Definition: channel.c:10556
#define ast_channel_unref(c)
Decrease channel reference count.
Definition: channel.h:3004
struct ast_bridge_channel * ast_channel_get_bridge_channel(struct ast_channel *chan)
Get a reference to the channel's bridge pointer.
Definition: channel.c:10604
struct ast_pbx * ast_channel_pbx(const struct ast_channel *chan)
int ast_answer(struct ast_channel *chan)
Answer a channel.
Definition: channel.c:2824
#define ast_channel_unlock(chan)
Definition: channel.h:2969
ast_channel states
Definition: channelstate.h:35
Definition: channelstate.h:42
void ast_moh_stop(struct ast_channel *chan)
Turn off music on hold on a given channel.
Definition: channel.c:7798
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
Structure that contains information regarding a channel in a bridge.
struct ast_bridge * bridge
Bridge this channel is participating in.
struct ast_bridge_features * features
struct ast_channel * chan
Structure that contains information about a bridge.
Definition: bridge.h:349
Main Channel structure associated with a channel.
#define RAII_VAR(vartype, varname, initval, dtor)
Declare a variable that will call a destructor function when it goes out of scope.
Definition: utils.h:941
#define ast_assert(a)
Definition: utils.h:739

References ao2_cleanup, ast_answer(), ast_assert, ast_bridge_channel_queue_playfile(), ast_bridge_features_destroy(), ast_bridge_impart(), AST_BRIDGE_IMPART_CHAN_INDEPENDENT, ast_bridge_lock_both, ast_bridge_unlock, ast_channel_get_bridge(), ast_channel_get_bridge_channel(), ast_channel_lock, ast_channel_name(), ast_channel_pbx(), ast_channel_ref, ast_channel_unlock, ast_channel_unref, ast_channel_yank(), ast_hangup(), ast_log, ast_moh_stop(), AST_STATE_UP, ast_strlen_zero(), ast_bridge_channel::bridge, bridge_dissolve_check_stolen(), bridge_find_channel(), bridge_move_locked(), ast_bridge_channel::chan, ast_bridge_channel::features, LOG_WARNING, NULL, and RAII_VAR.

Referenced by action_bridge(), bridge_exec(), and manager_park_unbridged().

◆ ast_bridge_base_new()

struct ast_bridge * ast_bridge_base_new ( uint32_t  capabilities,
unsigned int  flags,
const char *  creator,
const char *  name,
const char *  id 

Create a new base class bridge.

capabilitiesThe capabilities that we require to be used on the bridge
flagsFlags that will alter the behavior of the bridge
creatorEntity that created the bridge (optional)
nameName given to the bridge by its creator (optional, requires named creator)
idUnique ID given to the bridge by its creator (optional)
a pointer to a new bridge on success
Return values
NULLon failure

Example usage:

struct ast_bridge *bridge;
struct ast_bridge * ast_bridge_base_new(uint32_t capabilities, unsigned int flags, const char *creator, const char *name, const char *id)
Create a new base class bridge.
Definition: bridge.c:934
Definition: bridge.h:92

This creates a no frills two party bridge that will be destroyed once one of the channels hangs up.

Definition at line 934 of file bridge.c.

936 void *bridge;
938 bridge = bridge_alloc(sizeof(struct ast_bridge), &ast_bridge_base_v_table);
939 bridge = bridge_base_init(bridge, capabilities, flags, creator, name, id);
940 bridge = bridge_register(bridge);
941 return bridge;
struct ast_bridge_methods ast_bridge_base_v_table
Bridge base class virtual method table.
Definition: bridge.c:923
struct ast_bridge * bridge_register(struct ast_bridge *bridge)
Register the new bridge with the system.
Definition: bridge.c:691
struct ast_bridge * bridge_base_init(struct ast_bridge *self, uint32_t capabilities, unsigned int flags, const char *creator, const char *name, const char *id)
Initialize the base class of the bridge.
Definition: bridge.c:742
struct ast_bridge * bridge_alloc(size_t size, const struct ast_bridge_methods *v_table)
Definition: bridge.c:706
static const char name[]
Definition: format_mp3.c:68

References ast_bridge_base_v_table, bridge_alloc(), bridge_base_init(), bridge_register(), ast_bridge::creator, and name.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE(), get_wait_bridge_wrapper(), and join_conference_bridge().

◆ ast_bridge_depart()

int ast_bridge_depart ( struct ast_channel chan)

Depart a channel from a bridge.

chanChannel to depart
chan is locked by this function.
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

int ast_bridge_depart(struct ast_channel *chan)
Depart a channel from a bridge.
Definition: bridge.c:1906

This removes the channel pointed to by the chan pointer from any bridge it may be in and gives control to the calling thread. This does not hang up the channel.

This API call can only be used on channels that were added to the bridge using the ast_bridge_impart API call with the AST_BRIDGE_IMPART_CHAN_DEPARTABLE flag.

Definition at line 1906 of file bridge.c.

1908 struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel;
1909 int departable;
1910 SCOPE_TRACE(1, "%s\n", ast_channel_name(chan));
1913 bridge_channel = ast_channel_internal_bridge_channel(chan);
1914 departable = bridge_channel && bridge_channel->depart_wait;
1916 if (!departable) {
1917 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Channel %s cannot be departed.\n",
1919 /*
1920 * Should never happen. It likely means that
1921 * ast_bridge_depart() is called by two threads for the same
1922 * channel, the channel was never imparted to be departed, or it
1923 * has already been departed.
1924 */
1925 ast_assert(0);
1926 return -1;
1927 }
1929 /*
1930 * We are claiming the bridge_channel reference held by
1931 * bridge_channel_depart_thread().
1932 */
1934 ast_bridge_channel_leave_bridge(bridge_channel,
1937 /* Wait for the depart thread to die */
1938 ast_debug(1, "Waiting for %p(%s) bridge thread to die.\n",
1939 bridge_channel, ast_channel_name(bridge_channel->chan));
1940 pthread_join(bridge_channel->thread, NULL);
1946 /* We can get rid of the bridge_channel after the depart thread has died. */
1947 ao2_ref(bridge_channel, -1);
1948 return 0;
#define ao2_ref(o, delta)
Reference/unreference an object and return the old refcount.
Definition: astobj2.h:459
void ast_bridge_channel_leave_bridge(struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, enum bridge_channel_state new_state, int cause)
Set bridge channel state to leave bridge (if not leaving already).
Definition: causes.h:106
void ast_channel_internal_bridge_channel_set(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_bridge_channel *value)
struct ast_bridge_channel * ast_channel_internal_bridge_channel(const struct ast_channel *chan)
#define SCOPE_TRACE(__level,...)
#define ast_debug(level,...)
Log a DEBUG message.
#define LOG_ERROR
unsigned int depart_wait

References ao2_ref, ast_assert, ast_bridge_channel_leave_bridge(), AST_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING, ast_channel_internal_bridge_channel(), ast_channel_internal_bridge_channel_set(), ast_channel_lock, ast_channel_name(), ast_channel_unlock, ast_debug, ast_log, BRIDGE_CHANNEL_STATE_END_NO_DISSOLVE, ast_bridge_channel::chan, ast_bridge_channel::depart_wait, LOG_ERROR, NULL, SCOPE_TRACE, and ast_bridge_channel::thread.

Referenced by app_control_continue(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), control_swap_channel_in_bridge(), depart_channel(), and stasis_app_exec().

◆ ast_bridge_destroy()

int ast_bridge_destroy ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
int  cause 

Destroy a bridge.

bridgeBridge to destroy
causeCause of bridge being destroyed. (If cause <= 0 then use AST_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING)
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

int ast_bridge_destroy(struct ast_bridge *bridge, int cause)
Destroy a bridge.
Definition: bridge.c:944

This destroys a bridge that was previously created.

While this function will kick all channels out of the bridge, channels that were added to the bridge using ast_bridge_impart() with the flag AST_BRIDGE_IMPART_CHAN_DEPARTABLE set must have ast_bridge_depart() called on them.

Definition at line 944 of file bridge.c.

946 ast_debug(1, "Bridge %s: telling all channels to leave the party\n", bridge->uniqueid);
947 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
948 bridge_dissolve(bridge, cause);
949 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
951 ao2_ref(bridge, -1);
953 return 0;
void bridge_dissolve(struct ast_bridge *bridge, int cause)
Definition: bridge.c:315
#define ast_bridge_lock(bridge)
Lock the bridge.
Definition: bridge.h:470
const ast_string_field uniqueid
Definition: bridge.h:401

References ao2_ref, ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, ast_debug, bridge_dissolve(), ast_bridge::cause, and ast_bridge::uniqueid.

Referenced by action_bridge(), agent_connect_caller(), agent_logout(), agent_pvt_destructor(), agent_request_exec(), agent_run(), ast_bridge_call_with_flags(), attended_transfer_properties_shutdown(), bridge_create_common(), bridge_exec(), bridge_register(), caller_abort_agent(), destroy_conference_bridge(), fail_enter(), manager_bridge_destroy(), parked_call_app_exec(), parking_lot_destructor(), safe_bridge_destroy(), stasis_app_bridge_destroy(), stasis_app_control_shutdown(), unload_module(), wait_bridge_wrapper_alloc(), and wait_bridge_wrapper_destructor().

◆ ast_bridge_dtmf_hook()

int ast_bridge_dtmf_hook ( struct ast_bridge_features features,
const char *  dtmf,
ast_bridge_hook_callback  callback,
void *  hook_pvt,
ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor  destructor,
enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags  remove_flags 

Attach a DTMF hook to a bridge features structure.

featuresBridge features structure
dtmfDTMF string to be activated upon
callbackFunction to execute upon activation
hook_pvtUnique data
destructorOptional destructor callback for hook_pvt data
remove_flagsDictates what situations the hook should be removed.
Return values
0on success
-1on failure (The caller must cleanup any hook_pvt resources.)

Example usage:

struct ast_bridge_features features;
ast_bridge_dtmf_hook(&features, "#", pound_callback, NULL, NULL, 0);
int ast_bridge_features_init(struct ast_bridge_features *features)
Initialize bridge features structure.
Definition: bridge.c:3620
int ast_bridge_dtmf_hook(struct ast_bridge_features *features, const char *dtmf, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
Attach a DTMF hook to a bridge features structure.
Definition: bridge.c:3182
Structure that contains features information.

This makes the bridging core call pound_callback if a channel that has this feature structure inputs the DTMF string '#'. A pointer to useful data may be provided to the hook_pvt parameter.

Definition at line 3182 of file bridge.c.

3189 struct ast_bridge_hook_dtmf *hook;
3190 int res;
3192 /* Allocate new hook and setup it's various variables */
3193 hook = (struct ast_bridge_hook_dtmf *) bridge_hook_generic(sizeof(*hook), callback,
3194 hook_pvt, destructor, remove_flags);
3195 if (!hook) {
3196 return -1;
3197 }
3199 ast_copy_string(hook->dtmf.code, dtmf, sizeof(hook->dtmf.code));
3201 /* Once done we put it in the container. */
3202 res = ao2_link(features->dtmf_hooks, hook) ? 0 : -1;
3203 if (res) {
3204 /*
3205 * Could not link the hook into the container.
3206 *
3207 * Remove the hook_pvt destructor call from the hook since we
3208 * are returning failure to install the hook.
3209 */
3210 hook->generic.destructor = NULL;
3211 }
3212 ao2_ref(hook, -1);
3214 return res;
#define ao2_link(container, obj)
Add an object to a container.
Definition: astobj2.h:1532
static struct ast_bridge_hook * bridge_hook_generic(size_t size, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
Definition: bridge.c:3162
void ast_copy_string(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
Size-limited null-terminating string copy.
Definition: strings.h:425
struct ao2_container * dtmf_hooks
struct ast_bridge_hook generic
struct ast_bridge_hook_dtmf_parms dtmf
ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor
enum ast_bridge_hook_type type

References ao2_link, ao2_ref, AST_BRIDGE_HOOK_TYPE_DTMF, ast_copy_string(), bridge_hook_generic(), ast_bridge_hook_dtmf_parms::code, ast_bridge_hook::destructor, ast_bridge_hook_dtmf::dtmf, ast_bridge_features::dtmf_hooks, ast_bridge_hook_dtmf::generic, NULL, and ast_bridge_hook::type.

Referenced by apply_menu_to_user(), ast_bridge_features_enable(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), bridge_agent_hold_push(), bridge_personality_atxfer_push(), and dynamic_dtmf_hook_add().

◆ ast_bridge_features_cleanup()

void ast_bridge_features_cleanup ( struct ast_bridge_features features)

Clean up the contents of a bridge features structure.

featuresBridge features structure

Example usage:

struct ast_bridge_features features;
void ast_bridge_features_cleanup(struct ast_bridge_features *features)
Clean up the contents of a bridge features structure.
Definition: bridge.c:3653

This cleans up the feature structure 'features'.

This MUST be called after the features structure is done being used or a memory leak may occur.

Definition at line 3653 of file bridge.c.

3655 struct ast_bridge_hook_timer *hook;
3657 /* Destroy the interval hooks heap. */
3658 if (features->interval_hooks) {
3659 while ((hook = ast_heap_pop(features->interval_hooks))) {
3660 ao2_ref(hook, -1);
3661 }
3662 features->interval_hooks = ast_heap_destroy(features->interval_hooks);
3663 }
3665 /* Destroy the miscellaneous other hooks container. */
3666 ao2_cleanup(features->other_hooks);
3667 features->other_hooks = NULL;
3669 /* Destroy the DTMF hooks container. */
3670 ao2_cleanup(features->dtmf_hooks);
3671 features->dtmf_hooks = NULL;
struct ast_heap * ast_heap_destroy(struct ast_heap *h)
Destroy a max heap.
Definition: heap.c:146
void * ast_heap_pop(struct ast_heap *h)
Pop the max element off of the heap.
Definition: heap.c:262
struct ao2_container * other_hooks
struct ast_heap * interval_hooks

References ao2_cleanup, ao2_ref, ast_heap_destroy(), ast_heap_pop(), ast_bridge_features::dtmf_hooks, ast_bridge_features::interval_hooks, NULL, and ast_bridge_features::other_hooks.

Referenced by agent_request_exec(), agent_run(), ast_bridge_call_with_flags(), ast_bridge_features_destroy(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), bridge_exec(), bridgeadd_exec(), bridgewait_exec(), channel_feature_hooks_set_full(), confbridge_exec(), park_and_announce_app_exec(), park_app_exec(), and parked_call_app_exec().

◆ ast_bridge_features_destroy()

void ast_bridge_features_destroy ( struct ast_bridge_features features)

Destroy an allocated bridge features struct.

featuresBridge features structure

Example usage:

struct ast_bridge_features *features;
struct ast_bridge_features * ast_bridge_features_new(void)
Allocate a new bridge features struct.
Definition: bridge.c:3683
void ast_bridge_features_destroy(struct ast_bridge_features *features)
Destroy an allocated bridge features struct.
Definition: bridge.c:3674

Definition at line 3674 of file bridge.c.

3676 if (!features) {
3677 return;
3678 }
3680 ast_free(features);
#define ast_free(a)
Definition: astmm.h:180
void ast_bridge_features_cleanup(struct ast_bridge_features *features)
Clean up the contents of a bridge features structure.
Definition: bridge.c:3653

References ast_bridge_features_cleanup(), and ast_free.

Referenced by ast_bridge_add_channel(), ast_bridge_call_with_flags(), ast_bridge_features_new(), ast_local_setup_bridge(), bridge_channel_depart_thread(), bridge_channel_ind_thread(), bridge_exec(), bridge_impart_internal(), conf_start_record(), control_dtor(), features_destroy(), and local_pvt_destructor().

◆ ast_bridge_features_do()

int ast_bridge_features_do ( enum ast_bridge_builtin_feature  feature,
struct ast_bridge_channel bridge_channel,
void *  hook_pvt 

Invoke a built in feature hook now.

featureThe feature to invoke
bridge_channelChannel executing the feature
hook_pvtPrivate data passed in when the hook was created
This API call is only meant to be used by bridge subclasses and hook callbacks to request a builtin feature hook to be executed.
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

ast_bridge_features_do(AST_BRIDGE_BUILTIN_ATTENDED_TRANSFER, bridge_channel, hook_pvt);
int ast_bridge_features_do(enum ast_bridge_builtin_feature feature, struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, void *hook_pvt)
Invoke a built in feature hook now.
Definition: bridge.c:3090

Definition at line 3090 of file bridge.c.

3092 ast_bridge_hook_callback callback;
3094 if (ARRAY_LEN(builtin_features_handlers) <= feature) {
3095 return -1;
3096 }
3098 callback = builtin_features_handlers[feature];
3099 if (!callback) {
3100 return -1;
3101 }
3102 callback(bridge_channel, hook_pvt);
3104 return 0;
static ast_bridge_hook_callback builtin_features_handlers[AST_BRIDGE_BUILTIN_END]
Definition: bridge.c:147
int(* ast_bridge_hook_callback)(struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, void *hook_pvt)
Hook callback type.
#define ARRAY_LEN(a)
Definition: utils.h:666

References ARRAY_LEN, and builtin_features_handlers.

Referenced by agent_connect_caller().

◆ ast_bridge_features_enable()

int ast_bridge_features_enable ( struct ast_bridge_features features,
enum ast_bridge_builtin_feature  feature,
const char *  dtmf,
void *  config,
ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor  destructor,
enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags  remove_flags 

Enable a built in feature on a bridge features structure.

featuresBridge features structure
featureFeature to enable
dtmfOptionally the DTMF stream to trigger the feature, if not specified it will be the default
configConfiguration structure unique to the built in type
destructorOptional destructor callback for config data
remove_flagsDictates what situations the hook should be removed.
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

struct ast_bridge_features features;
int ast_bridge_features_enable(struct ast_bridge_features *features, enum ast_bridge_builtin_feature feature, const char *dtmf, void *config, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
Enable a built in feature on a bridge features structure.
Definition: bridge.c:3365

This enables the attended transfer DTMF option using the default DTMF string. An alternate string may be provided using the dtmf parameter. Internally this is simply setting up a hook to a built in feature callback function.

Definition at line 3365 of file bridge.c.

3372 if (ARRAY_LEN(builtin_features_handlers) <= feature
3373 || !builtin_features_handlers[feature]) {
3374 return -1;
3375 }
3377 /* If no alternate DTMF stream was provided use the default one */
3378 if (ast_strlen_zero(dtmf)) {
3379 dtmf = builtin_features_dtmf[feature];
3380 /* If no DTMF is still available (ie: it has been disabled) then error out now */
3381 if (ast_strlen_zero(dtmf)) {
3382 ast_debug(1, "Failed to enable built in feature %u on %p, no DTMF string is available for it.\n",
3383 feature, features);
3384 return -1;
3385 }
3386 }
3388 /*
3389 * The rest is basically pretty easy. We create another hook
3390 * using the built in feature's DTMF callback. Easy as pie.
3391 */
3392 return ast_bridge_dtmf_hook(features, dtmf, builtin_features_handlers[feature],
3393 config, destructor, remove_flags);
static char builtin_features_dtmf[AST_BRIDGE_BUILTIN_END][MAXIMUM_DTMF_FEATURE_STRING]
Definition: bridge.c:144
int ast_bridge_dtmf_hook(struct ast_bridge_features *features, const char *dtmf, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
Attach a DTMF hook to a bridge features structure.
Definition: bridge.c:3182
static const char config[]
Definition: chan_ooh323.c:111

References ARRAY_LEN, ast_bridge_dtmf_hook(), ast_debug, ast_strlen_zero(), builtin_features_dtmf, builtin_features_handlers, and config.

Referenced by builtin_features_helper().

◆ ast_bridge_features_init()

int ast_bridge_features_init ( struct ast_bridge_features features)

Initialize bridge features structure.

featuresBridge featues structure
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

struct ast_bridge_features features;

This initializes the feature structure 'features' to have nothing enabled.

This MUST be called before enabling features or flags. Failure to do so may result in a crash.

Definition at line 3620 of file bridge.c.

3622 /* Zero out the structure */
3623 memset(features, 0, sizeof(*features));
3625 /* Initialize the DTMF hooks container */
3628 if (!features->dtmf_hooks) {
3629 return -1;
3630 }
3632 /* Initialize the miscellaneous other hooks container */
3634 NULL);
3635 if (!features->other_hooks) {
3636 return -1;
3637 }
3639 /* Initialize the interval hooks heap */
3641 offsetof(struct ast_bridge_hook_timer, timer.heap_index));
3642 if (!features->interval_hooks) {
3643 return -1;
3644 }
3646 features->dtmf_passthrough = 1;
3647 features->text_messaging = 1;
3649 return 0;
Definition: astobj2.h:363
#define ao2_container_alloc_list(ao2_options, container_options, sort_fn, cmp_fn)
Allocate and initialize a list container.
Definition: astobj2.h:1327
Replace objects with duplicate keys in container.
Definition: astobj2.h:1211
static int interval_hook_time_cmp(void *a, void *b)
Definition: bridge.c:3508
static int bridge_dtmf_hook_sort(const void *obj_left, const void *obj_right, int flags)
Definition: bridge.c:3539
static struct ast_timer * timer
Definition: chan_iax2.c:364
#define ast_heap_create(init_height, cmp_fn, index_offset)
Create a max heap.
Definition: heap.h:100
unsigned int dtmf_passthrough
unsigned int text_messaging

References AO2_ALLOC_OPT_LOCK_MUTEX, ao2_container_alloc_list, AO2_CONTAINER_ALLOC_OPT_DUPS_REPLACE, ast_heap_create, bridge_dtmf_hook_sort(), ast_bridge_features::dtmf_hooks, ast_bridge_features::dtmf_passthrough, interval_hook_time_cmp(), ast_bridge_features::interval_hooks, NULL, ast_bridge_features::other_hooks, ast_bridge_features::text_messaging, and timer.

Referenced by agent_request_exec(), agent_run(), ast_bridge_call_with_flags(), ast_bridge_features_new(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), bridge_exec(), bridgeadd_exec(), bridgewait_exec(), channel_feature_hooks_set_full(), confbridge_exec(), park_and_announce_app_exec(), park_app_exec(), and parked_call_app_exec().

◆ ast_bridge_features_limits_construct()

int ast_bridge_features_limits_construct ( struct ast_bridge_features_limits limits)

Constructor function for ast_bridge_features_limits.

limitspointer to a ast_bridge_features_limits struct that has been allocated, but not initialized
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Definition at line 3396 of file bridge.c.

3398 memset(limits, 0, sizeof(*limits));
3400 if (ast_string_field_init(limits, 256)) {
3401 return -1;
3402 }
3404 return 0;
#define ast_string_field_init(x, size)
Initialize a field pool and fields.
Definition: stringfields.h:359

References ast_string_field_init.

Referenced by bridge_builtin_set_limits(), and pre_bridge_setup().

◆ ast_bridge_features_limits_destroy()

void ast_bridge_features_limits_destroy ( struct ast_bridge_features_limits limits)

Destructor function for ast_bridge_features_limits.

limitspointer to an ast_bridge_features_limits struct that needs to be destroyed

This function does not free memory allocated to the ast_bridge_features_limits struct, it only frees elements within the struct. You must still call ast_free on the struct if you allocated it with malloc.

Definition at line 3407 of file bridge.c.

#define ast_string_field_free_memory(x)
free all memory - to be called before destroying the object
Definition: stringfields.h:374

References ast_string_field_free_memory.

Referenced by bridge_features_limits_dtor(), and pre_bridge_setup().

◆ ast_bridge_features_merge()

void ast_bridge_features_merge ( struct ast_bridge_features into,
const struct ast_bridge_features from 

Merge one ast_bridge_features into another.

intoThe ast_bridge_features that will be merged into
fromThe ast_bridge_features that will be merged from

Definition at line 3595 of file bridge.c.

3597 struct ast_bridge_hook_timer *hook;
3598 int idx;
3600 /* Merge hook containers */
3604 /* Merge hook heaps */
3606 for (idx = 1; (hook = ast_heap_peek(from->interval_hooks, idx)); idx++) {
3607 wrap_hook(into, hook);
3608 }
3611 /* Merge feature flags */
3612 into->feature_flags.flags |= from->feature_flags.flags;
3613 into->usable |= from->usable;
3615 into->mute |= from->mute;
3616 into->dtmf_passthrough |= from->dtmf_passthrough;
#define ao2_callback(c, flags, cb_fn, arg)
ao2_callback() is a generic function that applies cb_fn() to all objects in a container,...
Definition: astobj2.h:1693
static int merge_container_cb(void *obj, void *data, int flags)
Callback for merging hook ao2_containers.
Definition: bridge.c:3562
static void wrap_hook(struct ast_bridge_features *features, struct ast_bridge_hook_timer *hook)
Wrap the provided interval hook and add it to features.
Definition: bridge.c:3583
#define ast_heap_unlock(h)
Definition: heap.h:249
#define ast_heap_wrlock(h)
Definition: heap.h:247
void * ast_heap_peek(struct ast_heap *h, unsigned int index)
Peek at an element on a heap.
Definition: heap.c:267
struct ast_flags feature_flags
unsigned int flags
Definition: utils.h:200

References ao2_callback, ast_heap_peek(), ast_heap_unlock, ast_heap_wrlock, ast_bridge_features::dtmf_hooks, ast_bridge_features::dtmf_passthrough, ast_bridge_features::feature_flags, ast_flags::flags, ast_bridge_features::interval_hooks, merge_container_cb(), ast_bridge_features::mute, ast_bridge_features::other_hooks, ast_bridge_features::usable, and wrap_hook().

Referenced by bridge_channel_internal_join(), and channel_feature_hooks_set_full().

◆ ast_bridge_features_new()

struct ast_bridge_features * ast_bridge_features_new ( void  )

Allocate a new bridge features struct.


Example usage:

struct ast_bridge_features *features;
features New allocated features struct.
Return values
NULLon error.

Definition at line 3683 of file bridge.c.

3685 struct ast_bridge_features *features;
3687 features = ast_malloc(sizeof(*features));
3688 if (features) {
3689 if (ast_bridge_features_init(features)) {
3691 features = NULL;
3692 }
3693 }
3695 return features;
#define ast_malloc(len)
A wrapper for malloc()
Definition: astmm.h:191
int ast_bridge_features_init(struct ast_bridge_features *features)
Initialize bridge features structure.
Definition: bridge.c:3620

References ast_bridge_features_destroy(), ast_bridge_features_init(), ast_malloc, and NULL.

Referenced by ast_bridge_call_with_flags(), ast_unreal_channel_push_to_bridge(), bridge_exec(), bridge_impart_internal(), channel_feature_hooks_set_full(), conf_announce_channel_push(), conf_start_record(), and stasis_app_control_bridge_features_init().

◆ ast_bridge_features_register()

int ast_bridge_features_register ( enum ast_bridge_builtin_feature  feature,
ast_bridge_hook_callback  callback,
const char *  dtmf 

Register a handler for a built in feature.

featureThe feature that the handler will be responsible for
callbackThe callback function that will handle it
dtmfDefault DTMF string used to activate the feature
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

ast_bridge_features_register(AST_BRIDGE_BUILTIN_ATTENDED_TRANSFER, bridge_builtin_attended_transfer, "*1");
int ast_bridge_features_register(enum ast_bridge_builtin_feature feature, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, const char *dtmf)
Register a handler for a built in feature.
Definition: bridge.c:3062

This registers the function bridge_builtin_attended_transfer as the function responsible for the built in attended transfer feature.

Definition at line 3062 of file bridge.c.

3064 if (ARRAY_LEN(builtin_features_handlers) <= feature
3065 || builtin_features_handlers[feature]) {
3066 return -1;
3067 }
3069 if (!ast_strlen_zero(dtmf)) {
3070 ast_copy_string(builtin_features_dtmf[feature], dtmf, sizeof(builtin_features_dtmf[feature]));
3071 }
3073 builtin_features_handlers[feature] = callback;
3075 return 0;

References ARRAY_LEN, ast_copy_string(), ast_strlen_zero(), builtin_features_dtmf, and builtin_features_handlers.

Referenced by ast_bridging_init_basic(), load_module(), and load_parking_bridge_features().

◆ ast_bridge_features_remove()

void ast_bridge_features_remove ( struct ast_bridge_features features,
enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags  flags 

Remove marked bridge channel feature hooks.

featuresBridge features structure
flagsDeterminator for whether hook is removed.

Definition at line 3501 of file bridge.c.

3503 hooks_remove_container(features->dtmf_hooks, remove_flags);
3504 hooks_remove_container(features->other_hooks, remove_flags);
3505 hooks_remove_heap(features->interval_hooks, remove_flags);
static void hooks_remove_heap(struct ast_heap *hooks, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
Definition: bridge.c:3479
static void hooks_remove_container(struct ao2_container *hooks, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
Definition: bridge.c:3465

References ast_bridge_features::dtmf_hooks, hooks_remove_container(), hooks_remove_heap(), ast_bridge_features::interval_hooks, ast_bridge_features::other_hooks, and ast_bridge_hook::remove_flags.

Referenced by bridge_base_pull(), bridge_channel_internal_join(), bridge_do_merge(), bridge_do_move(), and remove_hooks_on_personality_change().

◆ ast_bridge_features_set_flag()

void ast_bridge_features_set_flag ( struct ast_bridge_features features,
unsigned int  flag 

Set a flag on a bridge channel features structure.

featuresBridge channel features structure
flagFlag to enable

Example usage:

struct ast_bridge_features features;
void ast_bridge_features_set_flag(struct ast_bridge_features *features, unsigned int flag)
Set a flag on a bridge channel features structure.
Definition: bridge.c:3427

This sets the AST_BRIDGE_CHANNEL_FLAG_DISSOLVE_HANGUP feature to be enabled on the features structure 'features'.

Definition at line 3427 of file bridge.c.

3429 ast_set_flag(&features->feature_flags, flag);
3430 features->usable = 1;
long int flag
Definition: f2c.h:83
#define ast_set_flag(p, flag)
Definition: utils.h:70

References ast_set_flag, ast_bridge_features::feature_flags, and ast_bridge_features::usable.

◆ ast_bridge_features_set_limits()

int ast_bridge_features_set_limits ( struct ast_bridge_features features,
struct ast_bridge_features_limits limits,
enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags  remove_flags 

Limit the amount of time a channel may stay in the bridge and optionally play warning messages as time runs out.

featuresBridge features structure
limitsConfigured limits applicable to the channel
remove_flagsDictates what situations the hook should be removed.
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

struct ast_bridge_features features;
int ast_bridge_features_set_limits(struct ast_bridge_features *features, struct ast_bridge_features_limits *limits, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
Limit the amount of time a channel may stay in the bridge and optionally play warning messages as tim...
Definition: bridge.c:3412
int ast_bridge_features_limits_construct(struct ast_bridge_features_limits *limits)
Constructor function for ast_bridge_features_limits.
Definition: bridge.c:3396
void ast_bridge_features_limits_destroy(struct ast_bridge_features_limits *limits)
Destructor function for ast_bridge_features_limits.
Definition: bridge.c:3407
Structure that contains configuration information for the limits feature.

This sets the maximum time the channel can be in the bridge to 10 seconds and does not play any warnings.

This API call can only be used on a features structure that will be used in association with a bridge channel.
The ast_bridge_features_limits structure must remain accessible for the lifetime of the features structure.

Definition at line 3412 of file bridge.c.

3420 return callback(features, limits, remove_flags);
3421 }
3423 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Attempted to set limits without an AST_BRIDGE_BUILTIN_INTERVAL_LIMITS callback registered.\n");
3424 return -1;
static ast_bridge_builtin_set_limits_fn builtin_interval_handlers[AST_BRIDGE_BUILTIN_INTERVAL_END]
Definition: bridge.c:150
int(* ast_bridge_builtin_set_limits_fn)(struct ast_bridge_features *features, struct ast_bridge_features_limits *limits, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
Attach interval hooks to a bridge features structure.

References AST_BRIDGE_BUILTIN_INTERVAL_LIMITS, ast_log, builtin_interval_handlers, and LOG_ERROR.

Referenced by pre_bridge_setup().

◆ ast_bridge_features_unregister()

int ast_bridge_features_unregister ( enum ast_bridge_builtin_feature  feature)

Unregister a handler for a built in feature.

featureThe feature to unregister
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

int ast_bridge_features_unregister(enum ast_bridge_builtin_feature feature)
Unregister a handler for a built in feature.
Definition: bridge.c:3078

This unregisters the function that is handling the built in attended transfer feature.

Definition at line 3078 of file bridge.c.

3080 if (ARRAY_LEN(builtin_features_handlers) <= feature
3081 || !builtin_features_handlers[feature]) {
3082 return -1;
3083 }
3087 return 0;

References ARRAY_LEN, builtin_features_handlers, and NULL.

Referenced by unload_module(), and unload_parking_bridge_features().

◆ ast_bridge_find_by_id()

struct ast_bridge * ast_bridge_find_by_id ( const char *  bridge_id)

Find bridge by id.

bridge_idBridge identifier
NULL bridge not found
non-NULL reference to bridge

Definition at line 5012 of file bridge.c.

5014 return ao2_find(bridges, bridge_id, OBJ_SEARCH_KEY);
#define ao2_find(container, arg, flags)
Definition: astobj2.h:1736
The arg parameter is a search key, but is not an object.
Definition: astobj2.h:1101
static struct ao2_container * bridges
Definition: bridge.c:123

References ao2_find, bridges, and OBJ_SEARCH_KEY.

Referenced by ast_bridge_get_snapshot_by_uniqueid(), complete_bridge_participant(), handle_bridge_kick_channel(), manager_bridge_destroy(), and manager_bridge_kick().

◆ ast_bridge_hangup_hook()

int ast_bridge_hangup_hook ( struct ast_bridge_features features,
ast_bridge_hook_callback  callback,
void *  hook_pvt,
ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor  destructor,
enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags  remove_flags 

Attach a hangup hook to a bridge features structure.

featuresBridge features structure
callbackFunction to execute upon activation
hook_pvtUnique data
destructorOptional destructor callback for hook_pvt data
remove_flagsDictates what situations the hook should be removed.
Return values
0on success
-1on failure (The caller must cleanup any hook_pvt resources.)

Example usage:

struct ast_bridge_features features;
ast_bridge_hangup_hook(&features, hangup_callback, NULL, NULL, 0);
int ast_bridge_hangup_hook(struct ast_bridge_features *features, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
Attach a hangup hook to a bridge features structure.
Definition: bridge.c:3265

This makes the bridging core call hangup_callback if a channel that has this hook hangs up. A pointer to useful data may be provided to the hook_pvt parameter.

Definition at line 3265 of file bridge.c.

3271 return bridge_other_hook(features, callback, hook_pvt, destructor, remove_flags,
static int bridge_other_hook(struct ast_bridge_features *features, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags, enum ast_bridge_hook_type type)
Definition: bridge.c:3231

References AST_BRIDGE_HOOK_TYPE_HANGUP, bridge_other_hook(), ast_bridge_hook::callback, ast_bridge_hook::destructor, ast_bridge_hook::hook_pvt, and ast_bridge_hook::remove_flags.

Referenced by add_normal_hooks(), and bridge_personality_atxfer_push().

◆ ast_bridge_impart()

int ast_bridge_impart ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_channel chan,
struct ast_channel swap,
struct ast_bridge_features features,
enum ast_bridge_impart_flags  flags 

Impart a channel to a bridge (non-blocking)

bridgeBridge to impart on
chanChannel to impart (The channel reference is stolen if impart successful.)
swapChannel to swap out if swapping. NULL if not swapping.
featuresBridge features structure.
flagsdefined by enum ast_bridge_impart_flags.
The given bridge must be unlocked when calling this function.
The features parameter must be NULL or obtained by ast_bridge_features_new(). You must not dereference features after calling even if the call fails.
chan is locked by this function.
Return values
0on success
-1on failure (Caller still has ownership of chan)

Example usage:

int ast_bridge_impart(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *swap, struct ast_bridge_features *features, enum ast_bridge_impart_flags flags) attribute_warn_unused_result
Impart a channel to a bridge (non-blocking)
Definition: bridge.c:1878

This adds a channel pointed to by the chan pointer to the bridge pointed to by the bridge pointer. This function will return immediately and will not wait until the channel is no longer part of the bridge.

If this channel will be replacing another channel the other channel can be specified in the swap parameter. The other channel will be thrown out of the bridge in an atomic fashion.

If channel specific features are enabled, a pointer to the features structure can be specified in the features parameter.

If you impart a channel with AST_BRIDGE_IMPART_CHAN_DEPARTABLE you MUST ast_bridge_depart() the channel if this call succeeds. The bridge channel thread is created join-able. The implication is that the channel is special and will not behave like a normal channel.
If you impart a channel with AST_BRIDGE_IMPART_CHAN_INDEPENDENT you must not ast_bridge_depart() the channel. The bridge channel thread is created non-join-able. The channel must be treated as if it were placed into the bridge by ast_bridge_join(). Channels placed into a bridge by ast_bridge_join() are removed by a third party using ast_bridge_remove().
Any callbacks on the channel will be invoked on failure with the reason as AST_BRIDGE_AFTER_CB_REASON_IMPART_FAILED.

Definition at line 1878 of file bridge.c.

1885 .done = 0,
1886 };
1887 int res;
1888 SCOPE_TRACE(1, "%s Bridge: %s\n", ast_channel_name(chan), bridge->uniqueid);
1890 ast_mutex_init(&cond.lock);
1891 ast_cond_init(&cond.cond, NULL);
1893 res = bridge_impart_internal(bridge, chan, swap, features, flags, &cond);
1894 if (res) {
1895 /* Impart failed. Signal any other waiting impart threads */
1898 }
1900 ast_cond_destroy(&cond.cond);
1901 ast_mutex_destroy(&cond.lock);
1903 return res;
ast_cond_t cond
Definition: app_sla.c:330
void bridge_channel_impart_signal(struct ast_channel *chan)
Definition: bridge.c:1582
static int bridge_impart_internal(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *swap, struct ast_bridge_features *features, enum ast_bridge_impart_flags flags, struct bridge_channel_impart_cond *cond)
Definition: bridge.c:1777
void ast_bridge_discard_after_callback(struct ast_channel *chan, enum ast_bridge_after_cb_reason reason)
Run discarding any after bridge callbacks.
Definition: bridge_after.c:239
Definition: bridge_after.h:49
#define ast_cond_destroy(cond)
Definition: lock.h:202
#define ast_cond_init(cond, attr)
Definition: lock.h:201
#define ast_mutex_init(pmutex)
Definition: lock.h:186
#define ast_mutex_destroy(a)
Definition: lock.h:188
Internal bridge impart wait condition and associated conditional.
Definition: bridge.c:1475

References AST_BRIDGE_AFTER_CB_REASON_IMPART_FAILED, ast_bridge_discard_after_callback(), ast_channel_name(), ast_cond_destroy, ast_cond_init, ast_mutex_destroy, ast_mutex_init, bridge_channel_impart_signal(), bridge_impart_internal(), cond, NULL, SCOPE_TRACE, and ast_bridge::uniqueid.

Referenced by add_to_dial_bridge(), ast_bridge_add_channel(), ast_bridge_call_with_flags(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), ast_unreal_channel_push_to_bridge(), attended_transfer_bridge(), blind_transfer_bridge(), conf_announce_channel_push(), conf_start_record(), control_swap_channel_in_bridge(), feature_attended_transfer(), local_call(), parking_blind_transfer_park(), recalling_exit(), refer_incoming_invite_request(), and retransfer_enter().

◆ ast_bridge_interval_hook()

int ast_bridge_interval_hook ( struct ast_bridge_features features,
enum ast_bridge_hook_timer_option  flags,
unsigned int  interval,
ast_bridge_hook_callback  callback,
void *  hook_pvt,
ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor  destructor,
enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags  remove_flags 

Attach an interval hook to a bridge features structure.

featuresBridge features structure
flagsInterval timer callback option flags.
intervalThe interval that the hook should execute at in milliseconds
callbackFunction to execute upon activation
hook_pvtUnique data
destructorOptional destructor callback for hook_pvt data
remove_flagsDictates what situations the hook should be removed.
Return values
0on success
-1on failure (The caller must cleanup any hook_pvt resources.)
struct ast_bridge_features features;
ast_bridge_interval_hook(&features, 1000, playback_callback, NULL, NULL, 0);
int ast_bridge_interval_hook(struct ast_bridge_features *features, enum ast_bridge_hook_timer_option flags, unsigned int interval, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
Attach an interval hook to a bridge features structure.
Definition: bridge.c:3319

This makes the bridging core call playback_callback every second. A pointer to useful data may be provided to the hook_pvt parameter.

Definition at line 3319 of file bridge.c.

3327 struct ast_bridge_hook_timer *hook;
3328 int res;
3330 if (!features ||!interval || !callback) {
3331 return -1;
3332 }
3334 /* Allocate new hook and setup it's various variables */
3335 hook = (struct ast_bridge_hook_timer *) bridge_hook_generic(sizeof(*hook), callback,
3336 hook_pvt, destructor, remove_flags);
3337 if (!hook) {
3338 return -1;
3339 }
3341 hook->timer.interval = interval;
3342 hook->timer.trip_time = ast_tvadd(ast_tvnow(), ast_samp2tv(interval, 1000));
3343 hook->timer.seqno = ast_atomic_fetchadd_int((int *) &features->interval_sequence, +1);
3344 hook->timer.flags = flags;
3346 ast_debug(1, "Putting interval hook %p with interval %u in the heap on features %p\n",
3347 hook, hook->timer.interval, features);
3349 res = ast_heap_push(features->interval_hooks, hook);
3351 if (res) {
3352 /*
3353 * Could not push the hook into the heap
3354 *
3355 * Remove the hook_pvt destructor call from the hook since we
3356 * are returning failure to install the hook.
3357 */
3358 hook->generic.destructor = NULL;
3359 ao2_ref(hook, -1);
3360 }
3362 return res ? -1 : 0;
#define ast_heap_push(h, elm)
Push an element on to a heap.
Definition: heap.h:125
int ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(volatile int *p, int v)
Atomically add v to *p and return the previous value of *p.
Definition: lock.h:757
unsigned int interval_sequence
struct ast_bridge_hook generic
struct ast_bridge_hook_timer_parms timer
struct timeval ast_samp2tv(unsigned int _nsamp, unsigned int _rate)
Returns a timeval corresponding to the duration of n samples at rate r. Useful to convert samples to ...
Definition: time.h:282
struct timeval ast_tvadd(struct timeval a, struct timeval b)
Returns the sum of two timevals a + b.
Definition: extconf.c:2282
struct timeval ast_tvnow(void)
Returns current timeval. Meant to replace calls to gettimeofday().
Definition: time.h:159

References ao2_ref, ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(), AST_BRIDGE_HOOK_TYPE_TIMER, ast_debug, ast_heap_push, ast_heap_unlock, ast_heap_wrlock, ast_samp2tv(), ast_tvadd(), ast_tvnow(), bridge_hook_generic(), ast_bridge_hook::destructor, ast_bridge_hook_timer_parms::flags, ast_bridge_hook_timer::generic, ast_bridge_hook_timer_parms::interval, ast_bridge_features::interval_hooks, ast_bridge_features::interval_sequence, NULL, ast_bridge_hook_timer_parms::seqno, ast_bridge_hook_timer::timer, ast_bridge_hook_timer_parms::trip_time, and ast_bridge_hook::type.

Referenced by agent_request_exec(), apply_option_timeout(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), bridge_agent_hold_push(), bridge_builtin_set_limits(), confbridge_exec(), parking_set_duration(), set_interval_hook(), and wrap_hook().

◆ ast_bridge_interval_register()

int ast_bridge_interval_register ( enum ast_bridge_builtin_interval  interval,
ast_bridge_builtin_set_limits_fn  callback 

Register a handler for a built in interval feature.

intervalThe interval feature that the handler will be responsible for
callbackthe Callback function that will handle it
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

static int bridge_builtin_set_limits(struct ast_bridge_features *features, struct ast_bridge_features_limits *limits, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
int ast_bridge_interval_register(enum ast_bridge_builtin_interval interval, ast_bridge_builtin_set_limits_fn callback)
Register a handler for a built in interval feature.
Definition: bridge.c:3107

This registers the function bridge_builtin_set_limits as the function responsible for the built in duration limit feature.

Definition at line 3107 of file bridge.c.

3109 if (ARRAY_LEN(builtin_interval_handlers) <= interval
3110 || builtin_interval_handlers[interval]) {
3111 return -1;
3112 }
3114 builtin_interval_handlers[interval] = callback;
3116 return 0;

References ARRAY_LEN, and builtin_interval_handlers.

Referenced by load_module().

◆ ast_bridge_interval_unregister()

int ast_bridge_interval_unregister ( enum ast_bridge_builtin_interval  interval)

Unregisters a handler for a built in interval feature.

intervalthe interval feature to unregister
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

int ast_bridge_interval_unregister(enum ast_bridge_builtin_interval interval)
Unregisters a handler for a built in interval feature.
Definition: bridge.c:3119

This unregisters the function that is handling the built in duration limit feature.

Definition at line 3119 of file bridge.c.

3121 if (ARRAY_LEN(builtin_interval_handlers) <= interval
3122 || !builtin_interval_handlers[interval]) {
3123 return -1;
3124 }
3126 builtin_interval_handlers[interval] = NULL;
3128 return 0;

References ARRAY_LEN, builtin_interval_handlers, and NULL.

Referenced by unload_module().

◆ ast_bridge_is_video_src()

int ast_bridge_is_video_src ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_channel chan 

Determine if a channel is a video src for the bridge.

Return values
0Not a current video source of the bridge.
non-zerois a video source of the bridge, The number returned represents the priority this video stream has on the bridge where 1 is the highest priority.

Definition at line 3891 of file bridge.c.

3893 int res = 0;
3895 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3896 switch (bridge->softmix.video_mode.mode) {
3898 break;
3901 res = 1;
3902 }
3903 break;
3906 res = 1;
3907 } else if (bridge->softmix.video_mode.mode_data.talker_src_data.chan_old_vsrc == chan) {
3908 res = 2;
3909 }
3911 break;
3912 }
3913 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
3914 return res;
Definition: bridge.h:102
Definition: bridge.h:105
Definition: bridge.h:100
Definition: bridge.h:109
struct ast_bridge_video_mode video_mode
Definition: bridge.h:279
struct ast_bridge_video_single_src_data single_src_data
Definition: bridge.h:163
struct ast_bridge_video_talker_src_data talker_src_data
Definition: bridge.h:164
union ast_bridge_video_mode::@189 mode_data
enum ast_bridge_video_mode_type mode
Definition: bridge.h:160
struct ast_channel * chan_vsrc
Definition: bridge.h:116
struct ast_channel * chan_old_vsrc
Definition: bridge.h:127
struct ast_channel * chan_vsrc
Definition: bridge.h:123
struct ast_bridge_softmix softmix
Definition: bridge.h:367

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, AST_BRIDGE_VIDEO_MODE_NONE, AST_BRIDGE_VIDEO_MODE_SFU, AST_BRIDGE_VIDEO_MODE_SINGLE_SRC, AST_BRIDGE_VIDEO_MODE_TALKER_SRC, ast_bridge_video_talker_src_data::chan_old_vsrc, ast_bridge_video_single_src_data::chan_vsrc, ast_bridge_video_talker_src_data::chan_vsrc, ast_bridge_video_mode::mode, ast_bridge_video_mode::mode_data, ast_bridge_video_mode::single_src_data, ast_bridge::softmix, ast_bridge_video_mode::talker_src_data, and ast_bridge_softmix::video_mode.

Referenced by handle_video_on_exit(), handle_video_on_join(), softmix_bridge_write_video(), and softmix_pass_video_top_priority().

◆ ast_bridge_join()

int ast_bridge_join ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_channel chan,
struct ast_channel swap,
struct ast_bridge_features features,
struct ast_bridge_tech_optimizations tech_args,
enum ast_bridge_join_flags  flags 

Join a channel to a bridge (blocking)

bridgeBridge to join
chanChannel to join
swapChannel to swap out if swapping (A channel reference is stolen.)
featuresBridge features structure
tech_argsOptional Bridging tech optimization parameters for this channel.
flagsdefined by enum ast_bridge_join_flags.
The passed in swap channel is always unreffed on return. It is not a good idea to access the swap channel on return or for the caller to keep a reference to it.
Absolutely NO locks should be held before calling this function since it blocks.
Return values
0if the channel successfully joined the bridge before it exited.
-1if the channel failed to join the bridge

Example usage:

int ast_bridge_join(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_channel *swap, struct ast_bridge_features *features, struct ast_bridge_tech_optimizations *tech_args, enum ast_bridge_join_flags flags)
Join a channel to a bridge (blocking)
Definition: bridge.c:1621
Definition: bridge.h:535

This adds a channel pointed to by the chan pointer to the bridge pointed to by the bridge pointer. This function will not return until the channel has been removed from the bridge, swapped out for another channel, or has hung up.

If this channel will be replacing another channel the other channel can be specified in the swap parameter. The other channel will be thrown out of the bridge in an atomic fashion.

If channel specific features are enabled a pointer to the features structure can be specified in the features parameter.

Definition at line 1621 of file bridge.c.

1628 struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel;
1629 int res = 0;
1630 SCOPE_TRACE(1, "%s Bridge: %s\n", ast_channel_name(chan), bridge->uniqueid);
1632 bridge_channel = bridge_channel_internal_alloc(bridge);
1634 ao2_ref(bridge, -1);
1635 }
1636 if (!bridge_channel) {
1637 ao2_t_cleanup(swap, "Error exit: bridge_channel alloc failed");
1638 res = -1;
1639 goto join_exit;
1640 }
1641/* XXX ASTERISK-21271 features cannot be NULL when passed in. When it is changed to allocated we can do like ast_bridge_impart() and allocate one. */
1643 if (!features) {
1644 ao2_ref(bridge_channel, -1);
1645 ao2_t_cleanup(swap, "Error exit: features is NULL");
1646 res = -1;
1647 goto join_exit;
1648 }
1649 if (tech_args) {
1650 bridge_channel->tech_args = *tech_args;
1651 }
1655 res = -1;
1656 } else {
1658 }
1660 bridge_channel->thread = pthread_self();
1661 bridge_channel->chan = chan;
1662 bridge_channel->swap = swap;
1663 bridge_channel->features = features;
1664 bridge_channel->inhibit_colp = !!(flags & AST_BRIDGE_JOIN_INHIBIT_JOIN_COLP);
1666 /* allow subclass to peek at upcoming push operation */
1667 if (bridge->v_table->push_peek && !res) {
1668 struct ast_bridge_channel *bcswap = NULL;
1671 if (bridge_channel->swap) {
1672 bcswap = bridge_find_channel(bridge, bridge_channel->swap);
1673 }
1674 res = bridge->v_table->push_peek(bridge, bridge_channel, bcswap);
1676 }
1678 if (!res) {
1679 res = bridge_channel_internal_join(bridge_channel);
1680 }
1682 /* Cleanup all the data in the bridge channel after it leaves the bridge. */
1686 /* Due to a race condition, we lock the bridge channel here for ast_bridge_channel_get_chan */
1687 ao2_lock(bridge_channel);
1688 bridge_channel->chan = NULL;
1689 ao2_unlock(bridge_channel);
1690 /* If bridge_channel->swap is not NULL then the join failed. */
1691 ao2_t_cleanup(bridge_channel->swap, "Bridge complete: join failed");
1692 bridge_channel->swap = NULL;
1693 bridge_channel->features = NULL;
1695 ao2_ref(bridge_channel, -1);
1702 /* Claim the after bridge goto is an async goto destination. */
1706 }
1707 return res;
#define ao2_unlock(a)
Definition: astobj2.h:729
#define ao2_lock(a)
Definition: astobj2.h:717
#define ao2_t_cleanup(obj, tag)
Definition: astobj2.h:1935
Definition: bridge.h:537
int ast_bridge_setup_after_goto(struct ast_channel *chan)
Setup any after bridge goto location to begin execution.
Definition: bridge_after.c:435
void ast_bridge_run_after_callback(struct ast_channel *chan)
Run any after bridge callback.
Definition: bridge_after.c:212
struct ast_bridge_channel * bridge_channel_internal_alloc(struct ast_bridge *bridge)
int bridge_channel_internal_join(struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel)
struct ast_flags * ast_channel_flags(struct ast_channel *chan)
Definition: channel.h:1146
int ast_softhangup_nolock(struct ast_channel *chan, int cause)
Softly hangup up a channel (no channel lock)
Definition: channel.c:2477
Definition: channel.h:1007
int ast_channel_softhangup_internal_flag(struct ast_channel *chan)
struct ast_channel * swap
unsigned int inhibit_colp
struct ast_bridge_tech_optimizations tech_args
ast_bridge_push_channel_fn push_peek
Definition: bridge.h:273
const struct ast_bridge_methods * v_table
Definition: bridge.h:351
#define ast_test_flag(p, flag)
Definition: utils.h:63

References ao2_lock, ao2_ref, ao2_t_cleanup, ao2_unlock, ast_assert, AST_BRIDGE_JOIN_INHIBIT_JOIN_COLP, AST_BRIDGE_JOIN_PASS_REFERENCE, ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_run_after_callback(), ast_bridge_setup_after_goto(), ast_bridge_unlock, ast_channel_flags(), ast_channel_internal_bridge_channel_set(), ast_channel_lock, ast_channel_name(), ast_channel_softhangup_internal_flag(), ast_channel_unlock, AST_FLAG_ZOMBIE, AST_SOFTHANGUP_ASYNCGOTO, ast_softhangup_nolock(), ast_test_flag, ast_bridge_channel::bridge, bridge_channel_impart_signal(), bridge_channel_internal_alloc(), bridge_channel_internal_join(), bridge_find_channel(), ast_bridge_channel::chan, ast_bridge_channel::features, ast_bridge_channel::inhibit_colp, NULL, ast_bridge_methods::push_peek, SCOPE_TRACE, ast_bridge_channel::swap, ast_bridge_channel::tech_args, ast_bridge_channel::thread, ast_bridge::uniqueid, and ast_bridge::v_table.

Referenced by agent_request_exec(), agent_run(), ast_bridge_call_with_flags(), bridge_exec(), bridgeadd_exec(), bridgewait_exec(), confbridge_exec(), park_and_announce_app_exec(), park_app_exec(), and parked_call_app_exec().

◆ ast_bridge_join_hook()

int ast_bridge_join_hook ( struct ast_bridge_features features,
ast_bridge_hook_callback  callback,
void *  hook_pvt,
ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor  destructor,
enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags  remove_flags 

Attach a bridge channel join hook to a bridge features structure.

featuresBridge features structure
callbackFunction to execute upon activation
hook_pvtUnique data
destructorOptional destructor callback for hook_pvt data
remove_flagsDictates what situations the hook should be removed.
Return values
0on success
-1on failure (The caller must cleanup any hook_pvt resources.)

Example usage:

struct ast_bridge_features features;
static int join_callback(struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, void *ignore)
int ast_bridge_join_hook(struct ast_bridge_features *features, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
Attach a bridge channel join hook to a bridge features structure.
Definition: bridge.c:3275

This makes the bridging core call join_callback when a channel successfully joins the bridging system. A pointer to useful data may be provided to the hook_pvt parameter.

Definition at line 3275 of file bridge.c.

3281 return bridge_other_hook(features, callback, hook_pvt, destructor, remove_flags,

References AST_BRIDGE_HOOK_TYPE_JOIN, bridge_other_hook(), ast_bridge_hook::callback, ast_bridge_hook::destructor, ast_bridge_hook::hook_pvt, and ast_bridge_hook::remove_flags.

Referenced by agent_request_exec(), and confbridge_exec().

◆ ast_bridge_kick()

int ast_bridge_kick ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_channel chan 

Kick a channel from a bridge.

bridgeBridge that the channel is to be kicked from
chanChannel to kick
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

ast_bridge_kick(bridge, chan);
int ast_bridge_kick(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
Kick a channel from a bridge.
Definition: bridge.c:1979

This kicks the channel pointed to by the chan pointer from the bridge pointed to by the bridge pointer and requests that it be hung up. Control over the channel will NOT be given to the calling thread.

The functional difference between ast_bridge_kick() and ast_bridge_remove() is that the bridge may dissolve as a result of the channel being kicked.
This API call can be used on channels that were added to the bridge using both ast_bridge_join and ast_bridge_impart.

Definition at line 1979 of file bridge.c.

1981 struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel;
1982 int res;
1986 /* Try to find the channel that we want to kick. */
1987 if (!(bridge_channel = bridge_find_channel(bridge, chan))) {
1989 return -1;
1990 }
1992 res = ast_bridge_channel_queue_callback(bridge_channel, 0, kick_it, NULL, 0);
1996 return res;
static void kick_it(struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, const void *payload, size_t payload_size)
Definition: bridge.c:1974
int ast_bridge_channel_queue_callback(struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, enum ast_bridge_channel_custom_callback_option flags, ast_bridge_custom_callback_fn callback, const void *payload, size_t payload_size)
Queue a bridge action custom callback frame onto the bridge channel.

References ast_bridge_channel_queue_callback(), ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, ast_bridge_channel::bridge, bridge_find_channel(), ast_bridge_channel::chan, kick_it(), and NULL.

Referenced by handle_bridge_kick_channel(), and manager_bridge_kick().

◆ ast_bridge_leave_hook()

int ast_bridge_leave_hook ( struct ast_bridge_features features,
ast_bridge_hook_callback  callback,
void *  hook_pvt,
ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor  destructor,
enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags  remove_flags 

Attach a bridge channel leave hook to a bridge features structure.

featuresBridge features structure
callbackFunction to execute upon activation
hook_pvtUnique data
destructorOptional destructor callback for hook_pvt data
remove_flagsDictates what situations the hook should be removed.
Return values
0on success
-1on failure (The caller must cleanup any hook_pvt resources.)

Example usage:

struct ast_bridge_features features;
ast_bridge_leave_hook(&features, leave_callback, NULL, NULL, 0);
int ast_bridge_leave_hook(struct ast_bridge_features *features, ast_bridge_hook_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
Attach a bridge channel leave hook to a bridge features structure.
Definition: bridge.c:3285

This makes the bridging core call leave_callback when a channel successfully leaves the bridging system. A pointer to useful data may be provided to the hook_pvt parameter.

Definition at line 3285 of file bridge.c.

3291 return bridge_other_hook(features, callback, hook_pvt, destructor, remove_flags,

References AST_BRIDGE_HOOK_TYPE_LEAVE, bridge_other_hook(), ast_bridge_hook::callback, ast_bridge_hook::destructor, ast_bridge_hook::hook_pvt, and ast_bridge_hook::remove_flags.

Referenced by confbridge_exec().

◆ ast_bridge_merge()

int ast_bridge_merge ( struct ast_bridge dst_bridge,
struct ast_bridge src_bridge,
int  merge_best_direction,
struct ast_channel **  kick_me,
unsigned int  num_kick 

Merge two bridges together.

dst_bridgeDestination bridge of merge.
src_bridgeSource bridge of merge.
merge_best_directionTRUE if don't care about which bridge merges into the other.
kick_meArray of channels to kick from the bridges.
num_kickNumber of channels in the kick_me array.
Absolutely NO bridge or channel locks should be held before calling this function.
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

ast_bridge_merge(dst_bridge, src_bridge, 0, NULL, 0);
int ast_bridge_merge(struct ast_bridge *dst_bridge, struct ast_bridge *src_bridge, int merge_best_direction, struct ast_channel **kick_me, unsigned int num_kick)
Merge two bridges together.
Definition: bridge.c:2300

This moves the channels in src_bridge into the bridge pointed to by dst_bridge.

Definition at line 2300 of file bridge.c.

2302 int res;
2304 /* Sanity check. */
2305 ast_assert(dst_bridge && src_bridge);
2307 ast_bridge_lock_both(dst_bridge, src_bridge);
2308 res = bridge_merge_locked(dst_bridge, src_bridge, merge_best_direction, kick_me, num_kick);
2309 ast_bridge_unlock(src_bridge);
2310 ast_bridge_unlock(dst_bridge);
2311 return res;
static int bridge_merge_locked(struct ast_bridge *dst_bridge, struct ast_bridge *src_bridge, int merge_best_direction, struct ast_channel **kick_me, unsigned int num_kick)
Definition: bridge.c:2216

References ast_assert, ast_bridge_lock_both, ast_bridge_unlock, and bridge_merge_locked().

◆ ast_bridge_merge_inhibit()

void ast_bridge_merge_inhibit ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
int  request 

Adjust the bridge merge inhibit request count.

bridgeWhat to operate on.
requestInhibit request increment. (Positive to add requests. Negative to remove requests.)

Definition at line 3000 of file bridge.c.

3002 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3004 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
void bridge_merge_inhibit_nolock(struct ast_bridge *bridge, int request)
Definition: bridge.c:2991
static int request(void *obj)
Definition: chan_pjsip.c:2604

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, bridge_merge_inhibit_nolock(), and request().

Referenced by attended_transfer_properties_shutdown(), consulting_exit(), and feature_attended_transfer().

◆ ast_bridge_move()

int ast_bridge_move ( struct ast_bridge dst_bridge,
struct ast_bridge src_bridge,
struct ast_channel chan,
struct ast_channel swap,
int  attempt_recovery 

Move a channel from one bridge to another.

dst_bridgeDestination bridge of bridge channel move.
src_bridgeSource bridge of bridge channel move.
chanChannel to move.
swapChannel to replace in dst_bridge.
attempt_recoveryTRUE if failure attempts to push channel back into original bridge.
Absolutely NO bridge or channel locks should be held before calling this function.
Return values
0on success.
-1on failure.

Definition at line 2460 of file bridge.c.

2462 int res;
2464 ast_bridge_lock_both(dst_bridge, src_bridge);
2465 res = bridge_move_locked(dst_bridge, src_bridge, chan, swap, attempt_recovery);
2466 ast_bridge_unlock(src_bridge);
2467 ast_bridge_unlock(dst_bridge);
2468 return res;

References ast_bridge_lock_both, ast_bridge_unlock, bridge_move_locked(), ast_bridge_channel::chan, and ast_bridge_channel::swap.

Referenced by agent_connect_caller(), parked_call_app_exec(), and parking_park_bridge_channel().

◆ ast_bridge_move_hook()

int ast_bridge_move_hook ( struct ast_bridge_features features,
ast_bridge_move_indicate_callback  callback,
void *  hook_pvt,
ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor  destructor,
enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags  remove_flags 

Attach a bridge channel move detection hook to a bridge features structure.

featuresBridge features structure
callbackFunction to execute upon activation
hook_pvtUnique data
destructorOptional destructor callback for hook_pvt data
remove_flagsDictates what situations the hook should be removed.
Return values
0on success
-1on failure (The caller must cleanup any hook_pvt resources.)

Example usage:

struct ast_bridge_features features;
ast_bridge_move_hook(&features, move_callback, NULL, NULL, 0);
int ast_bridge_move_hook(struct ast_bridge_features *features, ast_bridge_move_indicate_callback callback, void *hook_pvt, ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor destructor, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
Attach a bridge channel move detection hook to a bridge features structure.
Definition: bridge.c:3307

This makes the bridging core call callback when a channel is moved from one bridge to another. A pointer to useful data may be provided to the hook_pvt parameter.

Definition at line 3307 of file bridge.c.

3315 return bridge_other_hook(features, hook_cb, hook_pvt, destructor, remove_flags,
static int hook_cb(struct ast_config *cfg)
Definition: test_config.c:875

References AST_BRIDGE_HOOK_TYPE_MOVE, bridge_other_hook(), ast_bridge_hook::callback, ast_bridge_hook::destructor, hook_cb(), ast_bridge_hook::hook_pvt, and ast_bridge_hook::remove_flags.

Referenced by bridge_stasis_pull().

◆ ast_bridge_notify_masquerade()

void ast_bridge_notify_masquerade ( struct ast_channel chan)

Notify bridging that this channel was just masqueraded.

chanChannel just involved in a masquerade

Definition at line 1442 of file bridge.c.

1444 struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel;
1445 struct ast_bridge *bridge;
1447 /* Safely get the bridge_channel pointer for the chan. */
1448 ast_channel_lock(chan);
1449 bridge_channel = ast_channel_get_bridge_channel(chan);
1450 ast_channel_unlock(chan);
1451 if (!bridge_channel) {
1452 /* Not in a bridge */
1453 return;
1454 }
1456 ast_bridge_channel_lock_bridge(bridge_channel);
1457 bridge = bridge_channel->bridge;
1458 if (bridge_channel == bridge_find_channel(bridge, chan)) {
1460 * XXX ASTERISK-22366 this needs more work. The channels need
1461 * to be made compatible again if the formats change. The
1462 * bridge_channel thread needs to monitor for this case.
1463 */
1464 /* The channel we want to notify is still in a bridge. */
1465 bridge->v_table->notify_masquerade(bridge, bridge_channel);
1466 bridge_reconfigured(bridge, 1);
1467 }
1468 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
1469 ao2_ref(bridge_channel, -1);
void bridge_reconfigured(struct ast_bridge *bridge, unsigned int colp_update)
Definition: bridge.c:1403
void ast_bridge_channel_lock_bridge(struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel)
Lock the bridge associated with the bridge channel.
ast_bridge_notify_masquerade_fn notify_masquerade
Definition: bridge.h:269

References ao2_ref, ast_bridge_channel_lock_bridge(), ast_bridge_unlock, ast_channel_get_bridge_channel(), ast_channel_lock, ast_channel_unlock, ast_bridge_channel::bridge, bridge_find_channel(), bridge_reconfigured(), ast_bridge_methods::notify_masquerade, and ast_bridge::v_table.

Referenced by channel_do_masquerade().

◆ ast_bridge_number_video_src()

int ast_bridge_number_video_src ( struct ast_bridge bridge)

◆ ast_bridge_peer()

struct ast_channel * ast_bridge_peer ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_channel chan 

Get the channel's bridge peer only if the bridge is two-party.

bridgeThe bridge
chanChannel desiring the bridge peer channel.
The returned peer channel is the current peer in the bridge when called.
Return values
NULLChannel not in a bridge or the bridge is not two-party.
non-NULLReffed peer channel at time of calling.

Definition at line 4075 of file bridge.c.

4077 struct ast_channel *peer;
4080 peer = ast_bridge_peer_nolock(bridge, chan);
4083 return peer;
struct ast_channel * ast_bridge_peer_nolock(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
Get the channel's bridge peer only if the bridge is two-party.
Definition: bridge.c:4047
struct ast_bridge * bridge

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_peer_nolock(), ast_bridge_unlock, and ast_channel::bridge.

Referenced by ast_attended_transfer_message_create(), ast_bridge_transfer_blind(), ast_channel_bridge_peer(), and get_transfer_parties_transferer_bridge().

◆ ast_bridge_peer_nolock()

struct ast_channel * ast_bridge_peer_nolock ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_channel chan 

Get the channel's bridge peer only if the bridge is two-party.

bridgeThe bridge which is already locked.
chanChannel desiring the bridge peer channel.
The returned peer channel is the current peer in the bridge when called.
Return values
NULLChannel not in a bridge or the bridge is not two-party.
non-NULLReffed peer channel at time of calling.

Definition at line 4047 of file bridge.c.

4049 struct ast_channel *peer = NULL;
4050 struct ast_bridge_channel *iter;
4052 /* Asking for the peer channel only makes sense on a two-party bridge. */
4053 if (bridge->num_channels == 2
4056 int in_bridge = 0;
4059 if (iter->chan != chan) {
4060 peer = iter->chan;
4061 } else {
4062 in_bridge = 1;
4063 }
4064 }
4065 if (in_bridge && peer) {
4066 ast_channel_ref(peer);
4067 } else {
4068 peer = NULL;
4069 }
4070 }
4072 return peer;
Definition: bridge.h:90
#define AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(head, var, field)
Loops over (traverses) the entries in a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:491
unsigned int in_bridge
struct ast_bridge_channels_list channels
Definition: bridge.h:363
unsigned int num_channels
Definition: bridge.h:373
struct ast_bridge_technology * technology
Definition: bridge.h:355

References AST_BRIDGE_CAPABILITY_1TO1MIX, AST_BRIDGE_CAPABILITY_NATIVE, ast_channel_ref, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE, ast_bridge_channel::bridge, ast_bridge_technology::capabilities, ast_bridge_channel::chan, ast_bridge::channels, ast_bridge_channel::in_bridge, NULL, ast_bridge::num_channels, and ast_bridge::technology.

Referenced by ast_bridge_peer(), and feature_automixmonitor().

◆ ast_bridge_peers()

struct ao2_container * ast_bridge_peers ( struct ast_bridge bridge)

Get a container of all channels in the bridge.

bridgeThe bridge
The returned container is a snapshot of channels in the bridge when called.
Return values
NULLFailed to create container
non-NULLContainer of channels in the bridge

Definition at line 4036 of file bridge.c.

4038 struct ao2_container *channels;
4040 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
4042 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
4044 return channels;
struct ao2_container * ast_bridge_peers_nolock(struct ast_bridge *bridge)
Get a container of all channels in the bridge.
Definition: bridge.c:4018
static struct channel_usage channels
Generic container type.

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_peers_nolock(), ast_bridge_unlock, and channels.

◆ ast_bridge_peers_nolock()

struct ao2_container * ast_bridge_peers_nolock ( struct ast_bridge bridge)

Get a container of all channels in the bridge.

bridgeThe bridge which is already locked.
Return values
NULLFailed to create container
non-NULLContainer of channels in the bridge

Definition at line 4018 of file bridge.c.

4020 struct ao2_container *channels;
4021 struct ast_bridge_channel *iter;
4025 if (!channels) {
4026 return NULL;
4027 }
4030 ao2_link(channels, iter->chan);
4031 }
4033 return channels;
Definition: astobj2.h:367
#define ao2_container_alloc_hash(ao2_options, container_options, n_buckets, hash_fn, sort_fn, cmp_fn)
Allocate and initialize a hash container with the desired number of buckets.
Definition: astobj2.h:1303
static int channel_hash(const void *obj, int flags)
Definition: bridge.c:3973
static int channel_cmp(void *obj, void *arg, int flags)
Definition: bridge.c:3996

References AO2_ALLOC_OPT_LOCK_NOLOCK, ao2_container_alloc_hash, ao2_link, AST_LIST_TRAVERSE, ast_bridge_channel::bridge, ast_bridge_channel::chan, channel_cmp(), channel_hash(), channels, ast_bridge::channels, and NULL.

Referenced by ast_bridge_peers(), ast_bridge_transfer_attended(), ast_bridge_transfer_blind(), and two_bridge_attended_transfer().

◆ ast_bridge_queue_action()

int ast_bridge_queue_action ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_frame action 

Put an action onto the specified bridge.

bridgeWhat to queue the action on.
actionWhat to do.
Return values
0on success.
-1on error.
This API call is meant for internal bridging operations.

Definition at line 303 of file bridge.c.

305 struct ast_frame *dup;
307 dup = ast_frdup(action);
308 if (!dup) {
309 return -1;
310 }
311 bridge_queue_action_nodup(bridge, dup);
312 return 0;
static void bridge_queue_action_nodup(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_frame *action)
Definition: bridge.c:292
#define ast_frdup(fr)
Copies a frame.
Data structure associated with a single frame of data.

References ast_frdup, and bridge_queue_action_nodup().

Referenced by bridge_dissolve().

◆ ast_bridge_remove()

int ast_bridge_remove ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_channel chan 

Remove a channel from a bridge.

bridgeBridge that the channel is to be removed from
chanChannel to remove
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

ast_bridge_remove(bridge, chan);
int ast_bridge_remove(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
Remove a channel from a bridge.
Definition: bridge.c:1951

This removes the channel pointed to by the chan pointer from the bridge pointed to by the bridge pointer and requests that it be hung up. Control over the channel will NOT be given to the calling thread.

This API call can be used on channels that were added to the bridge using both ast_bridge_join and ast_bridge_impart.

Definition at line 1951 of file bridge.c.

1953 struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel;
1955 ast_debug(1, "Removing channel %s from bridge %s\n",
1960 /* Try to find the channel that we want to remove */
1961 if (!(bridge_channel = bridge_find_channel(bridge, chan))) {
1963 return -1;
1964 }
1966 ast_bridge_channel_leave_bridge(bridge_channel,
1971 return 0;

References ast_bridge_channel_leave_bridge(), ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, AST_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING, ast_channel_name(), ast_debug, ast_bridge_channel::bridge, BRIDGE_CHANNEL_STATE_END_NO_DISSOLVE, bridge_find_channel(), ast_bridge_channel::chan, and ast_bridge::uniqueid.

Referenced by action_kick_last(), ast_bridge_transfer_attended(), ast_bridge_transfer_blind(), execute_menu_entry(), kick_conference_participant(), and leave_marked().

◆ ast_bridge_remove_video_src()

void ast_bridge_remove_video_src ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_channel chan 

remove a channel as a source of video for the bridge.

Definition at line 3917 of file bridge.c.

3919 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3920 switch (bridge->softmix.video_mode.mode) {
3922 break;
3927 }
3929 }
3930 break;
3935 }
3938 }
3942 }
3944 }
3946 break;
3947 }
3948 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, AST_BRIDGE_VIDEO_MODE_NONE, AST_BRIDGE_VIDEO_MODE_SFU, AST_BRIDGE_VIDEO_MODE_SINGLE_SRC, AST_BRIDGE_VIDEO_MODE_TALKER_SRC, ast_channel_unref, ast_bridge_video_talker_src_data::average_talking_energy, ast_bridge_video_talker_src_data::chan_old_vsrc, ast_bridge_video_single_src_data::chan_vsrc, ast_bridge_video_talker_src_data::chan_vsrc, ast_bridge_video_mode::mode, ast_bridge_video_mode::mode_data, NULL, ast_bridge_video_mode::single_src_data, ast_bridge::softmix, ast_bridge_video_mode::talker_src_data, and ast_bridge_softmix::video_mode.

Referenced by bridge_channel_internal_join(), and handle_video_on_exit().

◆ ast_bridge_set_binaural_active()

void ast_bridge_set_binaural_active ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
unsigned int  binaural_active 

Activates the use of binaural signals in a conference bridge.

bridgeChannel to activate the binaural signals.
binaural_activeIf true binaural signal processing will be active for the bridge.

Definition at line 3705 of file bridge.c.

3707 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3708 bridge->softmix.binaural_active = binaural_active;
3709 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
unsigned int binaural_active
Definition: bridge.h:295

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, ast_bridge_softmix::binaural_active, and ast_bridge::softmix.

Referenced by join_conference_bridge().

◆ ast_bridge_set_internal_sample_rate()

void ast_bridge_set_internal_sample_rate ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
unsigned int  sample_rate 

Adjust the internal mixing sample rate of a bridge used during multimix mode.

bridgeChannel to change the sample rate on.
sample_ratethe sample rate to change to. If a value of 0 is passed here, the bridge will be free to pick what ever sample rate it chooses.

Definition at line 3712 of file bridge.c.

3714 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3715 bridge->softmix.internal_sample_rate = sample_rate;
3716 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
unsigned int internal_sample_rate
The internal sample rate softmix uses to mix channels.
Definition: bridge.h:285

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, ast_bridge_softmix::internal_sample_rate, and ast_bridge::softmix.

Referenced by join_conference_bridge().

◆ ast_bridge_set_maximum_sample_rate()

void ast_bridge_set_maximum_sample_rate ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
unsigned int  sample_rate 

Adjust the maximum mixing sample rate of a bridge used during multimix mode.

bridgeChannel to change the sample rate on.
sample_ratethe maximum sample rate to use. If a value of 0 is passed here, the bridge will be free to pick what ever sample rate it chooses.

Definition at line 3719 of file bridge.c.

3721 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3722 bridge->softmix.maximum_sample_rate = sample_rate;
3723 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
unsigned int maximum_sample_rate
The maximum sample rate softmix uses to mix channels.
Definition: bridge.h:306

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, ast_bridge_softmix::maximum_sample_rate, and ast_bridge::softmix.

Referenced by join_conference_bridge().

◆ ast_bridge_set_mixing_interval()

void ast_bridge_set_mixing_interval ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
unsigned int  mixing_interval 

Adjust the internal mixing interval of a bridge used during multimix mode.

bridgeChannel to change the sample rate on.
mixing_intervalthe sample rate to change to. If 0 is set the bridge tech is free to choose any mixing interval it uses by default.

Definition at line 3698 of file bridge.c.

3700 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3701 bridge->softmix.internal_mixing_interval = mixing_interval;
3702 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
unsigned int internal_mixing_interval
The mixing interval indicates how quickly softmix mixing should occur to mix audio.
Definition: bridge.h:293

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, ast_bridge_softmix::internal_mixing_interval, and ast_bridge::softmix.

Referenced by join_conference_bridge().

◆ ast_bridge_set_remb_estimated_bitrate()

void ast_bridge_set_remb_estimated_bitrate ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
float  estimated_bitrate 

Force the REMB report estimated bitrate to a specific max value.

bridgeBridge to set the REMB behavior on
estimated_bitrateThe estimated bitrate in bits per second
This can only be called when the bridge has been set to the SFU video mode.

Definition at line 3807 of file bridge.c.

3811 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3812 bridge->softmix.video_mode.mode_data.sfu_data.estimated_bitrate = estimated_bitrate;
3813 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
struct ast_bridge_video_sfu_data sfu_data
Definition: bridge.h:165

References ast_assert, ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, AST_BRIDGE_VIDEO_MODE_SFU, ast_bridge_video_sfu_data::estimated_bitrate, ast_bridge_video_mode::mode, ast_bridge_video_mode::mode_data, ast_bridge_video_mode::sfu_data, ast_bridge::softmix, and ast_bridge_softmix::video_mode.

Referenced by join_conference_bridge().

◆ ast_bridge_set_remb_send_interval()

void ast_bridge_set_remb_send_interval ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
unsigned int  remb_send_interval 

Set the interval at which a combined REMB frame will be sent to video sources.

bridgeBridge to set the REMB send interval on
remb_send_intervalThe REMB send interval
This can only be called when the bridge has been set to the SFU video mode.

Definition at line 3789 of file bridge.c.

3793 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3794 bridge->softmix.video_mode.mode_data.sfu_data.remb_send_interval = remb_send_interval;
3795 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
unsigned int remb_send_interval
Definition: bridge.h:151

References ast_assert, ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, AST_BRIDGE_VIDEO_MODE_SFU, ast_bridge_video_mode::mode, ast_bridge_video_mode::mode_data, ast_bridge_video_sfu_data::remb_send_interval, ast_bridge_video_mode::sfu_data, ast_bridge::softmix, and ast_bridge_softmix::video_mode.

Referenced by join_conference_bridge().

◆ ast_bridge_set_send_sdp_label()

void ast_bridge_set_send_sdp_label ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
unsigned int  send_sdp_label 

Controls whether to send a "label" attribute in each stream in an SDP.

bridgeThe bridge
send_sdp_labelWhether to send the labels or not
The label will contain the uniqueid of the channel related to the stream. This is used to allow the recipient to correlate the stream to the participant information events sent by app_confbridge. The bridge will be locked in this function.

Definition at line 3966 of file bridge.c.

3968 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3969 bridge->softmix.send_sdp_label = send_sdp_label;
3970 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
unsigned int send_sdp_label
Definition: bridge.h:300

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, ast_bridge_softmix::send_sdp_label, and ast_bridge::softmix.

Referenced by bridge_stasis_new(), and join_conference_bridge().

◆ ast_bridge_set_sfu_video_mode()

void ast_bridge_set_sfu_video_mode ( struct ast_bridge bridge)

Set the bridge to be a selective forwarding unit.

Definition at line 3774 of file bridge.c.

3776 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3777 cleanup_video_mode(bridge);
3779 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
static void cleanup_video_mode(struct ast_bridge *bridge)
Definition: bridge.c:3726

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, AST_BRIDGE_VIDEO_MODE_SFU, cleanup_video_mode(), ast_bridge_video_mode::mode, ast_bridge::softmix, and ast_bridge_softmix::video_mode.

Referenced by bridge_stasis_new(), and join_conference_bridge().

◆ ast_bridge_set_single_src_video_mode()

void ast_bridge_set_single_src_video_mode ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_channel video_src_chan 

Set a bridge to feed a single video source to all participants.

Definition at line 3749 of file bridge.c.

3751 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3752 cleanup_video_mode(bridge);
3754 if (video_src_chan) {
3756 ast_verb(5, "Video source in bridge '%s' (%s) is now '%s' (%s)\n",
3757 bridge->name, bridge->uniqueid,
3758 ast_channel_name(video_src_chan),
3759 ast_channel_uniqueid(video_src_chan));
3760 ast_indicate(video_src_chan, AST_CONTROL_VIDUPDATE);
3761 }
3763 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
const char * ast_channel_uniqueid(const struct ast_channel *chan)
int ast_indicate(struct ast_channel *chan, int condition)
Indicates condition of channel.
Definition: channel.c:4296
void ast_bridge_publish_state(struct ast_bridge *bridge)
Publish the state of a bridge.
const ast_string_field name
Definition: bridge.h:401

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_publish_state(), ast_bridge_unlock, AST_BRIDGE_VIDEO_MODE_SINGLE_SRC, ast_channel_name(), ast_channel_ref, ast_channel_uniqueid(), AST_CONTROL_VIDUPDATE, ast_indicate(), ast_verb, ast_bridge_video_single_src_data::chan_vsrc, cleanup_video_mode(), ast_bridge_video_mode::mode, ast_bridge_video_mode::mode_data, ast_bridge::name, ast_bridge_video_mode::single_src_data, ast_bridge::softmix, ast_bridge::uniqueid, and ast_bridge_softmix::video_mode.

Referenced by action_confbridgesetsinglevideosrc(), bridge_set_video_source_cb(), bridge_stasis_new(), execute_menu_entry(), handle_video_on_exit(), and handle_video_on_join().

◆ ast_bridge_set_talker_src_video_mode()

void ast_bridge_set_talker_src_video_mode ( struct ast_bridge bridge)

Set the bridge to pick the strongest talker supporting video as the single source video feed.

Definition at line 3766 of file bridge.c.

3768 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3769 cleanup_video_mode(bridge);
3771 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, AST_BRIDGE_VIDEO_MODE_TALKER_SRC, cleanup_video_mode(), ast_bridge_video_mode::mode, ast_bridge::softmix, and ast_bridge_softmix::video_mode.

Referenced by ast_ari_bridges_clear_video_source(), bridge_stasis_new(), handle_video_on_exit(), and join_conference_bridge().

◆ ast_bridge_set_transfer_variables()

void ast_bridge_set_transfer_variables ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  value,
int  is_attended 

Set the relevant transfer variables for a single channel.

Sets either the ATTENDEDTRANSFER or BLINDTRANSFER variable for a channel while clearing the opposite.

chanChannel the variable is being set for
valueValue the variable is being set to

Definition at line 4352 of file bridge.c.

4354 char *writevar;
4355 char *erasevar;
4357 if (attended) {
4358 writevar = ATTENDEDTRANSFER;
4359 erasevar = BLINDTRANSFER;
4360 } else {
4361 writevar = BLINDTRANSFER;
4362 erasevar = ATTENDEDTRANSFER;
4363 }
4365 pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, writevar, value);
4366 pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, erasevar, NULL);
Definition: bridge.c:136
Definition: bridge.c:139
int pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *name, const char *value)
Add a variable to the channel variable stack, removing the most recently set value for the same name.
int value
Definition: syslog.c:37

References ATTENDEDTRANSFER, BLINDTRANSFER, NULL, pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(), and value.

Referenced by dial_transfer(), manager_park(), park_local_transfer(), parking_park_bridge_channel(), and set_transfer_variables_all().

◆ ast_bridge_set_video_update_discard()

void ast_bridge_set_video_update_discard ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
unsigned int  video_update_discard 

Set the amount of time to discard subsequent video updates after a video update has been sent.

bridgeBridge to set the minimum video update wait time on
video_update_discardAmount of time after sending a video update that others should be discarded

Definition at line 3782 of file bridge.c.

3784 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3785 bridge->softmix.video_mode.video_update_discard = video_update_discard;
3786 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
unsigned int video_update_discard
Definition: bridge.h:168

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, ast_bridge::softmix, ast_bridge_softmix::video_mode, and ast_bridge_video_mode::video_update_discard.

Referenced by bridge_stasis_new(), and join_conference_bridge().

◆ ast_bridge_suspend()

int ast_bridge_suspend ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_channel chan 

Suspend a channel temporarily from a bridge.

bridgeBridge to suspend the channel from
chanChannel to suspend
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

ast_bridge_suspend(bridge, chan);
int ast_bridge_suspend(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
Suspend a channel temporarily from a bridge.
Definition: bridge.c:3007

This suspends the channel pointed to by chan from the bridge pointed to by bridge temporarily. Control of the channel is given to the calling thread. This differs from ast_bridge_depart as the channel will not be removed from the bridge.

This API call can be used on channels that were added to the bridge using both ast_bridge_join and ast_bridge_impart.

Definition at line 3007 of file bridge.c.

3009 struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel;
3010/* XXX ASTERISK-21271 the case of a dissolved bridge while channel is suspended is not handled. */
3011/* XXX ASTERISK-21271 suspend/unsuspend needs to be rethought. The caller must block until it has successfully suspended the channel for temporary control. */
3012/* XXX ASTERISK-21271 external suspend/unsuspend needs to be eliminated. The channel may be playing a file at the time and stealing it then is not good. */
3016 if (!(bridge_channel = bridge_find_channel(bridge, chan))) {
3018 return -1;
3019 }
3025 return 0;
void bridge_channel_internal_suspend_nolock(struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel)

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, ast_bridge_channel::bridge, bridge_channel_internal_suspend_nolock(), bridge_find_channel(), and ast_bridge_channel::chan.

Referenced by conf_moh_start(), and conf_moh_stop().

◆ ast_bridge_talk_detector_hook()

int ast_bridge_talk_detector_hook ( struct ast_bridge_features features,
ast_bridge_talking_indicate_callback  callback,
void *  hook_pvt,
ast_bridge_hook_pvt_destructor  destructor,
enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags  remove_flags 

Attach a bridge channel talk detection hook to a bridge features structure.

featuresBridge features structure
callbackFunction to execute upon activation
hook_pvtUnique data
destructorOptional destructor callback for hook_pvt data
remove_flagsDictates what situations the hook should be removed.
Return values
0on success
-1on failure (The caller must cleanup any hook_pvt resources.)

Example usage:

struct ast_bridge_features features;
ast_bridge_talk_hook(&features, talk_callback, NULL, NULL, 0);

This makes the bridging technology call talk_callback when a channel is recognized as starting and stopping talking. A pointer to useful data may be provided to the hook_pvt parameter.

This hook is currently only supported by softmix.

Definition at line 3295 of file bridge.c.

3303 return bridge_other_hook(features, hook_cb, hook_pvt, destructor, remove_flags,

References AST_BRIDGE_HOOK_TYPE_TALK, bridge_other_hook(), ast_bridge_hook::callback, ast_bridge_hook::destructor, hook_cb(), ast_bridge_hook::hook_pvt, and ast_bridge_hook::remove_flags.

Referenced by confbridge_exec().

◆ ast_bridge_technology_suspend()

void ast_bridge_technology_suspend ( struct ast_bridge_technology technology)

Suspend a bridge technology from consideration.

technologyThe bridge technology to suspend

Example usage:

void ast_bridge_technology_suspend(struct ast_bridge_technology *technology)
Suspend a bridge technology from consideration.
Definition: bridge.c:3047

This suspends the bridge technology simple_bridge_tech from being considered when creating a new bridge. Existing bridges using the bridge technology are not affected.

Definition at line 3047 of file bridge.c.

3049 technology->suspended = 1;

References ast_bridge_technology::suspended.

Referenced by handle_bridge_technology_suspend(), and handle_manager_bridge_tech_suspend().

◆ ast_bridge_technology_unregister()

int ast_bridge_technology_unregister ( struct ast_bridge_technology technology)

Unregister a bridge technology from use.

technologyThe bridge technology to unregister
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

int ast_bridge_technology_unregister(struct ast_bridge_technology *technology)
Unregister a bridge technology from use.
Definition: bridge.c:263

This unregisters a bridge technlogy declared as the structure simple_bridge_tech with the bridging core. It will no longer be considered when creating a new bridge.

Definition at line 263 of file bridge.c.

269 /* Ensure the bridge technology is registered before removing it */
271 if (current == technology) {
273 ast_verb(5, "Unregistered bridge technology %s\n", technology->name);
274 break;
275 }
276 }
281 return current ? 0 : -1;
Definition: linkedlists.h:570


Referenced by dahdi_native_unload(), and unload_module().

◆ ast_bridge_technology_unsuspend()

void ast_bridge_technology_unsuspend ( struct ast_bridge_technology technology)

Unsuspend a bridge technology.

technologyThe bridge technology to unsuspend

Example usage:

void ast_bridge_technology_unsuspend(struct ast_bridge_technology *technology)
Unsuspend a bridge technology.
Definition: bridge.c:3052

This makes the bridge technology simple_bridge_tech considered when creating a new bridge again.

Definition at line 3052 of file bridge.c.

3054 /*
3055 * XXX We may want the act of unsuspending a bridge technology
3056 * to prod all existing bridges to see if they should start
3057 * using it.
3058 */
3059 technology->suspended = 0;

References ast_bridge_technology::suspended.

Referenced by handle_bridge_technology_suspend(), and handle_manager_bridge_tech_suspend().

◆ ast_bridge_transfer_acquire_bridge()

struct ast_bridge * ast_bridge_transfer_acquire_bridge ( struct ast_channel chan)

Acquire the channel's bridge for transfer purposes.

chanChannel involved in a transfer.
The bridge the channel is in or NULL if it either isn't in a bridge or should not be considered to be in a bridge.

Definition at line 4408 of file bridge.c.

4410 struct ast_bridge *bridge;
4412 ast_channel_lock(chan);
4413 bridge = ast_channel_get_bridge(chan);
4414 ast_channel_unlock(chan);
4416 if (bridge && ast_test_flag(&bridge->feature_flags,
4418 ao2_ref(bridge, -1);
4419 bridge = NULL;
4420 }
4422 return bridge;
struct ast_flags feature_flags
Definition: bridge.h:369

References ao2_ref, AST_BRIDGE_FLAG_INVISIBLE, AST_BRIDGE_FLAG_MASQUERADE_ONLY, ast_channel_get_bridge(), ast_channel_lock, ast_channel_unlock, ast_test_flag, ast_bridge::feature_flags, and NULL.

Referenced by ast_bridge_transfer_attended(), ast_bridge_transfer_blind(), and invite_replaces().

◆ ast_bridge_transfer_attended()

enum ast_transfer_result ast_bridge_transfer_attended ( struct ast_channel to_transferee,
struct ast_channel to_transfer_target 

Attended transfer.

The two channels are both transferer channels. The first is the channel that is bridged to the transferee (or if unbridged, the 'first' call of the transfer). The second is the channel that is bridged to the transfer target (or if unbridged, the 'second' call of the transfer).

Absolutely NO channel locks should be held before calling this function.
to_transfereeTransferer channel on initial call (presumably bridged to transferee)
to_transfer_targetTransferer channel on consultation call (presumably bridged to transfer target)
The success or failure of the attended transfer

Definition at line 4677 of file bridge.c.

4680 RAII_VAR(struct ast_bridge *, to_transferee_bridge, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
4681 RAII_VAR(struct ast_bridge *, to_target_bridge, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
4682 RAII_VAR(struct ast_bridge_channel *, to_transferee_bridge_channel, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
4683 RAII_VAR(struct ast_bridge_channel *, to_target_bridge_channel, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
4685 RAII_VAR(struct ast_channel *, transferee, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
4686 RAII_VAR(struct ast_attended_transfer_message *, transfer_msg, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
4687 struct ast_bridge *the_bridge = NULL;
4688 struct ast_channel *chan_bridged;
4689 struct ast_channel *chan_unbridged;
4690 int transfer_prohibited;
4691 int do_bridge_transfer;
4692 enum ast_transfer_result res;
4693 const char *app = NULL;
4694 int hangup_target = 0;
4696 to_transferee_bridge = ast_bridge_transfer_acquire_bridge(to_transferee);
4697 to_target_bridge = ast_bridge_transfer_acquire_bridge(to_transfer_target);
4699 transfer_msg = ast_attended_transfer_message_create(1, to_transferee, to_transferee_bridge,
4700 to_transfer_target, to_target_bridge, NULL, NULL);
4701 if (!transfer_msg) {
4702 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create Stasis publication for attended transfer from %s\n",
4703 ast_channel_name(to_transferee));
4705 }
4707 /* They can't both be unbridged, you silly goose! */
4708 if (!to_transferee_bridge && !to_target_bridge) {
4710 goto end;
4711 }
4713 ast_channel_lock(to_transferee);
4714 to_transferee_bridge_channel = ast_channel_get_bridge_channel(to_transferee);
4715 ast_channel_unlock(to_transferee);
4717 ast_channel_lock(to_transfer_target);
4718 to_target_bridge_channel = ast_channel_get_bridge_channel(to_transfer_target);
4719 ast_channel_unlock(to_transfer_target);
4721 if (to_transferee_bridge_channel) {
4722 /* Take off hold if they are on hold. */
4723 if (ast_bridge_channel_write_unhold(to_transferee_bridge_channel)) {
4724 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Transferee channel disappeared during transfer!\n");
4726 goto end;
4727 }
4728 }
4730 if (to_target_bridge_channel) {
4731 const char *target_complete_sound;
4733 /* Take off hold if they are on hold. */
4734 if (ast_bridge_channel_write_unhold(to_target_bridge_channel)) {
4735 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Target channel disappeared during transfer!\n");
4737 goto end;
4738 }
4740 /* Is there a courtesy sound to play to the target? */
4741 ast_channel_lock(to_transfer_target);
4742 target_complete_sound = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(to_transfer_target,
4744 if (!ast_strlen_zero(target_complete_sound)) {
4745 target_complete_sound = ast_strdupa(target_complete_sound);
4746 } else {
4747 target_complete_sound = NULL;
4748 }
4749 ast_channel_unlock(to_transfer_target);
4750 if (!target_complete_sound) {
4751 ast_channel_lock(to_transferee);
4752 target_complete_sound = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(to_transferee,
4754 if (!ast_strlen_zero(target_complete_sound)) {
4755 target_complete_sound = ast_strdupa(target_complete_sound);
4756 } else {
4757 target_complete_sound = NULL;
4758 }
4759 ast_channel_unlock(to_transferee);
4760 }
4761 if (target_complete_sound) {
4762 ast_bridge_channel_write_playfile(to_target_bridge_channel, NULL,
4763 target_complete_sound, NULL);
4764 }
4765 }
4767 /* Let's get the easy one out of the way first */
4768 if (to_transferee_bridge && to_target_bridge) {
4770 if (!to_transferee_bridge_channel || !to_target_bridge_channel) {
4772 goto end;
4773 }
4775 ast_bridge_lock_both(to_transferee_bridge, to_target_bridge);
4776 res = two_bridge_attended_transfer(to_transferee, to_transferee_bridge_channel,
4777 to_transfer_target, to_target_bridge_channel,
4778 to_transferee_bridge, to_target_bridge, transfer_msg);
4779 ast_bridge_unlock(to_transferee_bridge);
4780 ast_bridge_unlock(to_target_bridge);
4782 hangup_target = 1;
4783 goto end;
4784 }
4786 the_bridge = to_transferee_bridge ?: to_target_bridge;
4787 chan_bridged = to_transferee_bridge ? to_transferee : to_transfer_target;
4788 chan_unbridged = to_transferee_bridge ? to_transfer_target : to_transferee;
4790 /*
4791 * Race condition makes it possible for app to be NULL, so get the app prior to
4792 * transferring with a fallback of "unknown".
4793 */
4794 app = ast_strdupa(ast_channel_appl(chan_unbridged) ?: "unknown");
4796 {
4797 int chan_count;
4800 channels = ast_bridge_peers_nolock(the_bridge);
4801 if (!channels) {
4803 goto end;
4804 }
4805 chan_count = ao2_container_count(channels);
4806 if (chan_count <= 1) {
4808 goto end;
4809 }
4810 transfer_prohibited = ast_test_flag(&the_bridge->feature_flags,
4812 do_bridge_transfer = ast_test_flag(&the_bridge->feature_flags,
4814 chan_count > 2;
4815 }
4817 if (transfer_prohibited) {
4819 goto end;
4820 }
4822 set_transfer_variables_all(to_transferee, channels, 1);
4824 if (do_bridge_transfer) {
4825 /*
4826 * Hang up the target if it was bridged. Note, if it is not bridged
4827 * it is hung up during the masquerade.
4828 */
4829 hangup_target = chan_bridged == to_transfer_target;
4830 ast_bridge_lock(the_bridge);
4831 res = attended_transfer_bridge(chan_bridged, chan_unbridged, the_bridge, NULL, transfer_msg);
4832 ast_bridge_unlock(the_bridge);
4833 goto end;
4834 }
4836 transferee = get_transferee(channels, chan_bridged);
4837 if (!transferee) {
4839 goto end;
4840 }
4842 if (bridge_channel_internal_queue_attended_transfer(transferee, chan_unbridged)) {
4844 goto end;
4845 }
4847 ast_bridge_remove(the_bridge, chan_bridged);
4853 if ((res == AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_SUCCESS && hangup_target) || res == AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_FAIL) {
4854 ast_softhangup(to_transfer_target, AST_SOFTHANGUP_DEV);
4855 }
4857 transfer_msg->result = res;
4859 return res;
static const char app[]
Definition: app_adsiprog.c:56
ast_mutex_t lock
Definition: app_sla.c:331
#define ast_strdupa(s)
duplicate a string in memory from the stack
Definition: astmm.h:298
int ao2_container_count(struct ao2_container *c)
Returns the number of elements in a container.
static struct ast_channel * get_transferee(struct ao2_container *channels, struct ast_channel *transferer)
Definition: bridge.c:4182
static enum ast_transfer_result two_bridge_attended_transfer(struct ast_channel *to_transferee, struct ast_bridge_channel *to_transferee_bridge_channel, struct ast_channel *to_transfer_target, struct ast_bridge_channel *to_target_bridge_channel, struct ast_bridge *to_transferee_bridge, struct ast_bridge *to_target_bridge, struct ast_attended_transfer_message *transfer_msg)
Definition: bridge.c:4611
static enum ast_transfer_result attended_transfer_bridge(struct ast_channel *chan1, struct ast_channel *chan2, struct ast_bridge *bridge1, struct ast_bridge *bridge2, struct ast_attended_transfer_message *transfer_msg)
Perform an attended transfer of a bridge.
Definition: bridge.c:4221
struct ast_bridge * ast_bridge_transfer_acquire_bridge(struct ast_channel *chan)
Acquire the channel's bridge for transfer purposes.
Definition: bridge.c:4408
int ast_bridge_remove(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
Remove a channel from a bridge.
Definition: bridge.c:1951
static void set_transfer_variables_all(struct ast_channel *transferer, struct ao2_container *channels, int is_attended)
Definition: bridge.c:4383
Definition: bridge.h:1098
Definition: bridge.h:1102
Definition: bridge.h:1100
Definition: bridge.h:1104
Definition: bridge.h:1106
int ast_bridge_channel_write_unhold(struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel)
Write an unhold frame into the bridge.
int ast_bridge_channel_write_playfile(struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel, ast_bridge_custom_play_fn custom_play, const char *playfile, const char *moh_class)
Write a bridge action play file frame into the bridge.
int bridge_channel_internal_queue_attended_transfer(struct ast_channel *transferee, struct ast_channel *unbridged_chan)
const char * ast_channel_appl(const struct ast_channel *chan)
int ast_softhangup(struct ast_channel *chan, int cause)
Softly hangup up a channel.
Definition: channel.c:2490
Definition: channel.h:1141
char * end
Definition: eagi_proxy.c:73
#define SCOPED_LOCK(varname, lock, lockfunc, unlockfunc)
Scoped Locks.
Definition: lock.h:583
const char * pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *name)
Return a pointer to the value of the corresponding channel variable.
void ast_bridge_publish_attended_transfer(struct ast_attended_transfer_message *transfer_msg)
Publish an attended transfer.
int ast_attended_transfer_message_add_app(struct ast_attended_transfer_message *transfer_msg, const char *app, struct ast_channel *replace_channel)
Add details for an attended transfer to an application.
struct ast_attended_transfer_message * ast_attended_transfer_message_create(int is_external, struct ast_channel *to_transferee, struct ast_bridge *transferee_bridge, struct ast_channel *to_transfer_target, struct ast_bridge *target_bridge, struct ast_channel *transferee, struct ast_channel *transfer_target)
Create an Attended transfer message to be published.
Message representing attended transfer.

References ao2_cleanup, ao2_container_count(), app, ast_attended_transfer_message_add_app(), ast_attended_transfer_message_create(), ast_bridge_channel_write_playfile(), ast_bridge_channel_write_unhold(), AST_BRIDGE_FLAG_TRANSFER_BRIDGE_ONLY, AST_BRIDGE_FLAG_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED, ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_lock_both, ast_bridge_peers_nolock(), ast_bridge_publish_attended_transfer(), ast_bridge_remove(), ast_bridge_transfer_acquire_bridge(), AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_FAIL, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_INVALID, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_NOT_PERMITTED, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_SUCCESS, ast_bridge_unlock, ast_channel_appl(), ast_channel_get_bridge_channel(), ast_channel_lock, ast_channel_name(), ast_channel_unlock, ast_log, ast_softhangup(), AST_SOFTHANGUP_DEV, ast_strdupa, ast_strlen_zero(), ast_test_flag, attended_transfer_bridge(), bridge_channel_internal_queue_attended_transfer(), channels, end, ast_bridge::feature_flags, get_transferee(), lock, LOG_ERROR, NULL, pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(), RAII_VAR, SCOPED_LOCK, set_transfer_variables_all(), and two_bridge_attended_transfer().

Referenced by analog_attempt_transfer(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), attempt_transfer(), and refer_attended_task().

◆ ast_bridge_transfer_blind()

enum ast_transfer_result ast_bridge_transfer_blind ( int  is_external,
struct ast_channel transferer,
const char *  exten,
const char *  context,
transfer_channel_cb  new_channel_cb,
void *  user_data 

Blind transfer target to the extension and context provided.

The channel given is bridged to one or multiple channels. Depending on the bridge and the number of participants, the entire bridge could be transferred to the given destination, or a single channel may be redirected.

Callers may also provide a callback to be called on the channel that will be running dialplan. The user data passed into ast_bridge_transfer_blind will be given as the argument to the callback to be interpreted as desired. This callback is guaranteed to be called in the same thread as ast_bridge_transfer_blind() and before ast_bridge_transfer_blind() returns.

Absolutely NO channel locks should be held before calling this function.
is_externalIndicates that transfer was initiated externally
transfererThe channel performing the blind transfer
extenThe dialplan extension to send the call to
contextThe dialplan context to send the call to
new_channel_cbA callback to be called on the channel that will be executing dialplan
user_dataArgument for new_channel_cb
The success or failure result of the blind transfer

Definition at line 4425 of file bridge.c.

4429 RAII_VAR(struct ast_bridge *, bridge, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
4430 RAII_VAR(struct ast_bridge_channel *, bridge_channel, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
4432 RAII_VAR(struct ast_channel *, transferee, NULL, ast_channel_cleanup);
4433 RAII_VAR(struct transfer_channel_data *, user_data_wrapper, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
4434 RAII_VAR(struct ast_blind_transfer_message *, transfer_message, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
4435 int do_bridge_transfer;
4436 int transfer_prohibited;
4437 enum ast_transfer_result transfer_result;
4439 transfer_message = ast_blind_transfer_message_create(is_external, transferer, exten, context);
4440 if (!transfer_message) {
4441 /* Out of memory. Not even possible to publish a Stasis message about the
4442 * failure
4443 */
4444 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to allocate memory for blind transfer publication from %s\n",
4445 ast_channel_name(transferer));
4447 }
4449 bridge = ast_bridge_transfer_acquire_bridge(transferer);
4450 if (!bridge) {
4451 transfer_result = AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_INVALID;
4452 goto publish;
4453 }
4455 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
4456 transfer_message->bridge = ast_bridge_snapshot_create(bridge);
4457 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
4458 if (!transfer_message->bridge) {
4459 transfer_result = AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_FAIL;
4460 goto publish;
4461 }
4463 transferee = ast_bridge_peer(bridge, transferer);
4464 if (transferee) {
4465 transfer_message->transferee = ast_channel_snapshot_get_latest(ast_channel_uniqueid(transferee));
4466 if (!transfer_message->transferee) {
4467 transfer_result = AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_FAIL;
4468 goto publish;
4469 }
4470 }
4472 ast_channel_lock(transferer);
4473 bridge_channel = ast_channel_get_bridge_channel(transferer);
4474 ast_channel_unlock(transferer);
4475 if (!bridge_channel) {
4476 transfer_result = AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_INVALID;
4477 goto publish;
4478 }
4480 user_data_wrapper = ao2_alloc(sizeof(*user_data_wrapper), NULL);
4481 if (!user_data_wrapper) {
4482 transfer_result = AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_FAIL;
4483 goto publish;
4484 }
4486 user_data_wrapper->data = user_data;
4488 /* Take off hold if they are on hold. */
4489 ast_bridge_channel_write_unhold(bridge_channel);
4491 transfer_result = try_parking(transferer, context, exten, new_channel_cb, user_data_wrapper);
4492 if (transfer_result == AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_SUCCESS) {
4493 goto publish;
4494 }
4496 /* Since parking didn't take control of the user_data_wrapper, we are just going to raise the completed flag now. */
4497 user_data_wrapper->completed = 1;
4499 {
4503 if (!channels) {
4504 transfer_result = AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_FAIL;
4505 goto publish;
4506 }
4507 if (ao2_container_count(channels) <= 1) {
4508 transfer_result = AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_INVALID;
4509 goto publish;
4510 }
4511 transfer_prohibited = ast_test_flag(&bridge->feature_flags,
4513 do_bridge_transfer = ast_test_flag(&bridge->feature_flags,
4516 }
4518 if (transfer_prohibited) {
4520 goto publish;
4521 }
4523 set_transfer_variables_all(transferer, channels, 0);
4525 if (do_bridge_transfer) {
4526 transfer_result = blind_transfer_bridge(is_external, transferer, bridge,
4527 exten, context, transferee, new_channel_cb, user_data_wrapper, transfer_message);
4528 goto publish;
4529 }
4531 /* Reaching this portion means that we're dealing with a two-party bridge */
4533 if (!transferee) {
4534 transfer_result = AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_FAIL;
4535 goto publish;
4536 }
4539 new_channel_cb, user_data_wrapper)) {
4540 transfer_result = AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_FAIL;
4541 goto publish;
4542 }
4544 ast_bridge_remove(bridge, transferer);
4545 transfer_result = AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_SUCCESS;
4548 transfer_message->result = transfer_result;
4549 ast_bridge_publish_blind_transfer(transfer_message);
4550 return transfer_result;
#define ao2_alloc(data_size, destructor_fn)
Definition: astobj2.h:409
struct ast_channel * ast_bridge_peer(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
Get the channel's bridge peer only if the bridge is two-party.
Definition: bridge.c:4075
static enum ast_transfer_result try_parking(struct ast_channel *transferer, const char *context, const char *exten, transfer_channel_cb new_channel_cb, struct transfer_channel_data *user_data_wrapper)
Definition: bridge.c:4326
static enum ast_transfer_result blind_transfer_bridge(int is_external, struct ast_channel *transferer, struct ast_bridge *bridge, const char *exten, const char *context, struct ast_channel *transferee, transfer_channel_cb new_channel_cb, struct transfer_channel_data *user_data_wrapper, struct ast_blind_transfer_message *transfer_message)
Definition: bridge.c:4111
int bridge_channel_internal_queue_blind_transfer(struct ast_channel *transferee, const char *exten, const char *context, transfer_channel_cb new_channel_cb, void *user_data)
#define ast_channel_cleanup(c)
Cleanup a channel reference.
Definition: channel.h:3015
struct ast_channel_snapshot * ast_channel_snapshot_get_latest(const char *uniqueid)
Obtain the latest ast_channel_snapshot from the Stasis Message Bus API cache. This is an ao2 object,...
unsigned char publish
Definition: res_corosync.c:241
void ast_bridge_publish_blind_transfer(struct ast_blind_transfer_message *transfer_message)
Publish a blind transfer event.
struct ast_bridge_snapshot * ast_bridge_snapshot_create(struct ast_bridge *bridge)
Generate a snapshot of the bridge state. This is an ao2 object, so ao2_cleanup() to deallocate.
struct ast_blind_transfer_message * ast_blind_transfer_message_create(int is_external, struct ast_channel *transferer, const char *exten, const char *context)
Create a blind transfer message to be published.
Message published during a blind transfer.
AO2 object that wraps data for transfer_channel_cb.
Definition: bridge.h:1119

References ao2_alloc, ao2_cleanup, ao2_container_count(), ast_blind_transfer_message_create(), ast_bridge_channel_write_unhold(), AST_BRIDGE_FLAG_TRANSFER_BRIDGE_ONLY, AST_BRIDGE_FLAG_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED, ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_peer(), ast_bridge_peers_nolock(), ast_bridge_publish_blind_transfer(), ast_bridge_remove(), ast_bridge_snapshot_create(), ast_bridge_transfer_acquire_bridge(), AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_FAIL, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_INVALID, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_NOT_PERMITTED, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_SUCCESS, ast_bridge_unlock, ast_channel_cleanup, ast_channel_get_bridge_channel(), ast_channel_lock, ast_channel_name(), ast_channel_snapshot_get_latest(), ast_channel_uniqueid(), ast_channel_unlock, ast_log, ast_test_flag, blind_transfer_bridge(), bridge_channel_internal_queue_blind_transfer(), channels, voicemailpwcheck::context, lock, LOG_ERROR, NULL, publish, RAII_VAR, SCOPED_LOCK, set_transfer_variables_all(), and try_parking().

Referenced by action_blind_transfer(), blind_transfer_exec(), feature_blind_transfer(), refer_incoming_attended_request(), refer_incoming_blind_request(), and socket_process_helper().

◆ ast_bridge_unreal_optimize_out()

int ast_bridge_unreal_optimize_out ( struct ast_channel chan,
struct ast_channel peer,
struct ast_unreal_pvt pvt 

Check and optimize out the unreal channels between bridges.

chanUnreal channel writing a frame into the channel driver.
peerOther unreal channel in the pair.
pvtPrivate data provided by an implementation of the unreal driver that contains the callbacks that should be called when optimization begins/ends
It is assumed that chan is already locked.
Return values
0if unreal channels were not optimized out.
non-zeroif unreal channels were optimized out.

Definition at line 2920 of file bridge.c.

2922 struct ast_bridge *chan_bridge;
2923 struct ast_bridge *peer_bridge;
2924 struct ast_bridge_channel *chan_bridge_channel;
2925 struct ast_bridge_channel *peer_bridge_channel;
2926 int res = 0;
2928 chan_bridge = optimize_lock_chan_stack(chan);
2929 if (!chan_bridge) {
2930 return res;
2931 }
2932 chan_bridge_channel = ast_channel_internal_bridge_channel(chan);
2934 peer_bridge = optimize_lock_peer_stack(peer);
2935 if (peer_bridge) {
2936 peer_bridge_channel = ast_channel_internal_bridge_channel(peer);
2938 res = try_swap_optimize_out(chan_bridge, chan_bridge_channel,
2939 peer_bridge, peer_bridge_channel, pvt);
2940 if (!res) {
2941 res = try_merge_optimize_out(chan_bridge, chan_bridge_channel,
2942 peer_bridge, peer_bridge_channel, pvt);
2943 } else if (0 < res) {
2944 res = 0;
2945 }
2947 /* Release peer locks. */
2948 ast_bridge_unlock(peer_bridge);
2949 ast_bridge_channel_unlock(peer_bridge_channel);
2950 ast_channel_unlock(peer);
2951 }
2953 /* Release chan locks. */
2954 ast_bridge_unlock(chan_bridge);
2955 ast_bridge_channel_unlock(chan_bridge_channel);
2957 return res;
static int try_merge_optimize_out(struct ast_bridge *chan_bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *chan_bridge_channel, struct ast_bridge *peer_bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *peer_bridge_channel, struct ast_unreal_pvt *pvt)
Definition: bridge.c:2869
static struct ast_bridge * optimize_lock_chan_stack(struct ast_channel *chan)
Definition: bridge.c:2579
static struct ast_bridge * optimize_lock_peer_stack(struct ast_channel *peer)
Definition: bridge.c:2624
static int try_swap_optimize_out(struct ast_bridge *chan_bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *chan_bridge_channel, struct ast_bridge *peer_bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *peer_bridge_channel, struct ast_unreal_pvt *pvt)
Definition: bridge.c:2745
#define ast_bridge_channel_unlock(bridge_channel)
Unlock the bridge_channel.

References ast_bridge_channel_unlock, ast_bridge_unlock, ast_channel_internal_bridge_channel(), ast_channel_unlock, ast_bridge_channel::chan, optimize_lock_chan_stack(), optimize_lock_peer_stack(), try_merge_optimize_out(), and try_swap_optimize_out().

Referenced by got_optimized_out().

◆ ast_bridge_unsuspend()

int ast_bridge_unsuspend ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_channel chan 

Unsuspend a channel from a bridge.

bridgeBridge to unsuspend the channel from
chanChannel to unsuspend
Return values
0on success
-1on failure

Example usage:

ast_bridge_unsuspend(bridge, chan);
int ast_bridge_unsuspend(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *chan)
Unsuspend a channel from a bridge.
Definition: bridge.c:3028

This unsuspends the channel pointed to by chan from the bridge pointed to by bridge. The bridge will go back to handling the channel once this function returns.

You must not mess with the channel once this function returns. Doing so may result in bad things happening.

Definition at line 3028 of file bridge.c.

3030 struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel;
3031/* XXX ASTERISK-21271 the case of a dissolved bridge while channel is suspended is not handled. */
3035 if (!(bridge_channel = bridge_find_channel(bridge, chan))) {
3037 return -1;
3038 }
3044 return 0;
void bridge_channel_internal_unsuspend_nolock(struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel)

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, ast_bridge_channel::bridge, bridge_channel_internal_unsuspend_nolock(), bridge_find_channel(), and ast_bridge_channel::chan.

Referenced by conf_moh_start(), and conf_moh_stop().

◆ ast_bridge_update_talker_src_video_mode()

void ast_bridge_update_talker_src_video_mode ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_channel chan,
int  talker_energy,
int  is_keyframe 

Update information about talker energy for talker src video mode.

Definition at line 3816 of file bridge.c.

3820 /* If the channel doesn't support video, we don't care about it */
3822 return;
3823 }
3825 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3828 if (data->chan_vsrc == chan) {
3829 data->average_talking_energy = talker_energy;
3830 } else if ((data->average_talking_energy < talker_energy) && is_keyframe) {
3831 if (data->chan_old_vsrc) {
3833 }
3834 if (data->chan_vsrc) {
3835 data->chan_old_vsrc = data->chan_vsrc;
3837 }
3838 data->chan_vsrc = ast_channel_ref(chan);
3839 data->average_talking_energy = talker_energy;
3840 ast_verb(5, "Video source in bridge '%s' (%s) is now '%s' (%s)\n",
3841 bridge->name, bridge->uniqueid,
3846 } else if ((data->average_talking_energy < talker_energy) && !is_keyframe) {
3848 } else if (!data->chan_vsrc && is_keyframe) {
3849 data->chan_vsrc = ast_channel_ref(chan);
3850 data->average_talking_energy = talker_energy;
3851 ast_verb(5, "Video source in bridge '%s' (%s) is now '%s' (%s)\n",
3852 bridge->name, bridge->uniqueid,
3857 } else if (!data->chan_old_vsrc && is_keyframe) {
3858 data->chan_old_vsrc = ast_channel_ref(chan);
3860 }
3861 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
struct ast_format_cap * ast_channel_nativeformats(const struct ast_channel *chan)
Definition: codec.h:33
int ast_format_cap_has_type(const struct ast_format_cap *cap, enum ast_media_type type)
Find out if the capabilities structure has any formats of a specific type.
Definition: format_cap.c:613
This is used for both SINGLE_SRC_TALKER mode to set what channel should be the current single video f...
Definition: bridge.h:121

References ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_publish_state(), ast_bridge_unlock, ast_channel_name(), ast_channel_nativeformats(), ast_channel_ref, ast_channel_uniqueid(), ast_channel_unref, AST_CONTROL_VIDUPDATE, ast_format_cap_has_type(), ast_indicate(), AST_MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, ast_verb, ast_bridge_video_talker_src_data::average_talking_energy, ast_bridge_video_talker_src_data::chan_old_vsrc, ast_bridge_video_talker_src_data::chan_vsrc, ast_bridge_video_mode::mode_data, ast_bridge::name, ast_bridge::softmix, ast_bridge_video_mode::talker_src_data, ast_bridge::uniqueid, and ast_bridge_softmix::video_mode.

Referenced by softmix_bridge_write_video().

◆ ast_bridge_vars_set()

void ast_bridge_vars_set ( struct ast_channel chan,
const char *  name,
const char *  pvtid 


chan must be locked before calling
chanchannel name of the bridged peer
pvtidPrivate CallID of the bridged peer

Definition at line 1212 of file bridge.c.

1215 pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "BRIDGEPEER", name);
1216 pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "BRIDGEPVTCALLID", pvtid);
void ast_channel_stage_snapshot_done(struct ast_channel *chan)
Clear flag to indicate channel snapshot is being staged, and publish snapshot.
void ast_channel_stage_snapshot(struct ast_channel *chan)
Set flag to indicate channel snapshot is being staged.

References ast_channel_stage_snapshot(), ast_channel_stage_snapshot_done(), ast_bridge_channel::chan, name, and pbx_builtin_setvar_helper().

Referenced by ast_bridge_channel_leave_bridge_nolock(), set_bridge_peer_vars_2party(), set_bridge_peer_vars_holding(), and set_bridge_peer_vars_multiparty().

◆ ast_bridge_video_mode_to_string()

const char * ast_bridge_video_mode_to_string ( enum ast_bridge_video_mode_type  video_mode)

Converts an enum representation of a bridge video mode to string.

video_modeThe video mode
A string representation of video_mode

Definition at line 3951 of file bridge.c.

3953 switch (video_mode) {
3955 return "talker";
3957 return "single";
3959 return "sfu";
3961 default:
3962 return "none";
3963 }


Referenced by ast_bridge_snapshot_to_json(), ast_manager_build_bridge_state_string_prefix(), and handle_bridge_show_specific().

◆ ast_bridges()

struct ao2_container * ast_bridges ( void  )

Returns the global bridges container.

a pointer to the bridges container success
Return values
NULLon failure
You must use
ao2_ref(<container>, -1) 
when done with it
You must not attempt to modify the container returned.

Definition at line 174 of file bridge.c.

176 return ao2_bump(bridges);
#define ao2_bump(obj)
Bump refcount on an AO2 object by one, returning the object.
Definition: astobj2.h:480

References ao2_bump, and bridges.

Referenced by ast_ari_bridges_list(), bridges_scrape_cb(), and manager_bridges_list().

◆ ast_bridges_allow_optimization()

enum ast_bridge_optimization ast_bridges_allow_optimization ( struct ast_bridge chan_bridge,
struct ast_bridge peer_bridge 

Determine if bridges allow for optimization to occur betweem them.

chan_bridgeFirst bridge being tested
peer_bridgeSecond bridge being tested

This determines if two bridges allow for unreal channel optimization to occur between them. The function does not require for unreal channels to already be in the bridges when called.

It is assumed that both bridges are locked prior to calling this function
A return other than AST_BRIDGE_OPTIMIZE_PROHIBITED does not guarantee that an optimization attempt will succeed. However, a return of AST_BRIDGE_OPTIMIZE_PROHIBITED guarantees that an optimization attempt will never succeed.
Optimization allowability for the bridges

Definition at line 2960 of file bridge.c.

2963 struct merge_direction merge;
2965 if (!bridge_allows_optimization(chan_bridge) || !bridge_allows_optimization(peer_bridge)) {
2967 }
2969 switch (bridges_allow_swap_optimization(chan_bridge, peer_bridge)) {
2975 default:
2976 break;
2977 }
2979 /* Two channels will be kicked from the bridges, the unreal;1 and unreal;2 channels */
2980 if (bridges_allow_merge_optimization(chan_bridge, peer_bridge, 2, &merge) != MERGE_ALLOWED) {
2982 }
2984 if (merge.dest == chan_bridge) {
2986 } else {
2988 }
static enum bridge_allow_merge bridges_allow_merge_optimization(struct ast_bridge *chan_bridge, struct ast_bridge *peer_bridge, int num_kick_channels, struct merge_direction *merge)
Definition: bridge.c:2835
static enum bridge_allow_swap bridges_allow_swap_optimization(struct ast_bridge *chan_bridge, struct ast_bridge *peer_bridge)
Definition: bridge.c:2689
static int bridge_allows_optimization(struct ast_bridge *bridge)
Definition: bridge.c:2560
Definition: bridge.h:884
Definition: bridge.h:880
Definition: bridge.h:878
Definition: bridge.h:882
Definition: bridge.h:876


Referenced by two_bridge_attended_transfer().

◆ ast_bridging_init()

int ast_bridging_init ( void  )

Initialize the bridging system.

Return values
0on success.
-1on error.

Definition at line 5543 of file bridge.c.

5548 return -1;
5549 }
5552 if (!bridge_manager) {
5553 return -1;
5554 }
5558 if (!bridges) {
5559 return -1;
5560 }
5567 ast_manager_register_xml_core("BridgeTechnologyList", 0, manager_bridge_tech_list);
5568 ast_manager_register_xml_core("BridgeTechnologySuspend", 0, manager_bridge_tech_suspend);
5569 ast_manager_register_xml_core("BridgeTechnologyUnsuspend", 0, manager_bridge_tech_unsuspend);
5571 return 0;
int ast_register_cleanup(void(*func)(void))
Register a function to be executed before Asterisk gracefully exits.
Definition: clicompat.c:19
#define ao2_container_alloc_rbtree(ao2_options, container_options, sort_fn, cmp_fn)
Allocate and initialize a red-black tree container.
Definition: astobj2.h:1349
int ao2_container_register(const char *name, struct ao2_container *self, ao2_prnt_obj_fn *prnt_obj)
Register a container for CLI stats and integrity check.
static struct bridge_manager_controller * bridge_manager
Definition: bridge.c:172
static int manager_bridge_tech_list(struct mansession *s, const struct message *m)
Definition: bridge.c:5460
static int manager_bridge_tech_suspend(struct mansession *s, const struct message *m)
Definition: bridge.c:5450
static int manager_bridge_tech_unsuspend(struct mansession *s, const struct message *m)
Definition: bridge.c:5455
static struct ast_cli_entry bridge_cli[]
Definition: bridge.c:5404
static int bridge_sort_cmp(const void *obj_left, const void *obj_right, int flags)
Definition: bridge.c:4990
static void bridge_prnt_obj(void *v_obj, void *where, ao2_prnt_fn *prnt)
Definition: bridge.c:5513
static void bridge_cleanup(void)
Definition: bridge.c:5529
static struct bridge_manager_controller * bridge_manager_create(void)
Definition: bridge.c:4951
void ast_bridging_init_basic(void)
#define ast_cli_register_multiple(e, len)
Register multiple commands.
Definition: cli.h:265
#define ast_manager_register_xml_core(action, authority, func)
Register a manager callback using XML documentation to describe the manager.
Definition: manager.h:202
int ast_stasis_bridging_init(void)

References AO2_ALLOC_OPT_LOCK_MUTEX, AO2_CONTAINER_ALLOC_OPT_DUPS_REPLACE, ao2_container_alloc_rbtree, ao2_container_register(), ARRAY_LEN, ast_bridging_init_basic(), ast_cli_register_multiple, ast_manager_register_xml_core, ast_register_cleanup(), ast_stasis_bridging_init(), bridge_cleanup(), bridge_cli, bridge_manager, bridge_manager_create(), bridge_prnt_obj(), bridge_sort_cmp(), bridges, manager_bridge_tech_list(), manager_bridge_tech_suspend(), manager_bridge_tech_unsuspend(), and NULL.

Referenced by asterisk_daemon().

◆ ast_brige_set_remb_behavior()

void ast_brige_set_remb_behavior ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
enum ast_bridge_video_sfu_remb_behavior  behavior 

Set the REMB report generation behavior on a bridge.

bridgeBridge to set the REMB behavior on
behaviorHow REMB reports are generated
This can only be called when the bridge has been set to the SFU video mode.

Definition at line 3798 of file bridge.c.

3802 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
3804 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
enum ast_bridge_video_sfu_remb_behavior remb_behavior
Definition: bridge.h:153

References ast_assert, ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, AST_BRIDGE_VIDEO_MODE_SFU, ast_bridge_video_mode::mode, ast_bridge_video_mode::mode_data, ast_bridge_video_sfu_data::remb_behavior, ast_bridge_video_mode::sfu_data, ast_bridge::softmix, and ast_bridge_softmix::video_mode.

Referenced by join_conference_bridge().

◆ attended_transfer_bridge()

static enum ast_transfer_result attended_transfer_bridge ( struct ast_channel chan1,
struct ast_channel chan2,
struct ast_bridge bridge1,
struct ast_bridge bridge2,
struct ast_attended_transfer_message transfer_msg 

Perform an attended transfer of a bridge.

This performs an attended transfer of an entire bridge to a target. The target varies, depending on what bridges exist during the transfer attempt.

If two bridges exist, then a local channel is created to link the two bridges together.

If only one bridge exists, then a local channel is created with one end placed into the existing bridge and the other end masquerading into the unbridged channel.

chan1Transferer channel. Guaranteed to be bridged.
chan2Other transferer channel. May or may not be bridged.
bridge1Bridge that chan1 is in. Guaranteed to be non-NULL.
bridge2Bridge that chan2 is in. If NULL, then chan2 is not bridged.
transfer_msgData to publish for a stasis attended transfer message.
Return values
AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_FAILInternal error occurred
AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_SUCCESSSuccesfully transferred the bridge

Definition at line 4221 of file bridge.c.

4225#define BRIDGE_LOCK_ONE_OR_BOTH(b1, b2) \
4226 do { \
4227 if (b2) { \
4228 ast_bridge_lock_both(b1, b2); \
4229 } else { \
4230 ast_bridge_lock(b1); \
4231 } \
4232 } while (0)
4234 static const char *dest = "_attended@transfer/m";
4235 struct ast_channel *local_chan;
4236 int cause;
4237 int res;
4238 const char *app = NULL;
4239 struct ast_format_cap *caps;
4241 ast_channel_lock(chan1);
4242 caps = ao2_bump(ast_channel_nativeformats(chan1));
4243 ast_channel_unlock(chan1);
4245 local_chan = ast_request("Local", caps, NULL, chan1, dest, &cause);
4247 ao2_cleanup(caps);
4249 if (!local_chan) {
4251 }
4253 ast_channel_lock_both(local_chan, chan1);
4256 ast_channel_unlock(local_chan);
4257 ast_channel_unlock(chan1);
4259 if (bridge2) {
4260 res = ast_local_setup_bridge(local_chan, bridge2, chan2, NULL);
4261 } else {
4263 res = ast_local_setup_masquerade(local_chan, chan2);
4264 }
4266 if (res) {
4267 ast_hangup(local_chan);
4269 }
4271 /*
4272 * Since bridges need to be unlocked before entering ast_bridge_impart and
4273 * core_local may call into it then the bridges need to be unlocked here.
4274 */
4275 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge1);
4276 if (bridge2) {
4277 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge2);
4278 }
4280 if (ast_call(local_chan, dest, 0)) {
4281 ast_hangup(local_chan);
4282 BRIDGE_LOCK_ONE_OR_BOTH(bridge1, bridge2);
4284 }
4286 /* Get a ref for use later since this one is being stolen */
4287 ao2_ref(local_chan, +1);
4288 if (ast_bridge_impart(bridge1, local_chan, chan1, NULL,
4290 ast_hangup(local_chan);
4291 ao2_cleanup(local_chan);
4292 BRIDGE_LOCK_ONE_OR_BOTH(bridge1, bridge2);
4294 }
4295 BRIDGE_LOCK_ONE_OR_BOTH(bridge1, bridge2);
4297 if (bridge2) {
4298 void *tech;
4299 struct ast_channel *locals[2];
4301 /* Have to lock everything just in case a hangup comes in early */
4302 ast_local_lock_all(local_chan, &tech, &locals[0], &locals[1]);
4303 if (!locals[0] || !locals[1]) {
4304 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Transfer failed probably due to an early hangup - "
4305 "missing other half of '%s'\n", ast_channel_name(local_chan));
4307 ao2_cleanup(local_chan);
4309 }
4311 /* Make sure the peer is properly set */
4312 if (local_chan != locals[0]) {
4313 SWAP(locals[0], locals[1]);
4314 }
4318 } else {
4319 ast_attended_transfer_message_add_app(transfer_msg, app, local_chan);
4320 }
4322 ao2_cleanup(local_chan);
#define BRIDGE_LOCK_ONE_OR_BOTH(b1, b2)
int ast_call(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *addr, int timeout)
Make a call.
Definition: channel.c:6480
Definition: channel.h:1525
#define ast_channel_lock_both(chan1, chan2)
Lock two channels.
Definition: channel.h:2975
void ast_channel_req_accountcodes(struct ast_channel *chan, const struct ast_channel *requestor, enum ast_channel_requestor_relationship relationship)
Setup new channel accountcodes from the requestor channel after ast_request().
Definition: channel.c:6453
struct ast_channel * ast_request(const char *type, struct ast_format_cap *request_cap, const struct ast_assigned_ids *assignedids, const struct ast_channel *requestor, const char *addr, int *cause)
Requests a channel.
Definition: channel.c:6373
static struct ao2_container * locals
Definition: core_local.c:138
void ast_local_unlock_all(void *tech_pvt, struct ast_channel *base_chan, struct ast_channel *base_owner)
Remove a reference to the given local channel's private tech, unlock the given local channel's privat...
Definition: core_local.c:256
int ast_local_setup_bridge(struct ast_channel *ast, struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_channel *swap, struct ast_bridge_features *features)
Setup the outgoing local channel to join a bridge on ast_call().
Definition: core_local.c:601
void ast_local_lock_all(struct ast_channel *chan, void **tech_pvt, struct ast_channel **base_chan, struct ast_channel **base_owner)
Add a reference to the local channel's private tech, lock the local channel's private base,...
Definition: core_local.c:241
int ast_local_setup_masquerade(struct ast_channel *ast, struct ast_channel *masq)
Setup the outgoing local channel to masquerade into a channel on ast_call().
Definition: core_local.c:643
int ast_attended_transfer_message_add_link(struct ast_attended_transfer_message *transfer_msg, struct ast_channel *locals[2])
Add details for an attended transfer that has a link between bridges.
const struct ast_channel_tech * tech
Format capabilities structure, holds formats + preference order + etc.
Definition: format_cap.c:54
#define SWAP(a, b)
Definition: utils.h:235

References ao2_bump, ao2_cleanup, ao2_ref, app, ast_attended_transfer_message_add_app(), ast_attended_transfer_message_add_link(), ast_bridge_impart(), AST_BRIDGE_IMPART_CHAN_INDEPENDENT, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_FAIL, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_SUCCESS, ast_bridge_unlock, ast_call(), ast_channel_appl(), ast_channel_lock, ast_channel_lock_both, ast_channel_name(), ast_channel_nativeformats(), ast_channel_req_accountcodes(), AST_CHANNEL_REQUESTOR_REPLACEMENT, ast_channel_unlock, ast_hangup(), ast_local_lock_all(), ast_local_setup_bridge(), ast_local_setup_masquerade(), ast_local_unlock_all(), ast_log, ast_request(), ast_strdupa, ATTENDEDTRANSFER, BRIDGE_LOCK_ONE_OR_BOTH, locals, LOG_ERROR, NULL, pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(), SWAP, and ast_channel::tech.

Referenced by ast_bridge_transfer_attended(), and two_bridge_attended_transfer().

◆ blind_transfer_bridge()

static enum ast_transfer_result blind_transfer_bridge ( int  is_external,
struct ast_channel transferer,
struct ast_bridge bridge,
const char *  exten,
const char *  context,
struct ast_channel transferee,
transfer_channel_cb  new_channel_cb,
struct transfer_channel_data user_data_wrapper,
struct ast_blind_transfer_message transfer_message 

Definition at line 4111 of file bridge.c.

4118 struct ast_channel *local;
4119 char chan_name[AST_MAX_EXTENSION + AST_MAX_CONTEXT + 2];
4120 int cause;
4121 struct ast_format_cap *caps;
4123 ast_channel_lock(transferer);
4124 caps = ao2_bump(ast_channel_nativeformats(transferer));
4125 ast_channel_unlock(transferer);
4127 snprintf(chan_name, sizeof(chan_name), "%s@%s", exten, context);
4128 local = ast_request("Local", caps, NULL, transferer,
4129 chan_name, &cause);
4131 ao2_cleanup(caps);
4133 if (!local) {
4135 }
4137 ast_channel_lock_both(local, transferer);
4141 if (!transfer_message->replace_channel) {
4142 ast_hangup(local);
4144 }
4147 ast_channel_unlock(local);
4148 ast_channel_unlock(transferer);
4150 if (new_channel_cb) {
4151 new_channel_cb(local, user_data_wrapper, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_MULTI_PARTY);
4152 }
4154 if (ast_call(local, chan_name, 0)) {
4155 ast_hangup(local);
4157 }
4159 if (ast_bridge_impart(bridge, local, transferer, NULL,
4161 ast_hangup(local);
4163 }
Definition: bridge.h:1113
Definition: channel.h:135
Definition: channel.h:134
struct ast_channel_snapshot * replace_channel

References ao2_bump, ao2_cleanup, ast_bridge_impart(), AST_BRIDGE_IMPART_CHAN_INDEPENDENT, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_FAIL, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_MULTI_PARTY, AST_BRIDGE_TRANSFER_SUCCESS, ast_call(), ast_channel_lock, ast_channel_lock_both, ast_channel_name(), ast_channel_nativeformats(), ast_channel_req_accountcodes(), AST_CHANNEL_REQUESTOR_REPLACEMENT, ast_channel_snapshot_get_latest(), ast_channel_uniqueid(), ast_channel_unlock, ast_hangup(), AST_MAX_CONTEXT, AST_MAX_EXTENSION, ast_request(), BLINDTRANSFER, voicemailpwcheck::context, NULL, pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(), and ast_blind_transfer_message::replace_channel.

Referenced by ast_bridge_transfer_blind().

◆ bridge_action_bridge()

static void bridge_action_bridge ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_frame action 

Definition at line 588 of file bridge.c.

590#if 0 /* In case we need to know when the destructor is calling us. */
591 int in_destructor = !ao2_ref(bridge, 0);
594 switch (action->subclass.integer) {
596 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
597 bridge_tech_deferred_destroy(bridge, action);
598 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
599 break;
601 ast_bridge_unlock(bridge);
602 bridge->v_table->dissolving(bridge);
603 ast_bridge_lock(bridge);
604 break;
605 default:
606 /* Unexpected deferred action type. Should never happen. */
607 ast_assert(0);
608 break;
609 }
static void bridge_tech_deferred_destroy(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_frame *action)
Definition: bridge.c:560
ast_bridge_dissolving_fn dissolving
Definition: bridge.h:263
struct ast_frame_subclass subclass

References ao2_ref, ast_assert, ast_bridge_lock, ast_bridge_unlock, BRIDGE_CHANNEL_ACTION_DEFERRED_DISSOLVING, BRIDGE_CHANNEL_ACTION_DEFERRED_TECH_DESTROY, bridge_tech_deferred_destroy(), ast_bridge_methods::dissolving, ast_frame_subclass::integer, ast_frame::subclass, and ast_bridge::v_table.

Referenced by bridge_handle_actions().

◆ bridge_alloc()

struct ast_bridge * bridge_alloc ( size_t  size,
const struct ast_bridge_methods v_table 

Definition at line 706 of file bridge.c.

708 struct ast_bridge *bridge;
710 /* Check v_table that all methods are present. */
711 if (!v_table
712 || !v_table->name
713 || !v_table->destroy
715 || !v_table->push
716 || !v_table->pull
719 ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Virtual method table for bridge class %s not complete.\n",
720 v_table && v_table->name ? v_table->name : "<unknown>");
721 ast_assert(0);
722 return NULL;
723 }
725 bridge = ao2_alloc(size, destroy_bridge);
726 if (!bridge) {
727 return NULL;
728 }
730 if (ast_string_field_init(bridge, 80)) {
731 ao2_cleanup(bridge);
732 return NULL;
733 }
735 bridge->v_table = v_table;
739 return bridge;
static void destroy_bridge(void *obj)
Definition: bridge.c:640
Definition: codec.h:36
ast_bridge_push_channel_fn push
Definition: bridge.h:265
const char * name
Definition: bridge.h:259
ast_bridge_destructor_fn destroy
Definition: bridge.h:261
ast_bridge_merge_priority_fn get_merge_priority
Definition: bridge.h:271
ast_bridge_pull_channel_fn pull
Definition: bridge.h:267
struct ast_vector_int media_types
Definition: bridge.h:404
#define AST_VECTOR_INIT(vec, size)
Initialize a vector.
Definition: vector.h:113

References ao2_alloc, ao2_cleanup, ast_assert, ast_log, AST_MEDIA_TYPE_END, ast_string_field_init, AST_VECTOR_INIT, ast_bridge_methods::destroy, destroy_bridge(), ast_bridge_methods::dissolving, ast_bridge_methods::get_merge_priority, LOG_ERROR, ast_bridge::media_types, ast_bridge_methods::name, ast_bridge_methods::notify_masquerade, NULL, ast_bridge_methods::pull, ast_bridge_methods::push, and ast_bridge::v_table.

Referenced by ast_bridge_base_new(), ast_bridge_basic_new(), bridge_agent_hold_new(), bridge_parking_new(), and bridge_stasis_new().

◆ bridge_allows_optimization()

static int bridge_allows_optimization ( struct ast_bridge bridge)

Definition at line 2560 of file bridge.c.

2562 return !(bridge->inhibit_merge
2563 || bridge->dissolved
unsigned int dissolved
Definition: bridge.h:390
unsigned int inhibit_merge
Count of the active temporary requests to inhibit bridge merges. Zero if merges are allowed.
Definition: bridge.h:384

References AST_BRIDGE_FLAG_MASQUERADE_ONLY, ast_test_flag, ast_channel::bridge, ast_bridge::dissolved, ast_bridge::feature_flags, and ast_bridge::inhibit_merge.

Referenced by ast_bridges_allow_optimization(), optimize_lock_chan_stack(), and optimize_lock_peer_stack().

◆ bridge_base_destroy()

static void bridge_base_destroy ( struct ast_bridge self)

Definition at line 821 of file bridge.c.


◆ bridge_base_dissolving()

static void bridge_base_dissolving ( struct ast_bridge self)

Definition at line 832 of file bridge.c.

834 ao2_unlink(bridges, self);
#define ao2_unlink(container, obj)
Remove an object from a container.
Definition: astobj2.h:1578

References ao2_unlink, and bridges.

◆ bridge_base_get_merge_priority()

static int bridge_base_get_merge_priority ( struct ast_bridge self)

Definition at line 898 of file bridge.c.

900 return 0;

◆ bridge_base_init()

struct ast_bridge * bridge_base_init ( struct ast_bridge self,
uint32_t  capabilities,
unsigned int  flags,
const char *  creator,
const char *  name,
const char *  id 

Initialize the base class of the bridge.

selfBridge to operate upon. (Tolerates a NULL pointer)
capabilitiesThe capabilities that we require to be used on the bridge
flagsFlags that will alter the behavior of the bridge
creatorEntity that created the bridge (optional)
nameName given to the bridge by its creator (optional, requires named creator)
idUnique ID given to the bridge by its creator (optional)
self on success
Return values
NULLon failure, self is already destroyed

Example usage:

struct ast_bridge *bridge;
bridge = bridge_alloc(sizeof(*bridge), &ast_bridge_base_v_table);
struct ast_bridge_methods ast_bridge_base_v_table
Bridge base class virtual method table.
Definition: bridge.c:923
struct ast_bridge * bridge_base_init(struct ast_bridge *self, uint32_t capabilities, unsigned int flags, const char *creator, const char *name, const char *id)
Initialize the base class of the bridge.
Definition: bridge.c:742
struct ast_bridge * bridge_alloc(size_t size, const struct ast_bridge_methods *v_table)
Definition: bridge.c:706

This creates a no frills two party bridge that will be destroyed once one of the channels hangs up.

Definition at line 742 of file bridge.c.

744 char uuid_hold[AST_UUID_STR_LEN];
746 if (!self) {
747 return NULL;
748 }
750 if (!ast_strlen_zero(id)) {
751 ast_string_field_set(self, uniqueid, id);
752 } else {
754 ast_string_field_set(self, uniqueid, uuid_hold);
755 }
756 ast_string_field_set(self, creator, creator);
757 if (!ast_strlen_zero(creator)) {
759 }
761 ast_set_flag(&self->feature_flags, flags);
762 self->allowed_capabilities = capabilities;
764 if (!(flags & AST_BRIDGE_FLAG_INVISIBLE)) {
765 if (bridge_topics_init(self) != 0) {
766 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Bridge %s: Could not initialize topics\n",
767 self->uniqueid);
768 ao2_ref(self, -1);
769 return NULL;
770 }
771 }
773 /* Use our helper function to find the "best" bridge technology. */
774 self->technology = find_best_technology(capabilities, self);
775 if (!self->technology) {
776 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Bridge %s: Could not create class %s. No technology to support it.\n",
777 self->uniqueid, self->v_table->name);
778 ao2_ref(self, -1);
779 return NULL;
780 }
782 /* Pass off the bridge to the technology to manipulate if needed */
783 ast_debug(1, "Bridge %s: calling %s technology constructor\n",
784 self->uniqueid, self->technology->name);
785 if (self->technology->create && self->technology->create(self)) {
786 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Bridge %s: failed to setup bridge technology %s\n",
787 self->uniqueid, self->technology->name);
788 ao2_ref(self, -1);
789 return NULL;
790 }
791 ast_debug(1, "Bridge %s: calling %s technology start\n",
792 self->uniqueid, self->technology->name);
793 if (self->technology->start && self->technology->start(self)) {
794 ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Bridge %s: failed to start bridge technology %s\n",
795 self->uniqueid, self->technology->name);
796 ao2_ref(self, -1);
797 return NULL;
798 }
800 if (!(flags & AST_BRIDGE_FLAG_INVISIBLE)) {
801 if (!ast_bridge_topic(self)) {
802 ao2_ref(self, -1);
803 return NULL;
804 }
805 }
807 self->creationtime = ast_tvnow();
809 return self;
static struct ast_bridge_technology * find_best_technology(uint32_t capabilities, struct ast_bridge *bridge)
Helper function used to find the "best" bridge technology given specified capabilities.
Definition: bridge.c:499
int bridge_topics_init(struct ast_bridge *bridge)
struct stasis_topic * ast_bridge_topic(struct ast_bridge *bridge)
A topic which publishes the events for a particular bridge.
#define ast_string_field_set(x, field, data)
Set a field to a simple string value.
Definition: stringfields.h:521
int(* start)(struct ast_bridge *bridge)
Request a bridge technology instance start operations.
int(* create)(struct ast_bridge *bridge)
Create a bridge technology instance for a bridge.
struct timeval creationtime
Definition: bridge.h:408
uint32_t allowed_capabilities
Definition: bridge.h:371
Definition: uuid.h:27
char * ast_uuid_generate_str(char *buf, size_t size)
Generate a UUID string.
Definition: uuid.c:141

References ast_bridge::allowed_capabilities, ao2_ref, AST_BRIDGE_FLAG_INVISIBLE, ast_bridge_topic(), ast_debug, ast_log, ast_set_flag, ast_string_field_set, ast_strlen_zero(), ast_tvnow(), ast_uuid_generate_str(), AST_UUID_STR_LEN, bridge_topics_init(), ast_bridge_technology::create, ast_bridge::creationtime, ast_bridge::creator, ast_bridge::feature_flags, find_best_technology(), LOG_WARNING, name, ast_bridge_methods::name, ast_bridge_technology::name, NULL, ast_bridge_technology::start, ast_bridge::technology, ast_bridge::uniqueid, and ast_bridge::v_table.

Referenced by ast_bridge_base_new(), ast_bridge_basic_new(), bridge_agent_hold_new(), bridge_parking_new(), and bridge_stasis_new().

◆ bridge_base_notify_masquerade()

static void bridge_base_notify_masquerade ( struct ast_bridge self,
struct ast_bridge_channel bridge_channel 

Definition at line 882 of file bridge.c.

884 self->reconfigured = 1;
unsigned int reconfigured
Definition: bridge.h:388

References ast_bridge::reconfigured.

◆ bridge_base_pull()

static void bridge_base_pull ( struct ast_bridge self,
struct ast_bridge_channel bridge_channel 

Definition at line 867 of file bridge.c.

void ast_bridge_features_remove(struct ast_bridge_features *features, enum ast_bridge_hook_remove_flags remove_flags)
Remove marked bridge channel feature hooks.
Definition: bridge.c:3501

References ast_bridge_features_remove(), AST_BRIDGE_HOOK_REMOVE_ON_PULL, and ast_bridge_channel::features.

◆ bridge_base_push()

static int bridge_base_push ( struct ast_bridge self,
struct ast_bridge_channel bridge_channel,
struct ast_bridge_channel swap 

Definition at line 852 of file bridge.c.

854 return 0;

◆ bridge_base_push_peek()

static int bridge_base_push_peek ( struct ast_bridge self,
struct ast_bridge_channel bridge_channel,
struct ast_bridge_channel swap 

Definition at line 918 of file bridge.c.

920 return 0;

◆ bridge_channel_change_bridge()

static void bridge_channel_change_bridge ( struct ast_bridge_channel bridge_channel,
struct ast_bridge new_bridge 

Definition at line 2007 of file bridge.c.

2009 struct ast_bridge *old_bridge;
2011 ao2_ref(new_bridge, +1);
2012 ast_bridge_channel_lock(bridge_channel);
2013 ast_channel_lock(bridge_channel->chan);
2014 old_bridge = bridge_channel->bridge;
2015 bridge_channel->bridge = new_bridge;
2016 ast_channel_internal_bridge_set(bridge_channel->chan, new_bridge);
2017 ast_channel_unlock(bridge_channel->chan);
2018 ast_bridge_channel_unlock(bridge_channel);
2019 ao2_ref(old_bridge, -1);
#define ast_bridge_channel_lock(bridge_channel)
Lock the bridge_channel.
void ast_channel_internal_bridge_set(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_bridge *value)

References ao2_ref, ast_bridge_channel_lock, ast_bridge_channel_unlock, ast_channel_internal_bridge_set(), ast_channel_lock, ast_channel_unlock, ast_bridge_channel::bridge, and ast_bridge_channel::chan.

Referenced by bridge_do_merge(), and bridge_do_move().

◆ bridge_channel_complete_join()

static void bridge_channel_complete_join ( struct ast_bridge bridge,
struct ast_bridge_channel bridge_channel 

Definition at line 433 of file bridge.c.

435 /* Tell the bridge technology we are joining so they set us up */
436 ast_debug(1, "Bridge %s: %p(%s) is joining %s technology\n",
437 bridge->uniqueid, bridge_channel, ast_channel_name(bridge_channel->chan),
438 bridge->technology->name);
439 if (bridge->technology->join
440 && bridge->technology->join(bridge, bridge_channel)) {
441 /* We cannot leave the channel partially in the bridge so we must kick it out */
442 ast_debug(1, "Bridge %s: %p(%s) failed to join %s technology (Kicking it out)\n",
443 bridge->uniqueid, bridge_channel, ast_channel_name(bridge_channel->chan),
444 bridge->technology->name);
445 bridge_channel->just_joined = 1;
447 return;
448 }
450 bridge_channel->just_joined = 0;
452 /*
453 * When a channel joins the bridge its streams need to be mapped to the bridge's
454 * media types vector. This way all streams map to the same media type index for
455 * a given channel.
456 */
457 if (bridge_channel->bridge->technology->stream_topology_changed) {
458 bridge_channel->bridge->technology->stream_topology_changed(
459 bridge_channel->bridge, bridge_channel);
460 } else {
461 ast_bridge_channel_stream_map(bridge_channel);
462 }
void ast_bridge_channel_stream_map(struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel)
Maps a channel's stream topology to and from the bridge.
unsigned int just_joined
void(* stream_topology_changed)(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel)
Callback for when a stream topology changes on the channel.
int(* join)(struct ast_bridge *bridge, struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel)
Add a channel to a bridging technology instance for a bridge.

References ast_bridge_channel_leave_bridge(), ast_bridge_channel_stream_map(), ast_channel_name(), ast_debug, ast_bridge_channel::bridge, BRIDGE_CHANNEL_STATE_END, ast_bridge_channel::chan, ast_bridge_technology::join, ast_bridge_channel::just_joined, ast_bridge_technology::name, ast_bridge_technology::stream_topology_changed, ast_bridge::technology, and ast_bridge::uniqueid.

Referenced by bridge_complete_join(), and smart_bridge_operation().

◆ bridge_channel_depart_thread()

static void * bridge_channel_depart_thread ( void *  data)

Thread responsible for imparted bridged channels to be departed.

Definition at line 1711 of file bridge.c.

1713 struct ast_bridge_channel *bridge_channel = data;
1714 int res = 0;
1716 if (bridge_channel->callid) {
1717 ast_callid_threadassoc_add(bridge_channel->callid);
1718 }
1720 res = bridge_channel_internal_join(bridge_channel);
1722 /*
1723 * cleanup
1724 *
1725 * If bridge_channel->swap is not NULL then the join failed.
1726 */
1727 ao2_t_cleanup(bridge_channel->swap, "Bridge complete: Departable impart join failed");
1728 bridge_channel->swap = NULL;
1729 ast_bridge_features_destroy(bridge_channel->features);
1730 bridge_channel->features = NULL;
1734 /* If join failed there will be impart threads waiting. */
1735 bridge_channel_impart_signal(bridge_channel->chan);
1736 ast_bridge_discard_after_goto(bridge_channel->chan);
1738 return NULL;
Definition: bridge_after.h:45
void ast_bridge_discard_after_goto(struct ast_channel *chan)
Discard channel after bridge goto location.
Definition: bridge_after.c:384